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“Si Pagong at matsing” is a Philippine fable

that tells the story of two friends, a turtle

named Pagong and a monkey named Matsing. The
story was popularized by Jose Rizal, who made
a publication of the story.

The two are close pals, Pagong at Matsing.

A banana tree was visible to them one day as
they were strolling through the jungle. To
divide the tree, the two companions made the
decision. Pagong consented after Matsing look
the upper portion of the tree to eat the banana
that was growing on it. Matsing, however,
consumed all the fruit off the tree once he
reached its peak. Pagong had no remaining
supplies. Matsing remained in the tree’s
uppermost branch and dozed off in deep
satisfaction. Realizing that Matsing had
deceived him, Pagong became furious. In an
effort to get even, he surrounded the tree with
thorns. Matsing yelled as he climbed down and
was spoken by thorns.
My opinion is that the tale of Si Pagong at
Matsing is a fantastic fairytale that instructs
us on the effects of greed and dishonesty. Due
to his avarice, Matsing tricked Pagong, which
finally resulted his demise. Pagong on the
other hand, was benevolent and assisted Matsing
even though he was a stronger climber. This
demonstrates the value of being considerate and
helpful to others. The parable also imparts to
us the importance of perseverance and hard
effort. Because Pagong looked after his tree
and did not rush to gather the bananas, it grew
more quickly than Matsing. Si pagong at Si
Matsing is an all-ages timeless fable that
important life lesson.

“Si Pagong at Matsing” is an excellent book

for young children that teaches important lesson
about perseverance, determination, and humility.
The story is simple but effective, with well-
developed characters and engaging illustration.
While it may be too simplistic for older
readers, we highly recommend this book for young
children who are just beginning to learn about
these important values.

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