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A review of the definitions of victim listed in the American Heritage Dictionary,

illustrates the breadth of the accepted meaning of the term victim.

1.Someone who has put to death or subjected to torture or suffering by another.

>>Any person being subjected to harm is considered as a victim regardless if intentional or not.

2. A living creature slain and offered as sacrifice to deity or as a part of a religious sacrifice.

>>So this is basically adhering to the rights of the human person to live, now, being offered as a sacrifice
is considered as a crime, and as being considered a victim.

3. Anyone who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance agency or condition; victims of

>>One example for this definition is the people being affected in a particular war like for example in
Israel, Israelian are the victims in this scenario.

4. A person who suffers injury, loss or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking; victim of his own

>>One of example for this class are rescuers who are victims of typhoons and any natural calamities.

5. A person who is tricked, swindled or taken advantage of a dupe.

>>This is actually common to any society, scammers to be exact are the main suspect for this issue
where people who truly lacks basic knowledge of online platforms and softwares are being subjected to
scam, thus being considered as victims.

Thus, a victim may be an innocent, led to slaughter, a dupe or someone whose suffering is caused by his
or her own scheming or ineptitude. It is no wonder that society has become some victim.

The term "crime victim" has been used to include a person, group or people or entities who have suffers
injury or loss due to illegal activity. The harm can be physical, psychological or economic. By definition,
this includes victim is the government, and the loss of revenue is ultimately felt by honest citizen who
dutifully fulfill their responsibilities.

for the purpose of crime victims' rights and services, the legal definition of the victim typically includes
the following:

a person who suffered direct or threatened, physical, emotional or pecuniary as a result of the
commission of a crime including:

1. In case of a victim, who is under 18 years of age, incompetent, incapacitated or deceased, one of the
following (in order of preference): a spouse, legal guardian; a parent, a child; a siblings, another family
member; or another person designated by the court.

2. In the case of a victim that is an institutional entity.

General Classes of Victims (Hans Von Hentig)

a. The Young - the weak by virtue of age and immaturity.

>> of course the premature babies and kids are the example for this class.

b. The Female - often less physically powerful and easily dominated male's.

>> since then, women are considered as weak and thus become a subject to any harmful crimes and

c. The Old - the incapable of physical defense and common objects of confidence scheme.
>>of course, elder people are incapable to any physical movements and thus common for suspect to be
used as a subject for any particular crimes

d. The Mentally Defective - those who are unable to think clearly.

>>these are people who are exceptionals and unable to think clearly, technically they are considered as
versatile and being subjected to any crimes is easy to manipulate

e. The Immigrant - those who are unsure of the rules of conduct in the surrounding society.
>>these are people who are still unfamiliar to any laws being followed by a certain community, like for
example a person littered in a certain community with a strict rules in environmental issue, however, the
person is unaware to the law and was being penalized by the local administrator of the community, with
that, the person can be considered as a victim due to unavailability of warning materials supposedly
visible in the community.

f. The Minorities - racial prejudice may lead to victimization or unequal treatment by the agency of
the justice.

>>like for example African People, to some agencies in a particular country, they discriminate black
people because of their skin saturation.

Physiological Types of Victims

a. The Depressed - those submissive by virtue of emotional condition.
>>People with depression often a subject for any crimes, perhaps it is because to their natural cause to
be incapacitated to think clearly, overwhelmed by emotions to be exact.

b. The Acquisitive or Greedy - the value or act of wanting more propels such as individuals into

>>examples for this class are the people who are greedy in terms of financial aspect, they tries to invest
more financially without identifying the potential risks, and thus leads to being scammed .

c. The Wanton or Overly Sensual - those ruled by passion and thoughtlessly seeking pleasure.

>>these are people in the field of Pornography, of course in an attempt to survive poverty, they are
trying to pursue of what's available the opportunity present within a society without identifying also the
underlying consequences.

d. The Lonesome - similar to the acquisitive type of the victim, by virtue of wanting companionship or

>>these are victims suppressed by emotions mainly

e. The Heartbroken - those emotionally disturbed by virtue of heartaches and pains.

>>this is to reiterate my explanations for the previous class no, people who are victims are the people
being overwhelmed with emotions due to some valid reasons.

f. The Tormentor - the type of victim who asked for it, often from his own family.
>>this is another case to be look upon to since the person here is asking for it, maybe he or she has
something to be grasps upon, like many factors may involved for this class, one of which is the
depression or what.

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