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Assignment No.

Course: Foundations of Science Education


Level: B.Ed (2.5 Years)ECE

Semester: Autumn, 2022

Submitted by: Maryam Sana

Submitted to: Muhammad Tariq Shaheen
Pass Marks: 50
(Units 6-9)

Q.1 (a) Discuss in detail and with correct examples the Stimulus & Response
Stimulus-response theories are fundamental concepts in psychology and behaviorism that explain
how organisms, including humans, interact with their environment. These theories propose
that behaviors are a direct result of external stimuli, and they focus on the observable and
measurable aspects of behavior. Two prominent stimulus-response theories are classical
conditioning and operant conditioning. Let's discuss each of them in detail with correct

1. Classical Conditioning:

Classical conditioning, also known as Pavlovian conditioning, was developed by Ivan Pavlov in the late
19th century. It involves the association between a previously neutral stimulus (NS) and an
unconditioned stimulus (US) to create a conditioned response (CR). The theory suggests that
when the NS is repeatedly paired with the US, the NS becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS),
and it elicits a conditioned response (CR) similar to the original unconditioned response (UR).


Consider the classic example of Pavlov's dogs:

Unconditioned Stimulus (US): The presentation of food to a dog naturally elicits salivation
(Unconditioned Response - UR).

Neutral Stimulus (NS): Initially, the sound of a bell does not evoke a salivary response in the dog.

Conditioning Phase: Repeatedly pairing the sound of the bell (NS) with the presentation of food (US).
Over time, the dog begins to associate the bell with food.

Conditioned Stimulus (CS): The sound of the bell, now associated with food, becomes a conditioned

Conditioned Response (CR): The dog eventually salivates (CR) in response to the sound of the bell
(CS), even in the absence of food.
In this example, the neutral stimulus (bell) has become a conditioned stimulus (CS), and the
salivation response to the bell is the conditioned response (CR).

2. Operant Conditioning:

Operant conditioning, developed by B.F. Skinner, is a theory that focuses on how consequences of
behavior influence the likelihood of that behavior occurring again. It is based on the premise
that behaviors that are followed by favorable outcomes (reinforcement) are more likely to be
repeated, while behaviors followed by unfavorable outcomes (punishment) are less likely to be


Consider a child's behavior in a classroom:

Behavior (B): The child raises their hand to ask a question in class.

Consequence 1 (C1): The teacher praises the child for participating. This is positive reinforcement.

Result 1: The child is more likely to raise their hand in the future to get more praise.

Consequence 2 (C2): The teacher ignores the child's question. This is no reinforcement.

Result 2: The child is less likely to raise their hand in the future because there is no reward.
Consequence 3 (C3): The teacher scolds the child for interrupting. This is positive punishment.

Result 3: The child is less likely to raise their hand in the future because they associate it with

Operant conditioning emphasizes the role of consequences in shaping behavior. Positive

reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behavior, while punishment or lack of
reinforcement decreases the likelihood of that behavior.

In summary, stimulus-response theories explain how organisms learn and adapt to their environment
through associations (classical conditioning) or consequences (operant conditioning). These
theories have practical applications in education, therapy, and various other fields where
behavior modification is necessary.

(b) Explain in detail the Working and influences of Skinner and its
Contribution in explaining the Operant Behaviors.
B.F. Skinner, an American psychologist, is one of the most influential figures in the field of psychology,
particularly in the area of operant conditioning. His work on operant behavior has had a
profound impact on understanding how behavior is influenced by its consequences. Let's delve
into the working and influence of Skinner, as well as his significant contributions to explaining
operant behaviors.

1. Basic Principles of Operant Conditioning:

Skinner's work was primarily focused on operant conditioning, which is a type of learning in which
behavior is modified through its consequences. He introduced several key concepts:

Operant Behavior: In operant conditioning, the focus is on "operant behavior," which refers to any
voluntary, observable behavior that an organism emits. These behaviors are under the control
of the individual, unlike reflexes in classical conditioning.

Reinforcement and Punishment: Skinner introduced the concepts of reinforcement and punishment:

Reinforcement involves the presentation of a stimulus (positive reinforcement) or the removal of a

stimulus (negative reinforcement) following a behavior, with the aim of increasing the
likelihood of that behavior occurring again.

Punishment involves the presentation of an aversive stimulus (positive punishment) or the removal
of a reinforcing stimulus (negative punishment) following a behavior, with the aim of
decreasing the likelihood of that behavior.

Schedules of Reinforcement: Skinner also studied the different schedules of reinforcement, such as
fixed-ratio (reinforcement after a set number of responses), variable-ratio (reinforcement after
an unpredictable number of responses), fixed-interval (reinforcement after a set amount of
time), and variable-interval (reinforcement after an unpredictable amount of time). These
schedules influence the rate and pattern of behavior.

2. Skinner's Experimental Apparatus:

Skinner developed an experimental apparatus called the "Skinner box" or "operant conditioning
chamber." This controlled environment allowed him to study operant behavior systematically.
The box typically contained a lever or key that an animal (often a rat or pigeon) could press or
peck, and the animal received food or some other reinforcement when it engaged in the target

3. Influence and Contributions:

Skinner's work on operant conditioning has had several significant influences and contributions:

Behaviorism: Skinner was a key proponent of behaviorism, which emphasized the study of
observable behavior rather than mental processes. His work helped solidify behaviorism as a
dominant force in psychology during the mid-20th century.
Practical Applications: Skinner's principles of operant conditioning have practical applications in
various fields, including education, therapy, and business. They are used to design effective
strategies for behavior modification, such as in classrooms (e.g., token economies), addiction
treatment, and management techniques.

Skinner's Theoretical Framework: Skinner developed a comprehensive theoretical framework for

understanding behavior, including the concept of "operant contingencies" (the relationship
between behavior and its consequences) and the idea that behavior is shaped by

Critique and Controversy: While Skinner's work was influential, it also faced criticism, particularly
regarding its focus on external factors and neglect of cognitive processes and internal states.
Critics argued that it oversimplified the complexity of human behavior.

Legacy: Despite the controversy, Skinner's legacy endures. His work laid the foundation for the study
of operant behavior and remains relevant in contemporary psychology, with researchers
continuing to explore and expand upon his ideas.

In summary, B.F. Skinner's work in operant conditioning revolutionized the understanding of how
behavior is influenced by its consequences. His concepts of reinforcement, punishment, and
schedules of reinforcement have had a lasting impact on psychology and practical applications
in various fields. Skinner's contributions continue to shape the study of behavior and its
modification to this day.

Q.2 Define Idealism? Discuss significance of this philosophy for science

Idealism is a philosophical perspective or metaphysical theory that asserts that
reality is fundamentally mental, immaterial, or based on ideas and consciousness rather than
physical or material. In idealism, the mind or consciousness is considered to be the primary or
ultimate reality, and the physical world is often seen as derivative or dependent on mental
constructs or ideas. Idealism has been a prominent and influential philosophical viewpoint
throughout the history of philosophy and has been developed in various forms.

Key ideas and characteristics of idealism include:

1. Primacy of Mind or Ideas: Idealism holds that the mental realm, including thoughts, ideas,
consciousness, or spiritual entities, is more real and fundamental than the physical world. Reality
is often seen as a product of the mind.
2. Anti-Realism about the Physical World: Idealists often question the objective existence of the
external physical world, suggesting that it may exist only insofar as it is perceived or thought
about by conscious beings.

3. Subjective Reality: Idealism can lead to a subjective perspective on reality, emphasizing the
importance of individual experiences, perceptions, and interpretations.

Idealism is a philosophical perspective that asserts the primacy of ideas, mental constructs, or
consciousness in shaping and defining reality. In idealism, the external world is often viewed as
a product of the mind, and the material world is considered secondary or even illusory
compared to the world of ideas and mental phenomena. Idealism has had a significant impact
on various areas of philosophy, including metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics.

Significance of idealism for science education:

Emphasis on Critical Thinking and Inquiry: Idealism encourages individuals to engage in critical
thinking and intellectual inquiry. In the context of science education, this philosophy promotes
the exploration of abstract concepts, theories, and ideas, which are fundamental to scientific
understanding. It encourages students to question, analyze, and reflect upon the principles and
theories that underlie scientific knowledge.
Integration of Philosophy and Science: Idealism fosters a strong connection between philosophy and
science. It highlights the philosophical foundations of scientific thought and the role of abstract
concepts in shaping scientific paradigms. This encourages science educators and students to
delve into the philosophical aspects of science, such as the nature of scientific laws, the
structure of scientific theories, and the implications of scientific discoveries.

Focus on Mind-Body Relationship: Idealism's emphasis on the mind and consciousness encourages
discussions about the mind-body problem. In science education, this can lead to explorations
of topics related to cognitive science, neuroscience, and the philosophy of mind. Students can
engage in discussions about the nature of perception, consciousness, and the ways in which
the mind interacts with the external world—a topic of great relevance in fields like psychology
and neuroscience.

Ethical Considerations: Idealism often involves discussions of ethics and values, as it considers the
mind and consciousness to be central to reality. In the context of science education, this can
lead to discussions about the ethical responsibilities of scientists, the societal impacts of
scientific advancements, and the moral considerations associated with scientific research.
Idealism encourages students to think critically about the ethical dimensions of science.

Holistic Learning: Idealism promotes holistic learning, where students are encouraged to see the
interconnectedness of ideas and disciplines. In science education, this philosophy encourages
students to explore the interdisciplinary nature of science and understand how scientific
concepts and theories relate to other areas of knowledge, such as philosophy, ethics, and the

Encouragement of Imagination and Creativity: Idealism values the power of human imagination and
creativity. In science education, this philosophy can inspire students to think creatively and
explore new ideas, hypotheses, and solutions to scientific problems. It emphasizes the role of
creativity in scientific discovery and innovation.

In summary, idealism's focus on the primacy of ideas and the importance of the mind has significant
implications for science education. It encourages critical thinking, philosophical inquiry, ethical
reflection, and holistic learning, all of which are valuable for students pursuing scientific
knowledge and understanding. It highlights the interconnectedness of science and philosophy,
fostering a deeper appreciation of the philosophical foundations of scientific thought.

Q.3 Discuss in detail the globalization of Sciences Education for Socio-

economic developments of the world.
The globalization of science education plays a crucial role in fostering socio-economic development
worldwide. It has the potential to empower individuals, nations, and regions by advancing
scientific knowledge and skills, promoting innovation, and addressing global challenges. Below,
we discuss in detail the significance of globalizing science education for socio-economic

Access to Knowledge and Expertise:

Globalization of science education allows individuals and institutions in less-developed regions to

access knowledge, expertise, and resources from around the world. This access to high-quality
educational materials, research, and training opportunities can significantly enhance the
capabilities of students, teachers, and researchers in these regions.

Fostering Innovation and Technological Advancement:

Science education is a cornerstone of technological advancement and innovation. Globalizing science

education encourages the dissemination of new discoveries and technologies, enabling nations
to adopt and adapt innovations that can drive economic growth. This is particularly relevant in
fields like information technology, biotechnology, and renewable energy.

Addressing Global Challenges:

Many global challenges, such as climate change, pandemics, and resource scarcity, require
interdisciplinary and international cooperation. Globalized science education promotes
collaboration and a shared understanding of these challenges, empowering scientists and
policymakers to work together on solutions with a global perspective.

Human Capital Development:

A well-educated workforce with strong scientific and technical skills is essential for economic
development. Globalized science education contributes to human capital development by
equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed for a wide range of industries,
including healthcare, engineering, and research.
Economic Diversification:

By globalizing science education, countries can diversify their economies. They can shift from
reliance on traditional sectors to knowledge-based industries, which are often more
sustainable and resilient. This diversification can reduce vulnerability to economic shocks and
fluctuations in commodity prices.

Promoting Entrepreneurship and Startups:

Science education fosters an entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to innovate. Globally connected
education can lead to the creation of startups and tech ecosystems, driving economic growth
through the development of new products, services, and industries.

Global Job Market Access:

A globalized science education provides students with access to a wider job market. They can pursue
opportunities abroad or contribute to multinational companies, bringing back valuable
experience, knowledge, and resources to their home countries.

Cultural Exchange and Understanding:

Globalized science education encourages cultural exchange and collaboration among students and
researchers from different backgrounds. This promotes mutual understanding, tolerance, and
respect, contributing to peace and stability, which are essential for socio-economic

Inclusivity and Gender Equality:

Globalization can help address gender disparities in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics) fields by providing opportunities and role models from diverse backgrounds. This
inclusivity fosters innovation and contributes to more equitable socio-economic development.

Resource Sharing and Cost Efficiency:

Collaborative international projects and partnerships in science education can reduce costs and
optimize resource utilization. Institutions can share research facilities, data, and expertise,
making the most efficient use of available resources.

Globalization has significantly shaped economic and cultural changes worldwide, and this influence
extends to the field of science education research and development. This paper critically
examines the current state and potential future developments in science education research
from a globalization perspective. Two key aspects are emphasized: the internationalization of
science education research and the need to reconsider prevailing approaches to science
instruction in the context of economic and cultural globalization.

Internationalization of Science Education Research

 Analysis of the development of science education as an international research domain.

 Notable prominence of researchers from English-speaking countries, raising questions about
inclusivity and representation.
 Emphasis on recognizing the richness of diverse cultural perspectives in science education
research globally.

Rethinking Science Instruction in the Era of Globalization

 The importance of revisiting dominant approaches to science instruction within the context of
economic and cultural globalization.
 Encouraging awareness among students of the advantages, challenges, and problems
associated with international economic and cultural globalization.
 The need to adapt science education to incorporate local knowledge and indigenous
perspectives in a globalized world.

Indigenous Knowledge and Its Global Relevance

 Indigenous knowledge and its significance in a globalized world.

 Concerns about the erosion and assimilation of traditional knowledge systems due to
 The role of educators in promoting and preserving indigenous knowledge.
 Challenges related to politics, history, language, economics, and ethics in integrating local
knowledge into global contexts.
Place-Based Science Education for Indigenous Knowledge

 The concept of place-based science education as a means to support indigenous knowledge.

 Addressing challenges and difficulties associated with incorporating indigenous knowledge,
including disinterest among youth and the devaluation of native cultures.
 Recognition of the value of indigenous knowledge in science education and its growing

In summary, this paper explores the impact of globalization on science education research,
emphasizing the need for inclusivity and cultural sensitivity in research endeavors. It also
underscores the importance of integrating indigenous knowledge into science education and
promoting local knowledge systems within a globalized world.

In conclusion, the globalization of science education is a powerful driver of socio-economic

development worldwide. It promotes knowledge sharing, innovation, and collaboration,
empowering individuals and nations to address global challenges, diversify their economies,
and create a more equitable and sustainable future. To maximize its benefits, it is essential to
invest in infrastructure, promote international cooperation, and ensure that science education
is accessible to all, regardless of geographic location or socio-economic background.
Q.4 Discuss with examples the ASUBUL’s Theory of Cognitive Development
and Learning. Also discuss its implication for Teaching and Learning of

David Paul Ausubel's Learning Theory


David Paul Ausubel, an American psychologist, made significant contributions to educational

psychology, cognitive science, and science education. His theory of meaningful learning
emphasizes the importance of deductive reasoning and meaningful understanding, as opposed
to rote memorization. Ausubel believed that prior knowledge plays a central role in learning
and proposed the use of advance organizers to facilitate meaningful learning.

Learning Theory

Ausubel's theory posits that the acquisition of new knowledge is heavily dependent on what the
learner already knows. Learning begins with recognizing and understanding events and objects
based on existing concepts. The process involves constructing a network of concepts and
continually adding to it.

Ausubel also stressed the significance of reception learning over discovery learning and advocated
for meaningful learning over rote memorization. He believed that understanding concepts,
principles, and ideas should occur through deductive reasoning.

Influence of Piaget

Ausubel's ideas were influenced by Jean Piaget's work, particularly the concept of conceptual
schemes. He related this concept to how individuals acquire knowledge, emphasizing the role
of prior knowledge in constructing new understanding.

Meaningful Learning
Meaningful learning, a central aspect of Ausubel's theory, requires individuals to connect new
knowledge with relevant pre-existing concepts. It involves the interaction of new information
with the learner's existing knowledge structure. This is in contrast to rote learning, which may
incorporate new information but lacks interaction. Rote memory is suitable for recalling
sequences, like phone numbers, but does not facilitate the understanding of relationships
between objects or concepts.

Advance Organizers

Ausubel advocated for the use of advance organizers as tools to help link new learning material with
existing related ideas, especially when dealing with complex or challenging material. Advance
organizers serve two essential conditions:

Understanding the Organizer: Students must process and understand the information presented in
the advance organizer. This enhances the effectiveness of the organizer.

Indicating Relations: The organizer should indicate relationships among the basic concepts and
terms that will be used in the upcoming material.

Types of Advance Organizers

Ausubel's theory categorizes advance organizers into two main types:

Comparative Organizers: These aim to activate existing schemas and serve as reminders, making
relevant information accessible in working memory. Comparative organizers integrate and
discriminate by connecting similar concepts and distinguishing different yet potentially
confusing ones.

Expository Organizers: In contrast, expository organizers provide new knowledge that students need
to comprehend upcoming information. They relate what students already know to new and
unfamiliar material, making the unfamiliar material more understandable.

In summary, David Paul Ausubel's learning theory emphasizes meaningful learning through deductive
reasoning and the incorporation of new knowledge into existing cognitive structures. Advance
organizers, including comparative and expository organizers, play a vital role in facilitating this
meaningful learning process by connecting prior knowledge to new information.

Phase One: Advance Organizer

 Clarify the lesson's aim.

 Make the organization of new material explicit.
 Relate new information to the advance organizer.

Phase Two: Presentation of Learning Task or Material

 Present the lesson logically and systematically.

 Highlight the structure of the learning material.
 Encourage active engagement with the material.

Phase Three: Strengthening Cognitive Organization

 Reinforce connections to students' prior knowledge.

 Use examples to illustrate concepts, emphasizing similarities and differences.
 Engage students in meaningful learning activities.

Ausubel's model emphasizes the importance of clear objectives (advance organizer), organized
presentation of new material, and active student engagement to facilitate meaningful learning
and the integration of new knowledge into existing cognitive structures.
Q.5 Describe in detail the progress of Science Education in developing
The progress of science education in developing countries has been a critical and complex
journey influenced by various factors, including economic, social, cultural, and political
dynamics. While there have been significant challenges, there have also been notable
advancements. Here, I'll describe in detail the progress of science education in developing

1. Access to Education:

One of the most significant achievements has been an increase in access to education,
including science education. Developing countries have made efforts to expand primary and
secondary education, leading to a higher enrollment rate for students in schools.
2. Curriculum Development:

Many developing countries have reformed their curricula to include a stronger focus on
science and technology subjects. This is often seen as vital for preparing students to
participate in a knowledge-based global economy.
3. Teacher Training and Professional Development:
Efforts have been made to improve teacher training and professional development
programs. Well-trained teachers are crucial for delivering effective science education.
4. Infrastructure and Resources:

Investments in educational infrastructure, including the construction of schools and

laboratories, have been made to enhance the quality of science education. Access to
textbooks, teaching materials, and technology has also improved.
5. Partnerships and Aid:

Developing countries have collaborated with international organizations, NGOs, and donor
countries to secure funding and technical assistance for improving science education. These
partnerships have led to various initiatives aimed at enhancing educational quality.
6. Gender Equity:

Many developing countries have made efforts to promote gender equity in science
education. Initiatives are underway to encourage girls' participation in STEM (science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.
7. Outreach and Public Awareness:

Science education programs often include outreach activities to engage the broader
community and raise awareness about the importance of science and technology. This can
help generate support for educational initiatives.
8. Adoption of Technology:

Access to technology, including the internet and digital resources, has allowed students and
teachers in developing countries to access a wealth of scientific information and educational
9. International Assessments:

Some developing countries have participated in international assessments such as PISA

(Program for International Student Assessment) to benchmark their students' performance
in science against global standards. These assessments provide valuable data for further
10. Challenges and Disparities:
- Despite progress, many challenges persist. Developing countries often face disparities in
educational access and quality, both between regions within a country and among different
countries. Rural areas and marginalized communities often have less access to quality
science education.

11. Economic Factors:

- Economic constraints can limit the resources available for science education. Lack of
funding for infrastructure, materials, and teacher salaries can impede progress.

12. Cultural and Societal Factors:

- Cultural norms and societal expectations can sometimes discourage students, especially
girls, from pursuing science education. Changing these attitudes is a long-term challenge.

13. Political Stability:

- Political instability and conflicts in some developing countries can disrupt education
systems, making it difficult to sustain progress in science education.
Perspective on Science Education in Developing Countries

Challenging First World Hegemony

 The article challenges the dominance of First World nations while emphasizing the
need for global collaboration in an increasingly interconnected world.
 It brings to light the daily issues and challenges confronted by educators and learners
in developing countries.
Education for Social Justice

 Science educators in developing countries often focus on enhancing educational

opportunities and addressing social justice issues.
 Education should align with social justice, critical democracy, empowerment, action-
taking, and intellectual investment.
Transforming Science Education

 Science is a dynamic process driven by the changing nature of knowledge.

 Scientific knowledge is tentative and subject to change, and it is based on
presuppositions about the external world.
 Science education should align with both the nature of science and the goals of
Science and Education as Empowering Forces

 Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's also about hope, dreams,
aspirations, and struggle.
 It should foster critical and participatory democracy, enabling students to recognize
that the world can be transformed and reinvented.
Life World Experiences and the Culture of Science

 People in Western societies trust science but are also aware that scientific knowledge
can evolve.
 In Western popular culture, science and scientists hold a revered status.
 The culture of science exists within various subcultures and countercultures.
Challenges in Constructing Scientific Meaning

 Science educators face challenges in helping learners construct scientific meaning

within the context of their diverse life world experiences.
 Similar challenges are encountered by science educators in both Western and non-
Western cultures.
Facilitating Conceptualization of an Ever-Changing World

 The article calls for a reevaluation of how science education is framed to enable
learners to conceptualize a constantly evolving world.
 The goal is to facilitate the meaningful construction of scientific knowledge.

In conclusion, this article underscores the importance of considering cultural, societal, and
dynamic factors in science education. It advocates for a redefined perspective on science
education that aligns with the evolving nature of scientific knowledge and the broader goals
of education, including social justice and empowerment. The progress of science education
in developing countries has been marked by both achievements and challenges. Efforts to
improve access, curriculum development, teacher training, and infrastructure have
contributed to positive developments. However, addressing disparities, economic
constraints, cultural factors, and political stability remains crucial for ensuring equitable and
quality science education in these regions. International cooperation and support, along
with a commitment to long-term investments in education, are key to further advancements
in science education in developing countries.

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