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How to Become a
Powerful Femme Fatale

Learn to make all of your desires come true
effortlessly: Love, confidence, beauty, power and

© DFS - 2022
It is every girl’s dream and need
to be loved, adored and spoilt. We
want to have anything we want and
get away with it. And everyone around
me seemed to be getting all these and
more. Except me.

I had done a good job at

comparing myself with others and
found myself wanting on so many
levels. I tried to catch up by buying
flashy clothes and accessories, make
up and a fake lifestyle. But it all left me
feeling twice as worthless and empty.
And every boy I attracted seemed to
come just for a sip and go. Except two
or three who stayed and mined out
every piece of self-worth left in me.
My last boyfriend said I lacked a
personality, something he seemed to
realize only after I saw his flirty texts
with my cousin. And boy, did it break
me! That was it, I had had enough.

As much as the world seemed to

mistreat me and discount me, I knew
deep down there was something
missing in me. I knew I needed fixing.
The love and admiration I expected
from friends and lovers was something
even I could not offer to myself. I
lowkey hated being me.

Fast forward, 8 months later.

Today, I am the girl of my dreams. I’m
getting too much (wanted) attention,
more than I know what to do with. As
a friend told me last night, something
seems so different about me. I am
confident, happier than
ever and living my true self and loving
it. It is not just my social life; my
professional life too has become more
fulfilling. My job is no longer draining, I
have moved from wanting to quit
every day to being recognized for
excellent performance. And my boss
and longtime crush wants me to
accompany him to a whole week paid
vacation in my dream Island!
You might be wondering, what
changed? Or what magic portion did I
drink so that you too may have a sip.
I’m here to spill it all out! So, get cozy,
grab a drink and let’s talk. Just you and
Let us take a deep dive into the
psychology of seduction and getting
what you want as a woman. I will tell
you what works and what is a total
waste of time and equip you with
practical techniques of building self-
love, seduction and sexual super
By the end of this book, you will go out
there and reclaim your glory. Any door
to a man will yield to your presence
and power. I will put in your hands and
mind the power to bend the wishes
and desires of men and even friends to
your will.

Disclaimer; this book is not for the soft

girl who wants to fit into whatever
mold the society have of her. It
contains what some would deem as
secret knowledge that no one should
know. But if you are fed up with living
a life of pleasing everyone except you,
being over used and underappreciated,
if you have had enough of living too
careful wondering what everyone
thinks of your moves, then this book is
for you.
Just in case you are the soft girl, still I
recommend you stick around and
perhaps we will turn a worm into a
Got your drink? Or you want this
served dry, whatever your preference
is, let’s get started…
Who is a Femme Fatale?
Fatale; - a seductive woman who
lures men into dangerous or
compromising situations.
Femme; - a woman
Femme Fatale: a woman that is
superior to the rest of the society in
terms of qualities and abilities.
This is a woman who knows what she
wants out of life and has made a
decision not to settle for anything less.
She knows her worth and that there is
more to life than what the society is
offering. She also knows that she has
what it takes to bring this about and is
not reliant on a man, social validation
or favorable institutions. She will stop
at nothing till she gets it. This is a
dangerous woman.
Here is an impossible assignment;
name one woman you admire that
does not embody these qualities.
These extraordinary and rare women
exist among us, they are leaders,
celebrities, business moguls and even
inventors. But not all of them are in
the glare of cameras and public
attention, majority are woman like you
and me who are quietly living the life
of their dreams, with a partner of their
choice and getting what they want.
So don’t fall victim of looking at these
accomplished and famous women and
think that their success is unique to
them and unattainable by you. If
anything, as we shall later see, there is
nothing to attain. For everything you
admire in them is something you
already have inside you, waiting for the
day you will awaken your elite self. I
am here to accelerate this process.

The Femme Fatale is not a modern

concept. They have existed as long as
humanity. Here are some of them that
place the power of a woman right at
the center of humanity.


1. Innana: beauty, sex, and political
She is the ancient Sumerian goddess of
love, fertility and war. She goes by
various names across different cultures
like Ishtar, Sauska, Astarte and
Aphrodite among the Greeks.

2. Lilith: Seduction, rebirth and

Recognized as the first wife of Adam in
the Jewish mythology, she represents
the human instinctual drive for self-
preservation and rising above
3. Tara; Compassion, salvation and
She is one of the most powerful female
goddesses in Hinduism and Buddhism.
She personifies enlightenment and
guidance. She also provides relief from
rebirth and death.
4. Kali; a symbol of motherly love
and goddess of death, time and
Contrary to the everyday representation of
feminine energy, the above figures represent
a woman who is both soft and dangerous.
We have been taught that to be a good
woman we must suppress our
darker/stronger side. We have to be
submissive, obedient and fall in line. In doing
so, we have abdicated our divine power and
duty to lead, control and to captain our lives
and our universe.
The true and complete embodiment of a
woman must embrace the two sides, the
soft and the dangerous. We must command
both love and fear.


If we are ever to become Femme Fatale,

we must inspire both fear and love in equal
When we fight our instinct to be dangerous,
it expresses itself in self-harming ways like
low esteem, lack of confidence, dreaming
small, stress and even anxiety.
But when we harness the raw feminine
power and poison, we go for what we want
without double guessing ourselves. We
demand for the best from ourselves and the
world. We command respect and being
taken seriously when we argue for our
issues. And we get it all because we make it
clear that there will be consequences if we
are taken for granted.
This is one of the most valuable lessons that
I learnt on my journey of transformation. I
did not have to change the world around me
for me to start living as a Femme Fatale, I
simply changed me. I embraced my darkness
and stepped up and out with power.
Dear girl, be dangerous and the world will be
yours. Together we will run the world.

How to be dangerous.
1. Discover your power
2. Define the object of your attention
3. Commit to go after your desires and
never doubt your abilities.
4. Love yourself immensely
5. Court mystery
6. Join or form your femme fatale group
7. Never stop learning


"You do not rise to the level of your goals,
you fall to the level of your systems." Atomic

The desire to be a femme fatale is the basic

drive of actually attaining the eliteness. But
it is just the start. For so long I wished I
could be that girl who has her shit figured
out, I wanted to be that girl. Yet no amount
of wishing gave me the results. I remember
getting disappointed whenever I came
across my new year resolutions that never
moved an inch towards me. When I shared
these frustrations with my coach, she asked
to see how my previous week was and what
I had on my schedule for the following week.
She asked me about how I spent my free
time, my morning and evening routines,
which were nonexistent. She gave me a hard
stare and then sighed. ‘How do you expect
to fly high like an eagle while your everyday
life is that of a chicken?’ I don’t know
whether it is how she said it or its simplicity
that made me chuckle. But she didn’t even
break a smile. This was a serious matter. She
went on to teach me about habits and
helping me craft my first femme fatale
The fact that you are reading this book and
you are into it this far tells me you desire
more out of life, but this ‘more’ will not just
come about. You will have to be very
intentional and deliberate about making it
happen. You have to wake up everyday and
choose to chase greatness. And this will
come about by the things you do, how you
live your life. Wishing is not enough, action
is what will transform you into the bad bitch
you should be, who no one takes advantage
of and who carries her head high as if she
runs the world, because she does.
So here are the habits that every femme
fatale lives by that makes her invincible;

1. She puts herself first

We have been gifted with a big heart, a
motherly heart that desires to nurture and
take care others. This is a beautiful thing, but
if we do not check on it will cost us and the
very people we care about. We might end
up neglecting ourselves and putting others
first, even those who don’t even deserve a
second place in our hearts. For you to take
care of the people you love, you must be
strong enough. The best way you can take
care of the world is by taking care of
yourself so that you will be stable enough to
provide the same care to those who need it.
Always chose what is in your best interest,
everyone else is doing it.
2. She invests in herself
Being an femme fatale is a big project that
requires resources. It will cost you in term of
time, attention, money and so much more.
One of the biggest monetary investments I
made was paying a life coach. It is not a
waste. We vibed and ended up becoming
close friends. Being close to her gave me a
glimpse into the life of a real femme. That
woman is extravagant! In a good way. Her
lifestyle speaks of a person who values
herself and as long as she wants it and can
afford it, she will buy it.
Don’t hold back from spending on yourself.
Buy that course, get that book, pull of that
look that makes you feel like the boss you
3. She continually takes up tough
You can not be dangerous in a safe corner;
your power is measured by the battles you
fight and the mountains you climb. Whether
you win it or not. Every time you take on
something difficult, you affirm to yourself as
a strong girl. It becomes part of who you are.
And to look back and see that you have
accomplished a fete that seemed impossible
is such a confidence booster. And everyone
around you takes note. But if you keep
picking easy battles and doing the easy stuff,
you will get no glory.
4. She Continually educates herself
Most of us are operating life with outdated
ideas and knowledge that we gained some
years ago. You do not know everything. We
must keep learning new stuff to keep our
brains sharp and updated. Learn the lives of
powerful women, consume stuff that adds
value to you. Never stop learning and you
will never stop growing.
5. She creates time for quiet reflection
and meditation.
It is no secret we have a superior brain than
men, Marilyan vos Savant is the world’s
record holder of the highest IQ. We can
multi task, speak fast, go beyond our 5
senses and so much more. Ours is a busy
brain. A brain like this needs a time to cool
down and be serviced. So that from all this
seemingly chaos we can create order. If we
can focus and channel this brain power to go
after or dreams, we shall be unstoppable.
Meditation has been proven to enhance
decision making, happiness and peace of
mind. Pick up and practice this habit and
experience the clarity for yourself. When I
started doing my meditations every day, I
realized better results in every area of my
Also, we must once in a while take a break
from our everyday hustle to just be with
one’s self, to listen to the sound of your
thoughts and reflect on the path of our life.
This can be very healing as you get to
organize your thoughts, plan your moves
and reign over the chaos. Take a notebook
with you when you do this and write
whatever inspiration you get.

6. She has her femme fatale support

I managed to dig myself out of the pit I was
in through the help of fellow women. My
mother’s faith in me and my coach come
friend were the first member of my femme
fatale group. I could have never become
who I am without them, and even now I
continually rely on them for support,
wisdom and clarity. You too will need people
that believe in you and offers you guidance
in your hour of need. Sometimes it is a
shoulder to lean on and at other times it will
be someone to toast with in celebration of
your accomplishments. Never walk alone.
Choose a clique of high-power girls that are
woke and committed to the femme fatale
cause. Give them permission to be point
blank and blunt with you when it calls for
that. Share your thoughts and ideas with
them. Ask for their help and input when you
hit a wall.
On the other hand, stay away from vibe
killers. The girls who would rather gossip
about mundane but never dream beyond the
obvious. Girls that will laugh at your dreams
and down play your achievements.
7. She embraces her ‘weakness’
Your weakness will point you to areas that
you need to work on. It could be that you
are a poor budgeter, terrible
conversationalist or too self-aware. You can
never fix something that you don’t believe
its broken, the sooner you accept that its
broken the sooner you can get to work on it.
8. She’s financially savvy
I told you it will cost you. Yes, your dream
life will need money along the way. A femme
fatale has mastered her finances and has
educated herself on business and
investments. She is in love with her figures
as much as she is in love with her figure.
Financial literacy is a thing, go get it. Some
of us are caught up in abusive relationships
because we are financially dependent. We
live too small a life because we can not
invest in our looks and our dreams if the
people we depend on do not finance these.
The world to day has made it easy to not
only learn more about finances but also to
acquire new skills that can make you money.
Empower yourself.
10 She makes calculated moves
Our emotions are our link to the sixth sense,
but sometimes the information is usually not
elaborate enough to inform a wise decision.
When high on emotions, postpone your
decision making to your quiet time. And
even then, carefully analyze it, research,
calculate and confirm. Don’t embarrass
yourself with rash decisions.
These are not the only habits, but they are
enough to kick start you into the person you
want to be. Keep learning and keep doing. If
you just read this book and never sit into
keeping these habits, nothing will change. I
can not change you, only you can do that. I
can only point you to the right direction and
hope that you will follow through.


Men’s strongest gifts are their muscles and
logical mind. Our super power on the other
hand lies in our sensuality. Master your
sensuality and you can bring any man to his
knees. Every so often, we hear news of great
men destroyed by a woman, or several of
them. All across ancient stories and
mythology, warriors and kings alike have
met their destiny or destruction on the
hands of an elite woman. Neither the
strength of Samson nor the wisdom of
Solomon was a match to the allure of our
One aspect that I dislike about today’s
feminism is the argument that men are
standing on our way to greatness, when in
fact they are our shortcut to greatness. If I
was to choose to fight either a man or a
woman, I would choose a male opponent
any day. A female enemy is vicious,
dangerous and ready to fight to death. But
men are like a so easy to hack. Their brains
work in a very specific way and their
motivations are easy to see. No man is a
match to the Femme Fatale.
For far too long we have been kept ignorant
of our true power, in our sexualized society,
a woman’s sensuality is only tapped into for
the benefit of corporations in sales and
marketing, and that has been achieved
excellently. Beyond that, this knowledge is
labeled as covert, dark and manipulative.
Never a positive word is used to describe
our super power. You will do good to study
this subject, consider this book only an
introduction because volumes would not be
enough to cover this.


For you to take charge and use your sexual
power effectively, it will start with knowing
and loving you. We all come in different
shapes and sizes, colors and personalities.
No one type is inferior, accepting your type
as a gift and knowing how to wield it is what
we often lack.
The media has not helped this situation, we
are continually sold a version of girl that
does not exist. So, stop comparing yourself
to these fake models. Learn your type,
improve in the direction that makes you
comfortable and package yourself like the
candy you are.
Sometimes you will meet people who are
not your type, that doesn’t mean you are or
they are nobody’s type. It’s called
The entirety of female anatomy is power
packed. Be it voice, eyes, height, shape, hair,
lips, emotions, boobs, butt, feet, clit,
Just being a woman is enough to be
powerful. Mastering and channeling these
gifts in an informed manner is the true art of
femme fatale sensuality.
Your body is not everything you are, but it
still is quiet something! Learn your body. A
great resource I can recommend on this that
helped me a lot is a little book by Luis Hay,
Empowering Women. Go get it and study her
extensive work self-love and self-healing.


Think of this as packaging and presentation.
You could have a great product but if you
package it recklessly, it’s value will be
wrongly perceive. Here are areas to look at:
1. Dressing
Get your wardrobe in order. Know the kind
of clothes that brings out the best in you.
Wear appropriate attire depending on the
mood you want to set. Depending on what
you wear, you can come across as playful,
creative, sexy, serious, powerful etc. What
do you want to step out as today? This
applies to makeup and accessories as well.
2. Confidence
The world senses your own attitude and
reflects it back to you. When you are
confident, it is assumed you know your stuff
and you know what you are doing.
Confidence is one of the most attractive
qualities of the Femme Fatale. It says I am
here; I am powerful and I am in control.
Authentic confidence thrives from a place of
self-love and competence. The more you
work on yourself the more confident you
will get.
3. Your voice and language
The Femme Fatale has mastered her
communication skills. She uses her voice as a
tool to not just communicate to the ears but
to the heart and emotions. Don’t just
communicate for the sake of
communicating. It is an art that only a few of
us have mastered. And they have talked
themselves into the greatest opportunities
and talked themselves out of the biggest
fuck ups. Use your voice not to describe the
reality but to shape the reality.
4. Poise and demeanor
Attractiveness goes beyond mere looks; it is
also about our mannerism. The elegance
with which we stand, walk, seat, smile etc.
The aura must be that of confidence and
5. Talk less
When you talk too much, you end up giving
away too much details than necessary. You
bore your listeners and end up learning little.
Measure your speech, leave people guessing
what is on your mind until they ask.
6. Stop whining
Sure, there are a lot of things that we can
whine about, but it is such a negative vibe
that dampens the soul. Nothing great comes
from whining. Instead of complaining
constantly, discuss the possible solutions to
fix a situation and move on to the positive
things on your life. Remember, you are the
master of your life, if you find yourself in a
situation you don’t like, steer that ship to a
better direction. Nobody like the company
of a whiner.


The men you allow in your space says a lot
about who you are. Rarely does a high value
woman date a looser. And a woman of low
value will attract men of low value. Level up
and you will demand the people in your life
to meet certain standards.
If you ever find yourself being desperate to
please and win a man, know that you have
compromised on your femme fatale habits
and practices. Could be you have forgotten
your value, failed to put yourself first or you
have settled into a safe zone.
The femme fatale stands out wherever she
is. She is the admiration of both men and
women alike. Men chase her for they can
sense she is of high value. Hers is to pick
from the best.
And why/how does she get this much
attention and admiration?
1. She is interesting to talk to. She has
been reading diverse things and her
life is rich with wonderful experiences

2. She is independent. She does not

depend on a man for validation or
financing. She can stand on her own
and she is respected for that.

3. She is not desperate for attention. She

has so much exciting stuff going on in
her life and so many men eyeing her
and so she is not worried about the
ones who want to play games.

So, I hope you are already this woman. And

now the kind of a man you want has entered
your circle or shown interest in you. Of
course, you don’t just continue playing your
power games, you switch gears into the
goddess of seduction that you are and get
him obsessed with you to even think of
anyone else. The dating scene is competitive
enough and just as quality women are rare,
quality men are even rarer.


Once you have established that both of you
have feelings for each other, it is time to
watch as he turns into putty in your hands.
This is how you keep it exciting;
1. Tell him exactly what you want.
The everyday girl is almost clueless of what
she wants, she gets swept off her feet by
emotions and forgets everything. But you
are deliberate and calculated girl, you enjoy
the high of emotions without turning your
brain off. You know what you want and you
know that you deserve it. When a man
meets such a girl who is confident to state
her terms and declare her love with
firmness, he knows this is no ordinary girl.
2. Stay sexy.
We already talked about this, we don’t dress
sexy to primarily get noticed but because we
want to be sexy, we do it for ourselves. So
when you have bagged your man, maintain
your high standards of value and fashion
whether he is away or around. The lady he
saw in you first can only get better, not for
his pleasure but for your gain.
3. Let him know other men are interested
in you.
The femme fatale does not stop turning
heads, she is always getting noticed and
other men would want to be with her.
Arouse your man’s jealous by subtly making
this fact known to him. He will be keen not
to lower his guard thus keeping his guard up.
There is also some pride that he gets by
knowing his woman is the dream of
everyman. Give him that.
4. Say no to him ones in a while
Even if just to mess with him! Let him know
that he is not the only object of your pursuit,
you are still investing in your self and
chasing your dream. Don’t be ever available
to entertain him. Distance creates fondness,
create room for him to miss you know how
boring his life is without you. This will make
him treasure every moment he gets to be
with you.
5. Do exciting things together.
Let him join you on a dopamine inducing
adventure. When we experience exciting
events, our brains assume the company we
are in is equally exciting. It links you with the
happy events.
6. Study him to master him
Know what makes him tick. Know what
excites him and what makes him feel like a
man. Then give it to him. Likely, every other
girl he’s ever been with was so love hungry
and could never stop to cater for his needs.
But the femme fatale has enough love for
herself, she is not just a taker in a
relationship but an equal contributor. Give a
man what he wants and even doesn’t know
he wants it and you will have cemented your
place in his heart.

7. Cultivate sexual tension.

Be flirty, hint on the idea of sex, let him have
a glimpse of your sexiness. But then don’t
give in. Let him bake in the heat of the
sexual tension and desire for you. Men are
wired to respect and want that which is hard
to attain. Some men will chase you until the
day you give them your pussy and then the
drive dies down. Do not let this happen. The
longer you keep him chasing you for that
orgasm the crazier he gets about you.
8. Be a bad girl in bed.
When he finally gets you, make it worth it.
Just like in dating, the femme fatale comes
to bed with a bag full of tricks. She is never
there just to take; she is there to give as well
and that is what differentiates her from
others. Educate yourself on the art of sex for
the enjoyment of both of you. Be keen to
know what turns him on and what drive him
crazy. Give him a time to remember and he
will forever remember you.
9. Have a life of your own.
The mistakes other girls make is giving up
their interests and ceasing to have a life
outside their relationships/marriage. They
become a shadow of their man. When did
you take interest in your shadow? It is
always lingering around you; goes
everywhere you go and does what you do.
Nothing exciting about it. As an femme
fatale you must never do this. Keep your life
interesting away from your man, hang out
with your girls and your elite group, pursue
your own interests, stay independent of him
to make your life fun and interesting.

10. Nurse the boy in him

Every man is a child at heart, once in a while
he will allow that child to come out to play.
Allow him to be that buy, let him experience
your motherly heart. Don’t make him hide
that side of him from you. Do this and he
will forever be yours.
Every man you meet will come with his own
individuality, but the playbook is always the
same, know his wants and weaknesses.
Control how he gets these needs met by you
and he will soon depend on you to meet
these needs.

The 10 Don’ts of Femme Fatale in dating.

1. Don’t ever be desperate. And if you
are, never show him your desperation.
He will instinctually play it against you.
2. Don’t be clingy. Remember you are
the prize and he is lucky to have you.
Give him the breathing space.
3. Don’t tolerate disrespect, walk away
with your head held high. At the very
first sign of any abuse or toxicity, it is
time to go.
4. Never compromise for him on your
standards or on your dreams, unless
convince of a better outcome for you.
Maintain your individualism.
5. Don’t allow him to totally change you
into the girl he wants, if he can’t
wholly accept you as you are, you
never will satisfy his fantasies. Self-
respect stems from being yourself and
not being judged for it.
6. Don’t build your relationship on hope
that one day he will change into this or
that. If you cannot imagine living with
him as he is, move on. Even if he
solemnly vows to change for you,
don’t fall for it. If it is a deal breaker,
don’t stay an extra minute hoping.
7. Don’t share everything and every
minute detail of your life with him. You
will drain the sense of excitement out
of the relationship and bore him out.
Keep somethings to yourself, share
with your girlfriends. Remain intriguing
to him when he hears you have other
interests and best friends outside of
your relationship.
8. Don’t be totally dependent on him
either emotionally or financially. Have
your own savings and even
investments, things do go south at
times. Being too dependent sets the
stage for abuse, manipulation and
9. Never accept competition. You must
be the only woman; cheating is a no-
no. Be ready to let go if he ever goes
behind your back with another
woman. Let her keep him, he is a low
value man.
10. Do not commit too soon. Give
your relationship time to mature and
reveal its true direction. Test it and try
it, let him prove himself to you.
There is no doubt, the human mind is the
greatest asset w have. It is what
differentiates us from all other animals
because of its complexity and processing
power. Yet, it has been argued that the
average human uses not more than 10% of
this power.
Everything that is as a result of human
activity was realized through the use of the
mind. It all started as a thought in the mind
that materialized into something tangible.
This awareness is very empowering and
liberating, to know that you can conjure
anything into existence through the power
of your mind. But it also demands great
responsibility and brings a possibly painful
realization. That the person and the place
you are today came about by the thoughts
and beliefs you entertained. It calls for
looking at your wins and saying, I did this
myself, and looking at any mess you are in
and acknowledging that I had a hand in
bringing about this too.
Until we stop looking around and blaming
our circumstances on external events, we
are not ready to own up our life and make it
Our thoughts become things; we are always
creating with our mind. Whether
deliberately or unintentionally. Femme
Fatale is an intentional creator.
Manifestation is the intentional use of the
mind to realize a desired end goal. It is
anchored on the fact that everything is
energy, this has been established by science.
Matter is made up of tiny atoms, and when
you zoom in on atoms you find nothing but
vibrating waves of energy. Your thoughts
produce a frequency of energy that can be
detected and measured. By the use of an
EEG machine, we can see the activity of the
brain through the electromagnetic waves it
Your thoughts interact with your subjective
reality to produce an objective reality.

3 things to know about the premise of

1. The world reflects back to you what
your thoughts are. A positive mindset
produces a positive life overall. Bad
thoughts, bad life. Two people can
experience the same thing, yet derive
two different meanings and results
that are worlds apart.
2. Our self-image/Identity dictates our
actions, goals and how our life turns
3. Whatever is created in the mind sets a
wave of energy in motion to actualize
it in the outer world. This energy if
well focused knows no limits.
These places you right at the driver’s seat of
your life. Knowing this place on you the
responsibility of your life.
1. Know what you want.
In order for this to work, you must decide
what it is that you want. With exactness.
Have a definite goal and your mind will go to
work to make it happen. A specific goal acts
as a filter through which you choose what to
focus on and invest your energy in and what
to let go. What do you want?
2. Have a picture of what you want.
Don’t stop at picking your goal, obsess
yourself with it. Visualize how it will look like
when it comes to be. Is it a new apartment?
What color is it, how does the neighborhood
look like, how have you arranged your
furniture. What are your friends saying
about it. Use your 5 senses to build a
realistic and mentally tangible reality of your
3. Believe that it is possible.
You are a super woman; you get what you
want. The law of manifestation always
works. Believe that it will work for you and
don’t doubt. This belief amplifies your
thought energy and makes the manifestation
quicker and easier.
4. Take inspired action.
Once you have done the ground work. Your
mind will be quick to pick things that can aid
you in the manifestation of your goal. Be out
there, up and about with your life. And when
you feel a hunch to do something new, don’t
hesitate. Manifestation loves an active
person. Do whatever you are able to bring
your dream into being, trust the universe to
guide and inspire your actions.
5. Stay focused on your goals
Have a daily practice of looking at your goal
and visualizing its fulfillment. Keep fueling
your faith and believing that it is possible
and it is possible for you.


As a Femme Fatale, everything you desire is
not something out there. It is what you
already are on the inside. Every dream and
every desire you feel on the inside is a
testament that it exists, it is just nudging you
to bring it to life.
There is no waiting time between wanting to
be an Femme Fatale and becoming one. You
should step right into the reality of the
woman you want to be.
Understand exactly who you want to
become. Ask yourself
• How does this woman dress?
• How does she talk?
• What type of people does she
associate with?
• How does she respond to various
people and events?
Then wake up everyday and live as such.
This will form a great foundation in building
the habits of the femme fatale we already
looked at.
Understand that everything in your
imagination is as real as the ground you are
standing on, and soon enough, it will
become the very ground on which you
The law assumption therefore is the belief
and practice of visualizing your desired end
goal and living as though it has already
happened. Don’t wait to be happy and
content when this and that comes to be, it
already is. Be happy and content. Believe in
the woman you have crafted as your desired
persona and live like her.
There are two parts of your mind, the
conscious and the subconscious.
Conscious mind is the part of the human
brain where all thoughts and feelings are
Conscious mind is also referred to as the
"thinking" or "rational" mind, as opposed to
the nonconscious, or “intuitive”, mind.
The conscious mind can be thought of as a
set of mental processes that are present
every time a person is awake and aware.
Repeated exposure to specific thought
patterns and stimuli is adopted by the
subconscious mind.
This is the part of the mind entrusted with
the automatic systems on which our life
depends on like heartbeat, respiration,
immunity. In addition to this, it is the
creative program from which the conscious
mind is dictated on hoe to respond to
stimuli. It is the seat of your identity. If you
desired to permanently change anything
about you, you must impress it upon the
subconscious mind.
It contains the various programs that run
your life. When we think of changing
something about our life, we often try and
think of what we can do using our conscious
mind. We make decision and commit to
change. Only for the changes to be short
lasting or impossible. See your conscious
mind as a computer. The computer might
have everything okay, but without the
operating system it is of no use. The
subconscious is the operating system. On it
runs the programs of your life. So, if you
want to be the type of woman who does
things in a certain way, you have to install a
program for that. If you have a smartphone
and you don’t have an app like Whatsapp
installed, as powerful and smart you phone
might be, no amount of force will make it
run Whatsapp until you install it. Installing a
new program on your subconscious mind is
impression on it new ideas. Here are some
great tools that will aid you in doing so;

Vision boards.
A vision board is a physical board with
quotes, pictures, goals and even affirmations
of the things you want to achieve. Many
girls have had great results with this. A
friend of mine came to me excited after
having achieved everything on her vision
board way before the end of year.
A vision board helps you have a physical
visual of your dream. The more you keep
interacting with it, reading it every day, the
more it gets impressed on your mind and
sinks into your subconscious mind.
Print out photos of your dream home, car,
dressing etc and stick them on the board,
write positive affirmations alongside the
photos. Pin a list of our goals as well.

2. Repetition of habits
This is the primary way we acquire our
beliefs during our early days as kids. The
everyday norms and routines we get
exposed to becomes our systems. This
method is still very potent. It the reason if
you adopt the habits of elite femme and live
as though you already are the Femme
Fatale, you will become. Repeating
something forms brain patterns that if
repeated long enough become permanent,
this is how we learn new things.

4. Affirmations
To affirm is to make claim of something as
you want it to be. It could be done verbally,
mentally or even written/read. Just like
assumption, affirmations are founded on the
premise that it is already done. Thus, for the
affirmations to be effective, they should
follow the requirements of assumption.
Believe that it is true, be specific and have a
positive attitude. The more you repeat them
to yourself the more likely they are to be
taken up by your subconscious mind. Always
write your affirmations in the present tense
as though it has already occurred.
If you do not have anything to work on, here
are some examples of femme fatale
affirmations that you can get started on;
• I am perfect in body and in spirit
• I love myself just the way I am
• I am beautiful and I know it
• I always do what is in my best interest
• Everyday I am becoming a better
• I am independent, wise and wealth
• I am loved and celebrated by the
people in my life.
• I am attractive, I am powerful, I am
Build up the list of the things you want to
see as true in your life and keep repeating
them to yourself. Rewrite them every time
you get to involve more of your senses.
Record them and listen to them as an audio.
Watch your life turn into your dream life.
5. Visualization
Visualization is the use of creative
imagination to come up with a mental
picture or movie of your elite self. It is
imagining your desired life as though it has
already happened. Once again, for it to be
effective, you must incorporate as much
details and aspects of it as possible to
stimulate your mind and get your
subconscious to get a photocopy of the day
dream. Something interesting about our
brain I that it cannot differentiate between a
vivid imagination and reality. The mental
processes and signals that fires up when you
are for example swimming and when you are
merely imagining the action of swimming is
exactly the same. The brain therefore
records the imagination as a real-life
An example of Femme Fatale visualization;
Sit or lie down in a quiet place away form any
distractions. Let your body to relax by letting
go of any tension in your muscles and joints.
Starting from your head down to your toes,
releasing every tension and sinking into a deep
relaxation as though your whole body is made
of soft pasta.
Take several deep breaths, focus on the
sensation of the air, going down to your lungs
and causing your belly to rise. Fell your belly
fall as you softly let out the air and relax even
deeper. If you’d like to go even deeper, count
down from 10 to zero and with every count,
relax even deeper.
Now, if you were to stop here you have
already gotten the benefits of a relaxing
meditation. At this point your brain slows
down and switches to a state of theta and
alpha waves. At this state, your brain
becomes highly suggestible and makes it
easy to impress upon the subconscious. Let’s
go to the next level.
Now, start visualizing your ideal self in the ideal
place living the ideal life in as much details as
possible. Where are you? What are you
wearing? What sounds and sights surround
you? Who is with you? What are they saying to
you. How are you feeling?
Craft a short scene incorporating all these
details that imply that you have already
achieved your goals. Loop this scene and
play it out in your mind as many times as
you feel okay. Do the visualization in the
first-person state, that is as if you are
actually fully immersed in the scene and you
are experiencing it 1st hand and seeing
everything through your actual eyes. Rather
than observing yourself in second person.
Once you are satisfied that you have impressed
your mind, switch back into your body and feel
your weight on the surface you are lying or
seated on. Switch back on your physical senses
and open your eyes.
If done correctly, you will feel the residue of
the emotions aroused by the imagination,
you will be relaxed and happy.

To increase the effectiveness of this

meditation, do it before sleeping for the
night or immediately you wake up in the
morning in a sleep like state.


Just like sex, not enough is taught about
money. We are given the basic definitions
and left out to figure it out on our own. We
said girls run the world; our closest
competitor is money. It is the fuel on which
the world runs on.
As independent as you might be with all the
self-love in the world, it won’t lead to the
greatest of life if you are broke. Mastering
the art of money making and money keeping
is not optional for a femme fatale, it is a
Just as we have seen how being a strong
woman and using your gifts for your best
interest is not evil, neither is desiring money.
It is not greed; it is a desire to experience
the richness of life.
We therefore should appreciate the place of
money in a girl’s life and what it can afford
• A pretty dress
• Expensive vacation
• Freedom to do whatever and be
wherever you want
• Access to the best food, education,
healthcare and best everything.
• The independence to chart your own
path without consulting or needing
permission from a single soul.
And so much more.
The drive of the Femme Fatale is to reach
the highest potential in everything possible,
as per her definition. This includes her
finances, it amplifies how much you can
achieve and gives you access to almost
anyone in the world.
Money and power are two sides of the same
coin. They control how much you are
respected and set the limits to how far you
can go. With enough money comes power,
and with power also comes money.

Money and Confidence

I know you have had a time when you were
broke, and you have also had times you have
had some good money. Did you feel how it
shifted how you felt on the inside? Yes,
money is a great medicine to many
personality ailments. It has been found to
cure worry, self-doubt, dependency, and the
list is endless.
Having money gives you power to live a
relaxed life. If something is broken, you
know you can fix it, if you need something,
you just go get it. Don’t you want that?
So, why is it that some of us seem to have it
in abundance and others live paycheck to
paycheck? Here are some of the reasons.
1. Childhood ideas on money.
Most of us were brought up by parents who
had a terrible psychology of money and it
rubbed off on us. We grew in houses where
we were repeatedly told we can not get this
or that, or reminded that money does not
grow on trees. We grew up, seeing bad
money practices. This has become our belief
and we must get rid of it. Your earning
potential will never rise above your
psychological limits.
2. Low paying skills
One person is paid x amount of money per
hour while another gets over 10x the
amount for the same time. The difference
though is the skill required. Teach yourself
high paying skills, keep improving on what
you know and never stop searching for
greener pastures.
3. Financial illiteracy
Our poor money habits steps from
ignorance, we lack the right information on
the best investments and other options that
can make us grow our fortunes. In the end,
the person earning x amount of money but
with the right money management skill has a
bigger fortune than the person with a 10x
salary but zero skills on money management.
Do not neglect to educate yourself about
The financial blueprint of the Femme Fatale:
• She loves and has a positive mindset
on money
• She doesn’t take debts for
• She continually raises her value and
charges higher for her skills
• She is a great negotiator for the best
deals in her businesses
• She lives within her means
• She knows that money does not giver
her value, her value is intrinsic
• She uses money to enjoy life and push
her agenda
To take your finances seriously, you need to
come up with a system and guideline on
how you make, spend, save and invest your
money. Having a plan makes you focus on
what needs to be done and what is
necessary, it gets you to have a full picture
of where you are financial compared to
where you want to be so that you may fully
appreciate the distance you need to cover.
Or perhaps wake you up to the need to set
some more challenging goals.
Follow these simple steps to create a
customized plan for yourself.
1. Determine your current status.
Take an inventory of how much you are
worth, your income, your assets and your
debts. See where you are left at at the end
of the month or year.
2. Set your financial goals.
Where do you want to be financial after 3
months, 1 year or two years. What are some
of the things you want to invest in? What
arising needs will you need to care of. With
how much do you want/need to increase
your income? How do you want to handle
your debt?
3. Analyze yourself
With the above information, look at areas of
money management that you need
improving in. Be blunt with yourself, are you
a spender? Do you use a budget? Are you
stuck in debts or living above your means?
4. Create an action plan.
This should answer what you need to do to
align your financial status to your goals.
Make plans on budgeting, debt payment,
saving, and increasing or complimenting
your income.
5. Implement your plan.
Limit yourself to the action plan, be
disciplined to stick to it. It will take
seriousness to build a strong financial
foundation for your life.
Keep reviewing and improving on your plan
as things change. Refer to it every time you
get your income and use it on your priorities.

The Femme Fatale Wellness Care

The path you have chosen will require you
to perform at the optimum. It calls for you to
be at your peak in terms of energy and
motivation at least most of the time. The
goal is to improve your whole wellbeing.
1. The body
That great boy will need to be taken great
care of. It is hard to keep the glow when the
body is sick. Don’t just love the attention it
gets you, find joy in giving it some attention
as well. Build a healthy physical lifestyle that
incorporates exercise. Do you have a fitness
routine? Build one. Set your fitness goal and
work towards it.
What do you feed on? Your diet should be
the kind that makes you happy about the
choices you are making. Be mindful to
supply your body with the nutrients and
energy you need for optimum performance.
Being a lady, hormonal imbalance can cause
us some underlying illness. Ensure your
emotional health does not affect your body’s
performance. Let your diet be dominated
mostly by foods that promote a healthy
hormonal balance.
Check to see if you are deficient on specific
nutrients and minerals that affect some of
these aspects. Take any necessary
supplements to bio hack yourself into peak

2. The mind.
What is on your mental diet, what have you
been feeding your mind on. Is it on the toxic
horrible news being looped to us 24/7 and a
break to the toxic social media? The state of
your mind affects your body, when you
dwell on the negatives, they will manifest in
your life and in your body. Share your
moments with friends that bring a good
cheer and have a positive outlook on life.
Read books that equip and inform you.
Laugh often, meditate, escape into the
quietness once in a while. Do not be shy to
seek for mental health help when something
is bothering you.
3. The soul
This world is quiet a handful, and despite
being the super girls we are, sometimes we
just need to trust that there is a higher
power watching over us. Belief in something
greater than you that you can surrender
your fears and worries to.
Cultivate a delightful quietness from within
and a strong personal image to guard your
soul against the chaos without. But at times
the chaos have found their way to your soul.
Do not hesitate to pursue healing of the soul
through therapy, energy healing, meditation
or whichever path serves your situation.

4. The environment
No, I’m not calling you to be an
environmentalist, which you can be. I am
talking about you living space and the things
around you. Set up your space in such a way
that it inspires your and awakes your
creativity and promotes efficiency. From the
colors to the art, the arrangements and the
furniture, let it be things that are pleasing to
your eyes and speaks of your personality.
Your social environment too affects your
wellbeing. It is your environment and you
have the right to choose who is in it. Kick
out anyone that is a pollutant to your vibe
and positivity. The people we surround
ourselves with will either build us or pull us
down. You know what to do with the later.

© DFS - 2022

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