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Name: Vivi Choliza

Class: VI/C



1. Try to find out what is CCU? give you ideas in detail,and put one of the expert ideas
to support to.
2. Tell in details also what are the importance of studying or learning this subject.Give
some examples to make your explanation!


1. As we know that cross culture understanding (CCU) is a study that is taught in an

English language course, where in the Cross Culture Understanding course we can
learn an understanding, namely an understanding of cultural differences in the
form of an introduction to foreign cultural differences in life or who study about a
habit between countries that aim to get an understanding of the cultural
differences and habits of the two countries, especially the culture of Western
people such as the culture of the United States and also the culture of Korean
society and others.
Then, the understanding of culture itself is in the form of a result of the sense
and curiosity of human thought itself which has been hereditary into a kind of life
view of a society or nation itself, that is, which is passed down through
generations and becomes the basis for its owner, so every person or society must
have its own culture, and culture is also part of a civilization.
According to Lintion, defines culture, "as a way of life of it's members, the
collection of ideas and habits which they learn, share and transmit from
generation to generation".
And in brief, Cross Culture Understanding also gives us an idea that how
difference is beautiful and is also able to give an idea of how we respond to
differences, especially in terms of culture.
2. If I see whether or not it is important to study the Gross Culture Understanding
(CCU) course, then I think that all the knowledge given to us is very useful, and
this Cross Culture Understanding (CCU) course is a very important subject for
students, such as the thing is if later on I have become a teaching staff, such as a
lecturer or teacher of English, then if later we are asked by students or our
students about the culture of a foreign country and its differences with our
country, so by having us learn about Cross Culture Understanding (CCU), we will
be very easy to explain it to them about our culture with the culture of a foreign
country so that our students or students can truly understand our explanation.
Then the other important thing is, by having us study the Cross Culture
Understanding (CCU) course, then we will become aware of and know how to
behave and how to deal with differences in terms of culture and rules applied in a
community or country.

Another important thing is to study the Cross Culture Understanding (CCU)

course, so that we can avoid being misunderstood about culture, which we know that
the purpose of the Cross Culture Understanding (CCU) course is intended to introduce
students to the concept of culture and the difference between Indonesian cultures and
other foreign or foreign cultures, especially western cultures such as in the United
States and Britain.

So in my opinion that this course can broaden the horizons of the culture and
lifestyle of people in a country that has never been known before.

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