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December 16, 2023

Greenbank Lion’s Club Complimentary Holiday Breakfast (all community members


We will serve breakfast between 8:30 – 11:00 or 8?

Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries (Jeff M), pancakes and toast! Juice,
coffee/tea and water for drinks. Champagne and baileys ??? Chafing dishes and
roasters can be used to keep food hot. We can try to use compostable plates and
cutlery if possible
We can have a compost bucket available for food waste and plates/cutlery.

Decorate both floors of the hall. Holiday coloured tablecloths for all the tables.
Christmas music both floors. Fun, cheerful vibe.

We can collect foodbank items as well as have a donation jar for people to put money in
that we could use to support locals who may need a little extra over the holidays

Santa will be joining us (Craig kindly secured him for us ) We can set up an area
upstairs where kids can see him and have their picture taken (if he is ok with that) If
there is loads of kids waiting, we can have a number system. Elves to help keep things
organized and flowing. Activity tables for kids – stickers/playdoh/face-painting/colouring,
story-telling section etc. we can borrow church supplies if needed. Elves at each
table/station and they can rotate if needed.

Treat bags for all the kids – we will look into what to add!

Extra tables upstairs for people to eat/sit incase basement is full.

We will try to ask for email registration but advise that people are more than welcome to
drop in too!

If there are any folks that cannot make it out due to health or mobility issues but would
like breakfast, we are happy to deliver! They can just let us know and we will arrange

Have some decorations outside? Wagon ride through the village? Old tractor outside?

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