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Maria Krisame D.

Mamolo BS-ENTREP 1-1


Insights on STIs, HIV, and AIDS

From what I’ve watched online about the lecture on STIs, HIV, and AIDS, I’ve learned
that we could get the virus if we don’t have proper protection during certain activities.
HIV or AIDS is a virus that cannot be cured but can be avoided. As Dr. Balbeuna
mentioned earlier in the discussion, when engaging in activities like sex, it’s essential to
use proper protection, seek the advice of doctors, and take prescribed medications.
If a person is already affected by the virus and is undergoing medication, that individual
must follow the doctor’s advice. HIV or AIDS can be contracted not only through
unprotected intercourse but also through activities such as sharing needles in hospitals
or other settings, and from mother to child. If a mother is already affected, the baby
can possibly contract the virus through blood or any fluids that run through veins.
Having this kind of virus is challenging, as it not only affects our health but also
changes our lives. It’s crucial to prioritize safety by taking precautions for a healthy
body and a healthy life.

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