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Battle of Surabaya

When the Allied forces under the command of A.W.S Mallaby landed in Surabaya on 25 October
1945, the battle of Surabaya had begun. Despite having the intention to disarm the Japanese military,
they instead provoked the people of Surabaya by including Dutch forces. Small revolts caused by this
supposed dishonor continued untill 3 November 1945.

On 30 October 1945, A.W.S Mallaby was killed in the incident between The Allied forces and the
people of Surabaya. Surabaya’s atmosphere turned horrible. The Allied forces threaten the people of
Surabaya to surrender their arms on 9 November 1945, and if not, the Allied forces would attack
Surabaya from the air, sea, and the land. Following consultations with the government in Jakarta, the
Governor of East Java declared that Surabaya refused to surrender.

As a consequence on 10 November the battle of Surabaya broke out. An all-out attack was launched
by the Allied forces consisting of British and Indian soldiers. Three days of the battle has passed,
victims were everywhere including the hospital and the roads. More than 6,000 indonesian people
died and 200,000 civillians fled Surabaya.

As a result, the battle of Surabaya has proven that the nationalist forces of Indonesia have
successfully retained their standing. In memory of the battle, 10 November is now commemorated
as “Heroes day”.

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