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What would you say to yourself

at the hour of your death?



At the time of my death, what will it feels like? These are the questions
in my mind, will it be pleasant to see me lying down and my loved ones crying?
Hi, I'm Kyla this is my eulogy.

Dear Self, it is only a few hours before you lead to the time of your death.
You are very strong because in this world you had happy memories that you
will never forget that you have a quality in your personality to make others
feel what you have, sometimes it's right to help anyone without asking for
anything in return. You become positive in any problem that comes your way
because of this I see you becoming stronger and stronger in any challenge in
life. Sometimes when you are not on your own you want to have fun like
wandering with your friend who eats. there are times when you ask yourself
what? What happens to you at a time when you do not understand yourself.
In this leisure you pour yourself out for this reason only brings you pleasure

I remember you when you were a child. You loved to write and read
books and paint any picture. I knew and you know how to manage your daily
events. Unexpectedly, you meet someone who you thought it was him, you
were happy because you met him and you loved him so much, you gave
everything, On the day he suddenly left you, you felt the sadness and pain of
someone who left you, you had no time but cry and cry to still think of Him,
One day you got up and fought your problem, you realized in yourself that he
deserved it? Is it right for me to chase after Him? And even if you look like a
loser, you thought of telling others so that you could release the pain that
made you feel. You were reminded of how important you are and gave words
of advice that you can stamp on yourself. From your beloved Mother.
From the story of your life. You will receive a lesson. You can't force or
You shouldn't force yourself on someone who doesn't love you, you shouldn't
beg because if you really love you, you can be with you Until the end of
eternity , seal in yourself that not all time has something permanent. all
people will spontaneously come into our lives and suddenly disappear like a

This lesson is for you to pay more attention to yourself, to remind

yourself to love yourself more and to pay attention, put yourself first before
others, not to give trust to someone you know will hurt you. At this point, you
asked yourself if your life will be extended, what will you do? if you give me a
chance to live, I still want to be the only girl with a big heart named Kyla with
beautiful smiles from the asking eyes that most people need to be happy them
at the time of their sadness, I will still serve as an instrument to help those in
need it. A person who will be kept and loved by the majority and you have
said to yourself that those who love you will be rewarded with goodness I will
continue to give goodness to the majority and if I live for a long time, I will not
abandon my responsibility to help and be a role model and also to be a good

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