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Small States of the Mediterranean Littoral

Phoenicians and
the Hebrews
Group 24
Our presentation focuses on: Part 1:
How trade helped the Phoenicians and the
Hebrews build their civilizations
What important cultural contributions were made
by Phoenicians and the Hebrews Part 2:
What religion beliefs were held by Hebrews The Hebrews Part 3:
Part 1: Phoenicians
By 1200 B.C, the Phoenicians builts cities along
a narrow strip of land between mountains and
the sea.
The land was rich but not enough to grow
food so they turned to sea to make a living

Built ships, exchanged logs, cloth, glass trinket

and perfume for gold and other metals
Phoenicians never became
united because of Phoenicia remaind a collection
geographically difficulties of independent city-states
The Phoenicians built temples, each had an entrance hall, a main
hall, and a holy of holies, or most sacred chamber

Phoenician plotted their courses

by the sun and stars
Phoenicians ships were
travelling workshop

artisans worked onboard

Glass making: art of glassblowing, the technique
remained in wide use until late 18th century
Sailors set up trading posts or colonies along the
North African coast. Most famous is the city of
Carthage - Mediterranean power.

The Canaanite Alphabet

writing system for Phoenicians traders
Part 2: Hebrews
The Hebrews
aka Israelite
Small group among the people of the ancient Middle East
The God Abraham

1800 B.C: Abraham and members of his household

settled in Canaan.
These Hebrew groups later formed 12 Hebrew tribes
and stayed in Canaan for ~ 100 years

1250 B.C: A drought came, they went to Egypt where

they could get food
The god Abraham

Abraham taught the Hebrews to worship Yahweh.

Here, Abraham is shown leading the Hebrews on their journey
from Ur to Canaan.
Moses and the Ten Commandments

After Hebrews settled in Egypt, they were


Moses led them to Mount Sinai. There, he

climbed to the top of the mountain to receive a
message from God.

They were to promise to obey certain laws

became the Ten Commandments
The Promise Land

Joshua, brought the Hebrews safely into the

promised land - Canaan
The Hebrews then became farmers and
shepherds. They copied the Cannanites’ tools
and borrowed their alphabet.
Gold, copper, and iron
The Hebrews were the first to believe in just a God. They believed
individuals and society should likewise be just. Their laws were
designed to teach people to treat one another fairly

19th Century: it was revived as a spoken and literary language
Now: the language of 9 million people worldwide
USA has the second largest Hebrew speaking population
Part 3: Comparisons

Phoenicians Hebrews

Homeland Canaan Canaan

Political city-states 12 tribes
Method of rule kings/merchant councils kings/council of elders

artisans, merchants, shippers herders, farmers, traders

Religion belief in many gods tied to nature belief in one all-powerful god

Contribution spread of an alphabet idea of a single, just god

Phoenician civilization develop: 1830 B.C

Phoenicians earned a living: sea + trade

Colonies set up along the North African coast, include Carthage

Most important Phoenicians contribution: alphabet

The Hebrews could always live in Canaan if they would worship

God alone.
1200 B.C. under Moses’ leadership, made a new covenant with
God, promising to obey the Ten Commandments
Important Hebrew contribution: the brief in a single just god and
a just society
Thank you for listening!

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