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Malleus Draconia

“Well, well. It seems I haven't received an invitation yet again.”

Malleus Draconia is a third-year student and the dorm leader of Diasomnia. He
is a descendant of the fairies, and his magic power is among the strongest in the
world. He has a distinguished presence at Night Raven College, but his powerful
aura causes the other students to keep their distance.

Malleus is a considerably tall young man with pale skin. He has cool-black hair that’s
mostly cut mid-length, with long bangs and two longer sections of hair on his sides
that fall over his shoulders. He also has one small cowlick on the top of his head. The
bottom ends of his hair fade into a dark turquoise color. He has bright green eyes with
vertical-slit pupils and long eyelashes. His lips are a slightly darker color than his skin,
and he usually wears what appears to be subtle dark eyeshadow.
His most unique features are his pointed, elf-like ears, and long black horns on the top
of his head. His horns are covered in small ridges, and curve back in an s-shape. Sharp
fangs are shown when his mouth is open. He is often seen with a serious expression,
or a mysterious smile.

Malleus has been described by many students, even amongst the dorm leaders, to have a
powerful aura that wards away most people from approaching him. Additionally, he is also
considered one of the top 5 most powerful magicians in the world. This, combined with
Malleus's altered perception of time as a fae, has resulted in him being left out of most
invitations to ceremonies and events.
Malleus himself does not interact closely with other students beyond Lilia, Silver, and Sebek of
Diasomnia, who hail from his hometown. This has only resulted in his further isolation. Despite
enjoying time alone from his concerned and watchful attendants in exploring abandoned
buildings, Malleus shows signs of loneliness and a desire to connect normally with others. He is
also said to have a naïve and childish side to him, as he grew up isolated from the outside world
in Briar Valley. This naïvety is evident in the Al'ab Nariya event, as seen in the scenes when he
was in a car for the first time and when he was shopping in the bazaar.
Despite his naïvety, Malleus has the mindset of being more mature and knowledgeable than
those around him. He has commented on the MC's naïvety a few times, and he has once
commented that he was a generous fairy in the Fairy Gala event.
Malleus has grown exhausted of being feared by those around him and so takes pleasure in the
MC's obliviousness of his true identity. The bond between MC and Malleus progresses very
noticeably, as seen when he comments on how them being gone is an uncomfortable feeling to
him. This affection for MC is also evident in the Halloween event, when he decorates their dorm
for Halloween so they can have fun and be included in the festivities with everyone else.

Skills and Magic

• Athleticism: Malleus can run extremely fast runs fast to the point that he shows up
as a blur in photos.[2][3]
• Strength: Malleus has super human strength. He claimed that he is able to carve
rocks with his bare hands.[3] He cracked coconuts for the group with his bare hands
during the trip to the Scalding Sands.[citation needed]
• Fire breathing: Malleus has the ability to breathe fire since he was an infant.[3][4]
• Flying: Malleus has the ability to fly. Although it is unclear if he has wings or uses
magic for flight.[3]
• Magic Mastery: Because Malleus grew up around magic his whole life, he had a lot
of opportunity to practice to the point where he can use two different elements of
magic at once.[5] He also has a large amount of magic.[3] In Briar Valley, he is in
charge of lighting the fires in all the lanterns in the whole country.[6] However, he
says that his grandmother is much more powerful than he is.[7]
Unique Magic
Malleus' unique magic is called "Fae of Maleficence" ( 祝福 ; lit.
"Blessing"). Malleus can cast a forest of thorns and places everyone within to sleep.


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