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Date: 11/16/23

To: Viswanath Narayan, Professor.

From: Sai Mounish Ramisetti, Student.

Subject: Case Study: When Consultants and Clients Clash

If you were representing the client, what would you do at the status meeting?

If I were to represent the client, my approach would involve engaging in discussions

with the consultants to communicate the client's expectations regarding the merger. I
would emphasize the importance of merging the policies of Kellogg & Meyer and
Champion Securities rather than devising entirely new policies. Despite the firm
stance of Kellogg & Meyer's CEO, Royce Kellogg, on merging existing policies, there
seemed to be a divergence as the consultants were inclined towards creating new

In addition, I would recommend that my client, CEO Royce Kellogg, inform

Champion Securities' CEO, Stan Carpenter, and the Vice Presidents about
successfully securing the support of the Statler group for the merger. It's crucial to
ensure transparency and alignment at the leadership level. Moreover, I would take
steps to ensure that employees are well-informed about the upcoming interviews
conducted by the consultants. The lack of awareness among employees caused
disruptions when individual interviews were being conducted.

Recognizing the need for clarity in post-merger planning, I would advise Royce
Kellogg and Stan Carpenter to engage in discussions to determine the future of the
company. Establishing a cohesive post-merger plan is essential, and both CEOs
should reach a consensus on the new practices and direction of the company. To
facilitate the consulting firm's work, I would ensure the provision of the necessary
data required for the merger process.

If you were representing the consulting firm, what would you do at the status

If I were serving as the representative for the consulting firm, my initial step would involve
collecting and reviewing all the pre-existing policies to identify any potential issues within
them. Subsequently, I would engage in discussions with the CEOs of Kellogg & Meyer to
address these policy-related concerns. Given the substantial conflicts among employees
highlighted in the case study, my primary objective would be conflict reduction by
comprehending their issues and seeking viable solutions.
In the course of status meetings, I would present the conflicts arising from the current
policies, noting that there were more disparities than commonalities. Consequently, I
propose the development of new policies, leveraging the similarities present in the original
policies for maximum benefit. Upon closer examination, the identified issue proved to be
more intricate than initially perceived, particularly concerning the absence of a hierarchical
plan post-merger. As a representative of the consulting firm, my priority would be to establish
a hierarchical structure, incorporating input from both CEOs.

Addressing the case study's observation of ineffective communication between management

personnel of the two firms, my secondary task would involve devising strategies to enhance
communication among them. It is crucial to ensure that they transition away from working
under outdated policies.

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