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Google drive folders to make:

Course name

>>> Sub folders:

Stalk doc - start saving every question, comment and concern related to your course topic that you receive on social media in this document to use later as you
create your launch materials

Brain dump/Outline

Course keynote slides (By Module#)

Course videos (unedited)

Course videos (edited)

Supplemental materials (checklists, cheatsheets, workbooks)

Teachable Graphics: sales page: header, Logo, course mockup, thumbnail

Social media graphics: FB, IG, Pinterest

Email launch sequence outline

Sales page copy (bio, refunds, testimonials, disclaimers, FAQ)

Trello Boards To Make:

Blog post ideas/due dates

Lead magnet ideas

Course Launch dates

Potential collabs

Course topic ideas

Potential collaborations

Weekly email topics + date they need to be sent out

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