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*** WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro ***

2020.12.09 - version 1.10.0

* Misc - Add compatibility for WooCommerce 4.7
* Misc - Require PHP 7.0 or newer

2020.11.24 - version 1.9.3

* Misc - Add PHP 8 support

2020.11.12 - version 1.9.2

* Fix - Ensure New Account email "Additional Content" gets displayed

2020.09.30 - version 1.9.1

* Misc - Remove the SkyVerge help menu item as part of the plugin assets

2020.08.24 - version 1.9.0

* Misc - Add SkyVerge help menu for support on connected sites

2020.07.07 - version 1.8.14

* Fix - Fix JavaScript error when jQuery is loaded in the footer or not loaded in
the page

2020.06.18 - version 1.8.13

* Fix - Prevent activated subscription event from being tracked twice

2020.06.16 - version 1.8.12

* Fix - Ensure variation details are sent when tracking variable subscription
product events
* Fix - Address an exception that may occur in PHP 7.4

2020.05.05 - version 1.8.11

* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 4.1
* Dev - Introduce filter to disable the script that checks for duplicate tracking

2020.03.26 - version 1.8.10

* Dev - Make script tag attributes filterable

2020.03.10 - version 1.8.9

* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 4.0

2020.01.08 - version 1.8.8

* Fix - Fix an issue preventing Subscriptions renewal orders from being tracked

2020.01.02 - version 1.8.7

* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.9

2019.11.12 - version 1.8.6

* Tweak - Show an admin notice when the plugin detects that another plugin is
sending duplicate events to Google Analytics
* Fix - Remove all tracking code added by the plugin if the Enable Google
Analytics tracking setting is not checked

2019.11.05 - version 1.8.5

* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.8

2019.10.15 - version 1.8.4

* Fix - Prevent orders placed before installing Google Analytics Pro from being
tracked as completed
2019.09.24 - version 1.8.3
* Fix - Prevent deprecation notice with WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.6+

2019.09.18 - version 1.8.2

* Fix - Address a conflict with plugins defining custom WooCommerce emails

2019.08.29 - version 1.8.1

* Tweak - Add tracking image to email additional content, instead of after the
html closing tag

2019.08.12 - version 1.8.0

* Tweak - Send the user ID rather than the user login for signed in events
* Fix - Make sure the signed out event is shown under the My Account category
rather than the general category
* Fix - Address a PHP warning that may be thrown in some circumstances when
MonsterInsights is active
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.7
* Misc - Remove support for WooCommerce 2.6

2019.04.03 - version 1.7.1

* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.6

2019.03.20 - version 1.7.0

* Fix - Ensure custom translation files are correctly loaded when the plugin
* Misc - Replace the Google API client library with a lightweight internal API
* Misc - Remove Guzzle dependency
* Localization - Add Italian translation

2019.02.12 - version 1.6.6

* Misc - Update Guzzle to v6
* Misc - Require PHP 5.6+

2019.01.22 - version 1.6.5

* Tweak - Send the document host name parameter in measurement protocol API
* Fix - Harden code that may have produced a PHP error when a product can't be
determined for ecommerce data JavaScript output
* Fix - Prevent a PHP error from happening while refreshing the access token in
case of remote server errors

2018.10.17 - version 1.6.4

* Fix - Only track orders with a paid order status on the completed_purchase event
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.5

2018.09.05 - version 1.6.3

* Fix - Fix an issue preventing some Subscriptions events from being reported
* Fix - Fix debug mode detection

2018.08.22 - version 1.6.2

* Tweak - Only load the Google API Client library on the integration admin page
* Fix - Fix an issue which caused the tracking code to be duplicated

2018.08.16 - version 1.6.1

* Fix - Make sure Subscriptions event names settings are displayed in the Google
Analytics Pro admin settings page
* Fix - Ensure the "completed purchase" event is tracked when payment is recorded
* Dev - Pass a product argument in `wc_google_analytics_pro_product_details_data`
and `wc_google_analytics_pro_product_impression_data` filters

2018.07.25 - version 1.6.0

* Misc - Drop support for PHP 5.2: PHP 5.4 is now the minimum required version
* Misc - Update Google API client library to v2.2.2
* Misc - Update the SkyVerge Plugin Framework to v5.2.0

2018.07.04 - version 1.5.2

* Tweak - Subscription renewals will now send their event value in cents by
* Fix - Set a client identity on Subscriptions created before Google Analytics Pro
was activated so they can be correctly tracked when renewed
* Fix - Ensure Subscriptions events exist in settings before attempting to track
them to avoid PHP errors
* Fix - Ensure orders processed with the Cash on Delivery gateway are fully
* Dev - Add a filter to toggle whether to use cents or dollars in completed
purchase, refunds or renewed subscriptions events value

2018.05.23 - version 1.5.1

* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.4
* Dev - Introduce filter to remove the Google Analytics tracking code

2018.03.14 - version 1.5.0

* Feature - Add integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions
* Feature - Add support for Google Optimize

2018.02.14 - version 1.4.1

* Tweak - Improve detection of Google Analytics by MonsterInsights
* Tweak - Improve UUID generation technique
* Tweak - Report transactions held by Paypal after payment capture
* Tweak - Set non-interaction flag for subscription order renewal events
* Fix - Correctly set non-interaction flag on measurement protocol events
* Fix - Prevent duplicate payment method events from firing during checkout
* Fix - Strip HTML tags from payment gateway titles

2018.01.26 - version 1.4.0

* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.3
* Misc - Remove support for WooCommerce 2.5

2017.12.12 - version 1.3.6

* Tweak - Ensure "completed purchase" event is tracked even if Google Analytics
Client ID cannot be determined at checkout

2017.08.01 - version 1.3.5

* Tweak - Ensure orders placed by customers are tracked even when manually set as
paid by admins
* Fix - Ensure a tracking ID is set before outputting tracking scripts
* Dev - Fire an action after tracking code is set up
* Dev - Tracker options are now filterable
* Misc - Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework

2017.05.23 - version 1.3.4

* Fix - Update tracking snippet to always load analytics.js over HTTPS
* Fix - Ensure BACS and Cheque orders are being tracked

2017.05.02 - version 1.3.3

* Fix - Simplify order payment tracking and ensure COD orders are tracked
* Fix - Ensure refunds are properly tracked

2017.04.24 - version 1.3.2

* Fix - PHP notices if events are inactive
* Fix - Update remaining pre-WooCommerce 3.0 incompatibilities for order tracking

2017.04.21 - version 1.3.1

* Fix - Ensure tracking when a customer provides a billing email on checkout is
backwards compatible with WooCommerce versions earlier than v3.0

2017.04.18 - version 1.3.0

* Feature - Adds checkout options to most Checkout Behavior steps for additional
data tracking
* Feature - Improve full site tracking to remove the need for a general tracking
Google Analytics plugin
* Tweak - Improved Checkout Behavior funnel support
* Fix - Ensure "estimate shipping" event is always tracked
* Fix - Show only GA property names instead of all views when connecting to a GA
* Fix - Ensure variation SKUs are used for add to cart events rather than parent
* Dev - Custom event names will no longer be url encoded to respect spaces
* Dev - Global js function renamed to use `ga` instead of `__gaTracker`

2017.03.28 - version 1.2.0

* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 3.0
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.4

2017.02.07 - version 1.1.7

* Fix - Compatibility with MonsterInsights Pro 6.0.0

2017.01.24 - version 1.1.6

* Tweak - Add list values when tracking add-to-cart from archive pages
* Fix - Ensure transactions are not tracked more than once
* Fix - Include position data in product view actions
* Fix - Remove related/up-sell impression on single product pages for the main
product being viewed

2016.10.25 - version 1.1.5

* Tweak - Included a setting to enable/disable product impression tracking on
archive and/or single product pages
* Tweak - An empty "alt" attribute is now included with the tracking pixel image
added to emails
* Fix - The "connect to Google Analytics" notice now doesn't show if a manual
tracking ID is used
* Fix - Fix an "Uncaught exception" fatal error that may occur in rare instances
* Fix - Fix a fatal error that occurs when using the [product_page] shortcode

2016.07.27 - version 1.1.4

* Misc - WordPress 4.6 compatibility

2016.07.20 - version 1.1.3

* Fix - Ensure the "viewed homepage" event is tracked
* Fix - Fix an issue where some events were still being tracked as interaction
events, affecting bounces rates
* Fix - Avoid issues with tracking events through the Measurement Protocol on some
2016.07.07 - version 1.1.2
* Tweak - Set the cent value of an order's total as the event value of the
'completed purchase' and 'completed payment' events
* Fix - Avoid fatal errors when another plugin includes the Google Client API

2016.06.22 - version 1.1.1

* Tweak - Avoid most Quota Errors when loading the plugin's settings page
* Tweak - Make product impression parameters filterable to allow sites to bypass
the Google Analytics request limit
* Tweak - Tracking parameters are now filterable
* Fix - Product impressions are now triggered on the single product page for the
* Fix - Ensure the Checkout Behavior report is properly populated by utilizing
funnel steps correctly
* Fix - Ensure product categories are tracked in the correct format expected by
Google Analytics
* Fix - Avoid undefined index notices that could occur with some themes
* Fix - Ensure offsite gateways are not tracked as referrers by Google AdWords
* Fix - Better handling of errors thrown by the Google Analytics PHP client
* Fix - Use the item's total rather than the product's price when tracking
* Fix - Address deflated bounce rates by ensuring certain events are tracked as
non-interaction events

2016.06.02 - version 1.1.0

* Fix - Ensure orders using gateways like Cash on Delivery are tracked through
Enhanced eCommerce
* Misc - Added support for WooCommerce 2.6
* Misc - Removed support for WooCommerce 2.3

2016.05.18 - version 1.0.4

* Tweak - Trigger the "completed payment" event when an order is set to Processing
to add support for gateways that use non-standard order status flows such as the
Cash on Delivery gateway.
* Fix - Ensure events are tracked properly when the MonsterInsights plugin
(formerly Google Analytics by Yoast) is active

2016.03.30 - version 1.0.3

* Tweak - The Google Analytics global function name is now filterable via
* Fix - Send the product's SKU if available instead of the ID when tracking
product impressions and events
* Fix - Send the order number instead of the ID when tracking transactions and
* Fix - Properly escape JavaScript on product archive pages
* Fix - Ensure access to the Google Analytics account is refreshed automatically
* Fix - Ensure tracking JavaScript is printed in the correct order to avoid Google
Analytics errors

2016.02.17 - version 1.0.2

* Tweak - Use browser user agent for tracking events
* Fix - Fix JavaScript errors for product/category names that contain apostrophes

2016.02.02 - version 1.0.1

* Fix - Fix JavaScript errors that could occur when browsing the site as an admin

2016.01.26 - version 1.0.0

* Initial Release :)

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