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Marc Roman Fernandez Rogationist of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. III – A.B.


Subject: Theories of Pragmatism and Utilitarianism Professor: Randi Pederi

IATF Protocols and the Utilitarian thought

A case analysis

The succession of events throughout history has been a testament of the human drive for

survival. That is, in every instance of human existence, the capacity for subsistence has been

challenged by circumstances; be it war, famines, plagues and pandemics. The present day

situations of such a struggle, the COVID 19 pandemic, for instance, stimulated the intrinsic

human drive to survive. Embracing unorthodox means to the extent of sacrificing the pleasure of

the once normal interactions in order to transition to the so called “new normal”. The IATF

protocols has been the testament of applying the idea that arises as motivated by the preservation

of life, both personal and of the majority. However, much as every other novel measures that

arises from the circumstances as these, there are lapses in the creation and the implementations

of the said protocols. To the extent of sacrificing both individual and collective pleasures for

discomfort and pain. Making subsisting as agonizing as possible to the majority of the


The IATF quarantine protocols articulates measures that would, probabilistically, reduce

the morbidity and mortality rate of the pressing pandemic. Furthermore, it embraces measures

that promote isolation and minimized social contacts and/or interactions among peers.

Subsequently, the articles within the protocol is suggestive in reducing, limiting, and even

prohibiting the going out from the respective residence of the general population. Thus, reducing
socioeconomic activities to a bare minimum. However, the provisions of the protocol provided

amnesty to the “frontliner” such as medical personnel and the members of the police. That is,

individuals belonging to these minorities are given the time to execute their respective duties.

Intentionally, general structure of the protocol aims for the general welfare of all,

provided that; it is implemented under good terms, is patterned with the end of preserving the

life. A good that is basic for every individual; the right to life. Albeit, apparently, taken by its

face value produced more bad than good, it is aiming at a good that goes well beyond the

present. However, it could not be denied that it has generated collective pain, not only to the

minority but also to the majority. For instance, the prohibition of taking the time to purchase

necessities, specifically those who are within a given area identified and is declared under the

enhanced community quarantine measures (ECQ). Thus, taking it under speculations,

independently, would generate an outcome on the favor of the emphasis in the negative outcome

of it.

In order to have a wider view on the problem, other thoughts or evidences is a must in

order to achieve a more accurate understanding of the given issue. In this case, the general

principles behind the utilitarian thought is placed under consideration. Specifically, on how

circumstances and series of events are evaluated according to the pleasure it generates.

Furthermore, it is necessary also to explicate the probabilistic outcomes of the said protocol

under the concept of utility.

Utilitarianism is a school of thought that focuses on the hedonistic implications of a

specific human act. That is, if an act generates higher proportions of pleasure, than pain, the act

can be justifiable. However, being a philosophical school of thought, it encompasses the

conventional ideas pertaining to hedonic outcomes. Take for example, the hierarchy of pleasure
of Levinas, the felicifc calculus of Bentham, and the implications of value in the overall

happiness of Hume. Furthermore, the extensiveness of these ramifications encompasses the

passage of time, that is, it goes well beyond that of present events. Thus, utilitarianism takes into

considerations the repercussions of a specific act in relation to both the present and the future.

Accounting and contextualizing other pleasure generating principles that surrounds human


In relation to the protocol under speculation, going about with the problem as it is and

under the utilitarian principle, at first glance and by the aid of observations, it is deviating from

the primary objective of an act. That is, the pain generated under the influence of the protocol

exceeds in proportion with the pleasure it generates. In other words, more people are suffering,

than enjoying the security that is provided. However, if it be placed under careful considerations,

the act provides an individual the chance to enjoy life on a much later timeframe. In order to

discern the acceptability of it necessarily implies an explication of observations and probabilities.

Under the rule of the IATF guidelines, people are given the chance to preserve their own

lives, which in the hierarchy of values, is the top priority. It is the most basic right of an

individual; the right to preserve one’s own life. A right that is taken into careful considerations

before implementing a definitive form of a protocol. However, it is under the expense of present

goods, pleasures that are characterized as baser ones; pleasures that are sentiently driven. The

implementation compromises individual enjoyment for much later and higher form of “good”;

the collective protection from the probability of a devastating mortality rate. Thus, by placing an

emphasis on the higher form of the good, a higher value, a higher right, than that of the baser one

justifies the protocol itself under the utilitarian concept.

However, this outcome must not be taken as an absolute justifications for the discomfort

that the protocol provides. It only provides a perspective on how to interpret the instances and

the events that is currently happening. The sentiment is divided into parts, and this only provides

a view of one.

In conclusion, the IATF protocol analyzed under the concept of utilitarianism justifies

itself. That is, the guidelines provided takes into consideration the higher forms of value to

account for the acceptability of an act. Providing the necessary means to securing the lives of the

majority, or atleast, as much as possible of the greatest number. Albeit, compromising immediate

pleasures, the protocol places a greater emphasis on maximizing the proportionality of possible

pleasure than that of the probable pain that arises as an effect of omitting from committing to the

implementations of the provided measures.

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