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Review Articles

Simulation-based crisis resource management training for

pediatric critical care medicine: A review for instructors*
Adam Cheng, MD; Aaron Donoghue, MD; Elaine Gilfoyle, MD; Walter Eppich, MD, MEd
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Objective: To review the essential elements of crisis resource based approach. This includes a description of how to design
management and provide a resource for instructors by describing pediatric simulation scenarios, how to effectively debrief, and a
how to use simulation-based training to teach crisis resource list of potential assessment tools that instructors can use to
management principles in pediatric acute care contexts. evaluate crisis resource management performance during simu-
Data Source: A MEDLINE-based literature source. lation-based training.
Outline of Review: This review is divided into three main Conclusion: Crisis resource management principles form the
sections: Background, Principles of Crisis Resource Management, foundation for efficient team functioning and subsequent error
and Tools and Resources. The background section provides the reduction in high-stakes environments such as acute care pedi-
brief history and definition of crisis resource management. The atrics. Effective instructor training is required for those programs
next section describes all the essential elements of crisis re- wishing to teach these principles using simulation-based learn-
source management, including leadership and followership, com- ing. Dissemination and integration of these principles into pedi-
munication, teamwork, resource use, and situational awareness. atric critical care practice has the potential for a tremendous
This is followed by a review of evidence supporting the use of impact on patient safety and outcomes. (Pediatr Crit Care Med
simulation-based crisis resource management training in health 2012; 13:197–203)
care. The last section provides the resources necessary to de- KEY WORDS: crisis resource management; critical care; instruc-
velop crisis resource management training using a simulation- tor; pediatric; simulation; team training

I n acute care settings, resuscitat- from the Institute of Medicine (1), “To tion of crew resource management prin-
ing a critically ill or injured child Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health- ciples in the field of aviation.
remains among the greatest chal- care System,” concluded that the major- The earliest applications of CRM in
lenges to healthcare providers. ity of medical errors were not the result clinical medicine were in anesthesia. The
The coordinated effort of pediatric resus- of individual actions, but rather a failure study by Howard et al (3) described a
citation teams is required to deliver safe on the level of teams, systems, or pro- dedicated training course in Anesthesia
and effective care and depends on com- cesses that led to preventable mistakes. Crisis Resource Management, in which a
plex human behaviors. The 1999 report Crisis resource management (CRM) re- combination of didactic and SBT for an-
fers to a set of principles dealing with esthesiologists was applied to: “provide
interpersonal interactions and behaviors participants with precompiled responses
*See also p. 226. that contribute to optimal team function- to critical incidents and to instruct par-
From the Division of Emergency Medicine (AC), Al- ing during crises. We review the history ticipants in the coordinated integration
berta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, Canada; the Divisions
of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Medicine (AD),
and principles of CRM and provide re- of all available resources to maximize safe
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; the sources for instructors by describing how patient outcomes.” CRM principles have
Division of Critical Care Medicine (EG), Alberta Children’s to use simulation-based training (SBT) to since been applied in other areas of med-
Hospital, Calgary, Canada; and the Division of Emergency teach CRM in pediatrics. We also provide icine, including internal medicine (4),
Medicine (WE), Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL. an overview of several CRM assessment emergency medicine (5), pediatric criti-
Dr. Cheng receives research grant support for
simulation-based research from the American Heart tools that can be used to assess CRM cal care (6), and prehospital care (7).
Association, Laerdal Foundation for Acute Medicine, performance in real or simulated clinical Most studies report the use of SBT to
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and Canadian environments. teach CRM principles with a common
Institutes of Health Research. goal of training teams to function more
Dr. Eppich receives grant support from the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality, and has received History efficiently and effectively.
honoraria/speaking fees from the Society for Simula-
tion in Healthcare-Conference Course. He also receives The origins of CRM lie in the aviation Defining a Team
employment salary support from the Center for Med- industry, where it came to exist under its
ical Simulation. The remaining authors have not dis- original moniker, “crew resource man- In the review by Baker et al (8) enti-
closed any potential conflicts of interest. agement” (2). Investigations of major air- tled “Medical Teamwork and Patient
For information regarding this article, E-mail: line accidents identified human errors Safety: The Evidence-Based Relation,” they
Copyright © 2012 by the Society of Critical Care such as failures of communication, lead- defined a team as “two or more individ-
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- ership, and decisionmaking as the major uals with specialized knowledge and skills
sive and Critical Care Societies contributors to these accidents. This im- who perform specific roles and complete
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0b013e3182192832 portant recognition led to the incorpora- interdependent tasks to achieve a com-

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012 Vol. 13, No. 2 197

mon goal or outcome.” Teamwork com- in this fashion helps to “flatten the hier- ing made on current information. Terms
prises a collection of behaviors and atti- archy,” ensuring that team members will such as “shared cognition” or “shared
tudes that promotes efficient processing speak up if they believe something might mental model” have been applied to this
of information and ultimately leads to be going wrong. Team leaders can pro- overall collective thought process (14),
timely and proper actions carried out by mote this style of communication by oc- which can be considered as “getting ev-
various team members. In pediatric acute casionally seeking the input and thoughts eryone on the same page.”
care medicine, team members function of team members to help guide the man-
in a dynamic fashion: changing roles agement of the patient (12, 14); 2) closed- Applicability of Crisis Resource
when appropriate, prioritizing and com- loop communication refers to a three- Management to Pediatric
pleting tasks, and communicating effec- step process for conveying orders, in Resuscitation
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tively to minimize errors and optimize which the team leader gives a command,
safety. CRM encompasses key behaviors the team member acknowledges the com- Resuscitation of critically ill children
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that will help teams deliver coordinated mand and repeats it back to the leader, has long been associated with largely poor
and effective care to critically ill children. and finally the team member reports outcomes. Resuscitations in hospitalized
when the order is completed (1, 12–14). children occur uncommonly (16, 17), and
Principles of Crisis Resource By closing the loop with each order, team survival outcomes from cardiac arrest are
Management members ensure that orders are received poor (18 –20). Surveys of pediatric residents
and completed correctly, thus minimiz- have demonstrated that actual patient ex-
The essential elements of team dy- ing the risk for error during resuscita- perience in leading or participating in re-
namics and CRM have been described in tion; and 3) information-sharing and in- suscitations is rare (21, 22). Nonetheless,
many different formats (9 –11) with the quiry refers to an ongoing process of the Accreditation Council for Graduate
overarching key principles being leader- bidirectional (leader to member and vice Medical Education list of required compe-
ship and followership, communication, versa) knowledge-sharing and corrective tencies for pediatric residency trainees in-
teamwork, resource use, and situational action when necessary. This can help to cludes “sufficient training in basic and ad-
awareness. prevent inappropriate actions and the de- vanced life support” without any specific
Leadership and Followership. Pediat- velopment of fixation errors in which a provisions of how such training should be
ric resuscitation teams ideally consist of a team cannot be easily redirected from an achieved (23).
team leader along with additional team incorrect trajectory of care. In 2003, the International Liaison
members who have clearly assigned roles. Teamwork (Human Resources). Opti- Committee on Resuscitation published
When possible, a team leader should mal human resource use includes ensur- the results of a symposium on educa-
stand away from the bedside, maintain an ing the presence and participation of tion in resuscitation (24). Among the
overall view of the patient, and synthesize enough personnel to fulfill all of the im- recommendations made for advanced life
key information from team members. mediately necessary roles within the re- support training was that “crisis resource
Team members should be competent suscitation team. As management of the management and communication should
with their role assignment and openly patient progresses, new tasks will inevi- be a component of advanced life support
share information about their observa- tably arise, and appropriate allocation of training, either as an add-on module or a
tions, interpretations, and interventions roles to qualified team members will be separate course.” The 2005 version of the
(3–5). Team members should be encour- critical to ensure that these tasks are Pediatric Advanced Life Support course in-
aged to speak up without a concern that carried out in an efficient and correct cluded for the first time a section on effec-
doing so will constitute going against the manner. tive resuscitation team dynamics, in which
authority of a team leader, a concept re- Resource Use (Material Resources). many of these principles of teamwork and
ferred to as “flattening hierarchy” (12). Optimal material resource use assures communication are discussed (9).
Team members must not assume that the that correct equipment is used optimally Caring for acutely ill children often
team leader has all of the pertinent infor- by designated personnel. Equipment that presents a unique set of circumstances,
mation and should feel empowered to may be infrequently necessary should be including balancing the medical needs of
share their thoughts, particularly when readily available and members of the the patient with the emotional needs of
their input may positively affect patient team should have enough familiarity with the family or caregivers. Managing par-
outcome. its use to deploy it quickly when required. ticularly challenging and stressful situa-
Communication. The Joint Commis- Situational Awareness. Situational tions such as disruptive and intrusive
sion on Accreditation of Healthcare Or- awareness has been defined as “the per- parents (25), end-of-life care (26), or dis-
ganizations indicates that two thirds of ception of elements in the environ- closure of bad news or medical error (27,
all medical errors reported to their ment . . . the comprehension of their 28) requires a specific skill set and mind
agency were caused primarily by a failure meaning, and the projection of their sta- set that can be taught in the context of
in communication (13). Several attri- tus into the near future” (15). It may be CRM principles. Application of these
butes of effective communication in- conceptualized as the ongoing, dynamic skills in the simulated environment with
clude: 1) assertive communication— integration of cues from the patient, the actors serving as parents or caregivers is
team members command appropriate team, and the environment and the sub- essential to building the confidence nec-
attention and deliver their message in a sequent dissemination of these cues in a essary to effectively manage critically ill
nonthreatening, respectful manner. This global, patient-oriented context. The children with a family-centered ap-
phenomenon applies to both leader-to- team as a whole should continually reas- proach. Pediatric resuscitation represents
follower communication and follower-to- sess a patient’s situation and update one the “perfect storm”: a dangerous mix of a
leader communication. Communicating another to ensure that decisions are be- high-stakes environment with potential

198 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012 Vol. 13, No. 2

harm to the patient combined with pedi- in team performance. The study by Wal- the simulated resuscitation experience
atric providers who often have not had lin et al (31) found that students exposed by a skilled instructor.
sufficient opportunity to manage criti- to trauma team training comprised of five
cally ill children. It is in this setting in separate simulation scenarios had im- Scenario Design
which effective teaching of the different proved performance in various team
human and behavioral factors encom- skills such as leadership, interpersonal As an instructor, there are two ap-
passing CRM may have a directly positive skills, distribution of workload, commu- proaches to designing scenarios for the
impact on patient outcomes. nication, and professional behavior. This purposes of teaching CRM. The first ap-
expanding body of evidence has sup- proach is based on the assumption that
ported the incorporation of simulation- all simulated cases have elements of CRM
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Is Crisis Resource Management

based training into various pediatric cur- inherently built into them. Even if a sce-
Training Effective?
ricula, including programs in general nario was initially designed to teach
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A growing body of evidence supports pediatrics (34, 35), pediatric critical care knowledge or technical skills, running
the effectiveness of CRM training in im- (36), and pediatric emergency medicine the scenario in a realistic, simulated en-
proving team functioning and dynamics (37). This begs the question, How do you vironment with two or more team mem-
(10, 11, 29 –33). A pediatric study by effectively design simulation scenarios bers, along with actors serving as family
Thomas et al (11) randomized pediatric and structure debriefing sessions to max- members, will ultimately lead to oppor-
interns to the standard neonatal resusci- imize learning of CRM principles? tunities to discuss leadership, teamwork,
tation program course or a modified neo- communication, resource use, and situa-
natal resuscitation program course, Simulation-Based Education for tional awareness. Teaching with this ap-
which included team training. Those in- proach is highly dependent on the in-
CRM Training
terns who took the modified neonatal re- structor making accurate observations of
suscitation program course demon- In SBT, healthcare teams manage sim- team performance. There are key points
strated more frequent information- ulated cases aimed at highlighting lead- during most scenarios in which CRM is-
sharing, inquiry, assertion, vigilance, and ership, communication, and teamwork sues will inevitably arise (Table 1). Mak-
workload management. In a prospective, issues that arise during patient care. ing observations during these critical
multicenter trial, a study by Morey et al Training in this safe, harm-free learning points will help form the basis for discus-
(29) examined the effects of a Emergency environment gives pediatric healthcare sion during the debriefing session.
Team Coordination Course on healthcare providers the opportunity to practice The second approach involves design-
professionals by implementing pretest managing both common and uncommon ing the simulated scenario to incorporate
and posttest measurements at 4 and 8 conditions without any risk of harm to particular elements of CRM. Careful
months after training. In the group ran- real children. In a specialty in which true scripting of the scenario and case pro-
domized to Emergency Team Coordina- resuscitations are rare (16, 17), SBT gression, the introduction of actors as
tion Course training, they found im- allows pediatric healthcare providers to team members or family members,
proved quality of team behaviors, train to perfection, honing their skills and/or controlling the simulated environ-
improved attitudes toward teamwork, to the point at which delivery of care is ment by providing or withholding key
and most importantly, a significantly re- optimal even under high-risk condi- resources should trigger CRM behaviors
duced clinical error rate in the emer- tions. Effective delivery of SBT is de- (Table 2). Actors can be directed to per-
gency room after training. The study by pendent on thoughtful scenario design form certain roles specific to pediatric
Shapiro et al (30) subsequently included linked to intended learning outcomes, resuscitations such as the anxious, argu-
simulated resuscitation as an adjunct to identification of relevant CRM issues mentative, or tearful parent or even med-
Emergency Team Coordination Course during the actual scenario, and most ical roles such as a new junior resident or
training and found further improvement importantly, facilitated debriefing of nurse, a consultant with limited pediatric
experience, or a team member who is
unfamiliar with pediatric-sized equip-
ment. When choosing to adapt scenarios
Table 1. Key Debriefing Time Points during Simulated Pediatric Resuscitation Scenarios
by withholding information or resources,
Time Point During Simulated instructors should ensure that scenarios
Pediatric Resuscitation Crisis Resource Management Principle are free from trickery and remain realis-
tic to the pertinent clinical context so
Arrival of team leader Leadership, communication, teamwork that students can remain immersed in
Arrival of parents/caregiver Leadership, communication, teamwork, situational awareness the simulated scenario. Sometimes, ex-
Arrival of consultant (e.g., Leadership, communication
intensive care
cessive manipulation of the clinical envi-
unit/anesthesia) ronment can be detrimental to the learn-
Deterioration or change in Leadership, communication, situational awareness, teamwork ing process and disengage students from
patient condition the simulation. Despite planning and
Introduction of new Leadership, communication, situational awareness, teamwork scripting scenarios in a careful fashion,
information (e.g., x-rays, instructors should not assume they know
blood work) exactly how teams will act or behave in all
Performing a critical Leadership, communication, resource use, situational
procedure (e.g., intubation, awareness
circumstances. Running simulation sce-
chest tube insertion) narios this way still requires attentive ob-
servation of the resuscitation to best

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012 Vol. 13, No. 2 199

Table 2. Tips for incorporating crisis resource management elements into simulated pediatric to enhance discussion and attend to the
scenarios process of reflection; 3) promoting dis-
Crisis Resource
cussion and reflective practice; 4) identi-
Management Strategy to Incorporate Crisis Resource Management Principle Into fying and exploring performance gaps;
Principles the Scenario and 5) helping trainees achieve and sus-
tain good performance.
Leadership Wave effecta—introduce team members in a sequential fashion (e.g., Although the specific structure used
nurses 3 residents 3 fellows) in debriefings may vary (38 – 40), the first
Introduce a new team member
phase of the debriefing is generally for
Introduce a potential new team leader (e.g., critical care physician,
reacting to the experience as well as clar-
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Introduce a parent or caregiver as a potential distractor ifying facts and describing what hap-
Communication Take people out of their comfort zone (e.g., start scenario without pened. This step ensures that participants
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nurses/without doctors) and facilitators agree about major events

Introduce “handover,” e.g., paramedic handing over to emergency that will form the basis for later discus-
team; nursing handover at shift change sion. The heart of the debriefing is the
Introduce a scripted medication error middle or analysis phase, which ideally is
Withhold information (e.g., relevant medical history)
devoted to indepth discussion of observed
Give critical information to a team member (e.g., blood glucose)
during crisis point in scenario (e.g., cardiac arrest)
performance gaps (40). Of note here is
Introduce a parent or caregiver as a potential distractor that performance gaps (defined as the gap
Use phone calls between desired and actual performance)
Teamwork (human Challenge team with multiple tasks/problems (e.g., hypoglycemia, may be incremental or decremental; in
resources) seizure, hypotension, respiratory arrest) other words, better than or worse than
Wave effecta—introduce team members in a sequential fashion (e.g., the desired performance. Because an in-
nurses 3 residents 3 fellows) dividual or team may perform actions for
Introduce a junior team member (e.g., medical student)
which the rationale is not immediately
Introduce parents or team members who are distractors
Introduce a team member who makes some mistakes
apparent, an effective debriefing includes
Use phone calls an explicit discussion around the drivers
Provide fewer team members that formed the basis for the gap in per-
Resource use Withhold critical equipment (e.g., defibrillator) formance. Although actions are observ-
Provide broken or improperly sized equipment (e.g., rupture able, these drivers (thoughts, beliefs, as-
endotracheal tube cuff) sumptions, knowledge base) are often
Provide an abundance of resources (e.g., scatter multiple invisible to the debriefer without skillful
endotracheal tubes on top of crash cart)
questioning (38 – 41). Indeed, inexperi-
Use a phone call to introduce the case and allow time for team to
prepare for resuscitation (e.g., trauma arriving to emergency
enced facilitators often jump to the con-
department) clusion that observed performance gaps
Situational awareness Design challenging scenario with more frequent physiological are the result of knowledge deficits and
changes launch into a lecture intended to reme-
Design scenario history, physical or case progression to promote diate them. By exploring the basis for the
fixation error (e.g., cardiogenic shock from myocarditis performance gap, the debriefer can diag-
presenting as vomiting and diarrhea) nose an individual’s or a team’s learning
Challenge team leader to prioritize by providing laboratory and
need and subsequently facilitate a discus-
radiology results or introducing team members during critical
points in scenario (e.g., during intubation) sion and provide focused teaching. Fi-
Introduce a team member who makes mistakes nally, the debriefing is concluded by hav-
ing participants articulate “take-home
Wave effect is defined as the sequential introduction of team members during a simulated messages” and, if needed, the debriefer
resuscitation. The benefit of this strategy is that each time a team member is introduced, there should summarizes key messages related to the
be some sort of communication between new and existing team members. This strategy also provides learning objectives of the case. The pro-
the initial one or two providers the opportunity to manage the patient directly, often desirable for more cess of analyzing a performance gap can
junior learners.
be summarized in four steps: 1) identify a
gap between desired and actual perfor-
highlight elements of CRM during the in the context of after-action reviews. mance; 2) provide feedback about per-
debriefing session. Table 3 outlines the These reviews, more aptly termed “de- formance gap; 3) elicit a basis for perfor-
pros and cons for both approaches to mance gap; and 4 close the gap through
briefings” (38 – 41) when led by skilled
scenario design. discussion and teaching (40, 41).
debriefers, facilitate reflective practice by
To promote discussion and reflective
incorporating several key elements. A
practice, several approaches can be used
Debriefing Strategies study by Simon et al (42) has outlined the to facilitate these processes. Although not
In the context of healthcare team per- elements of effective debriefings: 1) es- an exhaustive list of facilitation tech-
formance, whether in the simulated set- tablishing and maintaining an engaging niques, high-yield approaches include
ting or in actual clinical environments, and challenging yet supportive context (39 – 41): 1) use of a specific conversa-
the majority of feedback will be provided for learning; 2) structuring the debriefing tional strategy known as “advocacy in-

200 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012 Vol. 13, No. 2

Table 3. Pros and cons of two different approaches to scenario design 2) use of silence or a “pause” after a
question to allow participants to process
Approach to Scenario Design Pros/Cons
information and prepare a thoughtful re-
Approach 1: no intentional Pros
sponse; and 3) use of video to analyze
incorporation of CRM triggers Lower resource requirement certain points of a resuscitation to high-
Lower cost light specific CRM behaviors. Table 1 out-
Less preparation time lines key debriefing time points which
Cons can be analyzed using video review.
Difficult to predict which CRM issues will arise and
when they will arise
Assessment of CRM
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Requires experienced instructor to elicit CRM issues

during debriefing Performance
Approach 2: intentional Pros
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incorporation of CRM triggers Easier to predict which CRM issues will arise and also To evaluate the effectiveness of CRM
when they will arise training, one must have the ability to
Can tailor scenarios to CRM-specific learning measure performance. This can be done
objectives in several ways: 1) measure a process or
Debriefing is easier as CRM issues are more obvious patient-centered outcome in real patients
Cons (e.g., patient mortality, adherence to es-
Potentially higher resource requirement tablished guidelines or algorithms, time-
Potentially high cost
liness of critical interventions, or rates of
More preparation time (i.e., development of actor
scripts, etc.)
errors or adverse events) (43– 47). This is
Excessive manipulation of clinical environment may the ideal way to assess team performance,
negatively affect degree of realism because the ultimate goal of improving
team functioning is to improve patient
CRM, crisis resource management. outcome; 2) measure a process-centered
outcome in simulated patients. The study
by Devita et al (48) used simulator sur-
quiry.” This approach allows debriefers to them with an inquiry (39 – 41). By shar- vival as an outcome measure for team
share their observations and own per- ing their own perspectives, debriefers performance, in which survival of the
spective on events explicitly and pair make their views part of the discussion; simulator was dependent on timely com-

Table 4. Summary of the five different assessment tools described along with measures of interrater reliability

Crisis Resource
Management Principles
Focus of Tool Assessment Tool Subjects Addressed Interrater Reliability

Team performance Crisis Management Behavior Anesthesia physicians only 12 items encompassing Intraclass correlation coefficient
Performance Markers (54) Situational awareness 0.36–0.57
Roles rwg 0.96
Group climate
Clinical Teamwork Scale (50) Obstetrics physicians and nurses 15 items encompassing Intraclass correlation coefficient
Communication 0.98
Situational awareness Kappa 0.47–0.86
Decisionmaking Kendall coefficient 0.95
Role responsibility
Mayo High Performance Multiple disciplines residents 16 items encompassing Item reliability 0.96
Teamwork Scale (51, and nurses, focus on Roles
56, 57) anesthesia, emergency Communication
response team Situational awareness
Avoidance of errors
Leader performance Anaesthesia Non-Technical Anesthesia physicians only 15 items encompassing rwg 0.55–0.67
Skills System (32, 55) Task management
Team working
Situation awareness
Ottawa Global Rating Scale Residents from various 12 items encompassing Intraclass correlation coefficient
(4, 58) disciplines Leadership 0.234–0.626
Problem solving
Situational awareness
Resource use

Acceptable usually ⬎0.60; bwithin-group interrater agreement statistic, acceptable usually ⬎0.60; c␬ value 0.6 – 0.8 is substantial agreement, ⬎0.80
is excellent agreement; dKendall coefficient acceptable usually ⬎0.80; eitem reliability acceptable usually ⬎0.90.

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012 Vol. 13, No. 2 201

pletion of predetermined tasks (e.g., Assessment Tools for mally evaluate performance in the resuscita-
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