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Leadership and Change at NASA: Sean O'Keefe as Administrator

W Henry Lambright
Public Administration Review; Mar/Apr 2008; 68, 2; ABIIINFORM Global

w. Henry Lambright
Syracuse University

Administrative Leadership and Change at NASA: Sean O'Keefe as


w.1I8Iwy L8nIIIrIghtis. puIes10r01 ean O'Keefe was administrator of the National

SdIodat s,..a.s.

S Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
&om December 2001 to February 2005, a little
more than three years.' During that time, however, he
_and IOpQItS.
Hi>- inducIo.
achieved what Doig and Hargrove (1987) set as a key
biogrIphr,--.gApollo: E.-
d NASA (Jahns Hopkins IJnMISity I'Ies!, requirement fur effective enuepreneurialleadership-
1995). Hi> amnt 1OSHIdI1acusos"" the establishment of a new mission fur his agency. His
-..up and chango It sin die
end 011110 CcldWar.
a "'III prime legacy to NASA was the presidential decision
_:~.",.odu that the agency rerum to the moon and then eventually
go to Mars. Called the VISion for Space Exploration,
the decision was broader than the Moon-Mars
initiative and entailed an ongoing quest to explore
space through robotic and human flight. Moon-Mars
was the focus, particularly the moon, but the key
won! in the decision was "exploration."
Getting NASKs manned space program out of Earth's
orbit and back to the moon and its original exploration
J mission had been a goal of space enthusiasts since the

J end of the Apollo era. That O'Keefe Steered this
ambition into decision, and did so in so brief a tenure,
was not only notable but also an unexpected

O'Keefe did not come to NASA as a space enthusiast.

&an O'K«ft was administrator of NASA a little mort He was a generalist administrator whose expertise was
than tInw ~ars. In that tVOItfiJ and turbulnu pmod. financial management. He was sent to NASA primarily
~ ekalt with numerous imm. Appoin~d to co~ to mitigate the International Space Station's $4.8
with a hu~ costoverrun on tht!ln~onal Spac~ billion overrun problem. He specifically rejected
Station, M was soon mgu/ftd in tht! Columbia shuttk destination-drlven goals (i.e., Moon-Mars) in &.varof
acciJmt and its investigation. Sulmqumtly. h~mgi- science-drlven objectives in his first year (O'Keefi: 2002).
nNrttl a pmitimtial tkcision that
NASA rttum to tht! moon and Yet, in late 2003 and throughout
go tVOItualIy to Mars. H~ also Getting NASA'smanned 2004, he promoted the VISionfor
sought to mmi~ th~ immms~ly space program out of the Space Exploration and thus the
popular Huhbk Spac~ uksco~. Eanh's orbit and back to the Moon-Mars goal, and he reorga-
1M Moon-Mars tkcision was nized and reprioritized NASA to
moon and its original
O'Kuft's most important achinle- implement the new mission. What
mmt, as that involving Huhbk
exploration mission had been a caused this change? And why did
was his most contTrnln'Sialaction. goal of space enthusiasts he also, at the same time, make a
1his essaytracks O'K«ft's rule at since the end of the decision to terminate the im-
NASA as a C~ struiy in katkrship Apollo era. menseIy popular Hubble Space
and chan~. Tdescope? Wasn't Hubble NASA's

DO Public Administration Review. March IApril 2008

Rp.ororlur.P.dwith op.rmi~~ionofthp. movrioht owop.r. Furthp.r rp.ororludion orohibitP.rlwithout OP.rmi!'Lc;ion.

prime exampleof a science-drivenmission?Wam't it (Doig and Hargrove 1987). Top administrators make
mro~m~~Moo~w~OOOO~~~ controVersialdecisions and engage in contests with
through non-manned means? other political forces.As O'Keefe's experience shows,
they win some and lose others.
Behind the decisions to launch a new mission and to
end an old o~two huge technological choices-was Background and Style
the Columbia space shuttle disaster of February 2003. O'Keefe was 45 yearsold at the time of his appoint-
That accident, which took seven astronauts' livesand ment to NASA. Born m Monterey, California, he was
resulted m a major mvatigation, seared O'Keefe to the son of a na~ officerwho was mo a nuclear
the core. Yet he dealt with the crisis and its aftermath submariner under the legendary Hyman Rickover. He
with a rare blend of strength and compassion. Colum- receivedhis bachelor'sdegree from Loyola University
bia hun, but it mo opened a wmdow of opponunity in New Orleans and then attended the Maxwell
for change. O'Keefe skillfuUyguided a presidenti~ School of SyracuseUniversity,where he earned a
decision process to determme NASA'spost-Columbia master of public admmistration degree in 1978.
futUre. Not so skillfully,he dealt with Hubble. Awarded a Presidenti~ Management Internship, he
began his Washmgron career as a budget an~yst for
In his first year, O'Keefe was widely seen as an incre- the U.S. Depamnent of Defense. During the 19805,
menw manager, competent but not a bold innovator. he served on the staff of the Senate Appropriations
His critics called him a "bean counter," and he did not Committee. There, he got to know a number of influ-
reject that characterization. In his third year, he led enti~ lawmakers, includmg Dick Cheney, Republican
NASA m what was potentially transformative change. congressman oom Wyoming. When George H. W.
He was praised by space enthusiasts for the Moon- Bush became president in 1989, he appointed Cheney
Mars decision and condemned by many of the same his secretary of defense. Cheney selected O'Keefe to
people for trying to kill Hubble. In between his first serve as comptroller and chief financial officer of the
and third years, the Columbia disaster muck. That Defense Department. When the U.S. Navy suffered a
event defined O'Keefe's time at NASA and his ~ harassment scan~ (Tailhook) m 1992, Cheney
approach to subsequent decisions. sent O'Keefe to the navy as its secretary to fix the
mess (Vistica 1995).
Our focus is on the NASA administrator m relation to O'Keefe left Washington when the Bill Clinton
policy mnovation. Policy mnovation can be conceived admmistration took office m 1993. He worked first
as moving through six stages: (1) agenda setting, (2) for Pennsylvania State University and then moved to
adoption, (3) early implementation, (4) execution, (5) an endowed chair at the Maxwdl School, running the
evaluation and modification, and (6) later implemen- school's National Security Program. When George W.
tation to completion. TermIDation of the change Bush became president in 200 I, with Cheney as his
process can occur at any pomt (deLeon 1999). vice president, O'Keefe retUrned to Washington as
deputy director of the Office of Management and
The model suggests mcremenw change. However, Budget (OMB). There, he addressed a $4.8 billion
innovation in policy can be abrupt and discontinu- overwn on the International Space Station that the
ous rather than grad~ and evolutionary. Events can Bush administration had inherited oom its predecessor.
disrupt or, as some scholars say, "punctuate" a He negotiated a series of cuts and delays in various
particular "equilibrium" ofinterests that control a hardware componentS, along with an mdependent
policy. New actors can come into the fray. An occa- review ofNA.SXs space station financial woes. In line
sion for discontinuous change opens. If there is an with the independent pand's finding, he identified an
able policy entrepreneur present to take advantage of explicit phase of construction durmg which NASA
the fluid situation, he or she can redirect and enlarge would restore its financial credibility (NASA 2001).
policy in a substantial way (True, Jones, and This was called "U.S. Core Complete." It would be
Baumgartner 1999). Transformational change the period of approximately three years between the
becomes possible. existing configuration (essentiallya U.S.-Russian
station "core") and later assembly,when other interna-
Many administrators seek to introduce policy change tional partner modules would be linked. The United
and move it forward. Whether they are dfective de- States would be launchmg cenam components during
pends on many factors, only some of which they can U.S. Core Complete that would make subsequent
control. Change, especially major change, requires the international partner assembly possible. It was a time
use of executive power. Leaders can use power defi:ly when NASA could get its financial house m order and
or clumsily. They can avoid or mvite struggle. Influ- get the station back on track. If NASA could not d~
encing policy change requires skill in the right context with its money and scheduling problems, the implicit
of organization and times. It necessitateshaving allies threat was that the space station program would be
with political clout. It mo requires an element of luck halted in its smaller-sca1eform.

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convey his philosophy. On April 12, he went to his study station utilization issues.The panel advised him
alma mater, the MaxwellSchool of SyracuseUniversity, that good science required fully completing the sta-
and delivered a highly publicized and anticipated tion so that it would go from its present complement
address on the direction in which he wished to take of three astronauts to at least six. With a larger and
the agency (O'Keefe 2002). Saying that NASXs role fully functional station, more astronauts could be
was "to improve life here, to extend life to there, and aboard doing science rather than mere maintenance
to find life beyond," he declared that NASA "must (Morring 2oo2b).
be driven by the science, not by destination." This
was, he emphasized, "the big change" he intended to The big problem with finishing and using the Interna-
make. He rejected calls from space enthusiasts that tional Space Station was the space shuttle. It was
NASA seek a bold mission back to the moon and getting old and was limited in the number of Bights it
on to Mars. "We will go," he avowed, "where the could provide. Under O'Keefe's policy, technology
science dictates that we go, not because it's close was to enable science. Hence, in November, he
or popular." revealeda new technology development program for
adoption. Called the Integrated SpaceTransportation
Ifbecoming "sciencedriven" was the first element in Plan, his program had three aspeCts.First, beginning
his vision, then "technology as enabler" was the in the current year, NASA would launch a major
second. He wanted to take effort to upgrade the shuttle to
NASA back to its roots as a make it viable until 2020. Sec-
research and development agency He wanted to take NASA back ond, beginning in the next year,
and to develop technology that to its roots as a research and NASA would initiate a major
would allow NASA to advance, development project, the Orbital
devdopment agency and
step by step, "to great achieve- Space Plane (OSP). This would
ments." In a special initiative, he devdop technology that would be an "interim" transportation
called for going beyond solar and allow NASA to advance, step by system. Its purpose was to
chemical propulsion to a high- step, "to great achievements." supplement, and thus help pre-
priority nuclear propulsion serve, the shuttle. It could take
program that would enable astronauts to and from the
deeper and longer robotic spaceBightmissions with International Space Station and serve as a possible
much greater science payoffS.Nuclear propulsion had rescue vehicle. It would use expendable rockers and
been downplayed under O'Keefe's predecessor. thus not be a true shuttle repla:cement.That would
O'Keefe, familiar with nuclear propelled submarines come much later and constitute the third aspect
from his navy days (and father), had no such of the Integrated SpaceTransportation Plan (CAIB
reticence. 2003, 116).

There was much more in his speech, including the The centerpiece for policy adoption was the OSp.
revival of the educator in space program, his plan to O'Keefe and his associatesexpected to outline the
launch a teacher into space, and a general emphasis on OSP proposal more fully in early February 2003, as
NASXs educational and inspirational role. But the part ofNASXs presidential budget proposal for the
most critical policy change, as he acknowledged, was new fiscalyear. That immediate futUreof NASA and
the explicit call for NASA to be science driven rather its international partners was linked to finishing the
than destination driven. Space enthusiasts who heard space station and putting it to the maximum scientific
or read the address were exaemely unhappy. Tom use. O'Keefe and his associateswere optimistic about
Delay, a Republican from Texas, the influential ma- the era ahead (Pastorek 2003). It was not spectacular,
jority leader in the House, and a strident space advo- but it was technically and financiallyfeasible,or so it
cate, sharply criticized O'Keefe's speech and called his seemed to its architects.
vision "tepid, anemic" (Weiner 2002; Morring 2002a,
24). Other legislators, aware of the budget realities in Suspending Policy: Columbia
a post-9fll world, praised O'Keefe's cautious and, in On February 1, 2003, just a few days before O'Keefe
their view, realistic approach. could officiallydetail NASXs proposed OSP develop-
ment program and other plans, disaster struck. As it
Pursuing Adoption came into the aanosphere in preparation for landing,
In the months that followed, O'Keefe could see the the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated, killing all
costs of the space station becoming increasingly seven astronauts aboard. Waiting at Cape Canaveral,
"manageable." He concluded that it would be possible O'Keefe was at first in a state of shock. Then, steeling
to go beyond U.S. Core Complete to add interna- himself, he ordered NASA to put its contingency plan
tional partner modules for a finished space station. In for a shuttle disaster into effect. This was a plan he
line with his policy of emphasizing science require- had seen his first day on the job and never expected to
ments, he had an advisory panel of leading researchers employ (O'Keefe 2004a).
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When NASA administrator Dan Goldin left the Like any leader,O'Keefe had his strengths and weak-
agency in November 200 I, President Bush, on nesses,his supporters and detractors. To admirers, he
Cheney's recommendation, named O'Keefe ro replace was determined; to critics, he was StUbborn. But few
him. It was a surprise choice but generallywell received questioned his genuine devotion to public service. He
by NASA watchers. O'Keefe had helped put NASA on took the practice (and theory) of public administra-
"probation" to fix the station's overrun, and now he tion seriously.He wanted to do well at NASA. Many
would be the "probation officer,"supervising the re- Washington insiders believed that if he succeeded at
forms. No cxpert on spacepolicy,O'Keefe was viewed NASA, he might become defense secretary if President
askance by some scientists and engineers inside and Bush won a second term and Donald Rumsfeld did
outside the agency who wanted someone more techni- not Stayon at the Pentagon.
cally asmte and who visiblyshared their enthusiasm for
space. But all agreed that he brought something that Setting an Agenda
NASA desperatdy needed: Stronglinks to the Bush O'Keefe arrived at NASA at the beginning of January
administration (Sietzenand Cowing 2004, 52). 2002. He encountered a myriad of briefings at
NASA'sheadquarters and in its various fidd centers.
What O'Keefe also provided was a well-honed man- He soon began to mold his executive team. He chose
agement style. Intdligent, hardworking, steady, and Fred Gregory,then NASA associateadministrator for
nonideological, O'Keefe had devdoped experience as space flight, for the deputy administrator slot.
a generalist vis-a-visspecialists (i.e., the military) in Gregory was a former U.S. Air Force flier and NASA
the Defense Department. With his budgetary back- astronaut. He chose Bill Readdy, who had worked as
ground, he cast a skeptical eye on technical proposals deputy to Gregory and who at one rime had been a
from program officialsin the Department of Defense. naval aviator and NASA astronaut, to take Gregory's
Like the military services,NASA had historically position. He brought over from the OMB key officials
emphasized technical excdlence and subordinated cost with whom he had worked, notably Steve lsakowitz,
considerations in promoting technical programs, the OMB's top budget examiner for NASA. He
particularly in human spaceflight. But O'Keefe appointed lsakowitz NASA comptroller. He also made
bdieved that costscounted equally,and NASAneeded to Paul Pastorek, a lawyer and man he had known since
balancecostswith the rewardsof technology.Also, he college, NASA'sgeneral counsel. Pastorek would be
urged NASA professionalsto justifytheir programs in his closest confidante.
terms of broaderbenefitsthan that NASAshould go
into space"becauseit's there,"or "manifestdestiny,"or Some observers worried that O'Keefe, being nontech-
"it's in our DNA" His predecessor.Goldin, had felt nical, needed to have more high-powered, highly
those valuesin his souland expressedthem, but not credentialed scientists and engineers in his inner
O'Keefe (Lambright 2007). He wanted more tangible circle. Others pointed out that he rdied on associate
rationales. administrators at the program levd for technical
expertise, as well as the chief scientist position. He
O'Keefe emphasized process in decision making. He valued loyalty along with competence, but it was more
especially linked policy and budget. The annual bud- a personal than a partisan form of loyalty.
get process created deadlines and pushed managers to
consider programs, priorities, options, costs, and O'Keefe initially focused on change in the human
justifications. More than a budgeteer. O'Keefe space flight program. He pulled power up to head-
thought beyond policy decisions to consider how to quarters from Johnson Space Center in Houston.
get them sold to political masters and then executed. He put his appointees in key posts at Johnson Space
O'Keefe believed that "management" was a legitimate Center, which was most responsible for the shuttle
fidd and that he could manage NASA even though he and International Space Station. He personally negoti-
was not a longtime spaceman. A fast leamer, he lis- ated with international partners (Europe. Japan,
tened to and questioned subordinates. He brought a Canada, and Russia) in the space station program. He
team-player approach to administrative leadership directly dealt with influential lawmakers. He sought
rather than coming across as a one-man show. to recast the manned space program financiallywhile
rebuilding the space station's credibility.
He preferred to work behind the scenes and was com-
fortable with politics inside the beltway. He knew Consolidatinghis power and speakingof "one NASA"as
CongRSSwelland could deal one on one in private with a rhetoricalstrategyto overcomefidd center feudalism,
lawmakers.He had former mentors and supporters in he increasinglygavethought to communicating a broad
Congress, but there were also lawmakers (and media uvision for the agency and its many constituencies.
people) who chafed at his rhetorical style. He could He bdieved that NASA needed a common vision to
speak in long, complex sentences that seemed to crit- hdp pull its disparate components closer together. The
ics a form of"bureaucratese" intended to obscure vision would be also a statement of his own agenda
rather than answer questions directly. for NASA.After three months in office,he felt teady to
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The plan called for appointing an expen board of ground and leaked information to Congress and the
inquiry. This was done quickly, the first day, with media, thereby forcing O'Keefe to "acquiesce.For the
retired Admiral Harold Gehman agreeing to head most pan, however, there was a spirit of arm's-length
what became known as the Columbia Accident Inves- cooperation. As CAIB discovered technical and
tigation Board (CAIB). President Bush told O'Keefe, organizational factors relating to the disaster's cause, it
"You're in charge!" (Pastorek 2003). This meant that made them known to O'Keefe so that he could get an
the presidenr would not appoint an independent early start on corrective action (Gehman 2005;
body similar to the Rogers Commission that investi- Langewiesche2003, 73).
gated the ChalJengershutde disaster in 1986, even
though many in the media and Congress called vocif- The CAIB repon came out in August 2003. It was
erously for such a body. The president's decision hard-hitting and highly critical of NASA. The techni-
notwithstanding, O'Keefe realized that CAIB's cred- cal cause was insulating foam from the shunle's exter-
ibility depended on its independence. What O'Keefe nal tank. It had broken off at launch and hit the
wanted was for CAIB to find out what had gone leading edge of a shuttle wing, causing a rupture.
wrong so that NASA could make needed changes When the shuttle penetrated the atmosphere upon
and return to flight as rapidly as possible. The space return from its flight, extreme heat entered the
station was still in orbit, and with the shuttle fleet vehicle and caused its destruction. Beyond technical
grounded, NASA was dependent on Russia for trans- factors were organizational causes. NASA did not get
portation services.To conserve supplies, the number photos of the shuule damage that it might have
of astronauts aboard the station was reduced from obtained because of bureaucratic confusion and man-
three to tWo. agement errors. There was a pervasiveattitude at
NASA that the shunle was "operational" rather than
On the day Columbia disintegrated, which he called "experimental," and this attitude caused managers to
"the worst. .. of my life," O'Keefe made another enter into decision making with a "prove it's not safe
important decision-that NASA be as open and to launch" rather than "prove it is safe to launch"
transparent as possible to the media and public mentality. O'Keefe himself came in for criticism,
(Sietzen and Cowing 2004, 69; O'Keefe 2004a). This CAIB saying that his February 2004 deadline to end
decision meant that as NASA found relevant informa- U.S. Core Complete had created "schedule pressure"
tion for CAIB, including e-mails, this information (CAIB 2003, 131). Bur the underlying causes, CAIB
would be made widely known, even if embarrassing. emphasized, were not recent; they went back years
After the ChalJmgeraccident, NASA had not and were systemic.
appeared to be forthcoming, and its perceived bunker
attitUde had hun the agency.Moreover, on the first Even before the CAIB report was published, O'Keefe
day, O'Keefe became the human faceof NASA to the pledged publicly that NASA would abide by CAIB's
country, and he would subsequendy appear on televi- recommendations "without further argument. ..
sion often. He came across as compassionate and with without further equivocation." He declared, "The
heavy hean, but also as a man in control. effort we need to go through, the high bar we need to
set for ourselvesought to be higher than anything
As the inquiry began and information became avail- anybody elsewould levyon us." Some of his associates
able, debate within NASA over many safety issues felt that O'Keefe was going too far, too soon and
prior to the accident was revealed.Many of these should keep options open on implementing the CAIB
issueswere distUrbing. Along the way, O'Keefe tried report. But O'Keefe was anxious to get started on
to answer media questions about the decision-making safety reforms and felt that his and NASA'scredibility
process prior to launch. He was supponive of his were at stake (Carreau 2003; O'Keefe 2005).
organization, but he conveyed an overriding desire to
get at the facts. As the CAIB repott became available, O'Keefe moved
quickly to put NASA to work on mitigating the foam
For six months, CAIB labored intensely. O'Keefe and and other technical problems. He established an inde-
Gehman had a mutUally helpful relationship. What- pendent advisory group to overseeNASA'sgeneral
ever Gehman requested in the way of resources, he compliance with the CAIB repon. He hired a consult-
usually got. Both men were conscious that in order ing firm to work with NASA on "cultural change."
for the agency to have credibility, it needed the He reassignedpersonnel at Johnson Space Center
appearance and reality of CAIB's autonomy. There and elsewhere. He set up an independent technical
was one serious clash along the way, over NASA review entity to better "check and balance" shunle
personnel at Johnson Space Center. Gehman wanted program officedecisions. He arranged for photOsto
to exclude certain individuals from access to CAIB's detect damage at the time oflaunch and banned
operations. O'Keefe, trying to protect his employees, night launches. In these and other ways, O'Keefe
disagreed, saying such explicit exclusion prejudged acted swiftly,starting some reforms before the repon
their complicity in the accident. Gehman held his was out.

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The CAIB investigation gaveway to a congressional and that was an inadequate mission, at least for
inquiIy in September. The major question that Con- them.
gress asked O'Kcc:fc:was "who was to blame." O'Kcc:fc:
would not name names, saying he would not be partY In the spring, O'Keefe conferred with Cheney, Josh
to a "public execution." He had specificallyrefused an Bolton (White House deputy chief of staff),John
early offer of Readdy, associateadministrator of space Marburger (President Bush'sscience:advisor and direc-
flight, to resign. He did malre severalpersonnd tor of the Office:of Science:and Technology Policy),
changes, mostly at Johnson Space Center. No one and others about the post-Columbia planning process.
seriously blamed O'Keefe, who was seen as unlucky to O'Keefe's strategy was to cn:ate a process fur national
have had the event occur on his watch. Gehman policy decision. The ad hoc group of staff-levelpeople
backed up O'Keefe, saying the NASA administrator meeti.ngwould, in his view,not lead to such a
was dealing with the problems CAIB had found. and decision, which had to aJiminare with the president.
he reinforced the finding that systemic causeswere at There were two top--Ievelinteragency policy mecha-
fault that went back }'C3IS,in some casesto the very nisms available, the National Security Council (NSC)
beginning of the shuttle program (Cabbage and and the Domestic Council. The NSC was far more
Harwood 2004, 168; Berger 2003; O'Keefe 2004a). established and influential. In the summer, be
persuaded Stephen Hadley, NSC deputy director, to
Congress and the media gradually shifted from the lead an interagency activity. He also enlisted Margaret
debate over the accident to looking ahead. Both Spellings,who led the Domestic Council. He thus
wanted to know what NASA would do about another designed a hybrid NSC-Domcstic Council process. It
conclusion of CAIB-namely, that NASA was became known as the Hadley Committee. It was also
lacking a "compelling mission requiring human pres- called the Deputies Committee, in view of the
ence in space" (CAIB 2003, 209). Without such a involvement of deputy sc:cn:tariesof a number of
mission, it said, NASA would not get the public sup-- cabinet departments, including the U.S. State Depan-
pon and .resourcesit needed to manage its program JDeDt,as wdl as senior NASA and White House
effectively. officials(Sieaen and Cowing 2004; O'Kcc:fc:2OO4b,
2005). O'Keefe's support from the influential Vice:
Evaluating Options President Cheney helped ensure the attention of the
Soon after the Columbill disaster, various staff in the various higb-levd agency officials.
Executive Office of the President, including individu-
als connected with the White House Office of Science Throughout the summet and into the fall, as CAIB
and Technology Policy,mer on an ad hoc basis to ended its work and Congress conduac:d its bearings,
discuss the implications of the accident for space the Hadley Committee met periodically behind dosed
policy (Sietzen and Cowing 2004, 115). At the same doors and considered virtually every option possibl~
time, space enthusiasts inside and outside NASA from shutting down the shuttle program to making a
sought to turn the national attention that space was manned voyageto Mars. In August, once:CAIB had
suddenly recciving to positive advantage. A general caUedfor a "compelling vision," expansiveoptions
mood in the country emerged that it did not make became more legitimate. O'Keefe did not play the
sense to risk astronauts' livessimply to go to near- "spaceenthusiast~ role. If anything, others urged him
Earth orbit again and again. The International Space to move beyond Earth orbit and his OSP-space
Station, whatever its merit, did not seem a goal wor- station orientation. As discussions continued. the
thy of sacrificinghuman lives. Also, the shuttle had issuecame down to 6nding a goal that was bolder
now experienced tWOtraumatic accidents. It had to be than the space station but also feasiblefinanciallyand
replaced-sooner, not later. The space enthusiasts politically.Eventually,the group leaned toward a
wanted what O'Keefe had rdUsed to give them in his retUrn to the moon as a new mission. It was a goal
2002 vision speech-they wanted a bold destination, that Marburger said had scienti6c value. Given
back to the moon and on to Mars! O'Keefe's desire for a "science:-driven8NASA,
Marburger's view was imponant.
O'Keefe was hesitant to go along with the enthusi-
asts. He sensed there was a window of opportUnity Meanwhile, President Bush was briefed on the Had.
for large-scale policy change. But he was not at all ley Committee process, the options vented, and the
certain what that policy change should be, especially direction in which the process seemed headed. Bush
while CAIB was still meeting and determining cau- made it clear that he wanted something bolder to
sation. His initial stance in the early months after back. Bush's&ther had unsuccessfullycal1edfor a
the Columbill disaster was to adhen: to his pre- Moon-Mars goal in 1989, and the son wanted to
Columbia policy. This meant an emphasis on the make a similarly big decision, bUtone that had a
OSP, needed even more now that the shuttle was chance to succeed. The key word that Bush liked was
questionable. Space:enthusiasts pointed out that the not "science:"but "exploration" (SietZel1and Cowing
asp simply got astronauts up to the space station, 20M, 118).
Administrative Profile 235
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Whatever reservationsO'Keefe might have had about billion the filStyear. Most of the $11 billion would
advocating a large new mission, by late October they come by reprioridzing within NASA'soverall budget
had given way to his na:d for the:Hadley Committee (Sicaen and Cowing 2004, 162; Lawler 2OO4a,293;
to produce a consensus decision the president would Allen and Pianin 2004).
back. Bush was engaged and
awaiting the outcome from the The key financial strategy,as
planning process. O'Keefe in- negotiated between O'Keefe and
acasingly exerted leadership in
O'Keefe inaeasinglyexerted the OMB, was for money for
the interagency effort as he Strove leadership in the interagency exploration to go up as funding
to link it with the budget process effort as he strove to link it with for the shuttle program and the
and its timetable. In doing so, he the budget process and its International Space Station went
collided with the OMB. Bush timetable. down. The president's decision
might have indicated informally called for retiring the space shut-
he wanted to make a big space de by 2010, with a new space-
decision, but he was alsosimultaneously telling the craft, called the Crew Exploration Vehicle, taking its
OMB to hold the line on spending that was not re- place by 2014. This rockct-powen:d vehicle would not
lated to the Iraq war or security generally. only be able to go to the space station but, more im-
portantly, also to the moon, with the moon voyageset
O'Keefe, therefore, had to do battle with the OMB to for 2020.
get resources for an expanded NASA mission. More-
over, there had to be closure by Thanksgiving or early The Moon-Mars program of Bush was a giant leap
December to get the results of the planning process from the Integrated SpaceTransportation Plan of
incorporated into the upcoming presidential budget. O'Keefe, The prime technology development program
O'Keefe lobbied aggressivelyfor a substantial raise set in motion-the Crew Exploration Vehicleand
with Mitch Daniels, the director of the OMB, his associated rocket sysrem-wa5 much more ambitious
former boss. He pointed out that bold decisions with- than the shuttle upgrade-Orbital Space Plane concept
out resources to back them "will make us [NASA] of the Integrated SpaceTransportation Plan. The
look ridiculous" (Sicaen and Cowing 2004, 119). destination of the moon was similarly a prodigious
lcap from the OSP's aim, the low-Earth orbit space
The budget dcad1ineand univcrsal realization that the Station. In a multitude of ways, the decision repre-
window for policy innovation was closing rorced sented not a reorientation of an existing program but
decisions to come to a head. O'Keefe. the OMB, and the adoption of a new one. O'Keefe could take a large
others connecred with the interagency process con- measure of the credit for steering the Moon-Mars
cluded that a new "exploration initiative" would be decision into being. He had used a coalitional strategy
approved and jump-started with additional money the to put NASA'smission into a national policy context.
first fiscalyear, with more coming for the initiative The coalition included the president. Now he na:ded
over the next rour years and after. As funds ror explo- congressional endorsement.
ration ramped up, expenditures for the shuttle and
space station would go down to make room ror the Terminating Hubble
exploration initiative. The new would gradually O'Keefe wanted to get off to a fast start in promoting
replace the old. and implementing the new policy. On the day after
President Bush spoke, January 15, O'Keefe announced
On December 19, O'Keefe, Cheney, Hadley, the filStStcpsin implementation. He created a new
Marburger, and others met at the Whire House with NASA division, which he called Exploration Sysrcms.
President Bush. "This is more than jUStthe moon, isn't O'Keefe seIecrcdretin:d Admiral Craig Steidle, who
it?" Bush asked. Assured that it was, Bush declared, had guided the Defense Department's huge Joint Strike
"Let's do it!" He then told Hadley to schedule a dare Fighter program, as the division'schief:O'Keefe said
when he would announce the decision for maximum that NASA was pursuing "exploration informed by
visibility (Sietten and Cowing 2004, 152). science"in an addressto NASA officialsand emplo}'tCS>
the words marking his shift from earlier rhetoric,
Adopting Moon-Mars "driven by science."The president was surely in the
On January 14, 2004, President Bush came to manifest destiny tradition of exploration, and now he
NASA'sauditorium and announced the agency'snew seemed interested in the space program-although the
mission: back to the moon, on to Mars, and beyond. depth of that interest was ambiguous. When president
His decision was entided a "Vision for Space Explora- Bush gavehis State of the Union address, shortly after
tion: It was vastly different from the vision his space exploration speech, he failed to mention his
proclaimed in early 2002 by O'Keefe, In all, $11 Vision ror Space Exploration. Cheney, however, was
billion would go to the new program in its first five aaively aiding O'Keefe with senior lawmakers,
years, starting with an add-on to NASA'sbudget of $1 lobbying behind the scenes (O'Keefe 2004c).
236 Public Administration Review. March IApril 2008
-- __m n -- ___m -- - - -

As O'Keefe began his own process of extending his political people involvedin the decision. But O'Keefe's
coalition of suppon to Congress. the media, scientific stylewas to connect policy and budget, and thus he
community, and general public, he suffered a serious decided sooner rather than later. Why spend money
blow. It arose from his decision to terminate the preparing for a flight dtat would not take place?
immensely popular Hubble SpaceTdcscope by not
sending a future shume--basedservicing mission to When he subsequendy made the decision known to
make needed repairs. The same day,January 15, mat he his tOpscience did not come acrossto them
announced his reorganization to carry out the Moon- as subject to change but as a decision made, with the
Mars mission, the WashingtonPortpublished a front- administrator concerned mainly about how to present
page article on the president's decision. It concluded by the bad news to those affected. Hubble proponents
noting one of the impacts of the decision, namely, within NASA were surprised when they heard about
that there would be "no further servicing missions to the decision. NASA'schief scientist, an avowed SHub-
the Hubble Space Telescope" (Sawyer2004). The ble Hugger," who was also an astronaut and had him-
direct linkage of Hubble's termination to Moon-Mars self made a servicing mission to the telescope, felt that
was incotteCt as far as O'Keefe was concerned. BUt he had been deliberately erduded from decision
that was the "truth" that was conveyed, through an making and almost resigned (Sdma 2006, 903).
inadvenenr leak from a White House sraffer,and
publication in the Post. It was the perception that After the WashingtonPostannounced the termination
Hubble would be sacrificed to get money for Moon- to the world, a cacophony of protest sounded. Critics
Mars (Siem:n and Cowing 2004,172). asked, how could O'Ka:fe talk about Moon-Mars
while being so risk aversewhen it came ro Hubble?
The reality for O'Keefe was that the link was to The former seemed far more hazardous than the latter.
Columbia, not a budget trade-off fur the new mission. The fact dtat the decision became known the day after
O'Keefe had promised publicly and clearly mat NASA Bush'sMoon-Mars announcement connected it irre-
would adhere to the CAlB repon. He had pledged to vocably with the president's VISionfur Space Explora-
abide by CAlB "withOUt... equivocation." Moreover, tion. Those who opposed Hubble termination were
he wanted desperately to change NASKs safety cul- convinced it was a budget trade-off decision despite
ture, from one of "prove to me it's unsafe to launch" O'Keefe's fervent denials. The nucleus of the Hubble
to "prove to me it is safe to launch." CAIB had recom- proponents consisted of astronomers and insritutions
mended that NASA develop a way to repair shuttle whose fates were linked to Hubble's surviV2l.How-
damage in space. While the space Station offi:reda safe ever, suppon for Hubble extended well beyond them.
haven for astronauts to make repairs, there would be It was a public icon.
no such haven for Hubble repair, which was in a
different orbit from the International Space Station. The die was cast. Becauseof the leak, there had been
O'Keefe made a judgment call based on teclmical no time for sreps to be taken to prepare the Hubble
information he had gleaned over time about NASA's sciencecommunity, and its supponers in Congress, the
ability to make repairs in space to the shunle. It was media, or general public, for the stark decision.
that the exua servicing of Hubble repair, in the wake O'Keefe's intent had been to talk with those scientists
of Columbia, in the face of the CAlB recommenda- inside and outside NASA who were most affected,
tion, was unacceptable risk. Moreover, how could he along with their alliesin Congress, bdOn: making an
talk about changing NASA'ssafety adrure if he officialannouncement some time hence. Absent such
appeared to be making a huge exception on Hubble?2 activity,the decision came across as arbitrary and capri-
cious. The political backlashwas immediarc, loud, and
He knew the decision would be conrroversial.He harshly personal. O'Keefe was put on the defensive,
reached it personally and gradually,in conversations and Hubble became a severedistraction from his main
with NASA officiaJs,often indirectly,withoUt much priority. which was to build suppon for Moon-Mars,
open discussionand debate. It came acrossas a one- including support from the scientificcommunity.
man decision-the converseofO'Keefes more
customary management style, which favoredprocesses As soon as he saw the stol)' in the Post.O'Keefe called
in which competing views could be aired. Moreover,it and sought to placate Senator B:ubara Mikulski (0-
reached apparent finality around Thanksgiving.when MO), the ranking Democrat on the Senate appropria-
he sat down with Steve lsakowirz,his compuoUer,to tions subcommittee controlling NASA'sbudget, in
make final decisions on NASA'sbudget for the follow- whose constituency were the principal scientific insti-
ing year. For Hubble termination, this meant deleting turions working on Hubble (NASA'sGoddard Space
funds for a potential repair mission, the precise timing Fliglu Center and the Johns Hopkins University-
of which was dependent on the shuttle's rerum to based Hubble SpaceTelescope Science Institute). She
flight. Becauseof the uncenainty of the shuttle's rerum, demanded that O'Keefe get a ssecond opinion."
the decision could have been delayed. more persuasive O'Keefe agn:cd and asked Gehman to provide his
evidence gathered about risk, and more technical and perspective. Because O'Keefe was basing his decision
Administrative Profile 237
- -- -- __n_m-

mm - -- --- ___m- ---

largely on CAlB's recommendations, he had reason to The powerful majority leader personally held up a
believe that Gehman would side with him in shifting vote in the House on an omnibus budget bill to
the balance in shuttle decision making &om "prove to make sure NASA got virtually all the $16.2 billion
me it's not safe" to "prove to me it is safe" (O'Keefe appropriation it had requested. Senator Ted Stevens
20041; Sietzen and Cowing 2004, 172-75). (R-AK), a onetime O'Keefe mentor and current
backer and chair of the Senate Appropriations
But Gehman did not suppon O'Keefe. Instead he Committee, worlred in tandem with Delay not
undercut him, writing on March 10 that "only a only to get a substantial "start-up" raise for NASA
deep and rich study of the entire gain/risk equation but also authority for O'Keefe to reprogram funds
can answer the question of whether the extension within NASA's budget as necessary to launch the
of the life of the wonderful Hubble Telescope is Moon-Mars program.
worth the risks involved, and that is beyond the
scope of this lener." Senator Mikulski pounced O'Keefe took the congressionalappropriations action as
on Gehman's suggestion, calling on O'Keefe to an endorsement of Bush'sdecision. Others noted that
ask the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to although Congress had funded one year of Moon-
conduct an in-depth stUdy. O'Keefe felt that he Mats, it bad )'tt to fullydebate. consider,and legisla-
faced a Hobson's choice on Hubble. He had to tivelyauthorize the new mission. O'Keefe had a
decide, and he saw no good options (O'Keefe different view.He had a go-ahead from the president
2004d; Sietzen and Cowing 2004, 175). ant1Congress. He declared to his agency,"We have a
mandate, we havethe president'sdin:ction. We have the
Then, a group of NASA officialscame to O'Keefe to resources.DIt was now up to NASA, he said, to deliver
tell him it might be possible to service Hubble roboti- (Berger2004, 10).
cally.This possibility appealed to O'Keefe. It avoided
putting shume-based astronauts at risk, and it aided Leaving NASA
Moon-Mars, as it would advance robotic technologies. O'Keefe seemedvisiblytired. He had neyer reallyover-
It would also get O'Keefe off the hook from the bar- come the senseof losshe had sufferedwith Columbia.
rage of criticism he was receiving. If there was one He had gone to funeral after funeral, and evenkept up
space technology with a large, supportive constitU- contaCtwith the &miIiesof the daxased astronaUts.He
ency, it was Hubble. Advocatescalled it "the people's had soldieredon to sellMoon-Mars, but he had not
telescope," to project its broad public appeal. O'Keefe gotten much public support from the president subse-
found himsdfhaving to defend his decision on the quent to the January 2004 speech. The Hubble deci-
60 Minutes television program. He had virtually no sion bad brought him under "withering" attack. He
vocal alliesoUtSideNASA. had a f.uniIyto support and children to educate. Ifhe
had harbored ambitions of becoming secretaryof de-
O'Keefe told Mikulski that he would ask NAS to do fense,those ambitions were suspended when Donald
the study she wanted, but also to weigh the robotic Rumsfdd decided to remain at the Pentagon.
option he hoped to use. On June 1, he watt to a
meeting of the American Astronomical Society in On December 13, O'Keefe wrote to President Bush
Denver to offi:ran olive branch of peace. He reiter- that he was resigning, effectivein February 2005. He
ated his position as opposing a shuttle mission to was leaving to become chancellor of Louisiana State
Hubble because of safety.Then, he announced he University. He could exit knowing that NASA was
would let a contract to industry to explore the option going to get another Moon-Mars raise in the presi-
of a robotic rescue effort. This gesture won him strong dent's upcoming budget, to $16.45 billion. It was
applause from his audience and lowered the scientific, $500 million short of what Bush had promised earlier.
congressional, and media heat on O'Keefe. It also but it was a raise greater than most other nonsecurity
allowed him to devote his attention more fully to agencies got (Berger 2005,4).
selling Moon-Mars and to regaining the momentUm
he had lost as a result of the Hubble controversy However, the shuttle was months away from a retUrn
(O'Keefe 2004<1,2004e; Sietzen and Cowing 2004, to flight, the International Space Station assembly
25~57). remained on hold, and many of O'Keefe's financial
refunns had a long way to go. Shortly after announc-
Getting Congress Aboard Moon-Mars ing his impending departure, he heard the National
On November 2, the American people reelected Academy of Sciencesreport that the robotic mission to
George \1v.Bush to the White House and enlarged the serviceHubble could not be ready technically in time
Republican majority in Congress. These and other to save the telescope. Instead. it urged him to reinstate
political developments helped ensure the near-term the shuttle mission (Lawlet 2OO4b,2018). O'Keefe left
continuity of the Moon-Mars exploration mission. NASA adamantly refusing to do thar. If Hubble were
Moreover, redistricting in Texas put the Johnson Space to be saved by a shuttle mission, the decision to send a
Center direcdy under the jurisdiction of Tom Delay. shuttle would have to come from his successor.

238 Public Administration Review. March IApril 2008

_n --- ---- n_n- --- n--- n-----------

Conclusion The Moon-Mars decision, like Hubble, has broad

Sean O'Kedi: put his Stamp significantly on NASA, lessonsfor administrative leadership that go beyond
even though his tenure was only a little over thn:e O'Kc:cfe'sc:xperience.Among these is the criticality of
years. He came in primarily to fix the cost ovemm powerful political aIIicsfor tI2DSform:ttiveand contro-
afBicting the International Space Station. He left versial decisions. O'Kc:cfedid not have the allies he
having steered into being the Moon-Mars program, needed for Hubble, but he did in the caseof the
thereby d1~nging NAS& course. The inaemental, Moon-Mars program. Adopting Moon-Mars required
linear model of policy innovation nOted earlier did Cheney and Bush in the White House and DeLay and
not hold. That for transformative change applied to Stevens in Congress.
this process. The "punctuation point" in O'Kedi:'s
tenure was the Co/umhilzdisaster. It defined his three Another lessonis that windowsof oppommity for
years in the starkest way possible, d1l:1ngingdiscon- major policy change open r.areIyand bridIy. CohmIbiIl
tinuously not only O'Kedi:'s space policy agenda but came in 2003. President Bush announc:cdhis Moon-
also that of NASA and the United States. As O'Kedi: Mars decisionand Congressappropriated SWt-up funds
put it as he left, "I bad to play a diffi:rent hand than I for the decisionin 2004. The nation turned its attention
thought I would be playing. What 1was dealt was not m the Iraq war and Katrina'sdevaswion ofNcw
what I had expected" (O'Keefe 2005). Orleans in 2005. Bigdecisionsand new missionsneed
coalitions,catalysts,and IimJy adwcacy by an advocate
The brevity of O'Keefe's tour had its costs. He prob- with in8uena:. O'Kl::eh:,as NASA administramr,was an
ably left tOOsoon, before he could consolidate many d&aive policy CDtrepRDCU1' behind the Moon-Mus
of his initiatives from space nuclear propulsion to missionwhen NASA needed him to lead, and that
financial reform. He did not get the resourcesfor the milestone decisionmarks his most important Icgacy.If
VISionfor Space Exploration he would have lihd. the decisionis sustained in the yearsto come, O'KecR:
The budget projections for subsequent years that he will be viewal as the ..dminisrramrwho initiaud the
left for his suc:cessorproved inadequate. especiallyfor epic mansitionofNASA'shuman spa« flight progam
the space shuttle, He made p~ on space station iiom low-Earth.orbit back to the spacebonder.
financial management, only to have Columbia set that
project back. He obviously snunbled on the Hubble Notes
termination decision. I. 1he ambor Ibaub me mM Ccma- fur me Bmi-
M$$of GwmImem for providing research suppon
The Hubble case shows that top administrators en- in pR!pUing an earlier study of O'Keefe's NASA
gage in many battles over changc-oriented policies. cxpcrienc.e,i!xmIriw &spvtw IIIChtmginglt1rtttM
Some they win, some they lose. It (2005). This:article builds on
may be easier to Start major pro- the IBM stUdy and subse-
grams than to end them. O'Keefe The Hubble case shows that quent research.
lost the Hubble encounter, and 2. The seaion on Hubble
his successor reversed his decision. top administrators engage in draws 00 IaI:2R:h !bat dx:
But on the most significant chal- many battles over change- author and Stew: Dick,
lenges on his watch-Co/tnnhU oriented policies. Some they NASA m-rian, !me
crisis management and Moon- win, some they lose. under WIlYon me Hubble
Mars-he did well. He got NASA Space Telescope.
through the OIlumbUzdisaster
and its investigatory aftermath rdativeIy intact. References
He made organizational changes to enhance shuttle Allen. Mike, and Eric Pianin. 2004. Bush Outlines
safety. He used Columhilz to get a ple$idential SpaceAgcoda. W&0inpo.. A., january 15.
decision to return to the moon and eYenwallygo IIap,ier.Brim. 2003. Coagras Bqim Hearinp on
on to Mars. ~ NAW Funm!. Sporer/¥nus, Sepa:mber 3.
-.2004. Congras Grams $16.2 Billion.Budget
It is doubtful that a NASA administrator lacking mr NASA.. Sporer Nnus, Nooember 29.
O'Keefe's skills and contacts with the Bush White -.2005. NASAJ!ud&uR£quar FallsShortof
House could have gotten this presidential decision. Expectation. SJI4« NtIIJS,February 7.
The Moon-Mars mission was not the policy O'Keefe Ubbage. Michad. and William Harwood. 2004..
had originally intended when he came to the agency, c.- ad: 7htFinJRitbtvfSlntttk
or even later, but it was the policy be left as his New Yorlc me Pms.
prime imprint. OIlllmbUzmade it possible, and Camau, Muk. 2003. NASA Chief Vows to
others wcn: signi6cantly involvcd, but he deserves Implement New SandaRis mr Shwde Safety.
credit for converting OIlumbi4 into a change in H- C1mmicII,June Xl.
course for his agency that has potential historic Columbia Aaidax hm:sripion Boud (CAIB).
significance. 2003. RrJ-t. Vol I. Washington DC; National

Administrative Profile 239

n- n- - n_- -- _n __m_n--_n_- -

Acronautia and Sp;a Adminisrmion.lmp-JI (lMCE) Tak Fon::cto the NASAAdvisory

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Proa:a: What Has It Done? When: Is It Going? In deIiv=d at Syracuse UnMrsity. Syracuse, NY.
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Sabmer, 19-34. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. -. 2004L InIl:tVicwwith the author and
Doig.Jamaonw:.andErwinC. ~ cds. Howan:I ~ Man:h 29.
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Lambright.VI.Henry.&nttiw RapMw. a-,p,g -. 2OO4d.InterViewwith the author, June 1.
m-:Sea O'KNftm NASA~. -. 2OO4e.Addzas dcIMced at the Annual Meedng
Washington. DC: IBM Cemu fot the Business of of the Americm AstmnomiCIlSoc:icty.June 1.
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Nomnber 14, 2007]. Nmember20.
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of Dan Goldin. Sp«t hlit] 23(1): 33-43. PoliticalRality. WmhinpmP.r. January15.
Langewiesche, William. 2003. Columbia's Last Flight. Science. 2006. Back in Otbit. November
A1laIic M"",,* November. http://www. 10.903.
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[aa:ascd Ncm:mber 13. 2007J. M- RisiIIt:11NMam, 11.1 AmniaIs Nnu Sp«t
Lawler.Andmv. 2OO4a.Praident Bush Racbes for V"aitm
""" - ~11.INASA. BwIiDgton.
the Moon. Sdma. January 16, 293. Ontario: Apogee Boob.
-. 2004b. O'Keefe m Go. but Hubble Ranains True, James L. Br,an D. Jones, and Frank R.
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Morriog. Frank, Jr. 2OO2a.O'~ VISionGets Tepid Theory: Ezplaining Stability and Change in
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April 22. PrrIctss.editai by Paul Sabader. 97-116. Boulder,
-. 2OO2b.O'Keefe: Sciena: Goals Setting ISS CO: Wcstview Press.
Capability. APiIItMmWM tmJ Sp«t T«ImsIoo, VIStica,Gregory L 1995. Mfirmr Glory: 1he Mm
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(NASA). 2001. RqIott by the International Sp;a Weiner. Mark. 2002. NASA to Send Teacher into
Station (lSS) Management and Cost Evaluation Space. SpizaIs~hst StII1uItmJ,April 13.

- Public:Administration Review. March IApril 2008

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