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April 13, 2021 Lisa Satin

Libyan Desert Glass- Rare

Exotic Sister of Moldavite

Who is Libyan Desert Glass and why

haven't you heard of her?

Moldavite is a stunning, star-born green

goddess gemstone found only in the Czech
Republic. She is famous, revered, and
glamorized. But what about her secret
sister, Libyan Desert Glass?

Libyan Desert Glass may not be featured in

the world spotlight, but she deserves to be.
Libyan Desert Glass is a breathtaking
beauty from the African Sahara. She's the
exotic Yellow Tektite sister of Moldavite,
even more rare.

Libyan Desert Glass is as precious and

desirable as Moldavite, yet she yields her
special superpowers. The world must know
about Libyan Desert Glass! Her secret
talents shall be revealed...

Libyan Desert Glass Meteorite Spiritual

Meditation Yellow Sun Set


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Why is Libyan Desert Glass rare

and exotic?

Libyan Desert Glass is an impactite Tektite.

She was created when a Meteorite struck
Libya ages ago, causing the space rock to
fuse with earthly sand. The crash sent this
newly formed mineral Qying into the air.
Libyan Desert Glass was ejected across the
East Sahara and West Egypt.

Meteorites and Tektites are coveted

because they are created from rare and
singular events. Libyan Desert Glass is
extremely unique because she is yellow.
Having landed in the desert, many of her
fragments boast pieces of sand embed into
the glassy structure. Therefore, she earned
the name "Great Sand Sea Glass". She is the
one-and-only mineral of her kind.

While Moldavite has made her way

through the world market, Libyan Desert
Glass is much more exclusive. She hails
from the now troubled region of Libya and
Egypt. She cannot make her way into the
world market due to limited availability,
strict government restrictions, and the
violence going on in her turf.

When you become a keeper of Libyan

Desert Glass, you become one of the very
few people in the world to enjoy her
company. Consider yourself lucky and

Libyan Desert Glass Necklace Sun-Star-

Sand Trinity Sterling Silver


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What are Great Sand Sea Glass'


Great Sand Sea Glass is the only known

Tektite adorned in the color yellow. Thanks
to her unique tone, she harnesses the
bright and happy energy of the sun. When
you hold Libyan Desert Glass, you feel a
warm glow. She uplifts your mood and
helps defeats the darkness.

Libyan Desert Glass was created only once,

and never in the timeline of the universe
shall you ever see her again. She lavishes
you with the power of the sun and the
cosmos. She captures the essence of the

Use Libyan Desert Glass at your Solar

Plexus chakra to keep joyous. She connects
you to happiness at the cosmic level.
Where material and earthly
accomplishments give you limited, fading
joy, Libyan Desert Glass helps you tap into a
higher bliss from the spiritual realm.

This Yellow Tektite Goddess is unique in

that she's born in the Sahara Desert. Feel
the planetary grounding she has to offer; it
balances perfectly with her astral

When you want to take a shamanic journey

into the nostalgic past, pick this African
gemstone. When you want to learn the
secrets of ancient times, and listen to the
whispers of each speck of sand, pick Libyan
Desert Glass. Great Sea Sand has seen and
heard it all, from the salt of the earth to
the building blocks of outer space.

What other secret does Libyan Desert Glass

have in store for you? Find out for yourself.

Where can I buy Libyan Desert


You want to be an elite owner of Libyan

Desert Glass, but you don't want to get
duped. Because Great Sand Sea Glass looks
glassy, she is often replicated in the
laboratories using human-made glass.
Unfortunately, some earthlings wish to trick
you into buying fakes.

Thankfully, Satin Crystals has been

absolutely in love with Libyan Desert Glass
for many years and we are experts at
getting you only real gemstones. Take a
look at our Libyan Desert Glass Collection,
or Znd your favorite right here:

Libyan Desert Glass Meteorite Plump Pleasing Yellow Tektite




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Libyan Desert Glass Pendant Power of Sol Raw Sun



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Libyan Desert Glass Tektite Sunny Soul Slim Sleek Great Sand



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Libyan Desert Glass Necklace Royal King Tut Sahara Desert



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Libyan Desert Glass Necklace Sun-Star-Sand Trinity Sterling



20 Inches

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Libyan Desert Glass Necklace Yellow Star Sun Catcher Cage


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Libyan Desert Glass Meteorite Dolphin in Space Yellow



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Libyan Desert Glass Meteorite Alien among us Yellow Tektite


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Libyan Desert Glass Meteorite Sun Star Sand Trinity Stone


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Libyan Desert Glass: Secrets


In the next two weeks, you can expect to

Znd these articles delivered right into the
comfort of your inbox:

Libyan Desert Glass Meanings and


Libyan Desert Glass Showcase

The Top 5 Uses of Libyan Desert Glass

Libyan Desert Glass Positive AfZrmations

Libyan Desert Glass Guided Meditation

Script & Video

Do you want to know more about the

Yellow Tektite Goddess? Join the Satin
Crystals VIP club to get special news and
offers about this Tektite, as well as other
exciting Meteorites and gemstones.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for

entertainment only. See full disclosure.

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Filed in: libyan desert glass, meteorites,

moldavite, tektite




Sheila Satin - November 25, 2021

Hi Adam, thanks for writing. Here are some
helpful articles for you on real vs fake
meteorites, tektites, and Libyan Desert
desert-glass-article and

Please note, that the only true way to know

if a Tektite is real if you don’t have a
reputable source is to send it into a
specialty lab.

As for Super Seven Crystals, that is just a

marketing term. Super Seven crystals you
would again have to take it to a gemologist
who can identify all seven of the minerals
within or Znd a reputable source who
knows exactly which minerals and
inclusions are present in your stone.

Adam T - November 25, 2021

Hello good day I was wondering if there are
fake super seven crystals tektites and
Libyan desert glass out there and how you
can tell if they are real or fake please help
me if you can thank you

Sheila Satin - May 17, 2021

Ruben, that’s a wonderful feeling. Thanks
for sharing!

Ruben - May 17, 2021

This was spot on for me. Exactly how I feel. I
also feel like Znally being home again.

Angie - February 15, 2021

Hi Angela D, I know that real moldavite has
little black specks in it. Also, another way to
tell if Moldavite is fake, is if it comes from
China, and the price. Don’t get me wrong,
you can Znd it for a reasonable price. But if
it seems to good to be true, it most likely is.
E.g I found a bracelet on eBay, it looked
authentic and was Zrst tip
off should’ve been the price. They wanted
$50 for a beaded moldavite bracelet. When
realistically just a genuine moldavite bead
is probably worth $50. Another way you can
tell if these stones are authentic, is by the
energy they put off. Ask for a certiZcate of
authenticity. I guarantee these same rules
apply with Libyan Glass Tektite

Angie - February 15, 2021

Hi Angela D, I know that real moldavite has
little black specks in it. Also, another way to
tell if Moldavite is fake, is if it comes from
China, and the price. Don’t get me wrong,
you can Znd it for a reasonable price. But if
it seems to good to be true, it most likely is.
E.g I found a bracelet on eBay, it looked
authentic and was Zrst tip
off should’ve been the price. They wanted
$50 for a beaded moldavite bracelet. When
realistically just a genuine moldavite bead
is probably worth $50. Another way you can
tell if these stones are authentic, is by the
energy they put off. Ask for a certiZcate of
authenticity. I guarantee these same rules
apply with Libyan Glass Tektite

Lisa Satin - January 7, 2021

Hello Angela,

Thanks for writing to us.

We don’t do picture identiZcation of stones

or meteorites because it can be inaccurate.
However, we have a resource page that can
help you! Check it out:

Also, join our free VIP email club because in

March we’ll be sending out new
information about all kinds of Meteorites
you may Znd helpful. Currently, we are
working on healing and informational
pages for Pyrite- a stone of New Years
prosperity :)

Let us know if you have any further

questions. !
Are you IN?
Lisa Satin

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