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ROOM .....
1. NPM_Name
2. .....
3. .....
4. .....

I. Identify active (6 sentences) & passive voice (6 sentences)!

1. What technology will be designed next?
2. The company is looking for a new data analyst.
3. Many different classes are offered in graphic design.
4. China is developing the E-commerce with a new AI program.
5. A famous architect has been asked to design the new library.
6. Good communication skill is needed when you apply for a job.
7. Charles Babbage invented the first mechanical computer in 1822.
8. Hybrid Cloud Computing has become a new development trend lately.
9. Are the cyber hacking case still being investigated by the police officers?
10. Many hospitals overseas have started the use of Artificial Intelligence in medical devices.
11. John had developed the Android program.
12. Metaverse is developed using AI Technology

II. Change the sentences into passive!

1. Most people are using the newest Windows version.
2. The lecturer will announce the exam's result next week.
3. The team has succesfully removed the bugs from their app.
4. Someone is going to announce the winner at the end of the competition.
5. Last month, Mark Zuckerberg announced the Facebook’s new name, Meta.
6. She was writing a new Android RPG Game program

III. Change the sentences into active!

7. The mobile app is being developed by my team.
8. A new computer programmer has been already hired by the manager.
9. All assignments must be submitted by the students before 1st January.
10. The final score had been posted by Miss Sarah on our campus website.
11. An emergency hospital is going to be built by the government next month.
12. In the beginning, Google were developed by American programmers.

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