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Stress is characterized as a condition of anxiety or tension in the mind brought on by a

challenging circumstance. Stress is a normal human reaction that motivates us to deal with
obstacles and dangers in our lives. Everyone goes through periods of stress. But how we handle
stress has a significant impact on our general wellbeing. According to the selected article, stress
is a significant problem for college students as they manage a range of social, intellectual, and
personal difficulties. According to Omani, Shapiro, Thoresen, Plante, and Flinders (2008), the
majority of first-year college students are living away from their parents for the first time. More
experienced students also experience ongoing pressure to perform academically as well as make
difficult career decisions and deal with job search difficulties. Students today deal with a variety
of academic issues in this fiercely competitive world, such as exam anxiety, lack of interest in
attending classes, and difficulty understanding a subject. Thus, we will discuss academic stress is
the result of anxiety about upcoming difficulties or failures in the classroom, or even just the fear
of failing academically, peer pressure, studies, family issues, financial difficulties, and other
aspects of the student environment are just a few ways that academic stressors manifest

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