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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a growing concern in a prolonged and healthy life. In
this essay, I will show some strategies to pave the way towards a longer and healthier life.

Firstly, exercise is one of the most important factors for having a healthy lifestyle.
According to Harvard Health, exercise can help control weight, combat diseases, and even add
years to our life. To exercise effectively, we should find a workout routine that we enjoy to do it
regularly and alternate between different types of exercises to prevent boredom.

Secondly, we will not have high life expectancy and wellbeing if our diet is innutritious.
We need to eat a variety of foods from all food groups, such as fruits, nuts, and lean protein.
Moreover, we should limit our intake of processed foods and aim to drink to eight glasses of
water per day.

Last but not least, bad habits are obstacles that prevent us from having a wholesome
lifestyle. To avoid bad habits, such as smoking and staying up late, it is important to understand
what causes them to make a plan to break them and find healthy alternatives. For example, if
we are trying to avoid eating junk food, don't keep it in the house and try snacking on fruits or
nuts instead.

In conclusion, a long and healthy life requires a combination of many factors. By doing
exercise, maintaining a balanced diet and avoiding bad habits, we can increase our chances of
living a long and fulfilling life.

In today’s digital, teenagers use “screens” for most of their daily activities, such as for
learning, socializing and entertainment. I strongly believe that parents should not strictly limit
teenagers’ screen time for the following reasons.

Firstly, limiting teenagers’ screen time is likely to interfere with their learning and
developing. Teenagers can use screens to access educational resources and learn new skills,
which the parents’ strictly limiting can deprive them of. In addition, it is very essential that
teenagers self-regulate to use screens responsibly and in moderation. Therefore, if their parents
place limits on their children’s screen time, they will not get this important skill by themselves.

Secondly, over management online time can result in being counterproductive. If

teenagers find that their screen time is being restricted, they may be more likely to sneak it
which can lead to bad behaviors and conflicts. Moreover, by taking away screens as a
punishment or granting extra time on screen as a reward, the parents can make the screen time
the valuable thing which only elevates their teenagers’ screen interest and even leads to

In conclusion, parents should not limit the screen time of teenagers. Instead, they
should focus on teaching their children to use them in a healthy way to take advantages of
them, which supports their study and helps them succeed in the digital world.

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