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Gun Violence in America

Ji-Nah: Alex, you are from America, right?

Alex: Yes, I'm from Virginia, which is a southern state.
Ji-Nah: May I ask you a personal question?
Alex: Sure, if its not too personal. Go ahead.
Ji-Nah: Many Americans own guns. How about you? Do you own a gun?
Alex: Well, I used to. When I was growing up, I lived in an area where
hunting was popular.
Ji-Nah: I see. So you used to go hunting?
Alex: Yes, when I was young, I did. However, after I went to college,
I was too busy with my studies, and I never went hunting again.
Ji-Nah: What happened to your gun?
Alex: I sold it for about $200, and I never bought another one. I have
no interest now in owning a gun, and I wish that it was more
difficult for people to buy a gun.
Ji-Nah: Well, I'm happy to hear that.

We're scared too. Now that everybody has the

freedom to bear arms, people need to take care
of themselves and protect themselves with gvns.
A 8vnfi8hf in broad We are powerless in these circvmstances.
da7/i8hf! Where are
the po/ice?
- This is a fair way to settle ovr
differences, isn't it?
- I agree. Bvt we vsed to be best
friends. It's too bad that one of vs
has to die. Isn't there another way
we covld settle ovr disagreemen t?
- Yov make a good point. Why don't
we jvst f lip a coin?

m UNIT 13
Gun Violence
in America

he year 2015 was another year of shocking gun violence in the United States. In
T Houston, Texas, a man shot to death his ex-girlfriend, her husband, and six
children. In Charleston, South Carolina, at the oldest black church in the southern
U.S., a crazed white youth joined a Bible study but then pulled out a gun and killed
nine African-American worshippers. In Moneta, Virginia, two young reporters were
shot to death during a live news broadcast. The shocking number of incidents in 2015
only increased in 2016. According to the website, there were
53,270 incidents involving gun violence in the U.S. during 2015. Among these, 13,429
people were killed (about 37 per day), and 27,001 were injured. A total of 698
children, aged 0-11, were killed or injured, and among children aged 12-17, there
were 2,693 killed or injured. Also, there were 1,965 incidents of accidental shootings
that ended in death or injury.
Gun violence is so prevalent in the United States that many people who live
outside the U.S. frequently ask, "Why does the world's most powerful democratic
nation continue to endure such extreme gun violence?" In response, the first
observation that one can make is that, according to experts, the percentage of
American households with a gun has been steadily declining, from 54% in 1977 to
33% in 2009. However, at the same time, the average number of guns per owner has
increased from 4.1 in 1994 to 6.9 in 2004. Also, the percentage of Americans who die
from gun violence has actually been decreasing. In 1993, the rate of homicides was
7.0 for every 100,000 people; in 2013, the percentage had fallen to 3.6. However, the
U.S. remains a very violent country. The second observation to make about gun issues
in the U.S. is that the second amendment to the constitution allows citizens to own
guns. There is a significant proportion of American society that fiercely opposes any
attempts to limit the freedom to buy guns. Any measures introduced in Congress to
restrict gun ownership are usually defeated or severely watered down in their effects.
It seems that this issue will not be solved by the current generation.

What do you think?

(1) What steps should the U.S. take in order to reduce gun violence?
(2) If you planned a visit to the U.S., would you be worried about gun violence?
(3) In your country, how easy is it to buy a gun? Can anyone buy a gun?
(4) In some countries, such as Korea and Japan, the rate of gun violence is very low.
Why is that true?
(5) Are there legitimate reasons for owning a gun? Would you like to own one?
(6) Have you ever fired a gun? Would you like to visit a shooting range and practice
(7) If you found out that your best friend owned a gun, how would you react?


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