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Course & Year: Date:

Activity sheet #3

Sustainability and Human Values

A. Described sustainability in the context of progress in human well-being:

a. Human Use of the Earth

 Sustainability involves balancing human use of the Earth’s resources with

the ability of the Earth’s natural systems to replenish those resources. This
includes minimizing waste and pollution, using renewable resources, and
reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change.

b. Human Values and Environmental Problems

 Sustainability also involves recognizing the inherent value of the natural

world and the need to protect it for future generations. This requires a shift
in human values and attitudes towards the environment, recognizing that
our well-being is interconnected with the health of the planet.

c.Environmental Justice

 Sustainability also involves addressing social and environmental injustices,

such as the disproportionate impact of environmental degradation on
marginalized communities. This requires promoting equity and justice in
environmental decision-making, and ensuring that everyone has access to
clean air, water, and healthy living environments.
c. An Overall Plan for Sustainable Living
 Sustainability requires an overall plan for sustainable living, which includes
reducing our ecological footprint by minimizing waste and resource
consumption, promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy
sources, and shifting towards sustainable food systems and transportation.
This plan should also incorporate education and public engagement to
promote awareness and support for sustainable living practices.

B. Make a Poster on sustainable development to be posted in the Google classroom. Use 1

whole long-size bond paper. Take a picture of your output, attach the image below and
Turn In

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