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SCRIPTURE TO READ: Hebrew 11: 30 – 35

F the hand of those that will

be referred to as victors. Our

Devotional Verse: catalogue of men of faith who scripture today shows us the «Who through faith
were victorious through faith. subdued kingdoms, People who did extral ordinary

wrouglt righteousness, things on this planet earth. Who fought battle and won. People obtained
promnises who took their lives in their hands stoped the mouth of and yet never died. People who
lions... ". (V.33) faced terrible situations and yet

not defeated. We actually have much to learn

The main and very common thing to these great people is faith. Faith is believing the word of God
and acting on it accordingly. It is not bold-face but accepting God's word as true and taking steps by
the instruction received from it. It is taking the word as it is and basing your life on it. It is only mer of
faith that can enjoy or receive anything from God (Hebrew 11:6).

Faíth is a great virtue that all children of God must possess. God's word says the just shall live by
faith". (Roman 1:7), whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that
overcome the world our faith". (1 John S:4). The opposite of faith is doubt and fear. All this will not

enjoy God in any form. (James 1:6-8) Being afraid of situation will only make you a victim. (Job 3:15)
Whatever He says, just believe it and continue to confess it. How or when He is going to do it is not
your problem. He is committed to His world. And He said it will not fail. (Jere 45:23) Be ready to die
rather than doubting God's word and you shall live to see it fulfilled. Doubt comes from experiences
and situations but faith comes by the word (Romans 10:17). Tap

into it from now for your daily victory.

"A man of faith is an established victor".

November 2 Thursday MEN OF THE WORI SCRIPTURE TO READ: he word of God is our Colossians
3:15 - 17 nt Sword of the spirit (Ephesian

6:17) The word is our sure word

Devotional Verse: of Prophesy (II Peter 1:19). It js "Let the word of Christ the truth, that is, the law
that rules dwell in you richly in all heavens and earth. The word ic


wisdom, teaching and the covenant and the eternal admonish ing One promise of God. It has been

another in Psalms and finding fulfilment since ages past hymns and Spiritual and it shall continue to
find songs, singing with ulfilment as we put our total grace in your heart to trust in God and we wait
on Him the Lord". (V. 16) The Scripture says, seek, and you shall find, ask, and you shall be given,
knock and the door shall be open unto you. Children of God, seek and ask and knock, all these shall
be released unto you through the word
which is God Himself.

The word of God is the base for our faith. Faith in God is faith inthe word. It is the foundation for our
rest and our peace in God that means it is on the word we stand and we have hope in it. It is the
creative force which is of God. It is also in us. (Gen. 1:2-3). D TOuobdst 36oisagge

The word is therefore strongly important in the life of every victorious child ofGod. The word is God
Himself(John 1:1). The word is spirit and life (Johbn 6:63). The word gives life e and strength to the
mind which enhances our victory

(Psalm 119:97-100).ouncEitlst

If you will be a victor the word must dwell in you, richly. Then you have a solid base for overcoming
in all situations.

November 3


SCRIPTURE TO READ: ne of the priviledges we Luke 10: 17- 2I an have in Christ Jesus is

Devotional Verse: authority. When God created

Man in the beginning, He gave

“Behold, I have given him authority over all other pou the authority to creatures. But man lost this |
Irample on serpents and authority to the devil through sin scorpions and over all (Genesis 1:26-28,
Luke 4:6). The power of the enemy Because Adam lost the

Authority, so man life till now

And nothing shall byenfers all manner afflictions in


Any means hurt you”the handof the devil. . 19) Sicknesses, Oppression, failure,

Debt and all manner of evil occurrence. So But I have this good news for you, that for this reason
the son of God manifest to destroy all the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Jesus has taken the
authority back from the devil when he died on the cross. He went into hell to retrieve the
authoritative key of life from the devil. And He said, He has given the key to us. You need to remind
yourself of this often in prayer. Oz000S botte This authority is in His NAME (Philipian 2:4-11) His
WORD (Hebrew 4:12) and in His BLOOD. Any tỉme the devil wants to raise his head in your life or in
your family or in your business, remember to use the authority you have in Christ Jesus. And you will
always have victory.d sevo Don’t be afraid of the devil. You have a stronger power at your disposal.
Fear is the trick of the devil to make you lose the understanding that you have a authority in place.
But whatever the case may be, stand strong in your authority in Christ. Then the Devil will bow out
of your life. Bostrslis

November 4 Saturday 1BLOOD MARK

od is a God of mnysteries.
Exodus 12 : 21 - 31 SCRIPTURE TO READ: G One of the mysteries of

God is the blood. This mystery

Devotional Verse: He thought the children of Israel "For the Lord wil when He wanted to release

pass from the bondage of their

through t0 strike the masters the Egyptians. Before this time God had been doing Egyptians; and
when nany things in Egypt and

He sees the blood on the

He sees the blood on the pharaoh did not bother to attend lintel and on the door to the case of the

Dosts, the Lord willpass Israel.

Over the door and not Then, God decided to use one of allow the destroyer to his weapons of war,
is the blood. come into your houses He told this people to tap into the 10 strike you". (V. 23)
ministry of the blood by Killing

a animal which symbolises the lamb of God (Jesus Christ) and make a mark on their houses for the
angel of destruction to pass them over.

Many hitherto, enjoy the shadow, but we have the substance. Jesus was crucified as our Passover
lamb. His blood has been shed 2000 years ago. All we need do is to always take cover in it. This is not
a ritual but a mystery. It is our redemptive receipt. It informs the devil about your liberty.

Every morning just pronounce the coverage of the blood over yourself., family, business and
property. The devil has option than to pass over you daily. The Bible says, “And they overcame him
buy the blood of the lamb and by the words their

testimony." (Revelation 12:11) Anytime you plead the blood of Jesus, the blood begin to speak and
directing the devil, to "pass over". Learn to do that anytime you for see the activities of the enemy.
When of Jesus, he re- member that your redemption was paid for and passes you by unharmed.
Take the strong weapon of the blood and Overcomne. "Do you have the mark of the blood of .Jesus,
then you arefree

from all attacks2» 4



SCRIPTURE TO READ: ne thing that identifies us Isaiah 59: 15 - 21l with God as His children
Devotional Verse. is the Holy Spirit that dwells in "So shall they fear the us. It is therefore important
for name of the Lord from every believer to be filled the west, and His glory With the Holy Spirit
daily. This from the rising of the is by fellowshiping witb Sun; when the enemy God.reading or
listening to the comes in like a flood, word of God, worship and the spirit of the Lord Praying in the
spirit on

will lift up a standard constant basis.

against him ". (V 19) The workings of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers includes alerting us,
energizing us and helping us to pray (Romans 8:26). That is why a believer must be sensitive to the

Many a time, the devil seek to attack us, but the bible says, whenever he is doing that the Holy Spirit
will raise a standard against him. The Holy Spirit does that by alerting us sometimes to pray. Other
times to praise God, at some instances, the spirit will just wake us from our sleep to read God's

All of this are ways through which the Holy Spirit directs us to give us victory over all our
adversaries. But it is only a priviledge for believers who are filled with the Spirit. You also need to set
time aside to ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Then you will become sensitive enough to
overcome in the battles of life.

"The fullness of the Spirit guarantees viciorious living".




SCRIPTURE TO READ: 7ictory in life is not for the Joshua 14: 10 -15 weak but for the fittest. This

Does not mean we have to start

Devotional Verse: body-building to overcome n strong life. But we need to have the

As yet I am as strong

This day as on the the wisdom that gives birth to day that Moses sent me; strength.

Just as my strenght wasIf you notice any man who then, so now is myalways over-power others,

Strength for wars both it takes is only strength through for going out and for wisdom . Weak people
have no

Coming n”. (V U) portion here on earth. Some are

Just thirty-two years, and are as

Weak as somebody of over Ninety-five years old. Caleb was a strong man and we see this all
through his life. He was one of the Twelve that was sent by Moses to spy the land of Cannan in
Numbers 13 and 14. Ten of the spies came back with negative report, but Caleb and Joshua came
with a good one – the Godly and goodly kind of report. This is because of their knowledge of God.
They knew He is a great God that cannot fail. This same Caleb is saying in our scripture here, today,
that he could still go to war at eighty. Not requesting for battle on a plain ground but at the

Mountain top.

If you to0 want to be strong all the days of your life learn these two secrets of Caleb. He knew God.
He was a man of knowledge (Daniel 11:32). He was also living in the wisdom of God (Proverb 24:5).
God is the giver of strength (Isaiah 40:29). Seek to know Him and he will supply you.Don’t die in
weakness. Seek to know and believe in Him and you wi be made strong.

“Strength in life is a function of knowledge”:

November 7 BORN OF GOD


SCRIPTURE TO READ: n Man lies no strength to 1 John 5 :4-5 dtoi overcome in life. The Devolional
Worte. Verse: enemies we face on daily basis “For whatever is born of is stronger than any imaginary
God overcomes the thing And it is in this light God world. And this is the came to dwell in us that we
victory that has might be able to live

Overcome the world, our victoriously.

Faith”. (V. 4))oruiooi A man without God is too cheap

For the devil to handle and to

Subjugate. If you want to be a victor in any area of your life, you therefore have no option than to
be born of God. When God created man, He breathed His spirit to his nostril and man become a
living soul (Genesis 2:7). When man sinned, the spirit of God, that makes man powerful departed. So
for the spirit to come back to man, he need to accept Jesus into his life by inviting Him (John 1:12).b
brs sudis To be born of God is to be born again. It is when you invite

Jesus to your life that He will come and begin to dwell in you. If you’ve not done that before or you
are a backslider turn to the last page and do it now. The people that are born

Of God have a guaranteed ibnseobal It might look anyhow now but victory shall surely
come. God’s word says, “If God be for us who can be against us” (Romans 8:3 1). And if you are born
of God and yet you are still defeated, it is because you are not resisting the enemy in faith. Start to
take faith and confidence from the word, resist him concerning everything in your life and he shall
flce (James 4:7).

“God in you, the assurance of Victory”. 7

Wednesday O LION’S LI November 8 IKE

Ions are animals

SCRIPTURE TO READ: L sof a unique Proverbs 28 : 1-2 istrength which ha

Boldness inherent in thei:

Devotional systems. They are It is animal “The wicked fless wlhen that is well respected and feared
No one pursueth but the by both men and other animet righteous are bold as a God created them
with full lion”. (V. )KJV dvnamics. The Bible even says

It does not have fear for or tums

Away from anyone even ifyou are shooting it. (Proverbs 30:30 It is a very brave animal. You will
agree with me that we need this virtue to overcome in any battle. That is why the Bible refers to us
as sons of God. And we are sons of God as Jesus comes into our lives. And the Bible says that Jesus is
the Lion of the tribe of Judah. So we belong to that lineage as soon as Jesus lives in us.

Yet we need to know what brings about boldness. Fake boldness cannot bring anything good. It will
only lead to failure and defeat. As to facing the battle of life we, need the inward boldness. This is
produced by standing right and knowing your capacity in God – knowing your right. A sinner will
always feel condemned. And his bold face cannot take him anywhere; but the righteous are as bold
as the lion. Understanding that your righteousness is only given by your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
(1 Corinthian 5:20). Don’t let the devil continue to make you feel condemned (Romans 8:1) Begin to
seek to know God through His word and begin to work in His way, then your boldness will be put in

(Daniel 11:32). Even asking and receiving from God takes boldness (Hebrew 4:15-16). So rise up in
boldness and

Overcome your situations. God is on your side.

“A bold person is always a threat to for the eneny 8



SCRIPTURE TO READ: Nonfidence is an attribute of C

Hebrew 10: 35- 38 every Victorious man. A Devotional Verse: confident man is a man that have

Certainty of ability to overcome.

Therefore do not cast As much as some people can see away your confidence, confidence as a
wrong way of which has great living, yet no one has overcome reward” (V. 35) without it.

The scripture we read today encouraged us not to throw away our confidence. The reward of a
confident man is victory. You therefore need to build up your confidence in


Confidence is produced by the assurance of a promise or a truth. You are confident for sitting on a
chair because you have the assurance that it has the strength to carry you. So also you need to build
your confidence for victory and success in God. He is the rock of ages, this is possible by trusting in
His word. God’s word says “we have also a more sure word of prophecy... “ (II Peter 1:19).

This is the reason why David the man of war will not go to any war without a word from God. This is
one of the secrets of his consistent victory. Whenever the word of God assure you of something you
can place your confidence on it. God’s word cannot fail. You can always have total assurance of
God’s word. It is dangerous to live without confidence. But then more dangerous to put your
confidence in what is not certain but in the word of God.oorqu e oa lhyehto2

“Confidence is one of the uncompromising secrets Victor”.

November 10 CPRAYERFUL


Ost things that are


Act 4: 24 – 33 V beneficial to our lives are

Not always pleasant to us:

Devotional Verse: simply because the enemy had a “And when they had want us to fall and fail. So
he prayed, theplace where made us hate anything that will they were assembled to give us strength.
I am sure that

You will observe this in mos

Gether were shaken and cases we always enjoy things that they were all filled with will build our
physical body the Holy spirit, and they rather than things that will build spoke the word of God our
spirit. We need to understand with boldness “. (V. 14) that it is all together the trick of the devil to
make us neglect God and make us think that we

Can always go on without Him.

Many Christians today now despise prayer. They call it old time religious practice. Many of us are
even tempted to think that you only need to keep applying wisdom and you may never need to pray.
You will get to a point in life only to realise that without God’s wisdom in prayer will be equal to

Actually we should be careful ofmaking religion out of prayer. But we need to under stand that
prayer is fellowshiping with God and also a spiritual warfare. It is in prayer we speak our minds to
God. It is also in prayer we hear from God. This is because our battle in life is not against flesh and

A prayer-less Christian is a power-less Christian, It is in the course of prayer that God’s grace and
Virtues are released. In the remaining part of this year, be prayerful. Except you pray. Some blessing
will not open up to you. No one has achieved anything great in life without effective prayer life.

“Prayer is the act of connecting power source ofGod”.


November 11 GRATEFUL

SCRIPTURE TO READ: wise man is always Genesis 35 : 1 -7 A grateful because he knows Devotional
Vete.that his strength is not always in Verse: his potentials but by making use

"And he built an altarfthe opportunities around him

there and called the of

place EI-Bethel, be toachieve success. A lot of times

we succeed because God is

cause there God involve in it. It is therefore of appeared to him whenwisdom to you have such he
fled from the face of understanding. This will help his brother". (V. 7) you to always be thankful both

to God and to men.

Jacob had so much trouble at the beginning of his life that he had to ran away from his father's
house. It was in the midst of this trouble that God spoke to him and promised to see him through his
journey. He (Jacob) then promised to appreciate God on that spot where God spoke with him, if he
could return to the place. And God kept him and he retumed to

appreciate the Lord.

It is often said that, he that appreciates for the good of yesterday will receive another. And that he
that does not know how to show appreciation is like an armed robber who carted away one's
belongings. Please understand that being grateful is an act of wisdom. Stop mumuring or
complaining. It brings destruction (Malachi 2:2).

Stop comparing yourself with others. It is not a wise attitute (II Corinthians 10:12).

"An ungrateful man is therfore a wicked man". 11

November 12TAJOYFUL Sunday ne of the ife stye SCRIPTURE TO READ: victors is that then live
Nehemiah 8 :9-1I always in joy. If you observe

Devotional Verse: some strong men you know you "Then he said unto will observe this in them.
Sorrow them, go your way, eat have nothing good to offer

It will rather

the fat, and drink the man. It demoralises

send sense and

sense and evaporates :

Sweet, portions unto them for and s strength Sorrow is never a foundation of

whom prepared: for the joy of faith. Honly produces fear and is your make men become very cheap

strength". (V. 10) KJV for the devil to overcome. But joy is our inward delight and

liberty expressed in the face of battle (Proverbs 15:13). It is a virtue that expresses the good state of
man's mind. A joyful
mind is the fittest victory in every situation. Joy gives strength to the mind of man. It is a good
foundation for faith o confidence (Isaiah 12:3). bo b

If you are aiming at living victoriously then joyful living essential. Havened understand the evil of
sorrow Nehemiah quickly warn God's people against it. Letting them know that joy in God is they
strength they have.

Friend, choose to live in joy. It is sweeter. It is the best for you. Handover your sorrow to Jesus and
take His Joy (I Peter 5:7). Always be conscious of His presence (Psalm 16:11). Then you will always
find the joy of the Lord for strength that you desire. a lleodlo rliv lseuo

Joy is a seed of strength and victory


November 13 0 TRUST-LIFE



Psalms 37: 1 -6

Devotional Vere.When you entrust

Something to someone

“Commit they wav hand, you expect him not only unto the Lord; trust to keep it but very well. Many
also in Him and he of us save in the bank because shall bring it to pass “. He have trust in them to
keep it (. 5) KJV very well for us. This is also important to any one who will

Not be defeated in the battle of his / her life.

If a man goes to battle alone putting his life in his own hand, it is easy to be defeated and kill finally.
Most army find one thing or the other to trust their life on before go ing to battle (Proverbs 25:19.

David always put his trust in the Lord and in this confidence he goes to each battle and win. Jesus
wanted to go to the final battle with death and hell when on the cross and have to commit his life to
the hand of God (Luke 23:46) Saul also showed us this secret of victory in his life (II Timothy 1:12)
and am convinced that He is able to keep what I have comımitted unto Him.

Friends, I don’t know whom you are committing your life into. Is it to money, materials position,
inffluence or people. All these do not guarantee your security. But if you trust your life into the Lord
of the lord, you will be as firm is a rock.

Whose hand you are en-trusting your life determines your safety”. 13

November 14 AS HE COMMANDS


SCRIPTURE TO READ: I Samuel 15 : 10 – 23 G od is sovereign in all things the Alpha and Omega of

Devotional Verse: our lives. It is not when it comes to battle and victory. He is Our
“So Samuel said, is the creator. He has the right to di- Lord as great delight in rect and as His battle
axe e

Burnt offerings and to obey Him. Failure to obey the sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of Lord; “
commands yoou are rebellions which can being lead to total

Behold to obey is better desttuction.

Than sacrifice, and to Saul was made a king by God heed than the fat of Yet God expected him to
rams. (V. 23)ont understand that He is still the commander. And that he (saul) should know that he is

Instrument of battle His God hand.

No matter your position or your level wisdom, don’t foreet that vou still have to do it as He
commanded. He give vou all and He knows how withdraw them.

Saul eventually went to the battle in contrary to instruction brought alive the people and those
things God told him to destroy. And this lead to the fall of Saul.

Friend, If you don’t want to fall or fail as you go about facing life challenges, don’t depend on your
status or wisdom. Do it only as He has commanded.

This is when your victory is secure and vou will live without shame. This is when you can enjoy a
lasting success. Don t forget. He is the master.

“His commands are our commission into victory”. 14

November 15


SCRITURE TO READ: H Amen don’t M believein

II Samuel 9: 1- 10 showing kindness DevotiondL Woersa to wards, someone who has

“Now Dayid said, Is Jw oe29112001 offended them, We look at him

Las a bad person and believe

There SP”6 Tnothing good should happen to is lefi in the house 9f him. Most people believe the Saul
thạt I may showwicked should be paid back in him his own coin. This therefore

Y nS4ngo1

Jonathan ‘s sake?”makes us hate those who hates bs ủs and love people who loves us.

Buydesus said, this, does not make us different from the people of the world. It is true that the
wicked should be paid with wickedness but not through you. Leave Vengeance to God. It is better
when they are rewarded by God for every one will see their shame and great falling. So leave Venge
ance for God. We are to show them mercy and grace all the timelguolt 22sq I dlguorit n9vs bis2 orl
o29ong2014 2’ioü ia SLS VOK1o.livo on 16st ll Lgy -disob to wobsile arit ta yoilsy Dauwas an open
enemy of David.He sought to kill him with all he has, until he killed himself. But David knows that not

By Power nor by might that he was granted victory. So he knew he should be gracious to saul’s
family. So he for anyone inhiS family that he may show kindness to them, This show him’a

If you see a relation of those who are against you, don’t hesitate, to help them.f there is any
thingiwithin your power to do to assist them, do it. And God will be happy withyou. This proves you
more matured. You overcome evil with good. Pray for them and let God be happy with yoų. And you
shall blessed.

«It is of wisdom whè pou use waler to quench fire”, “II



SCRIPTURE, TO READ: very man is made slrong

DevotionatVerse: and become bold by the boonsciousness of what is inside

Aedstiokat Dim no matter how much he yea, Thoug! Y of him no matter how

Bas,alley of is afraid. The moment moment we get to

Throue the e

The shadow of death, I 9YArled9latpgJ201V or parents, we have protection and so will start make

25s bSg 9d bio band so iwill fear no

Rwith me; your rod returning to them when we get are staff they

Stuck. We see them as a strong

Omfort me”(V4)l refuge and shelter. Brethren, any believer who wants to overcome must also be
conşcioús of the presence of God with him. He said, He will always be with us in allsitüations (Isaiah
43:2). Though we

May not see Himphysically since He is a spiritually visible.

-9Rn9V oVs9l o2.gnillsl tsoTg brs 9rrSde

David is a man who always enjoy the peace and the securi of God’s presence. So he said even
though I pass through the valley ofthe shadow of death, yet I’Il fear no evil, for you are witk me.No
Wonder he can’t but overcome in all the battles ofHis ifevd iua tis2mit bolfi S

À.ed.selis.z’lusAeUoLDs19 sd bluoue Friend, always be conscious of His presence too. Both in the

Usii oL22911bWOI

Night or in the day. In your car, in your house, at office ajourney.

Alwaysısee Him around you. Then nothing evil can touch you:In Jesus name Iliw boð briA Ji’ob ,9t
tetezs ot ob o

Bods tbiw lf rIo919VO UoY busII STOIn sOv5Votq Ilbtz 8 baf ioy itiw vggsd sd boD isl brs xardi tol

ssGod be for you who can be against” 16



SCRIPTURE TO READ: ne of the most difficult Isaiah 30 : 15 things in people’s life is Devotional
Werte. Verse: being at rest and calm. Don’t be “For thus says the Lord surprised that a lot of minds
are God the Holy one of restless, while others are filled Israel in returning and with fear of unknown.
Very rest you shall be saved; many people have lost their in quietness and confi lives, owing to
restlessness. Dence shall be your Having so many things they are strength “. (V. 15) struggling with in
their mind.

But one of the things we have in Christ Jesus is peace like a river.

There is need for us to know the importance of restful or peaceful mind. It is only when your mind is
at peace that it can function well and take quality decision. It is only in a calmful situation that good
judgement can be applied. It si only when your mind is at rest that your body can be healthy so you
can not afford to be living without peace.

God’s word says, your strength and victory is in how much you can relax. A calmful man is a
confident man. A man full of fear is weak. Stop being troubled by everything. Put your total trust in
God and rest in His promises. He can not fail you. He is able to help you. Rely on Him. And be at
peace, you will win. Bsords T8

Attnpting to run the race of your life by yourself will resut to faibure” 17

November 18 Saturday BE WATCHFUL SCRIPTURE TO READ: Tatchfulness is an act of

Nehemiah 4:7- 15 W:

Being vigilant as we live

Devotional Verse: on daily basis. This is an act of I will doa new thing. Not relaxing in the face nt


Now it shall spring As soon as Nehemiah and the forth; shall you not children of Isracl had little
know it? I will make a achievements by

Road in the wilderness by coming together and start to co

And rivers in the walls of Jerusalem. The devil had build the

Desert”. (V 19)
His way into some people in order to stop them. But God though Nehemiah used a tactics that you
and I need to keep using. This is fighting and working. Some I

Christians use each

Day of their life haunting after devil, some keep working without a watching, but wisdom demands
that we should both

Watch, pray and work for progress.

Ever ready to attack and yet praying and pressing for progress Jesus taught us to watch and pray.
There is therefore a need to always be careful by not over celebrating yesterday’s victory. And
looking forward to greater things that God stil want to do in our livies. Equip yourself always with
God’s word and with the power of the Holy spirit.

Friend, growing weary at this junction of your life can be too dangerous. Paul said, “I do not count
myself to have apprehended: but one thing I do, forgetting those things which

Are ahead”.

“Watch and pray, and you will not fall “.




SCRIPTURE TO READ: Dae avid the warrior has one

Chronicles 14 : 8 – 17 interesting quality; despite Devotional Verse: his life being occupied with bat

Tles yet he was fullI of

«Therefore David victory. Inguired again of God

And God said to him, In all the battle he fought, there you shall not go up was no record of where he
was afier them, circle armed defeated or fled from his enemy. Them in front of the God always grant
him victory mulberry trees” (V. 14) we can discover one of the

Secrets of David for victory. He does not just rely on his own wisdom or knowledge of war. He knew
God to be a master strategist. So he learn how to take instruction from him. We could see God
asking him to go the first time and later asking him to hold on. This is because God’s eye can see
your enemy’s camp. So He know how best to catch up with them.

As a person destined to overcome, you need to have this wis dom from now. God is interested to
instructing you on how to go about your ways, if you will ask Him. He can speak to you through
diverse means. But in most cases through your mind. God is a Spirit. He relates with us through our
spirit and our spirit relate with our mind to relate with the body. If you will allow God’s word to
dwell in you richly, then it will become easy for Him to take over you. And when He directs you can’t

“His direction will always bring your distinction”. 19

November 20


SCRIPTURE TO READ: I Samuel 17: 45 – 47 T here is need for us to

Understand that God juudge

Devolional Wertoe. Verse: the intent of the heart. The “This day the Lord will Bible says, “by Him
actions are deliver you into my weighed (I Samuel 2:3). Your hand and I will strike purpose of doing

Matters to God. This

You and take your head determines whether He will help from you. And this day you or not.
Anything you do to I will give the carcassesacclaim a self glory, don’t be of the camp of 1he surnrised
the end result will not philistine to the birds of he successful. God’s word says the air and the wild
my glory will I not share with beast of the earth, that another (Isaiah 42:8). Therefore all the earth
may know you must watch the purp0se of that there is a God in your stepor actions anytime and

Israel”. (V 46) everytime.

David knew this as one of the actions of joining the support of God for victory. So he told Goliath
that the whole world

Will know that there is a God in Israel.

In other words, he was standing that God may be exalted. He has automatically engaged God in this
battle. And when God is involved victory is inevitable. Si

Make sure everything you do is to glorify God. Both in prayer., in preaching the gospel, in giving, in
counselling, in assist ance, in going for an examination, interview or facing a panel and in facing life’s
challenges. And God will always give you victory that you may glorify Him.

“Your purpose determines the end point”. 20

November 21 DMA STAND ON


SCRIPTURE TO READ: B attles of life can sometime

I Chronicles 19: 10 – 15o look prevailing over us. It Devolional Worto.might even will look as if one is

Verse: failing despite all efforts.

Beof good courage Sometimes some people look at and let us be strong for their situation and
conclude that our people and for the they cannot survive it. They cities of our God. And conclude on
this because of what may the Lord do what they care see happening around is good in His sight”.
Them physically but forgetting (. 16) that situations and people’s
Comment are not good materials to judge the race of life

The event we read in God’s word today shows us the army of Israel in the battle front. Their
experiences have always been victories since God has always been with them. But now the battle
seems going tough against them. Yet they refused to give up. They encouraged themselves and they
stood on until they had their victory. Jedw itonxe gntob e d

You need to also learn this wisdom. Learn to be courageous, Don’t, be discouraged easily because of
situation and people’s comments. If you can only stand on, you will become victorious. Throw away
the pains of past failures. Re-orgnise yourself to relaunch against the enemy. Your

Yesterday’s failure is a proof that you

You can succeed. Also,

Failure is a proof that you can succeed tomorrow. Don’t give up. God is on your side. If you are weak
physically God is not, spiritually accept His strength and stand on to victory.

“You are only defeated when you give up.” 21


November 22 Wednesday

SCRIPTURE TO READ: ne can be a partaker of the Romans 4: 16- 18 blessings of a army city
Devotional Verse: when he can speak their “As it is written, I have language. That is, .when you can

Made you a father of communicate effectively. Many nations in the This is becauserelationship has
presence of him whom its strength buried in communi- he believed God, who cation. Lack of
effective gives life to the earth communication can also affect and calls those thngs the success of
any relationship. That which do not exist This same principle rules in the as though they did”. Realm
of the spirit. So, for us to (V 1) have greater benefit of the kingdom of God we have to know how to
communicate i

The language of faith. This language is unlike the one we are used to. Many of us are used to seeing
is believing; but God’s

Word says, the just shall live by faith” (Roman 1:12). This is doing exactly what we read about God
today “Calling those things things which do not exist as though they did”. This is pronouncing God’s
promise upon your life. This is the power of creation.

At creation God said let there be light. Though, there has never been light before and there was
light immediately. So. You need to begin to pronounce God’s word to your life novw. That’s your
new language. Stop speaking the language and your life shall experience them.

“Command is by faith and not by feeling in God’s kingdom”

November 2330N LIVINGBY



Psalms 23 :1-6 Y ou need to understand that Devotional Verse: whatever is written in the

Word of God; ifyou can believe

“Surely goodness and in your heart and you expect it. Mercy shall follow me that will always be your
lot. We all the days of my life. All need to know that we are and I will dwell in the slaves to our
thoughts. The way ouse of the Lord you are thinking is the way you forever “. (V. 6) will behave and
the way you behave is the way your destiny

Will be shapen. We need to learn the principles of conducting of our lives and situations based on
the word of God. O

David a man of war was of sharing one of the secret of his Victory with us in the scripture we read
today. That, he may pass through the valley of the shadow of death. He said. He is not afraid
because God was with him. He concluded that his end will be glorious.

Since. God thought me this principle 1 have been operating in it. If you are travelling instead of
being afraid since God’s word said he will keep you in your going out and coming in. Then concluded
and see it in your mind that you are back home safely. If you want to sleep. Remember his word that
says He that watches over us neither sleep nor slumber. Then see yourself awake and singing praises
the next morning. Are you going for any examination and see the result as wonderful. Are you going
for a business conclude and see the success. Are you faced with challenges conclude and begin to
see yourself victorious.

“Whateyer the word says can be back upon. 23

November 24 Friday CONNSCIOUSNESS OF



II Kings 6: 12- 17 T here is need for us to Devolional Verse: become conscious of the Verse: value
God has place on us.

«So he answered, do being His children. A lot of not fear, for those who times when we are afraid
God is are with us are more Surprised and wonder whS of the things comfortable

Than those who are with

Them”. (V. 16) people seek to have is security. And God is more than comfortable. So as His

His children. He

Has put so many things n Place Tor our security hut .

Children of God are still afraid because of their ignorance. God said, “my people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Elisha the prophet of God was surrounded by great number of army
yet he was conscious of

Of the armies of

God around him. His servant was scared, so, he prayed that his eyes to be opened. I pray that your
eyes will be open from

Now to God’s security around you.

God’s word say, “he shall give his angels charge over you. To keep you in all your ways” (Psalm
91:11). It further savs “the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers
them” (Psalm 34:7). For those of us who – Zion, God’s word says,”.. you have come to mount zion
and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels”.
(Hebrew 12:22). Friend, Live the rest of your life in the consciousness of the host of God around you
wherever you go. Then you will find peace like a river.pollas iikhuil 02TA

“Your company is your strength”. 24

November 25 PULLING DOWN Sanurday

SCRIPTURE TO READ: STRONGHOLD I Corinthians 10 3 -6e here is a strong power God Devotional
Verse: has put in a man and that is “Casting our thought; which determines

Down argu- our life. It rules over our lite. Ments and every high God’s word says, for as a man thing
that exalts itself thinks in his heart so is he (ProV against the knowledge erbs 23:7). It is what we are
f God, bringing to the thinking in our mind (spiritually) Obedience of Christ”. That will eventually
happen in (V. 5) our practical life. And so, devil the enemy of God and man

Knows and take advantage of this weapon in our live. He carries in through our thought. He makes
us think negatively, and so become fearful and doubtful.

This has become a great problem in the life of some people. They find it difficult to believe the word
of God. It has made many negative in faith. Many people are afraid of the devil more than God.
Infact some people in their hearts see the devil stronger than God in one way or the other. This is
what the Bible refers to as stronghold. The power that can hold us back. And that these are wrong
thought. Note that evil and sinful thought are silent killer of destiny. Lie so

A victor only allow what God say to dominate his mind or thought. And when the wrong thought
comes, we pull it down by the word of God and by the blood of the lamb will purify our heart. No
matter your past experience with the devil., now you are a child of God. Don’t keep entertaining evil
thoughts. Let what God says rule your thought system. Learn to say no to say n0 to evil and sinful
thoughts. And you will surely


“n takes ruling over your thoughts to becomne a ruler”. 25

November 26 Sunday WATER OF LIFE SCRIPTURE TO EAD: T is true that the days of men

John 7: 37 – 39 are filled with challenges. But do you k


Deuotional Verse: God has also provide kno “On the tust day, that lul grace and strength for

2.One of fthem is what

Great day offeast, Jesus face them?.

Stood and cry out I call the water of 1 life “he saying if anyone thirsts, Holy Spirit Jesus wase

Making mistakes to present

Let him come to me and s to present the

Holy Spirit as the water of ie

Drink”. (V. 37) He was only symbolising Holy spirit by the way He works. That IS, as water h. He living
water that gives lite.1l we quickly look int”OWa

Characteristics ofwater. One of them is drinking. We drink it to quench our thirst. And Jesus said we
can drink of this water of life so that rivers of living water may flow flow out of us. Friend, do you
know that Jesus was introducing the souce ofgreat power to us here? That when we drink out of the

Rivers of water can flow out of us?

That when we are to face a battle of life and we Jook not for a corner and drink and you will

Strong enough; just look for

Be strong, confident and bold. And what will come out of you will be powerful. This is the secret of
Peter’s boldness on the day of Pentecost and the lifestyle of the

Disciples Act 4:31,ssoWe D The water is the Holy spirit. Drinking it is

Git is praying in the spirit

Or tongue, Are you to face any examination, interview or you are to face a panel then look for a
corner and first drink of the

Water, then you will be surprise of the result v performance. It is our weapon of victory.

“Taking of the water of life is partaking of divinity”. 26

November 27 SCRIPTURE


SCRIPTURE TO READ: TO PICTURE Genesis 15 : 1- 6 victor does not 1 by Devotional Verse: Aletters
alone but bý the

Power in the word of God. Our

“The he brough him mind is so strong and powertul outside and said, “look because God has
packaged great nOw toward heaven, and glorious things into it. Just and count the stars if like the
maker of computer has you are able to number number so many packages into it. One them”. (V 5)lo
of it is that your mind is made to imagin,e turning ideas or mes

Sages into image.auo

You will agree with me that sometimes ago the world was not as developed in infrastructures,
electronics technology. Automobile, telecommunication as it is today. This develop ment is possible
because of the power of imagination and this things are ideas turned pictures in the mind of people.
May I say to you that this is powerful because power is drawn from God’s word., God was simplv
teaching Abraham to use this strength. Make him have a picture of God’s promise. Whatever you
tun to picture in your mind, become a desire

And can be delivered.o 2ol oi bs 9d of 2u osat eUsL DfwodieM)i bat sa

Learn this wisdom from now. Learn to turn God’s promise to picture and since you can see it, you
can receive it. (Genesis 1l:6) When your mind see any picture it register in a strong and lasting way.
And this goes ahead to affect your way of thinking which in turns affects your way of living. Notice
that what a man see regularly will begin to have a reflection on drive his life. See what God is say ing
and you shall even tually have it. He said you are a victor, a success, strong, healed, blessed and
secured. So, see it and receive it.

Aas aIfyou can see it, you can receive it”.so S 27

November 28 Tuesday NO MORE WERPING


SCRIPTURE TO READ: any people do not know Daniel 3: 14 – 25 that advancement nd 1erse:
SuccesSS are all products of risk

Devotional But most men rather (wanl to play

“If it be so our God it safe in life. They don’t

Whom we serve is able that those who always likeio play


To deliver us fromn the it safe will continue to

Honouring fiery Jur-O Circumstances. Of Slave

Nace and if he will we do this because we think we deliver us out of thine love our selves.
Sometimes it is hand, 0 king. But if because we think we are Wise or

Not.. “ (. 17-18) KJV smart in our oWn eyes. But all of these will not make any one a victor. You
needto be

Three Hebrew boys took a big risk and

Ready to take risk. The three

That resulted to their glorification, at last (v. 30). Other

Reasons why we don’t want to take risk is that we

We are afraid of

Death. I need to let you know that if you are not

You cannot see life.

God’s word says, death is the way to life. (Matthew 1625). Jesus teaches us to be ready to lose our
lives and it is then we

Can find it (Matthew 10:39).

Be ready to die rather than doubting or disobeying God’ I’s word. Stop living in fear. Get out of
those comfort zones. Make the

Word of God the bases of your risk taking.

“The race of success and victory in life, is all about risk 28

November 29

WedaesdıySFORCEFULLY SCRIPTURE TO READ: ne powerful thing about Matthew ll:11-13 bos o the
kingdom of God is that it jis dynamic. This is

Devolional Verse: because God has been doing “From the days of John great things in fulfilling His
the Baptist until now, purpose, That is why we can see the kingdom of heaven So many changes
comíng in to

The church The moment any

Has been forecefully group of people grow could, the Holy spirit raises another. This advancing and
forceful Is to fulfil the word of Jesus that men lay hold of i says the gate of hell shall not (VI) NIV
prevail against the Church.0

Because of the dynamism of the Holy spirit the devil too is really advancing to destroy lives. That is
the reasons for so much coldness in the lives of some Christians. So many don’tot want to be
committed to God. Many people keep the Church as a social gathering. They come late to the Church
and leave early. The devil robs their mind with material things. They commit so much atrocity in the
Church. Some keep coming but they never leave their wicked ways. The devil possess some to cause
disunity in the Church. All ofthis are tricks of the advancement of the kingdom of darkness (II
Timothy 3: 1- 17).

You therefore need to take your stand. The Church is not a place for show. It is a gathering at the
feet of Jesus to learn, be strong, overcome and become citizens of heaven. Rise upz om
lookwarmness to the things of God. Walk in His will;1g obey His word.o tetl a’ bof) o 98 UOY aeri
3sco slóUt
Refuse to turn back from Jesus. Endure to the end. Force your way through God. It will never be
easy but don’t give up because of situations. Then your life will begin to reflect God’s


“When yoOu refuse to bow for te god of situaions, it will bow to your God: 29 E

November 30 NEVER BE PROUD


SCRIPTURE TO READ: P ride is a sign of selfishness.

James 4:1- 10 ego and foolish thought. It Devotional is a sign of unbrokenness and Verse:rebellion,
Pride is simply the dis

“But He gives more play of emptiness. It is only a grace therefore He man who has nothing that is

Says, God resisis the tries to prove that he 1s proud, but given more something. Pride is simplya sign
grace to the humble” of proving that you don’t need (V.6) God or that you are mnore than

God. God treats the proud in a terrible way. No proud person ca

Win in the race of life. Eventually he is going to destroy him self. The moment a man is proud, God
will remove his grace from his life. Watch him, falling is ołose to him. Because it takes the grace of
God for us to be victorious over the devil in this world.

God’s word says, whoever exalts himselfshall be above. That means he shall be made to fall. When
you humble yourself it makes you enjoy more of His grace. You also know that you perform better
when you are humble.

No one can stand to over come the devil without the backing of God. If you therefore, desire to be
an overcome you can not stand to be proud. Submit yourselfto God, then, you have grace to stand
against the enemy and overcome. If you can humble yourself then you are on God’s list of the lifted
Wherever you are today and whatever you have today is small compare to your future in God.
Humble yourself that your future will not be destroyed.

“There is no linit to the listing of the humble”.


December 1 Friday GRACE TO COMPLETE

SCRIPTURE TO READ: he enemy don’t in most Psals 121 : l – 8 cases hinder people from Devotional
Verse: starting something good. But

He will want to wait at the end.

“Behold, he that So as to disallow them from keepeth Israel shall enjoying the grace of neith er
slumber nor completion. This is the reason sleep”. (V.4) KJy the enemy is so much after the

Life of many people when the year is coming to an end.

But as or you, the word of God says. He that has started a good work in you shall complete it. So you
are sure that you are going to see the end of this year peacefılly.

Not only just to see the year and end it any how but there are still somne miracles hanging that shall
still be deliver to you. So you are going to see the end of the year full of joy and testimonies,
promotion, blessings and increase of glory. Don’tT give into fear. Whatever the enemy is saying does
not matter.O) What God says is the most important. He said you shall liveri to declare His works

The few weeks left carry the greatest of all testimonies for you. God’s grace to complete is upon
you. And you shall celebrate. Happy new year in advance.

“He that started with you is able to bring you to the end”. 31



SCRIPTURE, TO READ: ndecision is one of the Luke 9 :57-62 characteristics of failure. It

Devotional Verse: can result to double defeat. So a

Single focus is important for

“But Jesus said to him. Anvone that will succeed. Every No one, having put one that will enjoy the
kingdom hand to the plow, and grace must be determined to looking back, is fit for follows, not
withstanding. Most

The kingdom of God” people that are found in the (K 62). 3holChurches today have not really come
to a point of conclusion

Whether to follow or not to follow the Lord. Many are only attracted by bread and cake. Such
pcople want to follow Hm only when He is good to them. They will love Him as much as it is rosy and
the going is well. One of their legs are inside and the other outside. Any little thing could make them
turn back from following Him.

Though there is no time that God is not good to us. But yet God is always interested in building and
training us for the challenges of the future. Most of such times look odd to us. And it looks as if God
have deserted us. No matter how we see Him, He is always Good. There are just two basic
experiences in life: peace and trouble and God is the giver of peace. You are to decide what to enjoy.
Ifyou are going to be a victor in the strength of God then you have got to take the decision to follow
Him notwvithstanding. Storms will come, wind will blow, but never allow your faith to be shaken.
Don’t forget He is always with you (Isaiah 43:2, Roman 8:3). And that is why no situation can swallow
you. Make the decision today and God will uphold you by His right hand.

Bn”God does not recognise the lukewvarm”. Ndi st


L ar

Br th So

T C sh th sh
B to ea is 9

November 3

Hieday FELLOWSHIP SCRIPTURE TO READI M ost people nlways want to

Hebrews 10:19.28 have one excuse or the other to absent themsclves fron

Devotional Vese.the fellownhip of children of “Not forsaking the God, Some prefer to be watch
aSsembling of oursehves Ing T:V proprummes rather than together as in the benu in o service. Some
casily manner of some but stay nt hone because they hnve

Riend came to visit them on a

Exhorting one another Sunday moming, Most of the so callcd Christians don’t attend and so much
the more fellowship during the weck for as you see the day one flimsyreason or the other.
Upproaching”. (V: 25) They have underrated the

Services. So they become Sunday, Sunday Christians. Litle did they know (hat it is the trick of the
devil to attract and to start ruling over them. Any time a lion is pursuing a group of animals in the
bush, the moment one of them branches turns to another side, it leaves the rest and pursue that
one. The lion know that since it is alone. The animal will

Soon be tired and be easy to catch.

This is the trick that the enemy is using for unserious Christians. Who look for excuses to stay away
from fellow ship. The world fellowship is from two words fellow-sheeps” that is group of sheep. We
are sheep of Christ. The moment sheep separates itself from the flocks, it could be harmed. It open’s
itself to the attack of the devil, ole But there is power in fellowship. There is power in running
together. You will find it difficult to get tired or be wearied easily. And together our battle can be
easily won. In isolation, man may fall and may be difficult rising (Eccl. 4: 9-10). It is in fellowship
God’s power is stronger. Be wise you will not fall.

“It is in togetherness we are made strong”. 33

December 4 Monday WONDERFUL ,SUPPLY SCRIPTURE TO READ: n seasons like this, many
Philippians 4: 18 – 20 Lpeople are faced | with quite a Devotional Verse: number ofneeds, that they
want to meet. And so many

“But my God shall responsibility will even be

According to His rich sup-ply all your needs pushed to the end of the year.

Est in glory by Christ if

As 1f more currency will

Jesus” (V. 19) KJJV specially be printed for them at this time. And so responsibilities would have
mounted up above their capacity.
Probably, you also find yourself in this situation. And vo family’s extended responsibilities have
accumulated and is causing fear and tension in your heart.

I have this good news for you; God said, He shall supply all your needs. Not some, but all. Don’t
allow fear to develon any tension in your system. The Bible says by anxiety nothing can be added to
your life but will rather subtract (Matthew6:27).

Please, cast all your needs upon God. Tell it to Him. And take His peace and joy. Since you have
handed it over to Him begin to prophesy the supplies of those needs in Jesus name.

You will be surprise that all the need shall be met. And God shall be glorify. Expect to have surplus at
the end ofthis year. And you shall start the new year in abundance.

“The strength of God of supplies is without limit”:


December 5 8AWISDOM


SCRIPTURE TO READ: M ost problems people find

Proverbs 24 :3- 10 themselves in today

Would have been avoided if

Devotional Vese:wisdom has been embraced. “For by wise counsel Wisdom is what God has given
thou shall make thy to man by which he may live a war. And in multitude sweatless life.Do you know
that of counsellors there is there is no problem or situation safety”. (V.6) KJV that cannot be solved
by wisdom Every mountain can be made low, by simply applying wisdom. As dangerous as a lion can
be, man by wisdom do tamed it to live with and obey him. Therefore, whatever you

Are facing can be solved by wisdom.

Meanwhile, for you to enter into the realm of wisdom for the needed solution, the first thing you
need to gain access to knowledge of God. This makes you get promoted to the class of the strong
(Daniel 11:32, Proverbs 24:5).e akga Don’t assume to have known all things always but seek for

Counsel (Prov. 15:22). This will make you secure and prevent you from falling.

These virtues will help you to take good decision always (Ecc. 10:10). And it will help you to be
watchful in all your ways (Proverbs 14: 8). Not using your mouth any how (Prov. 17:27-28). But use it
right for your own profit. Proverbs 10:11,31. Then you will face all life’s battles and situation and
overcome without stress.

“Life can be sweet and sweatless, if onhy you will live with wisdom”: 35

December 6
Wedneschy2PRESSINC ost people of this


Isaiah 4l: 10- 14 oeneration want every good things in a cheap and free

Devotional Vese: way. Cheap healing, “When she heard of breakthroughs, blessing. Jesus come in
the press promotion without paying the behind and touched his price for it. It

Garment”. (V 27) KJV we realise that this is a foolish game in life. There is a price to paid for any
blessing or success that will last in your hand (Matthew 11l:12).

We need to understand that God is a God of icovenant. And in attaining success in life we’ve got to
learn to press untill we sail are through. That is operating in the wisdom of persistency with a strong

The woman we read about today noticed that Jesus was around. She took her faith in God and the
Bible says she never gave up. In other word, there were hindrances but she kept

Pressing untill she got her miracle.

Every one that will overcome must be ready to press (Philippians 3:12-16). To press means to be
determined focused and persistent in your pursuit with God. There will always be one hindrances on
the other. But victors cannot be hindered. They’ll rather hinder the hindrances. They match over it,
and look away from it. Doyt Friends, victory is not for weak and lazy people but only for the strong
You better assure yourself regularly “1 cannot be defeated, I will press on till heaven releases my
blessing. It’s your turn.

“Heavens ahways release blesings, but for onty people that can press” 36



SCRIPTURE TO READ: t is often said that strength is Exodus 3:7-8 not in its demonstration, but in the
ability to control it.

Devotional Verse: strength. Our lesh always want «The Lord forbid that I to do things excessively.

Especially things we seem to

Shall stretch out my enjoy doing. But we just have to

Hand against the Lords learn the wisdom of self control, It is often said that too much of

Anointed. But please.

Take now the spear and everything is bad. Much more the jug of water that are than these are some
wrong and by his head and let us sinful things that the devil will go “. ( I1) always bring to our ways

Temptation. It takes self control

To get out of such. Anytime he brings such temptation and we are able to overcome it, we are
promoted God (James 1:12). But the requirement to sail through is self control. According to the
scripture, we read today, Saul, who was seeking to kill David, slept and David was there right beside
him far asleep. One would have expected David to strike him to death. Even one of his servant that
was with him begged for permission to do that. But David, having understood that Vegeance belongs
to God and that avenging on our enemies could become sin and hinder us from enjoying God’s
blessing, had to control himself.

This and many other acts of self control made David a man of honour before God. You also need to
do the same if you are going to win at last. Put your body. Your tongue, your eyes, your hands, and
your legs under control. So that you will lose God’s support. Let God fight for you. No matter what,
give Vegeance to God, so that you will not destroy yourself.

“II is either you are self control or you are self destroyed’”.

T l 37

December 8 Friday TEST OF THE SPIRIT SCRIPTURE TO READ: T he most important

An army when in the batle hiing Io

1 John 4:1-6 field is an adequate information.

Devotional Verse: If such army lost contactthen he do not Can fall into the hand of the

“Belo ved, enemy anytime. T Il is possible for believe every spirit, but such a solder to his direction
t0 completely lose

Test the spirit whether

They are of God; ... But then there is always a need (K) to be able t to identity the genity

And the source of information. Else he might

Especially the children of God

Confusion. So man’s mind. Run into

Often open to s0 many information. They come from different areas. It could be from people, from
your body. Your mind, devil or from God. You will realise that sometimes

You speak to yourself.

That is why a child of God must be careful and: confirm the authority of the information. Don’t just
yield to d to any information in your mind. Bear in mind that your body will always speak lots of
fleshly pleasurable and contrary

Things to God’s will. Devil, many times, through our mind gives information to let us see no need for
God in our life. So

You must learn to test all spirit.

Listen God’s spirit will not speak contrary to God’s word () ) God’s spirit will not bring confusion (1
Corin. 14:33)
Anytime you are confused be patient and don’t not take any God’s voice does not bring fear (1
Timo. 1:7). God’s spirit will not tell you to disobey a disregard God’s will. Leam always test the spirit
and the information in your mind, Get used to God’s word. Then the enemy will not be able to
deceive you.

“Sensitively is the twin law of safety’”. 38

December 9

sturdayNOT SELFISH sCRIPTURE TO READ: T: le, life is all

No some p

I Samuel 30 :21-26 about what they will

Devotional Vese. Acquire for themselves alone.

They have no plan for other peo

For who will heedyou ple. All that concern them is in this matter? But as theirs. And thcir families.

Is the reason for the falling of

His part is who goes many nations today. Some down to the battle, so employer could even afford
to shall his part be who be travelling from country to stays by the supplies: country yet their workers
are not they shall share alike» cared for. I heard ofa man that (V. 24) will not even bother to provide

For his family’s need all because

He is saving to buy a car. Someone told me of a man who would neither bother about his family’s
needs nor the educa tion and welfare but he is just building houses all over the places. This is
completely a sign of immaturity, foolishness and selfishness.

Someone said, it is the children you refused to train (build) that will dispose the house you have
built. The successful will never be selfish, because they know that God has helped them to help
others. It may be the people you are caring for today that will care for you tomorrow. If we think
that its our labour that is bringing us blessings, then we need to see people who are doing much
more and getting less from their jabour. Wisdom demands that we should pray for others, bless
someone and help someone daily.

In the scripture we read today, David refused to be selfish and this established his kingdom the
more. If you also want to be established and secured, take care of your family, rela tions and your
employees. Don’t be selfish. Then your life shall be established from generation to generation.irk o
“Selfishness is a killer of future favour.” 39

December 10 Sunday SACRIFICE SCRIPTURE TO READ: A man may never Start to II Samuel 8:1-11
enter into God’s great

Blessing until he
He begins to give

Devotional Verse: to God sacrificiallv “King David also giving are givings irom even

Dedicated these to the what is not convenient. This is a Lord, along with silver that challenges was
God to bless man; when he gives

And gold that he was the

Dedicated from all the sacrificially. Therefore, there is nations which he had a great price for a great

Subdued.” (. 1)ys t

We all know how David was greatly blessed, according to the scriptures today we could discover the
secret of his blessing. When he went to war, what was supposed to have come in for himn as income
he sacrificially gave to the house of God. You will understand that this is truely a sacrificed giving. No
wonder God blessed him. And he was able be

Leave great inheritance for Solomon his son

If you are aiming to get blessed in life, you better take a queue from David. I am not talking in life,
you better take a

Que. I am not talking about bulding houses and buyinga cars nOW, but a blessing that generations
to come will keep enioving. Such can only come through sacrificial giving: this is quality giving. God is
aiming to raise great multi-million aires and billionares in the Church today that will sponsor the
work of the Kingdom. Obatk eit boteilde b

You can choose to be one ofthem by giving sacrificially. And

You will be blessed. O ngistufy noi adaldstee ede

“Abundant only answer to sacrificial giving”. 40

December 11 GOD OF FAVOUR Monday

Proverb 3:1- 4 SCRIPTURE TO READ: od is a rewarder of those

who diligently seek Him.

Devotional Verse. And one of the ways through

which He rewards Hís own is by

"And so find favour granting them favour. Favour is and high esteem in the simply receiving a help
that you sight of God and men". do not deserve. Enjoying lifting

above your qualification.

(. 4) Making you have access to unmerited blessings. When God

favours a man, people will think he has gone to acquire wealth provoking charm. This is simply
because he may not be working as much as he is earning. So other people who are on the side of
struggling and sweating conclude that this is nothing but money - charm. But unknown to them that
it has been God's favour.
Each one God has lifted in one way or the other knows that they are never qualified but for this
favour. Abraham was from idolatry family and hís calling was by favour. Jacob was a supplanter - a
dupe, but God's favour qualifies him. Joseph an unlearned was a slave boy but was lifted by the way
of favour. Moses was a murder and yet was called because of favour. David was the least in his
family but favour made him the greatest. Solomon was born out of an adulterous relationship. How
about David who committed adultery and tried to covet the sin, but favour, made him the beloved of
God. Favour brings lifting of all kinds. That is from a low realm to a higher realm of life.

Friend, God is till in the business of favouring people, you may lack help or people but just keep
working in wisdom of God. Obeying his words (Matthew 7:24-29). Put your trust and hope in Him.
Serve him diligently. Live a mercy-full life and do not join the wicked. Keep to the truth. Then you are
a candidate of God's favour (Psalms 5:13). Before this year end, you will be favoured, and will
enjoyed God's lifing.

"Promotion comes throufg labour but favour brings lifting 41



SCRIPTURE TO READ: E very man love to be

I Timothy 5:17-18 honoured but the truth is that it is not bought with money.

Devotional Verse: it is rather given by God. The “Let the Elders who man who is trying to buy rule
well be counted honour with money will soon worthy of double all when God honours a man honour
especially those his reproach will disappear, he who labour in the word ill become a dignitary that
can and doctrine. (V ) not but be dignified, He will

Become respectable among the


Since honour is a blessing from God, it is therefore attrached to a covenant walk. If you want God to
honour you then you must begging to work in the fear of God. He will only hon our a humble man
(Prov. 1:33, 18:12).

Humility will not only make you honourable but will help you retain it for life (Prov. 29:23). Our
scripture today introduces us to a higher dimension ofhonour that is double honour”. This comes by
honouring and serving the Lord. God’s word says I will honour them that honour me” (1 Sam. 2:30).
If you desire double honour then you need to increase your devotion and service to God.

There are people who can be referred to as men of double honour. People like David who as a King
yet served the Lord with both his talent and his gifts.

In this season of honour devote your service to God serve Him with all your heart, also be faithful to
men then you will become honourable in your office, home, nation and the Church of God.

“I see you become honourable”.

Deeember L Friay OH STEP OUT sCRIPIURE TO READod has ot ereated man for

He furn of k but for se thing definite. We were pot

Baaalienal Verst: created to waste but Created

4nd he arose and fulfil God’s purpose on the earth his father but He has decided not to complete

When he was sill a the work of creation without us erear way off his father (Heb, 1140) He has made
us kim and have instruments to put finisbing compassion and ran touches to the works of creation
and fell on his neck and and to be able to achieve this, he kissed him “. (V9. 20) has packaged great
pofentials in

The inside of each of us

He only just released idea to our mind and expects us to step to cxeCute them. The prodigal son
come to his senses and ideas started I coming into his mind on how his probiem can be solved. Then
he took steps of faith and the end result was no

Doubt a Success

Coend, all that God will be relcasing to you are ideas they will Fniend,

Be entering your mind in their countless number you necd io understand that on the throne of life
they are not yours, they sre from God. Most people allow these ideas given them to die s the
juncture of wishing but God expects you to step out Stop the wishing. There are so many wonderful
road that looks very rough but a soon as yo step out you will discovers greater ways therein.
Somcone said”we may not be abie to measure the potentials in us until we begin to use them”You
can count be secd in an apple but you cannot count the apples in a seed Listen God will not do that
for you. This is your responsibi ity as soon as you step out God also will step out with you and the
end shall be “testimonies Most great road look closed

From the beginning but opens up afterwards.

“Until you step out, God may not step in”.


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