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Capstone Project: Create an AI Product Business

Congratulations! You are very nearly done with this ND. You have learned so much in
this program, and this project is an opportunity to put your new knowledge to work. 

In this project, you'll develop a business proposal for an AI product. There are several
important aspects of product development you'll need to think about and describe,
and they are exactly the topics we've covered in this course. Here, we'll walk through
what should be included in the proposal. You'll also find instructions in the  Capsone
Project Starter File , linked at the bottom of the page. You need to answer the
questions in this file to complete the project.
This project is open-ended in that you can propose any product in any industry that
you want! If you're stuck, feel free to think about and research one of the use cases
we've already discussed in this course. As a tip, you may find that your strongest ideas
come from business arenas you are interested in and may already know a lot about.

The Business Goal

You'll need to describe what the product is, and how it will provide value to
the business. It's important in this section to describe exactly what the product
will do and why/how this helps the business. Focus on linking the AI/ML task to
business goals such as increasing revenue or customer happiness.

Success Metrics
You'll also need to describe how you'll know whether the product is successful. Think
about measurable, predictive, comparable, and benchmarked metrics
for business success.

You should carefully consider how you will acquire the data to train your model, and
issues that may arise during data collection. Important considerations include: buying
data vs. collecting it, personally identifying information (PII) and data sensitivity, cost,
and whether data will be continuously available or acquired in one large batch (and
need to be refreshed).
When thinking about how you will build the model, will you use an in-house data
science team because none of the out of the box platforms have your use case, or
because you want the ability to control a particular aspect of your model? Frequently,
when you use an external platform to build and host the model, their terms of service
will require you to give them access to your data. Will this be an issue?

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

You'll want to think about what your product  is. What does it look like? Who uses it, and
how do they use it? How will you actually build it?

Finally, what happens after launch? How do you ensure your product continues to
perform well? Who will monitor it, how will they monitor it, and how often? 
Supporting Materials
 Capstone Project Starter File
 Capstone Project Starter File (Docx)
Project Submission
You can download the capstone project starter file at the bottom of this page or as a
pdf file under the lesson resources tab as  Capstone Project Starter File . 
Your project will be graded against this project rubric. Each item on the rubric will be
graded by a reviewer and marked as Passed or Needs Changes. You may resubmit your
project if it does not pass, but it is recommended that you try to stick to the suggested
deadline for project completion.

Submitted Files
To complete and pass the project, you will have to submit a zip file that contains at
least two kinds of documents:

1. A pdf Proposal file that describes your product.

2. Image files that show sketches of the main user interface(s) of the product
(these can be included in the proposal doc if you wish).

Supporting Materials
 Capstone Project Starter File
 Capstone Project Starter File(Docx)

Click on this website link to have access to answers to all FAQs , Bonus resources
and Success tips for Project 3 : Create an AI Product Business Proposal. Glimpses
from the entire website are shown below :

In this project, you'll propose an AI product. You'll think about all the key aspects of
developing and building such a product, from its business rationale, to its roll-out, to its
post-deployment monitoring.

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