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Familiarize yourself with the evalua�on
Dedicate �me to prepare for the final criteria. Make sure you understand
oral task. Study and review the course what aspects will be evaluated.
units and lessons. Prac�ce with your
partner regularly to improve fluency
and confidence in oral communica�on.
Prac�ce listening comprehension to be
prepared for understanding your
instructor's ques�ons or instruc�ons
during the evalua�on.


During the final oral task, it is essen�al to

par�cipate in the conversa�on with your
partner. Ask relevant ques�ons, offer Use appropriate gramma�cal
opinions, and provide complete structures and vocabulary to express
answers. Avoid short and monosyllabic your ideas. Use complete sentences
responses that do not demonstrate your and avoid direct transla�on from
language proficiency. Spanish to English.

Show respect and listen

If you don't understand a ques�on or aten�vely to your partner
instruc�on during the Final oral task, while they speak.
don't hesitate to ask for clarifica�on.

It's normal to feel nervous before and

Make effec�ve use of the allocated during the final oral task. Try to stay
�me for the final oral task. Don't rush, calm and breathe deeply to control
and ensure you develop your ideas your nerves. Remember that prac�ce
clearly and comprehensively. If you and proper prepara�on will help you
have addi�onal �me, you can ask feel more secure and confident in your
extra ques�ons or provide examples abili�es.
to support your answers.

A�er the evalua�on, reflect on your
performance and consider the
feedback and sugges�ons from your

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