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a. Distance Learning and the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic

Since 2020, we had been experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools were
closed in order to prevent the virus from spreading. This was also done so that the
students and school personnels would be safe and healthy. Because of the closure
of schools and DepEd’s goal to still be able to deliver quality basic education, we
were introduced to Distance Learning.

Distance Learning refers to the form of education in which the main elements
include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use
of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student
communication. This has both advantages and disadvantages. Schools/Universities
benefit by adding students without having to construct classrooms and housing,
and students reap the advantages of being able to work where and when they
choose. Accessibility and convenience are important advantages of this mode of
education. Well-designed programs can also bridge intellectual, cultural, and social
differences between students. It actually relies on the educational tools of online
learning, and that is probably the reason why there is confusion between distance
learning and online learning. Since distance learning is remote, this leads to
students connecting to schools, making it more accessible for students in different
countries. It is also known to be more affordable for students in different socio-
economic levels. This provides an equal opportunity for people to access higher
education despite restrictions or locations. However, among its disadvantages
include: 1. It may cause isolation, 2. It requires time management and self-
motivation skills, 3. It is difficult to prevent cheating, 4. Teachers focus more on
theory instead of practice, and 5. Students may neglect exercise and physical
health. Moreover, there can also be lack of instant communication since teachers
cannot give their feedbacks to students’ responses immediately.

Hazel Mae C. Daguines


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