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PREPOSITIONS (წინდებულები)

ON [on] ზე
AT [æt] ზე, თან (გვერდით)
IN [in] ში
OUT OF [auto v] დან (შიგნიდან გარეთ)
FROM [from] დან
WITH [wið] თან (ერთად)
FOR [fo:] თვის
SINCE [sins] დან (Perfect - ში)
ABOVE [ə’bʌv] ზე, სედ
OVER [ouvə] გადა
OF [ov] (ვისი/რისი) კუთვნილებითი წინდებული
INTO [into] ში (გარედან შიგნით)
TO [tu] ში (მიმართულების წინდებული) გარდა: go home, come home, return home, arrive
home, drive home
Arrive at – places: I arrived at the cinema; he arrived at the office… Arrive in – towns, cities,
continents, countries: We arrived in Tbilisi late at night. She arrived in London last year.
Ashamed of, tired of, pleased with, famous for, known for, surprised of, surprised at how…, wait for,
on holidays, on a trip, in particular, keen on, angry with, interested in, by plane, by train, by car, by
bicycle, by bike, according to, listen to, good at, bad at, shout at, in advance, full of, leave for, search
for, in search of, with pleasure, in spite of, fond of, afraid of, scared of, keen on, in addition, at the
age of, on the way to, on the way home, responsible for, in the middle of, in the corner of, in front of,
sorry for, apologize for, shame on, on the/a plane, on the/a bus, on the/a train, in the/a car, on
purpose, happen to, matter with, on time, in time for, by surprise, in honor of, remind of, in brief,
tidy up, at least, reliable on, rely on, responsible for, sorry for, thanks for, grateful for, on account of,
because of, due to, by reason of, at the expense of, by mistake, belong to, focus on, concentrate on,
involve in, engrossed in, consist of, fall in love, blame for, yell at, bump into, run into, crash into,
pass by, by chance, have been/has been/had been to; In + month: in October, in December… On +
month and date: On 2nd July, on 31st of December…

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