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Name: Syifa Ulrahmi

Student ID: 210203083

Course: English Proficiency Test

A. Some people believe that children should not be given homework everyday, while
others believe that they must get homework everyday in order to be successful at

Paragraph 1: in the first paragraph I will explain what is the meaning of

homework for school children, and how does the school give homework, whether every
mandatory day is mandatory or depends on the teacher who teaches it.
Paragraph 2: and in this second paragraph I will give opinions about people who
believe that children should not be given homework every day, in this paragraph I will try
to explain the benefits of having homework for students from various sources. With the
benefits that I wrote down in this second paragraph, there will also be a negative side
from giving homework to students.
Paragraph 3: next, in the third paragraph I will give an opinion to those who
believe that students should be given homework, in this paragraph I will explain how the
impact will be on the child if he has to always do homework. I will provide accurate
information about this problem, and take it from various sources.
Paragraph 4: in this paragraph I will provide a conclusion from the two problems
above, and will provide the right solution for each of these problems.

B. Most modern families have both parents working and as a result children spend less
and less time with their parents.

Paragraph 1: in the first paragraph I will explain how modern family life is
where both parents have jobs so that the child only has a little time with their parents.
Paragraph 2: in this paragraph I will try to explain some of the reasons that make
this happen, and how the impact of this problem is on the child, if he only has a little time
to meet parents who are always busy working.
Paragraph 3: in this third paragraph I will try to find out the various problems
that caused this to happen, such as from the economic side of the family and so on.
Paragraph 4: in this paragraph I will conclude from the problems above and
provide solutions to problems like the above.
C. Many management interviews are based around assessing not only a person's level of
experience and knowledge but also their personality.

Paragraph 1: in the first paragraph I will explain in advance how management

interviews are conducted. And I will also explain what will be asked in this management
Paragraph 2: in this paragraph I will provide information on how the assessment
is given to prospective workers. And what should be assessed by them from the results of
the interviews that we have done.
Paragraph 3: in this paragraph I will explain how leadership is and whether there
is a relationship with the skills of ourselves. And just a few characteristics that are sought
after in the company.
Paragraph 4: in the fourth paragraph I will provide some conclusions that can be
drawn from the material above, and how we prepare ourselves for a job interview.

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