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Assignment -2


Facebook, Twitter, Google

Digital Marketing
MIS 442

Submitted to,
Mr. Ariful Rahman Khan
Lecturer, School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).

Submitted By: Team__442

Md. Iftekhar Rahman- 1420939

Aminul Islam Akash- 1321306

Students, Section: 03
Semester: Autumn’16
Submission date: 21th November 2016


Topics Logo
1. How to way promote a facebook page? ............................................................................................... 1
Budget and Duration ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. How to way boost a facebook page post? ............................................................................................ 4
3. How to way create Ads in facebook? ................................................................................................... 5
4. How to way create Twitter Ads? ........................................................................................................ 10
Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Audience: ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Then step 3:....................................................................................................................................... 12
Then step 4:....................................................................................................................................... 12
5. How to way create a Google Ad? ....................................................................................................... 14
6. How to make a campaign with Google Ad work? ............................................................................... 16
Decide how much to spend ............................................................................................................... 16
Choose a target audience( Locations): ............................................................................................... 17
Choose a target audience (Networks): ............................................................................................... 17
Choose a target audience(Keywords): ................................................................................................ 17
Set your Bid: ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Write your Ad: ................................................................................................................................... 18
Payment Information:........................................................................................................................ 19
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1. How to way promote a facebook page?

 First of all we open a Business facebook page for our Business. When we
complete our page then we see that top of the page “Promote Local
Business” icon. Then we select/click that icon.

After press the icon we see a formatting page. In this page we fill up some
important items. First we select a range for our business area.

If we select 1 mile, approximately 49,000+ people are see this business icon.
(Desktop, Mobile, instagram)
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Then fill up Age, Gender, Interests, text, Picture, Headline.

We select range of age & those people are seeing that page only. Like 18 -65.
In gender product wise select like man, women or all.

In text we can write our page/business details & in headline we can create our
company tagline.
Which picture creates our brand image those picture we are select.
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Budget and Duration Is the most important part of promote.

In budget line we can create our money limit and range people. Like if we select tk
1596.00 then facebook will estimate 17080-45029 people reached per day with 14-
28 day limit.

After finishing the entire requirement press the Promote icon.

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When we press promote button then payment method process are coming. In
payment process some steps are must follow like country, card number, security

2. How to way boost a facebook page post?

First of all we press the “Boost Post” under the page post.

In budget line we can create our money limit and range people. Like if we select tk
240.00 then facebook will estimate 5800-15000 people reached per day with 1 day
or 7 day & 14 day as our wise.

After finishing the entire requirement press the Promote icon.

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When we press promote button then payment method process are coming. In
payment process some steps are must follow like country, card number, security

3. How to way create Ads in facebook?

First of all we press the “Create Adverts” key.
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Then we see this page & Campaign, Advert account, Advert Set, New advert tools.
Then press the Boost your page.

This time open the next page Ad Account (create new) & Fill-up the Account
country, Currency, Time zone then continue.
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Then open Audience by Ad Set page. In audience page some steps are must follow
like Business location, Age, Gender, Language, Detailed targeting, Connections.

After follow audience, then fill-up Placements page like- click the Automatic
Placements (recommended).
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After done Placements then fill-up Budget & schedule.

After finishing Budget & schedule then press continue & next page are coming, this page is
“Page & Post” by Ad.

This page’s select our product add & click place order.
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After click place order the payment method process are coming. In payment process some steps
are must follow like country, card number, security code.
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4. How to way create Twitter Ads?

First of all we press the “Twitter ADs” key.

This time we see this page:

After opening this page we see the Create Campaign & select this icon.

When we go the next page we see 4 steps of ADs.

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Overview(step 1): In this stage some steps are must follow like Company Name, Domain
name, Category select.
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After finishing step 1 then start step 2,


In this stage our fill-up the location, gender & language.

Then step 3:

After finish Audience then Budget process is coming. In Budget process some steps are must
follow like set a daily Maximum & set a total Budget.

Then step 4: Is sample processing like Headline, Website URL, Card name etc.
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After finishing all recurentment then go the Launch option.

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5. How to way create a Google Ad?

First of all we create a Google AdSense account.

After opening Google AdSense account then we clicks “My ads page”.

In Ad unite part we fill some important information. Like “Name, Ad size,” In Ad sizes there are
many option are available. What we need we click that banner.

Then create Ad style. In Ad style lots of informational gap are present. Like “style name, border,
URL, background, font family”.
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After finishing the Ad style part then we clicks create new customer channel. In this page we fill
“Ad name, Ad units” then click the targeting then save.

After finishing all the work we press the Ad type bottom then select the “Text &Display Ads”
after that we press the “Save and get code”.
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6. How to make a campaign with Google Ad work?

First of all we sing up with Gmail account for create a Google Ad work. Then see that page
given below.In first campaign there are few steps are must fill up.

Decide how much to spend

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Choose a target audience( Locations):

Choose a target audience (Networks):

Choose a target audience(Keywords):

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Set your Bid:

Write your Ad:

In Ad part little number of gaps must be filling up. Like landing page (my web site), headline 1,
headline 2, & description. In description we can write our ad details. Heading are show our Ad
tagline. Beside that we also can see our Ad preview.
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Payment Information:
In Payment system people are must give their correct information for success payment system.

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