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Communication: only in English. You must always use content already taught, so
you are perfectly understood.

Tone of voice: You should use a loud, but pleasant and expressive voice, setting the
rythm and pace of the class. Your students will be motivated if you do so

Work in unison: All students must repeat all the sentences in unison, never
individually. This technique is essential in order to promote a comfortable
atmosphere and to maximize class time. Althought it may semm uncomfortable at
first, students soon get used to it and recognize its benefits. You should use
commands like “Once again” or “Let's do it again” to encourage repetition in unison.
Do not forget that by snapping your fingers at the end of a command or in a word or
sentence , you set the rythm for the students to repeat.

Teacher's guide sentences: You should strictly follow the sentences in this guide.
This sequence uses a scientific method by which students learn the language. The
sequence may be interrupted only in order to correct a mistake made by one or all
students. If the mistake is in regard to grammar, return to the model and emphasize
the struture in question. If the mistake is in pronunciation, repeat the word in
English. To reinforce the model, create two extencions to the original sentence and
then return immediately to the sequence of statements in the Teacher's Book.

Correcting errors: When there is an error in repeating a sentence, you should not
identify the student who made the mistake. Ask everyone to repeat the same
sentence, ot simply by saying “Once again” but by restating the original sentence. Be
sure to emphasize the structure or model the pronunciation which you believe to have
caused the mistake.

Promoting the Students's confidence: When students repeat out loud, but are not
sure of the sentence, you should say “Once again” or “Let's do it again”, só that
students can redo it with confidence.

Correcting pronunciation: When there is a mistake in pronunciation, you should

wait until the end of the sentence and never interrupt students:
1- Get the attention of all students.
2 – Say the word correctly, having all repeat in unison.
3 – Then return to the original sentence. Exemple

Sua preparação: Sua preparação é essencial para que os objetivos do curso sejam
alcançados. Ela deverá ser feita com antecedência, para que você possa sanar suas
dificuldades com a aplicação da aula, evitando problemas em sala.

Empatia: capacidade psicológica para se identificar com o eu de outro, conseguindo

sentir o mesmo que este nas situações e circunstâncias por esse vivenciadas.
Para ter empatia, o primeiro passo é ESCUTAR.
Acontece que muita gente não escuta, apenas ouve. Quem diz que está ouvindo pode
estar ignorando, esperando apenas para retrucar com suas crenças individuais.
Empatia não é solidariedade, ou mesmo entender as palavras usadas. Você escuta
procurando captar o significado e o sentimento. Escuta para descobrir o

A receita é simples:- Veja o problema do ponto de vista do outro;

6 atitudes para aumentar a empatia:
 Compreenda a pessoa;
 Fique atento às pequenas coisas;
 Honre compromissos;
 Mostre integridade pessoal;
 Desculpe-se sempre que tiver de voltar atrás

Pontualidade: A pontualidade é um compromisso que deve ser rigorosamente

observado por todos os praticantes, começando pelos que estão à frente.
Imaginem se todos chegassem a hora que bem entendessem, durante os períodos de
aula. Seria dificultoso, como poderia haver um trabalho conjunto?

Professor muleta: Não seja um professor muleta, ajude seu aluno, porém não faça
por ele.

Elementos de uma aula:

Engage – Interação através da contextualização, de atividades, de revisão da aula
Study – Desenvolvimento das habilidades receptivas e produtiva (Audição e Leitura;
Activit – Desenvolvimento das atividades receptivas e produtiva (Audição e Leitura;

Livro  Speech: Aos longo do livro os alunos serão expostos a

diferentes assuntos escolhos para estimular debates, levar
o aluno a aprender como organizar seu pensamento and
falar ulitizando introduções, desenvolvimentos e
conclusões coerentes. Explorando a Lingua Inglesa
atraves de diferentes assuntos, ouvindo discursos
historicos, debatendo e defendendo ideias o aluno é
estimulados a construir sua auto confiança e inspirado a
desenvolver sua criatividade.
 Certificate: Após concluir este nível os alunos devem
estar preparados a fazer o exame para certificação
internacional TOEIC. More advanced analysis of known
grammar points, vocabulary development and specific
exercises based on TOEIC test are aimed to allow the
student to get at least 550 points on this test.
 O professor é um mediador, ele deve despertar o
interesse dos alunos através dos diversos temas
 O professor deve se preparar para guiar os alunos através
dos diversos assuntos analisados.
Aluno  Deve ser estimulado a pensar livremente de forma crítica
e criativa em Ingles.
Grupo  A interação e boa comunicação são imprescindiveis ao
desenvolvimento de debates e elaboração de discursos. O
aluno deve ser estimulado a desenvolver suas habilidades
de comunicação interpessoal.
Gramatica  Perfect Aspect, Conditional Sentences, Perfect
Continuous, Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverbs, the
pronoun 'one', possessive gerund, future continuous,
royal order of adjectives, would rather x had better, verb
+ obj + to infinitive, either x neither, gerund after
preposition, future perfect, future perfect – passive voice,
as if x as though and emphatic 'do'. Probability, modal
perfect, sense verbs, Emphatic inversion, homophones
and minimal pairs, cause and effect, correlative
comparative, conditional, frequency adverbs, indefinite
negative pronoun, present participle adjective, past
participle adjective, noun as adjective, modal and modal
perfect passive voice.
Pontos  O aluno já domina as estruturas basicas da língua.
Pontos  Alguns alunos podem se sentir desconfortaveis ou pouco
negativos motivados a trabalhar determinados temas.
 A introversão de alguns alunos e a negligencia na pratica
oral em niveis anteriores são grandes desafios.
Fique  A aplicação prática de alguns temas trabalhados pode ser
Atento questionada, o professor deve antecipar esses problemas
e expor a importância da exploração desses temas.
 Poucos alunos tem o hábito de ler e escrever, o volume
de composições é significativo. Os alunos devem ser
estimulados a ler em Ingles para melhor aproveitamento
dessa unidade.
 As tarefas, bem como a preparação de aulas devem ser
cobradas aula a aula, isso criará no aluno o compromisso
de fazer e entregar a você, mas não se esqueça, você deve
estimular seu aluno, a segunda tarefa não entregue ou
aula não preparada já é um alerta de perigo.
 Ao fim de cada aula, você deve explicar a tarefa e fazer a
primeira de cada exercício com seus alunos para que eles
sigam o exemplo, mesmo que já a tenham feito; isso
criará inconscientemente o dever de terminá-la.
 Quando o aluno entregar a tarefa sem listening, com a
desculpa que não consegue fazer, sua tarefa deverá ser
encaminhada imediatamente para a coordenação, que
conversará com o aluno e o encaminhará para suporte.
Portanto tarefas incompletas não devem ser corrigidas,
devem ser entregues a coordenação, para avaliação e
 O Google não deve ser utilizado para fazer as tarefas,
tudo que precisam está em seu livro, caso contrário o
aluno pode contrair vícios que o prejudicarão no
aprendizado, afinal, é ele quem deve pensar em inglês.
 Utilize as instruções gerais do livro a ferro e fogo,
Metodologia Wizard.
IN PUT LESSONS W8-a – 57 minutos

Presentation of the input lessons: 05m - 07m

 Play the audio material for verbs, vocabulary, expressions, grammar and
phrases in context.
 Pause after every word / phrase if needed.
 Students repeat in unison.

Contextualization: 15m – 18m

 Students should contextualize the verbs, vocabulary, and expressions of which

the meaning they found before the class.
 You also must give them some examples using the new words.
 Involve them in a conversation using the new wordsso that htey can see in
what situations they can be used.

Teachers's guide sentences: 12m - 15m

 In this book, some sections of the TG sentences either promote a mini dialogue
where all the students work togewther or the students have to answer questions
individually. Eah input lesson brings a different model, so only by preparing
the class in advance you will know how each TG sentences model works

Change the sentences according to the model

 each lesson brings a different model.
 Explain to your students how the sentences should be modified.

Make questions and answer them

 one group of students should change into a question the sentence you read.
 The other group will answer the question
 make sure you read the example to your students before you start the

Secrets of success
 Play the audio material.
 Students repeat in unison.
 Explore the meaning.
 Give 30 seconds for students to memorize the theme.
 After the time is up, choose two or three students to say the theme for the class.
 If the sentence is too large, have one student say one sentence and another
student chosen at random to continue the theme until complete.
Express yourself: 05 – 07 m
 Play the audio material, having the students repeat the expression in unison.
 Explore the meaning.
 Give 30 seconds for students to memorize the theme.
 After the time is up, choose two or three students to make up a situation using
the expressions.

Describe the pictures: 4m

 Students should describe the pictures shown in the Input Lessons. They should
say what actions the people in the pictues are doing or if it's just an object the y
can make a comment about it. In the first input lesson give some expamples of
what sentences they could say só that they can have an idea how it should be
done correctly. Instruct your students to use the words they have just learned
to describe each picture.
 Divide the class into pairs.
 they should describe the pictures to each other.
 Walk around the classroom to check their production.

Homework instructions: 02m

 Explique um exercício de cada vez.

 Faça um exemplo do mesmo com os alunos e peça para anotarem.
 Oriente a fazer o restante em casa e trazer na aula seguinte.
Model 1
Choose the right answer
 Students will read the sentences at home and choose the alternative that fills
the blanks correctly.
Listen and answer the question
 Students will listen to a question and they have to write the answer in the space
provided in their workbooks.
 They must write a complete answer expressing their opinion and writing some
information that supports their idea or opinion.
Listenin (conversation)
 Students will listen to two short stories on the CD.
 At the end of each short story they will hear three questions and then have to
choose the right anser in the workbook.
 They should follow this procedure until both short stories have been listened
Write questions for
 Students have to wrtie questions for the answers written in tis exercise
 They are supposed to use the grammatical structures they learned in class.
Model 2
Complete the text withthe words in the box
 Students are supposed to read the text and complete it with the words from the
 At the end of a sentence they will hear thee more.
 They should choose the sentence that fits better with the first one they heard.
 They should continue this procedure until all sentences have been heard.
Underline the correct forms in the dialogue.
 The students should read the sentences and choose the correct option they
found between the parentheses.
Breaking news
 According to the “headline” presented in each exercise, students are supposed
to develop a text about it as if they were writing for a newspaper
Model 3
Follow the pattern
 Students are supposed to rewrite the sentences according to the patter
presented as the example
Listening (talks)
 Students will listen to a speaker saying a short paragraph.
 After they ehar each speaker, they will hear three questions.
 They are supposed to choose the right answer.
 Students must continue until they heard both talks and answered all questions.
Fill in the gaps with the sentences
 students should read the text and ten put thenumber of the sentences in the
correct space.
Write a summary of the text you've just read
 after the students finish the previous exercise they are supposed to develop a
summary based on the text they've just read.

Chamada: 02m
 Faça a chamada, recolha as tarefas, cobre as atividades do We Speak

Lesson time summary

Presentantion 5 – 7 min
Contextualization 15 – 18 min
TG Sentences 12 – 15 min
Express yourself 5 – 7 min
Describe the pictures 4 min
Homework instructions 2 min
check 2 min
Total 57 min

Warm up: 05m

Teacher's guide sentences: 05 – 06m

 The sequence of the teacher's guide senteces will always be the second exercise
given in every Output Lesson. For examle in the lesson 182 you should work
with the TG sentences right after the students finish the exercise “Ask your
Change the sentence according to the model
 Each lesson brings a different model.
 Explain to your students how the senences should be modified.
Model 1
Ask your friend: 04 - 05m

 Play the CD and have your students repeat the sentences out loud.
 Divide the class into pairs.
 Students must have a dialogue by formulating and answering the questions.

Obs.: Nunca forme par com alunos.

Celebrities: 07 – 09 min

 This section includes a collection of texts about famous people who made
 With books open, begin an open conversation with your students about the
person in question. Ask your students if they know who that person is / was
and their contribution to history, if they have an opinion about this person etc.
 Now, with books still open, play the text while studentsonly follow along,
 ask your students what they understood from the text and clarify any doubts
they may have.
 Now, play the questions found in the box under the text, but pause after each
one of them. Students have to read the questions out loud.
 Divide the students into pairs and let them discuss the questions.
 Walk around the classroom to check your students' performance.
 Give students some time to read the portions of the lyrics that are in their
 Play the CD once for students to complete the gaps.
 Play again for students to check their answers.
 Sing the song with the students.
Justify your answer 06 - 08m
 This section has been designed to promote a good discussion atmosphere
among the students about different and general topics.
 Read the questions and ask students to repeat them in unison after you
 divide the class into pairs. Remeber to assign students into different pairs every
 Let the students discuss the questions.
 Tell your students they are supposed to give a complete answer by giving hteir
opinion and explaining why they chose a certain answer
 walk around the classroom to check their prouction.
 You may interect with each pair quickly

Food for thought 08 - 10m

 this exercise has been designed to prepare students to preview of the speech tha
will be given in the next Output Lesson
 ask students if they know the person who is being described.
 Next, start discussing each question with the class.
 The questions in the box should be discussed with the whole class.
 Interact with all the students and make sure everybody joins the discussion.
Public speaking hint 1 – 2 m
 Since the main theme of this book is on how to give a speech, a list of public
speaking hints has been prepared to help with our student's development.
 Play the audio material and have your students repeat the sentence out loud.
 Discuss briefly the meanin of the hint and clarify any additional doubts your
students may have.
Model 2
Famous speeches 08 - 10m
 for this book, some of the most famous speeches in history have been chosen
to set examples to students on how to give a great speech.
 First, ask students if they know the famous person whose speech is being
presented in the lesson. Breifly ask your students about he famous person's
 In this exercise students are supposed to fill in the blanks in the speech.
 Play the CD once without any interruption.
 Students should have their books open but hey are not supposed to write
anything yet.
 Now play the CD with pauses só students have time to fill in the blanks
 play it once again só they can fiish completing or checking the exercise
 correct the homework.
 Now go to the question section
 read each question and ask students to repeat them after you in unison
 divide the class into pairs and let the students discuss the questions
 walk around the clasroom to check their production.
Developing vocabulary 05 – 06 m
 this exercise is a continuation of the previous one. In the speech there are a few
words in bold for students to acquire more vocabulary and get used to dealing
with unknown words when readin a text. Students are supposed to try to guess
their meaning using just the context of the speech and write sentences with
them. It's an exercise that will prepare the students for proficiency exams, só
it's not recommended that you help them or let them use dictionaries except if
no one in the classs was able to understand the meaning of the word.
 First, students should work individually to try to guess the meaning of the
words and write the sentences.
 After a few minutes, you can let them discuss in pairs the words they had
difficulties with.
 When all students have finished writing their sentences, choose one student
randomly to read a sentence out loud. Check everybody's understanding of
every word.
Parts of speech 02 - 04m
 For the first half of the book (units 1-30), this exercise explains important parts
of a good speech.
 Play the audio once and ask students to read along.
 Choose one student to explain what he/she understood.
 You can bring to class some speeches to use as examples, but the speeches
presented in this book can also be used for this purpose.
 For the second half of the book (units 31-60), this exercise will give the
students a task to be written at home.
 Play the audio once and ask students to read along.
 Choose one student to explain what he/she understood.
 Ask students to share some ideas about the task.
Fluency 04 – 05 m
 Play the exercise and pause after each sentence.
 Students should repeat out loud.
 Call your students' attention to the Fluency model that appears at the beginning
of the exercise.
 Read the model and check if your students understood the changes they have to
make in the other sentences.
 Divide your students into pairs and let them make the proper changes.
 Walk around the classroom to check your students' performance.
Listen and discuss 10- 12m
 Before having the students discuss the questions, you are supposed to play the
audio with the text related to the questions.
 Play the audio with the text. Students should only listen.
 Discuss with the students what they understood from the text. If necessary,
play the text once again.
 Read the questions and ask students to repeat each question after you.
 Divide the class into pairs and let them discuss the questions.
 Walk around the classroom to the check the students' production.
 You may quickly interact with the students in order to stimulate them.

Model 3
Building a story 03 - 05m
 In this exercise, students will listen to an audio recording and will have to write
the story at home. The audio varies in two models: a person telling the
beginning of a story and the students will have to finish it at home using their
imagination. The second model is a whole story told through sounds, and
students will have to write it at home giving details. There is also some useful
vocabulary presented that students can use at home.
 Read the useful vocabulary and have students repeat each word after you.
 Ask them to try to guess their meanings. If no one is able to, ask them to check
their dictionaries.
 Play the audio once.
 Ask students to share ideas about what they have just listened to using the new
words they have just learned.
 Use the questions given in the Student's book to guide this part. There are no
fixed answers, but tell students that the questions should be "answered" in
order to create a full story.
Pronunciation and intonation 03- 04m
 First check what stress intonation should be worked on the exercise.
 Explain the purpose of the exercise to your students.
 Play the audio and pause after each sentence.
 Students have to repeat the sentences out loud.
 Divide the class into pairs and let them read each sentence again.
 Walk around the classroom to check their performance and pronunciation.
For real 04 - 05m
 Students are supposed to role-play the situation given.
 Read the tasks and make sure the students understand what is being proposed.
 Divide the students into pairs and let them role-play the situation.
 Walk around the classroom to check their production.
Parts of speech 02 - 04m
 For the first half of the book (units 1-30), this exercise explains important parts
of a good speech.
 Play the audio once and ask students to read along.
 Choose one student to explain what he/she understood.
 You can bring to class some speeches to use as examples, but the speeches
presented in this book can also be used for this purpose.
 For the second half of the book (units 31-60), this exercise will give the
students a task to be written at home.
 Play the audio once and ask students to read along.
 Choose one student to explain what he/she understood.
 Ask other students to share some ideas about the task.
Debate 16 - 20m
 This exercise has been created to promote a discussion environment in the
class where its main purpose is to give all the students the opportunity to talk.
 First, read the statement students are supposed to discuss.
 Now divide the class into two groups.
 One group has to be for and the other against the statement.
 Give students three to five minutes to write down arguments that support their
 After time is up, you are supposed to intermediate the debate.
 Your role now is to engage everyone in the discussion and make sure you don't
give your own opinion in the discussion.
 Write sentences - Students will practice vocabulary and grammatical
 First, students have to identify what word in each sentence can be replaced by
the ones in parentheses.
 Then they have to write the sentences using the new words.
Public Speaking Hint 02 -03m
 Since the main theme of this book is on how to give a speech, a list of public
speaking hint has been prepared to help with our students' development.
 Play the audio material and have your students repeat the sentence out loud.
 Discuss briefly the meaning of the hint and clarify any additional doubts your
students may have.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Warm up 5min Warm up 5min Warm up 5min
Ask your friend 4-5 min Famous speeches 8-10min Building a story 3-5min
TG Sentences 5-6 min Developing vocabulary 5-6min TG Sentences 5-6min
Celebrities 7-9min TG Sentences 5-6min Pronunciation 3-4min
Song 6-8min Parts of Speech 2-4min For real 4-5min
Justify your answer 6-8min Fluency 4-5min Parts of speech 2-4min
Food for thought 8-10min Listen and Discuss 10-12min Debate 16-20 min
Public Speaking hint 1-2min check 2min Write sentences 2-3min
Check 2min Public Speaking hint 2-3min
check 2min
Total 55 Total 50 Total 57

Model 1
Listen and complete the dialogue
 The students are supposed to listen and fill in the blanks according to the
information they hear on the CD.
 Complete with
 Students should complete the blanks with the words given in the box.
 Justify your answer in written
 Students should choose one of the questions from the exercise "Justify your
answers" found in the student's book and then justify one of the answers
written in the workbook.
 Tell them they are supposed to write a complete answer by explaining their
point of view properly.
Rewrite the sentences
 Students are supposed to rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the
verbs in parentheses.
 Students have to answer the question written in the workbook.
 Remember to tell them they are already in an advanced level, therefore they are
supposed to write a complete answer by using arguments that support their
ideas and point of view.
Model 2
Organize the text
 Students should read the paragraphs and reorganize the text in the right order.
 On the same page under this exercise, students are supposed to write a
paragraph following the instructions given.
Listening (Pictures)
 This exercise shouldn't be corrected in class. You'll correct it at home and hand
it back to your students the following class.
Write a paragraph using the following words
 Students should use the words found in the box to write a paragraph.
 Encourage them to use the structures and vocabulary that have been taught in
Model 3
Is this funny? Listen and complete
 Students should use the CD to listen to the text and then complete the blanks
with the information they hear.
Circle the best option
 Students are supposed to read each sentence and then choose the correct option
in parentheses that will then form the sentence correctly.
Complete the dialogue
 Students have to read the sentences given and then complete the dialogue.
 Encourage them to use the vocabulary and structures that were previously
Building a story
 Students will have listened to the audio in class and the teacher will have
explained the useful vocabulary in the Student's book.
 Students should listen to the audio again and finish the story using their
imagination and some of the vocabulary presented.
 Since this is an advanced level book, ask students to write as much as possible.

Review W8-a– 42 minutos

Improve your pronunciation 03 - 04m
•Play the audio material.
•Students repeat out loud after each phrase.
•It is important to emphasize the pronunciation of the words in bold.
•Encourage your students to listen to the audio material relating to this exercise
at home.
Highlights – 07 - 09m
In this section we find examples using the main structures seen and worked on in
the 6 lessons before the Review Lesson.
•Read sentence by sentence.
•Students repeat in unison.
•Briefly clarify possible doubts using examples.

Teacher's guide sentences

Make sentences using the following words 04- 06m
•Students are supposed to form sentences orally with the words you give them.
•Make sure they use the grammatical structures taught in the previous lessons.
It's funny – 03 - 04m
As the name suggests, this exercise presents a series of funny phrases.
•Read the seritence, having the students repeat in unison.
•Explore the meaning.
•Give 30 seconds for the students to memorize the theme.
•After the time is up, choose two or three students to say the phrase to the class.
•If the text is too large, have one student say one sentence and another student
chosen at random to continue the theme until complete.
English language 03-04m
•These are fun texts that explain facts and curiosities about the English
•Ask students to read the text at home after the Review Lesson.
•Before starting the new Input Lesson, ask students if they have any doubts
about the text and what they understood about it.
Express yourself
•Divide the class into pairs. 07 - 10m
•Students must go through the 3 previous lessons and choose one of the
expressions presented in this section. Then, they will write a small dialogue
using the expression chosen.
•Choose one pair to read their dialogue to the class.
Secrets of success 04 - 05
•Individually, students must go through the 3 previous lessons and choose one
of the Secrets of Success presented in this section that they thought was
meaningful to them. Then, they will write it down and explain why.
•Choose one student to read what he/she wrote.

Objetivos do livro: Envolver o aluno em diferentes contextos o induzindo a explorar a

língua Inglesa. Entender as diferentes partes do discurso e saber elaborar um de
forma organizada e coerente. Desenvolver sua auto confiança. Revisar, praticar e
explorar tópicos gramaticais com o intuito de aprimorar a produção gráfica bem
como preparar o aluno para o teste de certificação internacional TOEIC.
Obter 550 pontos no teste de certificação internacional TOEIC.

Bloco: lição 181 – 186 + Review

Professor: Wizard
Grupo: W8-a Nº de alunos: 13
Data: 01/07/14 a 22/07/2014

Passo 1:

Temática: Corporate world: to trade, to settle, to retire, to lead, to advertise, to quit,

to deal, to handle, to negotiate.

Objetivo (O professor deve elencar os principais pontos a serem abordados em

cada bloco, ou seja, a pergunta que o professor deve se fazer nesse ponto é: Ao
final desse bloco, meu aluno estará apto a ...? ):

Aulas Input: Ao final desse bloco o aluno terá revisto e explorado 'Present and past
perfect', 'present perfect continuous', 'conditional sentences', verbs followed by
infinitive or gerund' e 'gerund as subject of a sentence'.

Aulas Output: Dominar o desenvolvimento do tema proposto em Lingua Inglesa ao:

Explorar a temática do bloco através dos seguintes tópicos: Celebrities: táticas de
negociação, talento e vocação, Justify your answer: temas diversos, food for thought
e Famous speech: sucesso e amor ao trabalho, Listen and discuss: relacionamento
interpessoal, For real: entrevistas de emprego, Debate: empreendedor x trabalhador.
Rever e analisar os seguintes tópicos gramaticais: Ask your friend: past perfect, Song:
Present Perfect continuous, Fluency: Present perfect continuous.
Entender e trabalhar as 'Parts of Speech': Declaração de Tese.
Desenvolver a produção criativa: Building a story.

Revisão: Trabalhar a Pronuncia do 'th'. /ð/;/θ /. English Language: a importância da

Lingua Inglesa
Step 2:

Verificação de material de áudio para a aula:

O professor deve sempre checar o material de áudio antes da aula para verificação da
pronúncia e exercícios que aparecem no CD.

Ex: Chamar atenção nas pronúncias das palavras:

Input lessons:
Output lessons: Pronunciation and Intonation: 'ate' /eɪt /

Step 3:

Verificação das instruções do TG:

O professor deve ler as instruções do TG, com o objetivo de saber como é a ordem
dos exercícios e organizar o tempo de cada ação em sala. Preparar e antecipar duvidas
quanto a funcionalidade dos exercícios.

Ex: Aulas Input: Prestar atenção nas frases em negrito do TG, elas devem ser ditas
como exemplo/modelo ao aluno. Ulitizar o vocabulario aprendido na lição corrente
no exercicio 'Describe the pictures'

Aula Output: Developing vocabulary: os alunos devem evitar ao maximo a utilização

de dicionarios.

Step 4:

Conteúdos gramaticais e linguísticos (verbos, vocabulários, expressões, gramáticas):

O professor deverá antecipar prováveis dúvidas de vocabulário ou expressões e
estudar a gramática a ser trabalhada na lição. Por mais que nossa gramática seja
ensinada ao aluno de forma implícita, é fundamental que o professor conheça o
conteúdo e prepare formas de se explicar tal ponto.

Ex: Aulas Input: Atenção ao 'Perfect Aspect'.

Aulas Output: Atenção ao vocabulario: Celebrities: Tycoon, philanthropist, foresight.

Step 5:

Para a contextualização, o professor deve encontrar a melhor forma de expor o
conteúdo para a turma, levando em consideração seu perfil. Devemos preparar os
“mapas” dos alunos.
Ex: Detacar os conceitos de liderança, competitividade e sucesso no mundo
corporativo e fazer analogias com aspectos do cotidiano dos alunos mais jovens.

Step 6:

Fechamento de cada aula:

O professor deve finalizar a aula com todas as atividades feitas. Ele deve também dar
instruções da tarefa de casa e, se necessário, dar orientações para a próxima aula.
Ex: nas aulas pares relembrar os alunos da importância da preparação da aula.
Reforçar a importância da leitura em inglês.

Step 7:

Alunos a serem desenvolvidos:

Ao final do bloco, ou seja, após a revisão, o professor deve indicar os alunos que
precisam de uma atenção maior. Pode ser que alguns alunos precisem desenvolver
certas habilidades em aulas de aprimoramento.

Objetivos do livro: Envolver o aluno em diferentes contextos o induzindo a explorar a

língua Inglesa. Entender as diferentes partes do discurso e saber elaborar um de
forma organizada e coerente. Desenvolver sua auto confiança. Revisar, praticar e
explorar tópicos gramaticais com o intuito de aprimorar a produção gráfica bem
como preparar o aluno para o teste de certificação internacional TOEIC.
Obter 550 pontos no teste de certificação internacional TOEIC.

Bloco: lição 211 – 216 + Review

Professor: Wizard
Grupo: W8-b Nº de alunos: 13
Data: 01/07/14 a 22/07/2014

Passo 1:

Temática: Innovation & Tecnology: to launch, to replace, to tend to enjoy, to plan, to

design, to discover, to manufacture and to invent.

Objetivo (O professor deve elencar os principais pontos a serem abordados em

cada bloco, ou seja, a pergunta que o professor deve se fazer nesse ponto é: Ao
final desse bloco, meu aluno estará apto a ...? ):

Aulas Input: Ao final desse bloco o aluno terá revisto e explorado os verbos modais
utilizados para expressar probabilidade. E deverão ter dominado o 'modal perfect' e a
utilização dos 'sense verbs'

Aulas Output: Dominar o desenvolvimento do tema proposto em Lingua Inglesa ao:

Explorar a temática do bloco através dos seguintes tópicos: Celebrities: mulheres na
ciência, pioneirismo e seus riscos, Justify your answer: temas diversos, food for
thought e Famous speech: Futuro da ciência e a tragédia da challenger 7, Listen and
discuss: comunicação no futuro, For real: vantagens e desvantagens das redes sociais,
Debate: testes em animais. Rever e analisar os seguintes tópicos gramaticais: Ask
your friend: modal verbs (probability), Song: Present Perfect e superlative, Fluency:
modal perfect (probability). Praticar as 'Parts of Speech': Declaração de Tese e
introdução (homework). Desenvolver a produção criativa: Building a story.

Revisão: Trabalhar a Pronuncia. /kən/,/kʌm/. English Language: curiosidades e

irregularidades da língua Inglesa.
Step 2:

Verificação de material de áudio para a aula:

O professor deve sempre checar o material de áudio antes da aula para verificação da
pronúncia e exercícios que aparecem no CD.

Ex: Chamar atenção nas pronúncias das palavras:

Input lessons:
Output lessons: Pronunciation and Intonation: /s/;/z /

Step 3:

Verificação das instruções do TG:

O professor deve ler as instruções do TG, com o objetivo de saber como é a ordem
dos exercícios e organizar o tempo de cada ação em sala. Preparar e antecipar duvidas
quanto a funcionalidade dos exercícios.

Ex: Aulas Input: Prestar atenção nas frases em negrito do TG, elas devem ser ditas
como exemplo/modelo ao aluno. Ulitizar o vocabulario aprendido na lição corrente
no exercicio 'Describe the pictures'

Aula Output: Developing vocabulary: os alunos devem evitar ao maximo a utilização

de dicionarios.

Step 4:

Conteúdos gramaticais e linguísticos (verbos, vocabulários, expressões, gramáticas):

O professor deverá antecipar prováveis dúvidas de vocabulário ou expressões e
estudar a gramática a ser trabalhada na lição. Por mais que nossa gramática seja
ensinada ao aluno de forma implícita, é fundamental que o professor conheça o
conteúdo e prepare formas de se explicar tal ponto.

Ex: Aulas Input: Atenção ao 'Perfect Aspect'.

Aulas Output: Atenção ao vocabulario: Celebrities: Pantheon, to entomb, leukemia,
radium, polonium. Famous speeches: to dazzle e pioneer.

Step 5:

Para a contextualização, o professor deve encontrar a melhor forma de expor o
conteúdo para a turma, levando em consideração seu perfil. Devemos preparar os
“mapas” dos alunos.

Ex: Destacar o emprego das inovações tecnologicas nas diversas areas do cotidiano.

Step 6:

Fechamento de cada aula:

O professor deve finalizar a aula com todas as atividades feitas. Ele deve também dar
instruções da tarefa de casa e, se necessário, dar orientações para a próxima aula.
Ex: nas aulas pares relembrar os alunos da importância da preparação da aula.
Reforçar a importância da leitura em inglês.

Step 7:

Alunos a serem desenvolvidos:

Ao final do bloco, ou seja, após a revisão, o professor deve indicar os alunos que
precisam de uma atenção maior. Pode ser que alguns alunos precisem desenvolver
certas habilidades em aulas de aprimoramento.

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