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Indigenous (Rights) Movements and

Activism - Sociology Questionnaire.

30 responses

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Age Copy
30 responses

Below 15 Years
43.3% Below 18 Years
Over 18 Years


Gender Copy
30 responses


10 11

1 (3.3%) 1 (3.3%) 1 (3.3%) 1 (3.3%) 1 (3.3%)

F Females Male (Attack Helicopter) female
Female Male Woman

Q1. How aware are you of the current challenges faced by Indigenous Copy
communities in your country or region?
30 responses

Very Aware
Somewhat Aware
Not very Aware
Not at all Aware


Q2. Which of the following terms best describes the term "Indigenous" to Copy
30 responses

Native/ Aboriginal
83.3% Domestic


Q3. How do you perceive the media's portrayal of Indigenous (Rights)
Movements and Activism?

30 responses

Fair and accurate

Combination of all three
Politcial and Fad chasing
In India specially, it's a wide
spectrum with different media
houses putting up entirely diff…
Both biased and stereotypical
Q4. Do you think such movements are not as much caused for actual Copy
issues but more for violent political activism/revolutionism and sense of
30 responses

Very Likely
26.7% Likely
Very Unlikely

Q5. What according to you could be reasons for such movements and activism?
30 responses

Colonialism and ruthless imperialism by the Indian state.

Injustice, inequality, etc i guess


no comments

inequality, negligence

Power, dominance on the other.

Political intentions

Different indigenous groups each have their rich sense of religious beliefs, cultures and ways
of life. The reason to these movements would be the state's ignorance and disrespect of their
culture and invading their lifestyle. Groups wanting to keep their culture seperate from the
dominant group is also downright avoided.

Desire to safeguard their interests and culture

Problems (such as lack of development, ignorance or discrimination so and so) faced by

indigenous people that miscreants capitalise upon and use it as a free tool to grow hate and
ideals of separatism among them, from whom, some proceed to join separatist insurgencies.
They do not make up the majority, but clearly are one of the reasons as to why separatism isn't

Policies by various bodies

Due neglect by the government and inadequate representation of such communities in the
political arena.

Negligence,lost of community sense in the society,lack of seeking help,lost of

culture,orchestrated plans etc

Land rights to some extent

They want to maintain their distinct culture and traditions. They want their right on land and
natural resources which is their chief source of livelihood.

Oppression, Discrimination, Alienation, Forced Modernism, Resource Conflict and Interference

of State in Society

Among several reasons, discrimination at a personal level is one that I would like to bring to
light. The government can only do so much to prevent discrimination. Despite the numerous
laws and schemes, many people still believe that indigenous populations should be treated
differently. This is illustrated by the reservation system, which creates a sense of envy among
neighbors, classmates, or colleagues. Such discrimination at a micro level could be a reason,
albeit minor, for such movements in the modern day.

The majority have been supressing the indigenous people and their culture since a really long

Uprooting of their indigenous habitats, disruption of their culture, etc

Deprivation of attention from the Central Government.

Communities are now becoming more aware of their rights. However politicians capitalise on
these issues where the main issue gets detracted.

On a national scale, such movements mostly occur for actual crises, crises can refer to crises
of power, crises of authority, crises of basic rights' violation. On a regional level, we do get to
see activism which is mostly focused on personal bias and greed

Lack of knowledge

Political mileage, power, money

Language issue

Discrimination, misrepresentation or even political desires

Deprived rights

Reasons could be issues relating to certain demarcated lands with the government for

To protect their culture, land and livelihood.

To help them get the tribals their rights.

Q6. What role should non-Indigenous individuals play in supporting Copy

Indigenous rights movements [Note: support on anti-alliances could
sometimes lead to collateral damage]?
30 responses

Allyship and solidarity

Active engagement and
70% advocacy
Respectful listening and
All of the above
None of the above


Q7. How can governments and institutions better protect and uphold the Copy
rights of Indigenous communities (note that these can cause uprisals in
diverse areas in the fear of alienation) ?
30 responses

Implementing land and

resource rights
Consulting and involving
56.7% Indigenous communities in de…
Providing support for cultural…
All of the above
Options B and C
16.7% Understand the cultural values…
Allowing indegenious commu…
Second and third options.

Q8. Do you think such movements cannot be successful without anarchic Copy
and revolutionary violence?
30 responses

Strongly Disagree
33.3% 16.7% Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree



Q9. Do you think Indigenous Rights activists confuse the ideas of Copy
culturalism and nationalism?
30 responses

50% No
They might view both ideas as
one. Nationalism to them is
safeguarding their culture.
13.3% In my opinion, the activists don't
necessarily consider the two to
23.3% be the same idea but rather fe…
I am not sure about this
Q10. Do you think that the government's administrative fallacies are Copy
responsible for such movements?
30 responses

Very Likely
66.7% Unlikely
Very Unlikely


Q11. Do you think governments of Sovereign States tend to be biased Copy

towards certain communities and tend to neglect other indigenous
communities, causing disputes?
30 responses

Strongly Disagree
26.7% Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree

Q12. What could be some ways to resolve such issues?
30 responses

Balkanisation of India but maintaining good foreign and trade relations within the region.


Proper inclusion in decision making

Proper and equal resource distribution
Conserving their land and forest rights

Modi hatao sarkar bachao

analysing the issue, the root of the issue and the problem of the people the issue concerns to

Giving the indigenous people equal opportunities, equal facilities

Government should focus on Providing identity security and prevent illegal immigrants which
is a huge issue and stop giving them voting rights

including indigenous people in the use of their land and recognising the role they play in
conserving the land.

Acknowledge the country and spread awareness about them

Providing the indigenous people with right on their land, including them in decision making on
things THAT AFFECT THEM, and taking actions with the goal of establishing equality or
whatever close to it, rather than being biased towards the non-indigenous or indigenous, which
can worsen the situation.

1.Holding talks with those committees,

2.Peaceful demonstrations, etc

Government should take up proper steps for the betterment of such communities and address
the issues that they are facing by consulting and adhering to their demands.

Fast track actions and to manage protest to facilitate takings regarding the issue

Recognition of rights and negotiation

Education and trying to involve them in the mainstream can help to resolve such issues.

Approach to Peace, Respect of Indegenious Societal Norms, No Enforced development, Allow

Natural Growth and Homogenousity and Inclusivity

Listening to the indigenous people's wants and demands could be a big step towards resolving
these issues

Accepting the differences in society and understanding that these differences don't mean that
the society is to be broken.

Major government undertaken schemes, for starters

Active advocacy and redressal.

Representation and active participation in politics


Consultation from not just the indigenous communities but the population of a country as a
whole can work as a Kickstarter to reach any solution.

People needs to be aware of the solutions.

Inclusion, education, doing away with reservation (equality), employment opportunities

Give indigenous rights

Better representation at power, education and employment other than movements

Diplomatic talks, anarchy from these communities tbh

Strict frequently done surveys on such issues of representation could be done, followed by
strict actions on the running government if majority of the different indigenous communities
are found to be dissatisfied

Talking with the representatives of yhe indigenous communities .

Inclusion and openness to learn from indigenous communities.

Q13. Are such movements mostly caused by people of Copy

communist/socialist/fascist ideology?
30 responses

43.3% No
Probably people who lean
towards socialism, but not full


Q14. Do you believe the notion of a singular tribe-based or religion-based Copy

country, a correct one? Does it necessarily lead to protection of one's
culture, or destruction of another's? Moreso, is it economically feasible?
30 responses



Q15. "With the rise in globalization, material advantages for indigenous Copy
populations have diminished." Do you believe globalisation to be a major
deterrent to indigenous cultures?
30 responses

To huge extent
To some extent
13.3% To very little extent
Neither deterrent nor incentive
6.7% Globalisation is incentive to
indigenous cultures.
60% 13.3%

Q16. Do you believe the Indigenous Movements and Insurgencies in the Copy
Northeast of India to be 'anti-national' in any manner?
30 responses

36.7% No
Anti-national not in terms of
fixing their problems, but anti-
national in terms of dividing the
10% country and growing hate and
violence by miscreants who
50% want power.
Q17. Do you view such Movements/Rebellions to be necessary for social justice in
society or as deterrents to peace?
30 responses


Necessary for social justice

Not always necessary and not always deterrents to peace. Combination

both ig. it depends upon how well the situation is managed


This rebellions are somewhat deterrents to peace, as I feel the issues can be solved without
violence too.

Movements charming innocent citizens and public properties is fairly unacceptable and not
the best example of "peaceful protest" rather I believe in protest via not providing your service
to the government

Rebellions might just be necessary for social justice, innumerable cases from history serve as
proof that movements/ rebellions done right aren't deterrents to peace

Social justice seeks to transform unjust and if any discrimination is done to a particular tribe
or a community, such movements are necessary as it plays a major role in achieving peace.

Both. While they may wish for social justice as their first goal, rebellions do not necessarily
mean social justice and can mean that it is a tactic done by miscreants and extremists as a
way to gain power, rather than actually work for social justice.

Necessary for social justice

YES. Discussions with the natives regarding their demands and issues affecting them is
indeed very necessary for social justice. Consulting people about the problem in the root level
helps to solve that particular more efficiently and steadily, as people in the ground level know
the best of what is actually affecting them, and how can it be curbed.

It depends on the end vision and goals of the rebellion but any kind of rebellion against the
nation cannot be justified

Such movements are necessary for social justice in society.

Violent rebellions are a deterrent to peace. I believe such movements should be conducted

Simply not speaking up is not equivalent to accepting something. I believe that the true
meaning of a democracy is one where all it's people are heard and hence the movements the
people who feel that they are not being heard is necessary. But what isn't necessary imo is
violence, especially against the innocent.

Both in different cases.


Movements are necessary, for sensitising the general public.

Even though a society shouldn't support and propagate such violent rebellions as the only way
to attain social justice. In many instances, these rebellions do work to generate chaos and
draw public attention to ongoing crises, which are often driven by the lack of awareness within

I don't think so.

Rebellions are definitely deterrence to peace & prosperity for stakeholders on either side. One
should always attack the root cause rather than the emotional causes


Yes it is necessary looking into the history of their alienation but them asking for a separate
statehood in my opinion is unnecessarily
Necessary for social justice in society but often turns out to be deterrents to peace

Such movements are necessary to protect their rights.

Violence is a clear no.

Q18. Activists and Organisations like Helena Gualinga , #LandBack, and NDN
Collective try to raise awareness on conflicts and atrocities committed by
oppressors/capitalists/colonialists on the Indigenous People and exploitation of land
resources and climate caused by them. As such they call for reclaimation of land,
often citing slogans such as " Climate Justice = Land back" (such movements can be
historically paralleled with the Santhal Rebellion in the 1850s.) Do you view such
Activism as a farce, or do you believe that land is safer when in hands of the
30 responses

The land must belong to the indigenous people both economically and politically. The
contradictions and divisions within the various indigenous groups of the same land must be
resolved by the people of the land itself and no interference shall be accepted by an outside


I believe that land is safer when in hands of the Indigenous

It's up to the people mentally whether they are really saving the land resources or just trying to
earn money through it But I feel it will be safe in the hands of the Indigenous peoples.

Land is safer with indigenous people Yes, but I do agree, for development purpose land is a
important step ,government should implement proper laws which safeguards the indigenous
land without hampering overall development in this generation of globalization I think culture
and industrial development should go hand in hand . Japan is a good example

Said activism can be farce to an extent, to the indigenous people their land means more to
them then just property it represents culture, spirituality and law to the people. The land might
be safer when in the hands of the indigenous.

Not aware

I am not well informed to comment on this, but I would personally say that indigenous land is
safer in indigenous hands only for the sake of protecting indigenous communities, and not
necessarily for climate change, sustainable development or problems like safety and so.

Not sure

Yes obviously land is safe, when in hand of the indigenous. Natives have been managing their
lands for generations, without much trouble, which are very easily grabbed by the MNCs and
the government nowadays in the name of development. This has led to downgrade of their life
conditions and also life standards.

No it will create divide in the nation and we should tend to create a coexistence society if we
can do for genders why not for communities

Land is safer when in hands of indigenous

Land is safer with indigenous people.

The intent matters (also the questionnaire ia too long, make it short if possible)

Land is indeed safer in the hands of the indigenous.

I believe that we should have a situation of cohabitation and cooperation between the
indigenous people and the current inhabitants for the most effective way towards
safeguarding the land.

Safer in hands of indigenous, provided they are educated

I believe that activism aimed at raising awareness of conflicts and atrocities against
Indigenous people, as well as advocating for the reclaimation of land, is an important and
legitimate endeavor. Such movements, like the ones you mentioned, play a crucial role in
addressing historical injustices, protecting the environment, and promoting climate justice.
The idea that land is safer in the hands of Indigenous communities often aligns with principles
of sustainability, cultural preservation, and a more equitable distribution of resources. These
efforts contribute to a broader discussion on social and environmental justice, and they can
lead to positive change when pursued through peaceful and inclusive means.

To a certain extent land is the hands of indigenous communities does safeguard the

In comparison, land is infact safer in hands of indigenous rather than capitalists who's main
motive usually is creation of wealth or profit through the exploitation of the acquired land
resource .

I think maybe the land is safer in the hands of the indigenous

Land is safe in the hands of educated & enlightened people only.... Intellectuals with unbiased
outlook should be made responsible to bridge the gap through pure development


I believe land is safer when people learn to value it like the indigenous did

Land is much safer in the hands of the indigenous natives with proper guidance and
observation of a dependable goverment, no involvement from the goverment just the
protection and observation curtailing unlawful activities

I am not sure

Land is safer in their hands but they should be included in the development process.

Not much aware of all these.

Q19. Do you believe the recent conflict in Manipur to be a reason or a Copy

repercussion of such Indigenous movements/activism?
30 responses

30% Repurcussion
Crisis in Manipur goes beyond
indigenous or ethnic activism.
Probably both
Q20. How do you believe peace is to be established amongst the settler populace and
the Indigenous populace? Is there any way to restrict violent outbreaks in such
30 responses

Through a people's authoritarian regime who would ensure peace and stability in the region,
counter violence must be considered a tool for bringing economic and political development in
the region.


Take a stand but not through violence arms and weapons

Combine decision making to identify solutions

starting with probably giving due respect to all people concerned in the situation and their
rights especially indigenous rights, awareness, inclusivity, opportunity etc

Ofc the government has to make suitable laws in order to have peace among both. The laws
should be such that of of them cannot dominant the other.

Government should implement proper identity laws and moreover "reservation" system and
many other schemes plays a huge role on indentity preference and discrimination

Violent outbreaks cannot be eradicated entirely but for peace to be established there needs to
be a community for conflict resolution who answers and attends to the concerned parties and
an alliance with the indigenous people

Not aware

Protect indigenous culture and land, and provide indigenous people opportunities to grow but
not undermine the non-indigenous. Violent outbreaks can be prevented with the right
communication and agreements, but long term peace is difficult to establish.

Peaceful talks between the communities, peaceful demonstrations, etc.

By reaching agreements on both sides about the concerned issue should be solved. Peace
Treaties and giving up of brute force can also help to restrict violent outbreaks in such

It cannot be unless all group coming to the sitting table


Representative of both sides along with the government authorities should sit and sort out
their issues. Legal restrictions might help to control violent outbreaks.

Indigenous people should not be disturbed, their regions should not be interfered with settlers
or modernization imposition

As I said earlier, listening to the indigenous people's wants and demands could help in
preventing violent outbreaks. Protests help people raise their voices so they can be heard by
the authorities without being disregarded. In a democracy like India, encouraging people to
protest is a beneficial activity, albeit there should not be any kind of damage to anything or

The ideal situation requires understanding, cooperation and most importantly, acceptance on
both ends of the spectrum.

No comments as for now

Mainly by dialogue and reconciliation.

Government intervention where and when necessary.

Concessions, maybe , if required.

2 or more communities are bound to have differences. Restricting and preventing such
differences to turn into violent conflict can begin with proper deliberation between the
conflicted communities. Such discussions, where each side hears and take other's problem
into consideration along with their own problems, should be encouraged by the people of the
affected communities and also the regional government. In today's world such dialogues are
essential, and help resolve even international issues.

Yes there are ways and people need to think about that instead of preferring violence

Absolutely.....there has to be strong will & commitment amongst the all the four pillars of
society to establish an open, confident, tolerant & inclusive culture. Common people, whether
settler or indigenous, do not want violence of any form. Almost all such violence is ignited by a
small group of people with vested interests! All initiation of divide creation should be nipped in
the bud or dealt with severely by the law of the land to instill sence of justice as well as
fear....all across.

Don't know

Mutual conflict resolution

Mintue level security protection (NSA), administering the problems of the natuves and working
on it instead of spending tons kn general election rallies

The government should discuss thoroughly and extensively immediately when such conflicts
arise and step in right away when things turn violent with rational and justifiable solutions

Government should actively engage with representatives of the tribes.their well being and
development should be given priority.

Following the principles of non-violence and conversation with all stakeholders

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