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A Hello, my name is John. If you have read my blog you know that I am not usually an
adventurous person. But today it was different. I was walking down the street on my way
to work, when suddenly, someone stole my bag with my laptop in it. I am a slow runner,
but I ran after him as fast as I could. I came very close but unfortunately I didn’t catch
him. What would you do if someone stole your laptop?
 Kitkat said: I’m very careful. If someone stole my laptop, I wouldn’t run after him.
He could be dangerous. I would call the police instead.
 Larry-in-London said: If someone stole my laptop, I’d laugh. It’s a terrible laptop. I
would love to buy a new one.
 Tony said: If someone took my laptop, I would try to get it back in a creative way. I
would put up notices around the area and offer a reward.
 Kitkat said: Wow! You really are creative, Tony!

Choose the most suitable option:

1. Which of the following words from the text means “done quickly when it is not
a) fast b) unfortunately c) adventurous d) suddenly

2. John _________________.
a) thought that somebody could steal his laptop.
b) was surprised by the fact that his laptop had been stolen.
c) was ready to have his laptop stolen.
d) was looking forward to have his laptop stolen.

3. According to the text, John ____________ .

a) ran very fast for the first time in his life.
b) ran slowly.
c) ran using all of his strength.
d) ran as fast as usual.

4. Larry-in-London ________________.
a) would be happy to have his laptop stolen.
b) is waiting to have his laptop stolen to buy a new one.
c) would not really mind if someone stole his laptop.
d) feels very sorry for the one that might steal his laptop.

5. Tony ________.
a) is certain he would get his laptop back.
b) does not think it would be possible to get his laptop back but he would try.
c) believes that thinking originally could help.
d) thinks that offering rewards is creative.
6. Kitkat ____________.
a) is adventurous.
b) is as adventurous as John.
c) would not act as adventurously as John did.
d) thinks John is adventurous.

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