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Unit 5 Test C Class

Score / 40

1 7 Przyjaciele Ani rozchorowali się i nie mogą przyjść na jej piątkowe przyjęcie. Posłuchaj dialogu
między Anią i Markiem i połącz każdą osobę z odpowiednią dolegliwością. Uwaga! Dwie dolegliwości
zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej z osób.

1 Mark a a headache
2 Alice b toothache
3 Kate c a twisted arm
4 Peter d a broken arm
5 Tom e a runny nose
6 Julia f flu
g food poisoning
h a temperature

1 2 3 4 5 6
Score: _ / 5

2 Przeczytaj teksty i odpowiedz na pytania 1–6.

Welcome to my website.

My name is Alex Health and I am

a family doctor.
I help kids, teenagers and adults.
Address of clinic: 72 Rose Street, Leeds
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Lunch break: 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
Saturdays: 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Phone number: 890 900 800
email address:

1 Who does Doctor Alex Health help?

Doctor Alex Health / He helps kids, teenagers and adults.

2 What time does Doctor Alex have a break for a meal?


Junior Explorer 5 Unit 5 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018
Vet’s Blog
Welcome to my blog. My name is Henry Purr and I am a vet. I help many different kinds of
Henry pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, snakes and turtles.
I love all animals: small and big, pretty and sweet, as well as ugly and scary.
I am a vet with a big heart.

This week, I have some tips for people who have dogs.

• Remember, your dog loves its walks. You must walk your dog three to four times a day.
• Dogs have got a lot of energy and they love running outdoors.
• You must always find the time to play or simply be with your dog. You mustn’t leave it
alone for many hours.
• You mustn’t give your dogs any sweets. It is very unhealthy. Buy special dog food.
• Remember that your dog needs fresh water every day.
• Finally, you must take your dog to the vet’s surgery regularly.

If you have any problems with your pet, write to me.

My email address is:

3 What kind of doctor is Henry Purr?


4 How many walks a day are good for a dog?


Doctor Anna Ray

ear, nose, throat doctor

Opening hours:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Helps with ear, nose and throat infections.

Emergency phone number: 600-252-600

5 Can patients visit Doctor Anna Ray in the mornings?


6 With what health problems can you visit Doctor Anna Ray?
Score: _ / 5

Junior Explorer 5 Unit 5 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018
3 Przyjrzyj się rysunkom 1–6 i uzupełnij podpisy odpowiednimi nazwami dolegliwości.

I have got I have got a I have got a I have got a I have got a I have got a
earache . _____ . _____ . _____ . _____ . _____ .

Score: _ / 5
4 Uzupełnij każde ze zdań 1–6 jednym wyrazem.
1 I can have food poisoning after eating something not fresh.
2 I can twist my ______.
3 I burnt my ______ while cooking.
4 People often break their ______ and arms.
5 Anna cut her ______ yesterday.
6 My ______ is grazed. It is very red and sore.
Score: _ / 5
5 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6, wpisując was, were, wasn’t lub weren’t.
1 Five people were injured in an earthquake yesterday, and one person was killed.
2 ____ your mum at the spa last year? No, she ____.
3 I ____ ill last week, but my two younger brothers ____. They were OK.
4 ____ there much snow last winter? No, last winter ____ very warm.
5 Where ____ you on holiday last year? ____ you in the mountains or at the seaside?
6 The vegetable salad ____ delicious, but the cheese sandwiches ____ the best.
Score: _ / 5

6 Uzupełnij pytania 1–6, wpisując was lub were, następnie połącz każde pytanie z poprawną

1 Were   you in hospital last month? a Yes, there were two.

2 ____ there a big earthquake in Japan in 2011? b No, she wasn’t. She was at home.
3 ____ Susan at the party last weekend? c My best friend was there with me.
4 ____ there any swimming pools at the hotel? d No, I wasn’t. My brother Carl was.
5 When ____ Tom in Paris? e Yes, there was, and many people were killed.
Who ____ with you at the shopping centre f He was there last May.
last weekend?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Score: _ / 5

Junior Explorer 5 Unit 5 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018
7 Uzupełnij luki w dialogu zdaniami z ramki.

Is it serious, doctor?    Thank you, doctor. Good bye.

Of course, doctor.    Good morning, doctor.
I have got a bad cough and a temperature.    Yes, my throat is really sore.

Patient: 1 Good morning, doctor.

Doctor: Good morning. What’s the matter?
Patient: 2 ________________________________________________________________________________
Doctor: Do you have a sore throat too?
Patient: 3 ________________________________________________________________________________
Doctor: Let me see. Open your mouth, please. Oh yes, your throat is really red.
Patient: 4 ________________________________________________________________________________
Doctor: No, it isn’t. Don’t worry. You must stay in bed and you mustn’t drink anything too cold or too hot.
Patient: 5________________________________________________________________________________
Doctor: Here is a prescription for some tablets. You must take them three times a day.
Patient: 6 ________________________________________________________________________________
Doctor: Good bye.
Score: _ / 5

8 Na swoim blogu chcesz opublikować wskazówki dla osób, które chcą zdrowo żyć. W swoim wpisie
udziel pięciu wskazówek na przykład na temat jedzenia i picia, spędzania czasu przed komputerem,
ćwiczeń fizycznych, spacerów, uprawiania sportu, wizyt u lekarza lub dentysty.

My Blog
TOPIC: A Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is very important. What can you do to stay healthy?

1 You mustn’t eat a lot of sweets or fast food.

2 _______________________________________________________________________________

3 _______________________________________________________________________________

4 _______________________________________________________________________________

5 _______________________________________________________________________________

6 _______________________________________________________________________________

Change your life today! It is never too late!


Score: _ / 5

Junior Explorer 5 Unit 5 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018

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