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Differential pressure and mechanical Pipe Sticking

Prepared by: Mani khaghani

Sept 18, 2016

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May 18, 2016

Differential pressure and mechanical pipe sticking

The cost of the NPT to drilling industry is significant. The stuck pipe is one of the most expensive
problems that can occur during a drilling operation. Prevention of stuck pipe is far more economical
than even the best freeing procedures, however, when prevention fails, a drilling professional should be
able to select the most efficient treatment. Understanding and anticipating drilling problems, their
causes, and planning solutions are essential.

Differential pressure pipe sticking and mechanical pipe sticking are addressed in this section.

Preventing stuck pipe can require close monitoring of early warning signs, such as:

 Increases in torque and drag

 Excessive cuttings loading
 Tight spots while tripping
 Loss of circulation while drilling

Differential pressure pipe sticking

Differential sticking is one of the most common problems that occur during drilling as a result of
differential pressure between the hydrostatic pressure of mud and formation pressure of mud while the
hydrostatic pressure is greater than the formation pressure which causes pushing a drill string into a
filter cake of permeable formation. When the differential sticking occurs, running the pipe string in the
upward and downward direction is impossible, but free circulation is easily established.

Figure 1: Differential pressure pipe sticking

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May 18, 2016

Indicators of differential stuck pipe:

An increase in torque and drag, constant drilling fluid movement and losing mud while drilling
permeable zones, are the signs and indicators of the differential stuck pipe. Sticking occurs when the
drill string is stationary as the drill string cannot be rotated or moved up or down.

Differential-pressure-pipe-sticking problems may not be entirely prevented. If sticking does occur,

standard field practices for freeing the stuck pipe include:

Initial Actions:

 Circulate at maximum allowable rate

 Work MAXIMUM Limit torque down to the stuck depth and hold the torque in the string if the
bit is off the bottom, slump the pipe with right-hand torque held in it. If the bit is on bottom,
Pull to the maximum immediately and jar Apply right-hand torque to try to get movement to
stuck point
 Stop or reduce pump speed to minimum
 Slack off to MAXIMUM set-down limit
 Allow sufficient time for a hydraulic jar to trip
 If the string does not come free, hold torques in the string and continue jarring down with
maximum trip load

Secondary Actions:

 Mud-hydrostatic-pressure reduction in the annulus, consider all aspects of well control before
lowering hydrostatic pressure
 Oil spotting around the stuck portion of the drill string
 Washing over the stuck pipe

Some of the methods used to reduce the hydrostatic pressure in the annulus include:

 Reducing mud weight by dilution

 Reducing mud weight by gasifying with nitrogen
 Placing a packer in the hole above the stuck point

When the string is free:

 Rotate and work the string

 Circulate at maximum rate to clean the hole
 Check the proper mud specifications

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Mechanical Pipe Sticking

The causes of mechanical pipe sticking are the inadequate removal of drilled cutting from the annulus;
borehole instabilities, such as hole caving, sloughing, or collapse, plastic shale or salt sections squeezing
(creeping), and key seating.

Figure 2: Mechanical Pipe Sticking

Freeing mechanically stuck pipe

Freeing mechanically stuck pipe can be undertaken in some ways depending on what caused the
sticking. For example, if cuttings accumulation or hole sloughing is the suspected cause, then circulate a
high viscosity and low filtrate mud. Rotating and reciprocating the drill string and increasing flow rate
without exceeding the maximum allowed equivalent circulating density (ECD) is a possible remedy for
freeing the pipe.

If hole narrowing as a result of plastic shale is the cause, then an increase in mud weight may release the
pipe. If circulation is not possible, attempt to restore with maximum pressure. If necessary, pressure up
the annulus to push back shales.

If hole narrowing as a result of salt is the cause, then circulating fresh water can free the pipe.

If the pipe is stuck in a key-seat area, never pull sharply; try moving down with torque. Jar down. Spot a
highly lubricating slog. If unsuccessful, back off as close to the stuck point as possible. Run in while in
with jarring outside diameter small enough to enter the key seat on running in. If 2 to 3 hours of jarring
is unsuccessful, spot lubricant and continue jarring.

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For the freeing stuck pipe and to reduce overall costs, it is necessary to have the most accurate
information available and a very high level of competency when it comes to firing up jars.

Freeing Wellbore Geometry

Initial Actions:

 If sticking occurred while moving up apply torque and jar, down with maximum trip load
 Stop or reduce circulation when cocking the jar and when jarring down
 Continue jarring until the string is free or alternative decision is made

Secondary Action

 Spot acid if stuck in limestone or chalk. Place fresh water with mobile salt
 When the string is free
 Increase circulation to maximum rate, rotate and work the string
 Ream and backream the hole section thoroughly
 Circulate the hole clean

Freeing Wellbore Pack-off or bridge

Stuck while moving up or with string static, we need to follow these actions to establish

 Apply low pump pressure

 Do not jar up. Apply torque and slack off to the maximum set down weight. Allow sufficient time
for a hydraulic jar to trip
 If the string does not come free, do not jar up. Jar down until the string comes free or
alternative decision is made
 When circulation is established, slowly increase the pump speed to the maximum rate. When
possible, work the string and circulate the hole clean from bit depth
 Ream the section until the hole is clean

Stuck while moving down we need to follow these actions to establish circulation:

 Apply low pump pressure. Maintain pressure if restricted circulation is possible

 Do not apply torque or jar down. Apply maximum over pull to the jar. Allow sufficient time for a
hydraulic jar to trip
 If the string does not come free do not jar down. Jar up until the string comes free or alternative
decision is made
 When circulation is stablished, slowly increase the pump speed to maximum rate. When
possible, work the string and circulate the hole clean from bit depth
 Ream the section until the hole is clean

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