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Yr./Sec.: 1-D1
Date: June 22, 2021
Subject: Science, Technology and Society

Reaction Paper about Transplant Cell, not Organs by Susan Lim

Dr. Susan Lim is a guest speaker at TED, speaking about one of her passions field of research-

Transplant cells, Not Organs, where she sheds light on an intriguing subject in the medical field.

I felt overwhelmed after hearing her entire speech. The video explains the moral difficulties of

donor transplantation and the adaptability of utilizing stem cells instead of a whole donor


Susan Lim's lecture touched on the problem of a black market for donor organs, which I found

fascinating. It occurs when poor people sell their organs for a fee, and the organs are then

illegally transferred to hospitals to use. It is not only a risky procedure because neither the

supplier nor the donor investigates the health of the organ, but it is also unethical and illegal.

Although organs will give to patients in desperate need, it is unethical to enable anyone to sell

portions of themselves for a nominal fee.

She also talked about her latest study, which involves transplanting stem cells rather than whole

organs. Stem cells have the potential to heal diseases and illnesses that are fatal, such as heart

disease. Although I've heard of stem cells being used to repair injured parts of the body, I've

never heard of them being used to reversing the development of old stem cells in fat. I had no

idea that stem cells could be located in fat, let alone that they will recycle to become new stem

This ground-breaking research has the potential to lead to major scientific breakthroughs. When

given the data, I am sure that this finding will lead to many more in the future and that many

diseases that are currently the leading cause of death, such as heart disease, will eventually be


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