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Arts of Renaissance Period (1400-1600)

● 14th 15th, and 16th centuries in Europe

● “Renaitre” means “rebirth” (arts in Italy) such as music, sculpture, painting, architecture &
● Human philosophy
- They show respect in terms of their body
● Period of economic progress
● Study of ancient philosophy and artistic values
● Birth of secular art
● Focuses on realistic and humanistic art
- Accurate anatomy
- Scientific perspective
- Deeper landscape
● Painters depicted real-life figures
● Naturalistic portrait of human beings or realistic
● Ideal of well-rounded man (knowledgeable in fields)
- Philosophy, Science, Arts, Painting, Music
- Productive & creative activities
● Artistic experimentation
● Architecture: symmetry & balance
● Greatest cathedral building: St. Peter's Basilica (in Rome)

● Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475 - 1564)

- Greatest living artist, one of the greatest artists of all time
- Almost ranked as greatest (painting)
- Did the Pietà, in Vatican City

- The Last Judgement (Sistine Chapel) (Fresco)

- David

- Italian sculptor painter, architect & poeter

● Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

- Painter, scientist, architect & mathematician
- Da Vinci Code
- Ultimate “Renaissance Man” because of his intellect, talent, and expression of humanist and
classical values
- “Greatest painter”
- The Last supper

- Mona Lisa (the best-known)
● Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (Raphael) (1483 - 1520)
- Italian painter and architect
- Clarity of his work
- Interpreting the Divine and incorporating Christian doctrine
- Sistine Maddona (oil canvas)

- School of Athens (fresco)

- Known for craftsmanship

● Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (Donatello) (1386 - 1466)

- One of the greatest Italian artists
- Bas relief - a form of shallow statues & relief
- David (Bronze David)
➔ first large-scale since Antiquity
➔ Free-standing rude statue

- Prophet Habacuc (Bald figure)
➔ Zuccone - “pumpkin”
➔ Realism & naturalism
➔ “By the faith, I place in my Zuccone”

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