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Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate personal pronoun (e.g.,
I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
1. ____ am a student.
2. John and Mary are siblings. ____ are brother and sister.
3. Sarah is my friend. ____ is very nice.
4. The cat is black. ____ is very cute.
5. Please pass me the book. ____ is on the table.
6. Tom and I are going to the park. ____ are going to have a picnic.
7. The car is red. ____ is fast.
8. Can ____ please open the window? It's hot in here.
9. Lisa is a good singer. ____ has a beautiful voice.
10. Bob and Alice are classmates. ____ both like math.

Exercise 2: Replace the underlined nouns with the appropriate

1. Mary is going to the store. Mary wants to buy some groceries.
2. The dog chased the cat. The cat climbed up the tree to escape from the dog.
3. John and Emily are classmates. John and Emily are working on a project together.
4. The car broke down on the highway. The tow truck arrived to tow the car to the
5. Susan and I are going to the movies. Susan and I will watch a new film.
6. The teacher praised the students for their hard work. The students were happy to
receive compliments from the teacher.
7. Mr. Smith is my neighbor. Mr. Smith helped me fix my bicycle.
8. The children enjoyed the ice cream. The ice cream was delicious.
9. Sarah found her lost keys. Sarah was relieved to find her keys.
10. The students completed their assignments. The assignments were challenging.


Exercise 3: Identify the pronouns in the following sentences and specify

which pronoun they are.
1. She loves to read books.
2. My cat always sleeps on its favorite chair.
3. Those are the students who won the science fair.
4. He hurt himself while playing basketball.
5. Is this pen yours or mine?
6. Everyone should bring their own lunch to the picnic.
7. The necklace she wore was very expensive.
8. We visited their house last weekend.
9. Whose idea was it to go to the beach?
10. I don't know which book is mine.
Exercise 4: Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentences. You
may need to use subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) or object
pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them).
1. Mark and ___ are going to the store. (he, him)
2. Could you please pass ___ the salt? (I, me)
3. Lisa said that she and John would help ___ with the project. (I, me)
4. ___ am looking forward to the weekend. (I, me)
5. My dog is very friendly. Everyone loves ___! (it, its)
6. The teacher asked Tom and ___ to stay after class. (he, him)
7. Sarah and Peter couldn't find ___ in the crowded mall. (we, us)
8. The package is for Mary and ___. (she, her)
9. This book belongs to me. Please give ___ to ___. (it, me)
10. ___ have been working on this project for weeks. (we, us)

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