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Hello, this is a chance to say a little about Green Bird RPGs and introduce ourselves

to the world. We are three people with a great love for games and in particular RPGs.
With thirty years of RPG experience between us, we felt it was time to give something
back to the community and have some fun doing so. We are writing supplements for
D&D Fifth Edition, which will be published through Dungeon Masters Guild, plus
other OGL / OSR material. The material is designed to be dropped into your pre-ex-
isting campaign setting with but a few tweaks, adding colour, character and adventure
to the world you are playing in. We aim to provide high quality content in settings
and play-tested adventures, with brand new monsters and magic items. These will
come with hand-drawn illustrations and maps. In this, we hope to assist you in offer-
ing your players the experience they deserve.

You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


Cheers, Richard, Davis and Katrina

Written by Richard Thompson & Davis Lodzins

Illustrated by Katrina Latve & Davis Lodzins

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Fifty Encounters for the Icy Wastes
Encounters from the lands of ice and snow, where yeti’s and white dragons roam.
Humans hundle around fires in their meagre little towns, hoping for abatement from
the blizzards. For those who do venture into the lands under the midnight sun, danger
and adventure await.

Here are fifty encounters for the snowy domains in YOUR campaign world. Roll or
choose what your player’s characters will discover.

D100 Encounters
A tundra lemming pokes out from its burrow and looks at your party intently.
He seems both curious and fearless.

The party comes across a large, obsidian monolith, protruding out of icy
nothingness. It is 16ft tall and surrounded by an aura of dread and silence.
Living beings feel uncomfortable around this object. For 1d4 days after
encountering the monolith, it will intrude upon the characters dreams.

Four sled dogs are running free, one is still dragging some reigns. They will
approach humanoids that don’t appear threatening. A DC 15 Animal Handling
5-6 skill check will enable the adventurers to get the dogs to take them back to
their sled - a two day journey. Here they will find a dead trapper, frozen to
death among his supplies.

By the path you find a nearly frozen gnome in poorly made polar exploration
gear. He is just about alive and would welcome some warmth and food.

A skeletal carcass of a large sea creature can be seen, of which only bones and
some leathery skin remain. It resembles a large whale, though there is only
bone where its eye-holes should be. Concerningly, there seems to be no body
of water for miles.

The snow here becomes deeper and softer. It becomes difficult to press ahead.
Movement is halved for the next day of travel.

An old man is slowly making his way along the trail ahead of you. He is weary,
but friendly. He is carrying medicine to his family, who live far outside of the
nearest town. The road ahead is dangerous (at least one combat encounter in
the next day), so he would appreciate protection.

Seven dwarfs in bright coats are having a snowball fight. They start to throw
15-16 snowballs at you too. It’s all in good nature and afterwards they share their
warm food and hot toddies.

Looking up into the darkening sky, a scintillating aura appears, weaving a col-
17-18 ourful pattern across the heavens. All who view it must make a DC 12 Wisdom
save or take 1d12 radiant damage.

A tiny ice elemental (2ft tall) is making a sculpture garden of all of its favour-
19-20 ite snowflakes. There are over three hundred. Each snowflake is at least 6ft tall
and wide.

Wrapped in layers of oiled seal skin are a group of thirty dwarves heading
21-22 into town after a successful mining operation. They are cagey and suspicious,
as within their packs are many recently mined gems.

A slain bear can be seen in the distance. A part of it appears to be… moving?
The bear’s corpse is actually used as an improvised sleeping bag by Kurga
23-24 the Barbarian, a friendly adventurer on a vision quest. She will trade stories
of valour, scars and glory, granting a 1d6 inspiration bonus (for 1 day) to any
who listen.

Three wolves can be seen and heard at a distance, howling at the moon (or
25-26 sun, depending on the time of day). They appear rather majestic, though
ignorant of your party.

You spy a small herd of woolly mammoths are spotted taking a ridge-way
27-28 route. There are twelve adults and four young, all heading north.

Within a cluster of snow covered pines hides a small cottage with a smoking
chimney. A trapper called Drew lives there. He is friendly and welcoming, al-
29-30 lowing people to sleep in his small barn overnight. He has a great knowledge
of the surrounding lands for 20 miles and can answer most questions posed
by adventurers on that basis.

A blood coloured stream pours from a melting cliff of ice. A sign of copper in
31-32 the ground.

Wolf tracks in the snow. A DC 10 Survival check reveals that they crossed
33-34 your path a few hours ago. It was a large pack of at least 20 individuals.

An abandoned cabin with the fire burning, food bubbling slowly on the stove,
35-36 and no tracks around.

Sprouting from the frozen wastes are a cluster of plants with soft blue leaves.
A DC 16 Survival or Herbalism check will reveal that it is the rare healing
37-38 plant called the Azure Luren. There is enough here for an experienced herb-
alist or healer to turn into four potions. Each potion will heal 1d3 hit points.

You spot the shack of an elderly human priestess, who is eager to provide
assistance to any passer-by. Her name is Darina and she seems very skilled in
39-40 healing magic. If asked of her history, she will say that she was exiled by her
order for crimes of greed, her superiors claiming that “the beauty of cold will
help her appreciate the virtues of patience and austerity”.

After a period of cloudy weather, the sun has started to shine particularly
brightly. It reflects vividly in the snow, making it hard to focus one’s gaze.
Unless the adventurer’s have training, eye-protection or appropriate traits
41-42 related to blind-fighting, their perception is lowered by 6 and all attacks are
rolled at a disadvantage. This lasts for 3 hours, until the clouds cover the
brightness once more.

A Priest of the God of Cold. He is stark naked, but apparently doesn’t feel the
chill. He is taking a ramble across the frozen wastes to become more intune
43-44 with his deity. Anyone who will share his journey with him, even for a short
way, he will bless.

A lone stone wall sits in the frozen nothingness, a remnant of a long gone
frontier. Around 10ft tall, it appears more as a territorial marker than a once
45-46 functional defence. Two crows are sitting atop one of the sections. They caw
at you grimly.

The wind increases in speed, frost and heaviness throughout the day,
47-48 challenging your travels. Unless the adventurer is well-experienced or fit
for such harsh conditions, they suffer a level of exhaustion.

Between the trees an 80ft tall wooden lookout tower can be seen. It is
49-50 sturdy and well-made, with wooden steps leading up to several stories of
platforms. A good spot for hunting or resting safely.

Ahead lies a beautiful oaken sleigh, broken against a series of snow-covered

rocks. The ornate sleigh looks beyond repair, its driver’s seat shattered and
51-52 the small cargo hold exposed. Inside the hold are a few lovingly wrapped
items, with packages containing dried fruit, a wooden toy owlbear and a
finely decorated, gnome-made brass compass.

You spy a cabin with smoke coming from its chimney. As you get nearer a
large dog barks aggressively, it is tied to a chain that runs between two spikes.
It is the home of a lonely widow who is mourning the death of her adventur-
53-54 er husband, who was killed by a Remorhaz. She will allow kindly people to
stay overnight and provide them with warming soup. However, if she detects
that they are adventurers, she will chastise them for taking such a perilous
and irresponsible life path.

In the snow fields to the left of your route are a number of strangely shaped
55-56 indentations in the snow. A hundred snow angels have been pressed into the
snow. However, no tracks lead to or from them.

You spot a large hole in the ground, left by a meteoric impact. It is 100 feet
across and 20ft deep. At the centre of it is a chunk of strange, otherworldly
ore, an uneven sphere some 4 feet wide. It is similar to iron, with veins of
57-58 crimson red textures across its surface. A skilled blacksmith would be able to
make a few weapons or armour out of the metal. If appropriately made, such
weapons would be considered +1, with the ability to do 1d6 necrotic damage
on hit.

A large white bear is balancing an orange ball upon its nose whilst its train-
er, Mungo the Mime, gesticulates instructions. This strange duo travel from
59-60 town to town with their bizarre street performances. You’ve just managed to
catch them during some downtime.

Four dwarves are slowly moving through the snow. Grim and burly, they are
wary of travellers and easily provoked. Deserters from a mining operation
61-62 gone wrong, these people have little to lose and they will try to rob the party
if they perceive weakness. The dwarves are level 4 fighters.

A snow fox darts out of a nearby hole. It stops in front of you and beckons
with its head to follow. If the adventurers follow the fox, it leads them off the
63-64 trail for several miles, before vanishing in a puff of snow. The issue is, it is
starting to snow and the trail is now covered. How do you get back on track?

A lone wanderer lies dead in the snow, it’s back pierced by four bone arrows
with bright feathers on them. The male body seems to have been dead for a
65-66 month (DC 13 Medicine), though the frost has preserved it well. In his hand
and pockets lie several chunks of gold ore. Whoever slew him must have
found it worthless. For you, it might be worth 40 gold pieces.

A cave sits between a treeline, a natural shelter. If it is approached, two ador-

able bear cubs will shyly retreat deeper in the cave, making whiny noises. If
67-68 the party sticks around for longer than two minutes, they will encounter their
mother. Also adorable, yet very concerned and angry.

In a snowdrift beside the route is an abandoned lute with carved dragon

sound holes. It is a beautiful instrument (worth 300gp on the market). It be-
69-70 longs to Dilly De-long, a local bard of high repute. If you can track him down
in a local town and give him back his lute, he will provide a 50gp reward.

A somewhat spheric mound of snow can be seen from a distance. Knowl-

edgeable adventurers will find its appearance unlikely for the surroundings
(DC 10 Nature). The mound is a burial kurgan (a barrow), long forgotten,
71-72 frozen and snowed-over. Upon breaking the icy stone door (DC 18 Strength),
a burial chamber is revealed. Dusty and ancient, it contains a skeleton in
copper jewellery and a rusted iron sword. The tomb contains trinkets worth
30 gold.

A group of six humans dressed in warm clothing are cross country skiing.
They are elderly folk out for exercise. They will happily share flasks of hot
73-74 mushroom soup with the adventurers, gossip about their neighbours,
provide rumours and discuss their ailments and gout issues.

Howls and squeals can be heard from a forest clearing. It seems that an old
boar has fallen into a pit, an unlikely, possibly man-made trap. Swarms of
75-76 vipers and other snakes are attacking him, a rare breed of frost-resistant
reptiles. The boar will eventually succumb to the wounds and poison, though
four of his own brood are lurking nearby, angered and disturbed.

Three burnt out cabins are covered in light snow. An exploration of them
reveals arrowheads and sword marks, suggesting a fight took place here. A
77-78 thorough search (DC 16 Perception) reveals a trap door under some debris.
In the cellar are ten barrels of strong beer, each worth 200gp each.

The snow comes in fast and hard. It is a white out. Make a DC 14 Survival skill
check or be taken off-course and out onto a frozen, snow covered lake. There
79-80 is a 1 in 6 chance of the ice breaking beneath you, plunging you into freezing
cold and dangerous waters.

You come across a blood splattered crater in the deep snow. Charred chunks
of flesh and bone surround it. A successful DC 16 Survival check from a
person familiar with the region will reveal that there was an ambush by a
81-82 remorhaz, which resulted in the deaths of four dwarves. Searching the snow
will yield two battle axes, a hand axe of throwing and a pouch containing

A wizard in a fanciful red-fur coat can be seen from a distance. Righwir the
bold has set up a shop stall in the wastes and, at first, he appears to be trying
to sell… ice. He is a teleporting merchant, eager to test out his new invention.
In fact he sells ice-grenades, an icicle-looking potion that acts as a thrown
83-84 explosive, which deals 6d6 frost damage on impact in a 30ft sphere, covering
the area in snow and frost. Righwir sells up to 6 grenades at a generous price
of 200gp each. If any are bought, Righwir will approach adventurers after a
week, eager to inquire on the results of the ice-grenades.

A young man seems to be wandering around ahead of you. He’s dressed in

thick furs, and is calling out the name of his son (Hugo) who is lost. Hugo got
caught in a snowdrift, he is alive and several hundred metres away from his
85-86 father. If the adventurers search for him, he can be found with magic or with
a DC 15 Perception check. His father will provide a reward of 50gp and any
information about the nearby area that the DM feels is appropriate.

A pair of ill-prepared and snow-covered human adventurers, Gromwald and

Hubbit, are huddled next to a fire. Their red noses and autumnal clothing
87-88 betrays their inexperience. The two are sharing a bottle of caraway schnapps,
in an attempt to keep warm. A noble party might help them rectify this error.

The sounds of distant battle can be heard - it is a party of three snow elves
fighting an angered owlbear. This owlbear is white in fur and larger than its
89-90 peers. It will overpower the elves if the party does not come to assistance. If
they do and any of the elves survive, they will offer four draughts of magical
elixir for the help (these can be any potions of your choosing).

A frozen lake welcomes you, it’s ice thick and solid. You spot a hunched man,
sitting comfortably on a sturdy bench. He has drilled a hole in the lake and is
ice-fishing. Dressed in extravagant and warm furs, he is Vurnak the Wizard
91-92 (lvl 9), who has long looked forward to this peaceful passtime. Vurnak might
be inclined to do a few enchantments and spells if he takes a liking to the
party, though he will request them not to talk about anything too negative,
as it will scare away the fish.

A caravan of dwarves is travelling to a far-away settlement. They are traders

of pottery and house goods, offering little of interest to adventurers. A human
walks among them, in an ill-fitting dwarven coat. His name is “Bigmund”, and
his mannerisms and behaviour suggest that he believes himself a dwarf. One
of the traders will ask the party to step aside for a chat and reveal that they
93-94 found Bigmund wounded on the road, with a head injury and no memory.
They took him in and have cared for him for the last month. The dwarf asks
if any can help Bigmund with his injury, suggesting that it is best if he recov-
ers his true self. Bigmund’s memory and injury can be healed with a healing
spell, above level 3. However, he does seem quite happy being a Dwarf.

A patch of snow, roughly 5ft by 5ft, seems to be coloured green. If it is poked,

prodded or played with, all creatures within a ten foot radius must make a
95-96 DC 14 Constitution save or lose 50% of their hit points. It is a poisonous algae
that has lain dormant under the ice for centuries. All affected creatures are
also stunned for 1d8 turns.

A faint smell of burnt herbs and muddled, troubled noises can be heard by
the attentive (DC 17 Perception). Following the signs leads you to a hill, where
a woman in leathers and furs has set up a camp. She has surrounded herself
with herbs and berries, an effigy of bark and leaves burns in a nearby pot. The
97-98 woman is convulsing in her sleep, unresponsive. She can be woken up with
some effort, though she will be initially upset for having her shamanic trance
disturbed. The woman will not reveal her name, though for those who are
polite she will offer a vision of the future, as well as some other insights.

You spot some strange, purple colored droppings, seemingly left by a rabbit.
A short trek away is a collection of cranberry bushes, though the berries are
99-00 also purple in colour. They taste quite normal, though they seem to have the
properties of a goodberry - the ability to restore hit points. The more sensitive
members of the party might feel a hint of Fae nearby.

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