You are on page 1of 13


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" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Variables"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
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" ""id"": ""9fdbf448"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""name"": ""stdout"","
" ""output_type"": ""stream"","
" ""text"": ["
" ""10\n"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Variables actually means the container who contain values.\n"","
" ""\n"","
" ""#There are some rules to name a variables..\n"","
" ""#First char. Alphabet- capital or small (mandatory)\n"","
" ""# Digit or special char. ($ @ 1 2 < >) are not allowed as first char..\n"","
" ""#Special char. are not allowed in the name of variables exept(_).\n"","
" ""#var name can start using (_) as well.\n"","
" ""\n"","
" ""#Example.\n"","
" ""\n"","
" ""var = 10\n"","
" ""print (var)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
" ""id"": ""98bc8353"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Arithmatic Operator's (+ - * / ** // %)"""
" },"
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" ""id"": ""a8eee535"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Addition (+)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 2,"
" ""id"": ""6c03f6d0"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""4"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 2,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""2+2"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 3,"
" ""id"": ""84c191d5"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""27"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 3,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""15+ 12"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
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" ""id"": ""da58555c"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
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" ""20"""
" },"
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" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
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" ""source"": ["
" ""10+ 10"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
" ""id"": ""163ad98a"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Subtraction (-)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
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" ""id"": ""7e14e7d6"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""5"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 5,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""10-5"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 6,"
" ""id"": ""f00594c9"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""25"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 6,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""50-25"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 29,"
" ""id"": ""8d71a654"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""name"": ""stdout"","
" ""output_type"": ""stream"","
" ""text"": ["
" ""15\n"""
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" ""source"": ["
" ""print (17-2)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
" ""id"": ""0e590ed4"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Multiplication (*)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 8,"
" ""id"": ""75ea406a"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""50"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 8,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""10 * 5"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 12,"
" ""id"": ""5fcc4a7a"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""45"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 12,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""5*9"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 30,"
" ""id"": ""c18c93a4"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
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" ""output_type"": ""stream"","
" ""text"": ["
" ""110\n"""
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" ""source"": ["
" ""print(11*10)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
" ""id"": ""b27e047f"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Division (/)"""
" },"
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" ""id"": ""fffe40cc"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
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" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""5.0"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 14,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""10/2"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 15,"
" ""id"": ""f23358ce"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""5.0"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 15,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""20/4"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 31,"
" ""id"": ""07027281"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""name"": ""stdout"","
" ""output_type"": ""stream"","
" ""text"": ["
" ""13.75\n"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""print(55/4)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
" ""id"": ""5ba47204"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Power(**)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 17,"
" ""id"": ""44f6fb59"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""25"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 17,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""5**2"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 18,"
" ""id"": ""d7e9085f"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""8"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 18,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""2**3"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 32,"
" ""id"": ""6a3b29fe"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""name"": ""stdout"","
" ""output_type"": ""stream"","
" ""text"": ["
" ""81\n"""
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" ""source"": ["
" ""print(3**4)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
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" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Floor Division(//)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 21,"
" ""id"": ""864d283e"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""3"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 21,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""10//3"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 23,"
" ""id"": ""0ed906b9"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""2"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 23,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""9//4"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 33,"
" ""id"": ""877061b6"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""name"": ""stdout"","
" ""output_type"": ""stream"","
" ""text"": ["
" ""5\n"""
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" ""source"": ["
" ""print(11//2)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
" ""id"": ""7c6867c7"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Remainder (%)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 25,"
" ""id"": ""63cf70a2"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""1"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 25,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""10%3"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 26,"
" ""id"": ""6f6f9aa9"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""2"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 26,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""20%3"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 34,"
" ""id"": ""1f66a175"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""name"": ""stdout"","
" ""output_type"": ""stream"","
" ""text"": ["
" ""1\n"""
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" ""source"": ["
" ""print(15%2)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""markdown"","
" ""id"": ""b3321f92"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""source"": ["
" ""# Comparison Operator's(< > >= <= = != ==)"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 35,"
" ""id"": ""7cfb34f9"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""True"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 35,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a= 15\n"","
" ""b= 10\n"","
" ""a>b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 36,"
" ""id"": ""49083796"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""False"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 36,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a<b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 37,"
" ""id"": ""91391711"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""True"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 37,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a>=b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 38,"
" ""id"": ""b65ce479"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""False"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 38,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a<=b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 39,"
" ""id"": ""5c176b31"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""False"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 39,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a==b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 41,"
" ""id"": ""14a90c61"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""True"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 41,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a!=b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 42,"
" ""id"": ""0dc5d9b1"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""True"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 42,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a=10\n"","
" ""b=10\n"","
" ""a==b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": 43,"
" ""id"": ""389094c8"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": ["
" ""data"": {"
" ""text/plain"": ["
" ""False"""
" },"
" ""execution_count"": 43,"
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""output_type"": ""execute_result"""
" ],"
" ""source"": ["
" ""a!=b"""
" },"
" ""cell_type"": ""code"","
" ""execution_count"": null,"
" ""id"": ""da70450b"","
" ""metadata"": {},"
" ""outputs"": [],"
" ""source"": []"
" ],"
" ""metadata"": {"
" ""kernelspec"": {"
" ""display_name"": ""Python 3 (ipykernel)"","
" ""language"": ""python"","
" ""name"": ""python3"""
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" ""nbformat_minor"": 5"

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