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Click here for the 'Beginner's Guide to Israel-Palestine'. Please refer to your instructions sheet for
pause points for completing these questions.

Israel and Palestine general info:

Which of the following apply to Israel, or Palestine, or both?


a. Is situated on the eastern side of the Mediterranean ☐ ☐ ☐


☐ ☐ ☐
b. Has Hebrew as the majority language

☐ ☐ ☐
c. Has Arabic as the majority language

☐ ☐ ☐
d. Has Islam as the majority religion

☐ ☐ ☐
e. Has Judaism as the majority religion

☐ ☐ ☐
f. Has Christianity as a significant minority religion

☐ ☐ ☐
g. Has recognition in the UN

☐ ☐ ☐
h. Has full recognition as a state in the UN

☐ ☐ ☐
i. Has Observer Status only in the UN
Discussion Questions:
1. Ancient identities and connections to the land:

a) What were some of the many empires that ruled the region that you can recall?
Who are the ancient people that Palestinians claim are their ancestors and who
are the ancient people Israelis claim are their ancestors?

Write here reflection notes and questions for the Israeli and Palestinian speakers on this

b) What holy sites for the three faiths are mentioned to be in Israel and
Palestine? Why are these sites important in these three faiths?

Write here reflection notes and questions for the Israeli and Palestinian speakers on this

c) A statement was made in the video that “people of all faiths and none
should be able to see these places for themselves in an environment of
freedom and peace”. What are your thoughts on how religion can play a
part in conflict and in peace-making?

Write here reflection notes and questions for the Israeli and Palestinian speakers on this
2. Independence and Nakba narratives:
a) “Zionism” was mentioned in the video.

Write here reflection notes and questions for the Israeli and Palestinian speakers on this

b) The “Balfour Declaration” was mentioned in the video. How do you think Israelis
and Palestinians view the British Government’s publication of this letter?

Write here reflection notes and questions for the Israeli and Palestinian speakers on this
c) What do the events of Nakba and Independence in 1948 mean to Israelis and what do
they mean to Palestinians?

Write here reflection notes and questions for the Israeli and Palestinian speakers on this

d) In Solutions Not Sides, our reason for understanding the history from different perspectives is to be
equipped to think about how things can be changed and solutions found for the future. What would you
say were some of the main barriers towards reaching peace in the past?

Write here reflection notes and questions for the Israeli and Palestinian speakers on this topic:



Thinking about conflict resolution – the iceberg model:

Resolving conflict can be challenging when people hold strong positions and feel very
emotional. Using the iceberg model can help us explain why people believe certain things,
without trying to justify or excuse those positions. If we can understand where people are
coming from, we can be more effective in helping to resolve the issue.

Read the various needs listed on the cards and organise the cards into two groups – one
for the Palestinian needs and one for the Israeli needs. These cards are designed to give
you a glimpse ‘under the water’ at the largest part of the iceberg.

The cards are also marked with a symbol to help you identify what are the physical needs,
and what are the social needs (physical = a triangle, social = a circle). Physical needs are
immediate, and can be summarised as basic rights for human beings to live, such as safety,
resources, territory, citizenship, infrastructure, etc. Social needs can be summarised as
issues of identity, recognition, cultural/religious needs, trust-building measures in the
conflict resolution process, moving away from hostile attitudes and rhetoric, etc.

Based on the narratives, experiences, and histories you have learned about, summarise
what you think causes the negative feelings, wounds, assumptions etc., that underlie the
Israeli and Palestinian positions. These are the things that would need to be resolved
for peace to be a possibility. Complete the ‘underwater’ part of the icebergs below.


1. Using the information from your iceberg summaries last

session, analyse the two suggested outlines for a solution below.
How far do these proposed solutions meet the needs you have
learned about? Are there any ways in which they do not meet
those needs?
2. Do you have any ideas of your own about solutions that could
fulfil the needs more successfully? Feel free to use the third map
to outline some of your ideas!

Keep in mind that the issue is complex and cannot be solved by simply drawing a
line down the middle of the map – take into account the following points:

• The north part of the land is more fertile and has more water sources, the
south part is mostly desert
• The coastline is an important strategic asset (for trade, tourism etc.)
• The West Bank and Gaza are where mostly Palestinians live, Israel is where
mostly Israelis live. Around 80% of the Israeli population is Jewish, the rest is
a mixture of backgrounds, many of Palestinian heritage
• East Jerusalem is mostly inhabited by Palestinians and West Jerusalem by
Israelis, however the old city (where important holy sites are) has a mixture
of inhabitants
• Many interests such as access to holy sites, security and economic growth
are the same for both Israelis and Palestinians
• Gaza and the West Bank would need to be connected in some way in the
two-state option, the distance between them is around 35km
• Consider the approx. 800,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank and East
Jerusalem when forming your solution, the majority of whom are located in
concentrated areas close to the ’67 border with Israel
• The emotional process of reconciliation and trust-building is challenging
(think about your own experiences of conflict), and ways to deal with the
consequences of fear and distrust will need to be part of your solution,
particularly in the one-state option
• Consider the role that international relations could play. Could international
organisations such as the EU, the UN, the Arab League, or countries play a
part in bringing about a solution?
Please use this map to draw out your own idea for a solution.


Below you will find the Oxford dictionary definitions of some complex terms you heard in the video.

- Conflict
A prolonged armed struggle.
An incompatibility between two or more opinions, principles, or interests.

- Civil society
A community of citizens linked by common interests and collective activity.

- Disputed territory
Land where two or more entities disagree over its possession and control.

- Identity
The characteristics determining who or what a person is.

- Genocide
The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation
or ethnic group.

- United Nations (UN)

An international organisation of countries set up in 1945 to promote international peace,
security and cooperation.

- Partition
The action of dividing, or dividing into parts, a country with separate areas of government.

- Exile
The state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive

- Self-determination
The process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its
own government.

- Occupation
A situation in which an army or group of people moves into and takes control of a place.

- Refugee
A person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious or economic
reasons, or because of a war.

- Zionism
A worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of
the state of Israel and that now supports the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland.

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Strongly disagree Strongly agree

lease i e a eason h o a ee o disa ee

9) I believe that the Israelis want to try to find a solution for the conflict

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

Please give a reason why you agree or disagree:

10) I believe that the Palestinians want to try to find a solution for the conflict

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

Please give a reason why you agree or disagree:

11) I think the conflict is basically just a war between religions

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

Please give a reason why you agree or disagree:

12) I think Jews and Muslims should not be blamed for the actions of Israeli or Palestinian leaders

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

Please give a reason why you agree or disagree:

13) I think non-violent methods of resistance or defence should be used instead of violent ones to
bring an end to this conflict

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

Please give a reason why you agree or disagree:

14) I think a solution for this conflict is possible in my generation

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

Please give a reason why you agree or disagree:

15) I think that I should not support one side to win and the other to lose in this conflict

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

Please give a reason why you agree or disagree:


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