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Please identity the subordinate clauses in the following sentences and then classity
them into noun clauses (NC), adjective clauses (AdjC), or adverbial clauses (AdvC).
No. 1 has been done as an example.
Whenever the rain falls
1. , I always have my umbrella with me.
which sat near the door
2. The cat last night was found dead this morning.
which my mother bought for my birthday
3. This is the dress .
what you told me about the assignment
4. I didn't get .
when my baby said her first word
5. I cannot forget the moment .
That he has lost my book
6. makes me disappointed.
By thetime she came home
7. , her mother had cooked her favorite meal.
8. Where we want ¿ hold the conference AdvC is still subject to further discussion.
9. She doesn't know why her best friends cut her off ¿the group NC .

which becomes the most watched horror movie ∈2017

10. Pengabdi Setan, , was screened
in many international movie festivals.
What you see
11. is what you get.

II. Please write a PARAGRAPH consisting of all these components: one (1) noun clause
as subject (NC/S), one (1) noun clause as object (NC/O), one (1) adjective clause
(AdjC), one (1) adverbial clause (AdvC), and one (1) gerund form (Ger). Label each
clause in accordance with its category (i.e. whether NC/S, NC/O,
AdjC, AdvC, or Ger).

Investigating the impact of technology on society (NC/S) is a complex and

multifaceted undertaking (NC/O). While technology has undoubtedly brought about
many benefits, such as increased communication and productivity, it has also raised
concerns about its potential negative effects, such as privacy violations and job
displacement. As we continue to develop and adopt new technologies, it is crucial to
carefully consider their potential consequences (AdvC), both positive and negative, in
order to ensure that they are used responsibly and ethically (Ger). Only through
careful consideration and planning can we ensure that technology serves as a force for
good in society (NC/O).

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