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Laboratory Manual

Subject Name: CMP05104 Computer Engineering Workshop

Student Name

Reg. No.


CLO 3: Use analysis and measurement tools such as

power supply, multimeter, oscilloscope, and PLO 1: Engineering Knowledge: C3
signal/function generators.


Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor

(100-85%) (84-71%) (70-61%) (60-50%) (49-0%)

Understanding Skilful Very good Good ability to Some ability Minimal

engineering ability to ability to understand to understand ability to
problem understand understand given given understand
given given engineering engineering given
engineering engineering problem problem engineering
problem problem problem
Applying Skilful Very good Good ability to Some ability Minimal
knowledge of ability to ability to apply apply previous to apply ability to
Computer apply previous knowledge of previous apply
Workshop to previous knowledge of mathematics to knowledge of previous
engineering knowledge mathematics to engineering mathematics knowledge of
problem of engineering problems to to mathematics
mathematics problems to solve the engineering to engineering
to solve the problem problems to problems to
engineering problem solve the solve the
problems to problem problem
solve the
Producing Skilful Very good Good ability to Some ability Minimal
solution of ability to ability to produce to produce ability to
engineering produce produce accurate accurate produce
problem accurate accurate solution of solution of accurate
solution of solution of engineering engineering solution of
engineering engineering problem problem engineering
problem problem problem

Lab no 11: PSU test with Oscilloscope

 PSU test with Oscilloscope
PSU test
A power supply tester is an electronic device used to test how well a computer power supply
is functioning. This type of testing is often performed as part of maintenance on a computer
and can be used to try to determine the source of a computer problem. It is typically a
handheld device that has several different plugs that can be connected to the power supply
within a computer, and a digital display screen and indicator lights used during the testing
process. A power supply tester is inexpensive, but due to its singular usefulness it may not be
an investment most people wish to make.
An oscilloscope is a laboratory instrument commonly used to display and analyze the
waveform of electronic signals. In effect, the device draws a graph of the instantaneous signal
voltage as a function of time.
An oscilloscope is a kind of electronic test instruments that allows for closer observation of
signal voltages that are relentlessly varying. Typically, the signal appears as a 2-D plot with
either one or more representing time. Additional signals such as vibrations or sound can also
be converted to volts and put on view. Oscilloscopes have been long used to observe even the
slightest changes of electrical signals over time. This results in a creation of a continuous
graph of time and voltage against a calibrated scale. The outcome is a waveform that can be
studied further for other properties like distortion, frequency, time interval, time rise, and
many more similar properties. The O-Scope has received a warm welcome if the fields of
medicine, science, engineering, automotive and today, we look at the telecommunications
How is an Oscilloscope Used to Determine the Health of a BIOS Chip on Both PC and
MacBooks Alike?
If you’re a long time PC and MacBook user, then you no doubt have had to deal with issues
surrounding the BIOS. Also known as System BIOS, the Basic Input/Output System is a
firmware used to execute the initialization of hardware during power-on startup or the
booting process on PC IBM compatible computers. It also provides runtime services for both
programs and operating systems.
Without the BIOS, computers and devices cannot start. This is one of the most important
tasks that the system handles as it transits from mechanical gestures like pressing the power
button to displaying the MAC logo on your screen. This means that the BIOS is the first
program to run when you power up your computer. It checks power levels, starts the coolers,
runs some tests and evaluates the health of some systems hardware. But with all these
functions, how do you ensure that the BIOS chip itself is operating at full integrity?
This is where an oscillator comes in to determine the health of your BIOS chip. Since a
typical oscilloscope can display AC (alternating current) and even pulsating DC, it can be
used to run tests on the Basic Input/Output System and produce an image display. This is
done by focusing an electron beam and sweeping it across a Cathode Ray Tube. Modern
oscilloscopes can even replicate the CRTs action using an LCD display similar to those on
Macs and PCs. These days, most computer technicians prefer to diagnose BIOS chip issues
with high-end digital oscilloscopes. This is because they can be connected directly to
personal computers and MacBooks and use their displays to show you what is going on. With
the right software, you can even get information, access and control over an incredible host of
features such as:
-vertical deflection
-Sweep rate
-Display of multiple waveforms simultaneously
-Battery power option
-Zoom options
-Spectral analysis
-Multicolored displays
-Storage of waveforms for comparison and future reference
Check the PSU's input and output
First, you connect the oscilloscope to the power supply's ac line input terminals and check the
input waveform visually for any fluctuation, distortion, or dropouts. You see that the ac line
voltage is a perfect sine wave Having established that the ac supply voltage is good, you next
check the dc output voltage and see that that it looks good as well.
Note: Some oscilloscopes may require a separation transformer or a differential probe to
measure the line input voltage and the dc output voltage simultaneously.

Figure: Oscilloscope displaying the ac line input voltage to the dc power supply
Because no problems are immediately obvious, you next track the power supply's input and
output over time using plot. If there's a disturbance, then it is telling you the time and
magnitude of the problem.

Figure 2: Oscilloscope displaying ac line input voltage

Lab Tasks:
Task 01: Plot the CPU Current of the lab PC and write steps using oscilloscope.

Task 02: Plot the Motherboard current of the lab PC and write steps using oscilloscope.

Lab Assessment
Understanding Applying knowledge of Producing solution
engineering Computer Workshop of engineering
problem to engineering problem problem
(Criteria1) (Criteria 2) (Criteria) Total
(7) (5) 15 Marks

Task 1

Task 2


Name of the Instructor: Muhammad Nasir Signature: ________________

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