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Name: Dion Juan M.

Ata Section: 3B

Date: 05/11/2023

Activity: The Intellects

Intellect: Charles Darwin

Contribution: Theory of evolution

Impact to the society: The idea of evolution by natural selection proposed by

Charles Darwin altered our understanding of the origins of species and the variety
of life on Earth. It argued that species change over time by natural selection, with
individuals with beneficial features having a higher chance of survival and
reproduction. This notion radically altered our understanding of life and its

How significant is this impact to you?

Darwin's theory helps me grasp how the great diversity of life on Earth has
evolved naturally via a process of descent with modification. It offers a unifying
framework for comprehending the interdependence of all living creatures. This
Charles Darwin theory has practical applications in fields such as medicine (e.g.,
understanding the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria), agriculture (e.g.,
breeding crops and livestock), and conservation biology (e.g., protecting
endangered species and understanding their evolutionary history), all of which
have a significant impact not only on me, but on everyone.

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