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Hi every person that see this today we gonna talk about te Phoenicias.
Bereanny Hannah jatet
Who were the Phoenicians?
The Phoenicians were the ancient inhabitants of the Levant, on the
eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, a region then known as Canaan.
They were great navigators, establishing trade routes throughout the
Mediterranean, the Aegean, and the Black Sea. Between 2800 and 700
B.C. C., the Phoenician cities of Byblos, Sidon and Tire managed to
control trade in the region alternately and maintain their political
• The Phoenicians called themselves Canaanites, referring to the region
they inhabited. Other civilizations they traded with gave them other
They influenced the cultures of the region, by exchanging goods,
services and ideas between distant territories and very different
The characteristic of the Phoenicians:

• They inhabited the Levant region, north of Palestine

• They founded dozens of colonies and trading factories on the
Mediterranean coasts, and left a marked influence in North Africa,
southern Spain and southern Italy.
• They maintained the independence of their cities, and formed
commercial and political alliances to defend themselves against the
other powers in the region.
Geographic location of the Phoenicians
Social organization of the Phoenicians
• The Phoenicians had a stratified society that was organized around
trade. The upper class consisted of an aristocracy from the great
families of merchants and slave traders. Then, there was a class of
medium merchants, who dealt with the smaller scale trade routes.
Sailors and artisans made up the lowest class of society.
thanks for your attention

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