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Submission to the Program Director, Project Delivery

Subject Uplift and extension of support for Queensland Health
Implementation and Continuity (QHIC) environments
Purpose To request that the Program Director approve expenditure of
$35,744.85 (including GST) to extend and uplift the support for
QHIC non-production environments from 1 June 2009 to 30
November 2009.
Urgency The current support arrangement ended on 30 May 2009
The current support agreement for the OHIC environments is for business
hours only. The OHIC project has progressed to a stage where out of business hours work is
required to complete testing, user acceptance testing, PPRT and other associated work in
the non-production environments.
The uplift in support for the non-production environments needs to be changed from business
hours to 24*7 in order to provide the required level of support for the project team working on
the QHIC Project.
CITEC has provided a quote (refer to Attachment 1) for the uplift in QHIC support from 1
June 2009 to 30 November 2009 for the following environments:
SSISAPDF - HED (Development), HEQ (QAlTest) and HEZ
SSlSAPD5 - CEQ, CRO, CBQ, cxa, CUQ and CWU (QAlTest) and CEU, CRU, CBU.
SSISAP08 - CET, CRT and CBT (Training) and CEJ, CRJ, CBJ, CXJ, CPJ, CUJ and
CWJ (Prod Support)
SSISAPDG - HEU (UA T), HET (Training) and CWR (Pre-Prod)
SSIMST07 - WorkBrain Training
SSIMSU09 - WorkBrain UAT
SSIMSA06 - Non-Production Batch Server
SSIMSQ04 - WorkBrain Test
SSIMSS05 - WorkBrain Sandpit Server
The current business hours support arrangement expired on 30 May 2009.
RTI Document No.429
A verbal agreement is in place with CITEC to continue to provide uplift in support for the
QHIC non-production environment until formal acceptance of the CITEC quote is received
from CorpTech.
The project team are required to work out of business hours. If 24*7 support is unavailable
for work on the non-production environments detailed above, this will seriously impact on the
schedule of work to be achieved by the project team within the required timeframes of the
QHIC Project.
It is recommended that the Program Director, Project Delivery approve expenditure of
$35,744.85 (including GST) to provide a further six months uplift in support for the QHIC
project non-production environments from 1 June 2009 to 30 November 2009.
,L ~
Responsible officer 'p Manger. Project Delivery
~ c?l/ R/i?
Recommendation approved ......................................... I 72009
Ray Melville
Program Director
Wendy daques, Relatio
Endorsed by: double click check box, select 'checKed' unde!' 'Dofault Value', ti1en '0)('
o legal Services D Human Resources
o Finance D ISO
D ERU 0 Other: Please specify
RTI Document No.430
Pages 3 through 9 redacted for the following reasons:
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out of scope

Page to be removed

CorpTech Action Sheet (to be retained with final document for official records)
(Valid Feb-Apr 2010)
Electronic document/s attached to CTC database
ICTC number: 'b4-2\
Date: If 2/{0
Supported by Director: Name: \fOYlf Initial Date:
Supported by Executive Director: Name: Ph; Ii (1 t1" ooi
-...-Date: / /'0
1. Action required
g Signature 0 Comment 0 Review
Other (use section below)
Other Information (background) and comments:
2. Funding requests:
If approval for funding Is required from the Director, Financial and Business Management, this must be
obtained prior to submission to the Office of the General Manager.
Funds available Cost centre: Signature:
Director, Financial and Business Management
3. Contracts:
If this matter Involves engagement of contractors/consultants and/or the acquisition of goods and services
via request for offer/contract, have you consulted with Strategic Procurement?
Yes I No
Sighted by Director, StrategiC Procurement Signature:
Contract documents will be returned to Strategic Procurement following approval by the relevant delegated officer,
4. Right to Information - Branch recommendation
/I Information identified for release through the RTI Publication Scheme
Branch authorising officer: Signature:
Executive Director/Director
5. General Manager
I 0 Release under RTI Publication Scheme approved

Approved-by DNot approved by o Returned for o Completed on eTe l
GM/ADG/DG - further GM/ADGIDG - see GM's amendments database "
RTI Document No.438
Ref: CTC-16421
Submission to the General Manager
Subject On-call requirement for the Queensland Health Human
Resources payroll system
Purpose To request that the General Manager approve the issuing of non
competitive offers for the provision of on-call support for the
Queensland Health Human Resources payroll system
The Queensland Health Implementation of Continuity (QHIC) Project will implement a
rostering and payroll solution for Queensland Health. The solution will replace the curren!
rostering solution, ESP and payroll application, LATTICE with Workbrain and SAP
The project is due to go-live on 12 March 2010 with the first employee pay day
Wednesday 24 March. The critical period identified for this implementation is during the
extended support period from March to April 2010, when the initial three pay cycles for
Queensland Health will occur and an additional three pay cycles as support. In addition,
Queensland Health is a 24fT environment resulting in support being required 24fT across fhe
critical end of each pay period and aU weekends.
On-call arrangements have been developed for public servants and for contractors during
this critical period and beyond to meet CorpTech's service obligations to Queensland Health.
The Queensland Health HR Support Readiness Steering Committee has accepted these
conditions. Public Servants are to comply with the conditions as prescribed by the
Queens/and Publio Service Award-State 2003.
As this matter relates to contract variations for on-call support for contractors required for the
QHIC project, it is exempt from the EVM process.
It has been identifIed that ten contractors will be required to provide on-call assistance during
this critical period and to meet ongoing service obligations. Additional contractors may need
to be engaged as required and all new contracts will need to include the on-cal! conditions
(refer to Attachment 1).
A contract variation is required for existing individual contracts to incorporate the on-call
conditions. There will be no change to the value of existing individual contracts as the o n ~ c a l l
allowance will be apportioned across the seven identified suppliers (IBM, Data3, Presence of
RTI Document No.439
IT, Pendragon, Paxus, Interpro and Premier Business Systems), based on the number of
contractors. It must be highlighted that the on-call provision, $303,540 (GST inclusive), is not
an entitlement for the supplier to use other than for on-call work.
To proceed with the contract variation for the existing contractors, approval is sought to issue
non-competitive offers to the respective suppliers to ensure on-call conditions are agreed to
prior to the QHIC project go-live of mid March 2010.
It is recommended that the General Manager approve the issuing of non-competitive offers
to IBM, Data3, Presence of IT, Pendragon, Paxus, Interpro and Premier Business Systems
to provide ongoing out of hours on-call support associated with the implementation of the
new Queensland Health Human Resources payroll solution.
Responsible officer cutive Director, SelVice Delivery
Recommendation approved
Margaret Be i
General Manager
Endorsed by: double click check box, select 'checked' under 'Default Value', then 'OK'
o Legal Services 0 Human Resources
o Finance 0 ISO
oERU 0 Other: Please specify
RTI Document No.440
Approval is sought for the Contractor Conditions. described below, to be Included in a contract variaHon for existing
contractors and for inclusion In any new contract arrangements with resources providing support to the QHIC Project.
Contractor Conditions
a) Specify any AddlHonal Provisions to the Customer Contract.
This role requires the Con/reator to be on-call outs/de of normel business houlS (Monday - Friday 6.00am to ~ . O O p m ,
excluding public ho/ld6ys).
Asingle allowance Is pGid per period (not per hour) for beIng on-calf outside of nannal bus/ness houlS -In respect ofsuch
Tile $Ingle allowance is calculated as tollows:
$17.75 (GST Inclusive) Monday to Frkfay (between 6pm and Gam)
$22.40 (GSTInclusive) Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday (between 6pm and eam)
$35.50 (GSTInclusive) Saturday, Sunday. Public Holiday (whole of day)
If the Contractor Is not required to respond to a support call dun'ng the on-call period, only the allowance Wl71 be paid fer
that pericd.
ffthe Contractor is required to respond to a support c911, the hours worked will be pGfd at the Conlrecfor's hourly rate plus
the single allowance tor that period. For ContractOlS on adeily rate the hourly rate will be calculated using an 8hour dey.
For work conducted on-site, aminimum oftwa hours (four hours for public holidays) will be aW6rded
In all ceses, the on.c;a/l allowance and hourly chargas must be invoiced sepGrate/y from the weekly timeaheets. The on
call oharges will not apply against the conl.ract.
CorpTech On-Call Responsibilities
Schedule the on-can roster in advance and In consu#atlon with on-cell steffto ensure avallabUity
Provide equipment and softwsre necessary to perform on-cell duties
Contractors On-Call Responsibilities
Participate in on-call duties
Ensure pn'cJr approval /s obtained to perform on-ca/I duties
Be fit for duty
Respond asper CorpTech Incident Management procedures
Attend on-site, if end when necessary, as per the CorpTach Incident Management procedures
RTI Document No.441
. Acceptance Board - QH HR Support Readiness Steering Committee
.Position Signature Date
Executive Director. SaNiee
Director, HR Applcatlons
Director, Finance and OSF
Scott-Quaill r. Infrastructure
I .
Director, CustomerSelVlce
Director, Devotopment
Director, Project
Acceptance Panel,
(List Board Memben)
Philip Hood
Jane Stewart
Scott MaoDonald
Glenn Barrett
Bill Will molt
Bob Cramp
RTI Document No.442
Pages 15 through 16 redacted for the following reasons:
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Ref: CTC-16421
Submission to the Associate Director-General
On-ca.ll support for the Queensland Health Human Resources
To request that the Associate Direclor-General provide
expenditure approval
On 14 March 2010, IBM will implement the Queensland Health Human Resources Solution.
CorpTech will provide 2417 extended support from March 2010 to April 2010 when the initial
three pay cycles for Queensland Health will occur.
On-call arrangements have been developed for public servants and contractors during fuis
critical period to meet CorpTech's service opligations to Queensland Health. The
Queensland Health HR Support Readiness Steering Committee has accepted these
conditions. Public Servants are to comply with the conditions as prescribed by the
Queensland Public Service Award - state 2003.
On 18 February 2010, the General Manager CorpTech approved the issue of sole offers to
the suppliers of eight contractors who wiD be required to provide on-call assistance during this
critical period (refer to Attacbment 1).
Following negotiations with the suppliers, contract variations are required for existing
indMdual contracts to incorporate the on-call conditions (refer to Attachment 2). There will
be no change to the value of these existing individual contracts as the on-call allowance will
be apportioned across the fIVe identified suppliers, based on the number of contractors. The
on-caJl provision is not an entitlement for the supplier, and must be used for on-call work only.
The total engagement value for the provision of on-call support for approximately six months
for Queensland Health Human Resources Solution implementation and post go-live support
\/ViII be $303,540 (GST inclusive).
Suppliers will be required to send a separate [nvoice for all on-call work and this will be
reconciled to each contractors on-call timesheet This will provide Corp T ech with on-call
information and statistics and WIll be tracked to ensure that these costs do not exceed the
approved on-call amount This amount will be included in each contractors total
engagement costs and be reported to the Queensland Heath Implementation of Continuity
Project Board on a regular basis. .
RTI Document No.445
All on-call support costs will be met by Queensland Health by means of pass-through
Procurement approval for each contract variation has been provided by the General
Manager, CorpTech.
The Executive Director, Human Resources has been consulted and supports this
It is recommended that the Associate Director-Generai approves the additional on-call
costs of $303,540 (GST inclusive) for Pendragon Consultants Pty Ltd, Paxus Corporation
Pty Ltd, Interpro Australia Ply Ltd, Vidulin Consulting Ply Ltd and Premier Business
Systems Ply Ltd to continue to provide ongoing support associated with the
implemenlalion of the Queens1and Health Human Resourt:eS Payroll sysIem. I,iY ,
Responsible officer Margaret Berenyi, General Manager, CorpTech ~ !9fY'
Recommendation approved
..j J A ; f i J . ~ .. IJi3
Natalie MacDona1d
Associate Oirector-Genera1
Endorsed by: double click check box, select 'checked' under 'DefauitVa!ue', then 'OK'
o Legal Services 18I Human Resources
o Finance . 0 ISO
o ERU 0 Other: Please specify
RTI Document No.446
CorpTech Weekly ICT Report to the Minister
for Friday 19 March 2010
Queensland Health Implementation of Continuity (QHIC)
Project update
The Queensland Health Implementation of Continuity Project went live on Monday
15 March 2010 as scheduled, delivering a modern, supported system with
significantly improved functionality that meets Queensland Health's requirements.
Queensland Health staff will receive their first pay from the new system on 24
March 2010.
Due to office of the ADG Wednesday 13 January 2010
RTI Document No.447
Department of Public Works Ref: DPWOOOOO/10
QHIC Board briefing note
Queensland Health Human Resources Solution
Post Go Live Update #1
Purpose To provide the QHIC Board with an update on the status of the
Queensland Health Human Resources (QHHR) Solution which
went live on 14 March 2010
Urgency The first payroll from the QHHR solution will be run on 21 March
for an employee pay day of 24 March
The Queensland Health Implementation of Continuity (QHIC) Project has implemented a
new rostering and payroll solution for Queensland Health and CorpTech, the QH HR
Solution. The QH HR Solution replaces the current rostering solution ESP and payroll
application LATTICE, with Workbrain and SAP respectively.
ThiS briefing note provides the status of the QHHR Solution and related issues, problems
risks and mitigation strategies five (5) days post go live. The Queensland Health Shared
Service Partner (QH SSP) will provide details separately on the business impact of issues
and problems experienced since go-live.
The QHHR solution went live on 14 March 2010 following QHIC Board approval to move
into Business Cutover. The first pay run is scheduled to commence Sunday 21 March and
complete Monday 22 March for an employee pay day of Wednesday 24 March. Most
solution functionality is currently performing well and operating as expected. Exceptions
are detailed under current status.
Considering the size and complexity of the QH HR Solution, the number of technical
incidents and problems identified since go-live has been small and there have been no
Severity 1 issues which would necessitate consideration of a roll back to the LATTICE
ESP environment.
RTI Document No.448
Current status
Post Go Live Support arrangements
CorpTech and the QH SSP have established a new support model to cover ongoing
support of the QH HR Solution, Modified support arrangements are in place for the period
immediately following go live. This period of extended support will continue until the
execution of three successful pay runs.
Under these arrangements both QHEST and QH SSP have established floorwalkers at
each hub and the QH SSP Go-Live Support Desk is responsible for providing Queensland
Health end user business support and will be the primary point of escalation of issues to
CorpTech's Service Desk.
CorpTech and IBM will operate a blended support team during extended support and will
provide extended business hours and on call support of the solution.
This new support model has been working effectively and is managed through a Support
Management Committee which meets each day. The overall Queensland Health -
CorpTech relationship will be managed through established forums including the Service
Level Management meetings and the Strategic Service Delivery Forum.
1. Multi View Scheduler
There are two related incidents in the Workbrain component of the solution which are
impacting the speed of data processing within QH SSP processing hubs. Both relate to QH
roster publishing using the multi view scheduler (MVS) functionality.
On Sunday QH SSP users commenced processing under production conditions. QH SSP
users experienced Workbrain performance issues around noon when using MVS to
review, update and publish rosters required prior to the final pay run on Sunday 24 March
2010. The business impact is that not all rosters may be published with all adjustments
prior to the final pay run resulting in incorrect payment for some employees.
The second component of the issue is latency in MVS functionality when executing some
business as usual activities.
A number of activities have occurred to provide interim solutions to these issues. Database
reindexing and QH SSP security reassignments have been implemented and have
improved system performance.
The interim pay and overnight processing completed in time to allow QH SSP users
access to the system at 6:00 am as planned. The results of the interim pay run will be
analysed by the QH SSP and compared with results from Payroll Performance Validation 2
2. Overnight processing overruns
First pay period post go-live activities have seen larger than expected numbers of records
being processed. This has led to the employee import process taking much longer than
scheduled and not concluding when expected, In addition some of the payroll reports have
been running longer than expected. This has resulted in subsequent scheduled processing
activities competing for system resources and on occasion impacting on QH SSP.
RTI Document No.449
Mitigation strategies have been developed in conjunction with the QH SSP to ensure
interim pay runs and the final pay run are not impacted.
3. System Unavailability 18 March
At 11 :45 on Thursday 18 March the Workbrain system experienced higher than normal
demand and failed. This was a direct consequence of issue.2 (refer above). Although the
system was restored within two minutes, the QH SSP experienced delays in re-connecting
to the Workbrain application and lost some work in progress. CorpTech and IBM are
investigating the issue and will alter alerting thresholds to enable improved application
Support Calls
The details of service requests which have been logged with CorpTeth Service Desk are
detailed in Attachment 1 Table 1 - CorpTech Service Desk - QH HR Service Requests
and Table 2 CorpTech Service Desk - QH HR Service Requests Trend respectively.
All QH HR Solution requests have been prioritised with a high priority placed on
processing approximately 220 Workbrain team changes to assist in alleviating the
Workbrain performance issues.
Details of service requests to QH SSP Business Support Service Desk are detailed in
Attachment 1 Table 3 - QH SSP Support Desk - QH HR Service Requests and Table 4 - .
QH SSP Support Desk - QH HR Service Requests Calls by Hub.
The number of calls received through the Support Desks is considered quite low for an
implementation of this size.
System Performance
As discussed under incidents there has been some solution performance issues
experienced. Specifically these relate to Workbrain MVS functionality and the impact of
nightly batch processing activities. These are graphically depicted in Attachment 1 Table 5
- SAP and Workbrain database performance.
While SAP provides a mature and feature rich performance management toolset, limited
capability to monitor the Workbrain application is available. CorpTech and IBM are
investigating how performance of the Workbrain MVS functionality and overnight
processing application can be improved.
Individual logon numbers and concurrent user activity are depicted in Attachment 1
Table 6 - SAP system access.
Key Future Events
The first payroll from the QH HR solution will be run on Sunday 21 March 2010. Pay run
activities will commence at 12 noon and continue through Monday until approximately 7pm
when the:
the bank proceSSing (CEMTEX) file has been prepared, lodged and received by the
Commonwealth Bank of Australia; and
pay advice slip files have been received and validated by CorpTech's service provider.
RTI Document No.450
This period of activity is the most crucial in the fortnightly cycle and will be closely
monitored from commencement to completion by CorpTech and IBM. The bank
processing file must be received by the CBA by 3pm AEDST on Tuesday 23 March to
facilitate payment to employees on the Wednesday 24 March.
Over the next few months, CorpTech and IBM will deliver PG2, 3 and 4 releases to correct
known defects and issues as detailed in the QHHR Solution and Defect Management
In addition IBM is preparing a response to a Change Request for the analysis and
implementation of SAP Support Packs to ensure legislative compliance of the QH HR
Solution for the end of financial year.
The Queensland Health Shared Service Partner and IBM have been consulted and have
provided information used in the preparation of this document. The contribution of all
parties is acknowledged.
It is recommended that the Board note the status of the QHHR Solution and that all
activities are tracking according to schedule for the first final pay run on Sunday 21 March
for an employee pay day of 24 March.
Contact Officer CorpTech
Philip Hood
Executive Director
Service Delivery, Corp Tech
Date: 19 March 2010
RTI Document No.451
-5- Attachment 1
CorpTech Service Desk - Service Requests
CorpTech provides a staffed service desk between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm and provides on
eall support after hours for incident management. The number and types of calls received are
depicted in the following tables.
Table 1 - CorpTech Service Desk - QHHR Service Requests
Table 2- CorpTech Service Desk QHHR Service Requests Trend
RTI Document No.452
- 6
Queensland Health Shared Service Partner Go Live Support Desk - Service Requests
l Fonnatted: Centered
CategoryAlate 14-fIIIar 15Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar 18-Mar Total
Data Migration 0 0 0 3 1 4
Documentation SAP 0 1 0 1 0 2
Documentation. Workbrairl 2 2 0 0 0 4
HowTo 0 3 5 3 2 13
Process. SAP 1 2 2 6 1 12
Process Workbrain 10 46 24 42 9 131
Repom - SAP HR 1 1 2 2 0 61
jRepom Workbrllin 0 0 1 0 0 1
,System. SAP 1 2 1 4 1 9
System Workbrain 15 36 6 8 3 68
User Access 34 49 8 6 1 98
Total 64 142 49 15 18 348
Note Figures for 18 March are as at 12 noon.
Table 3 - QH SSP Go-Live Support Desk - Calls by Category
Hub/Date 14-Mar 15-Mar 16Mar 11.Mar 18Mar Total
Far North Qld 14 18 6 11 B 55
North Qld
Central Qld
2 1
Cooloola 6 18 5 9 0 38
Chermside 3 26 6 5 1 41
Herston 14 19 10 16 8 67
Corporate Areas 1 1 1 0 0 3
Mt Gravatt 3 19 6 10 1 39
West Moreton 6 10 3 3 0 22
,South West 4 8 4 5 0 21
Non SSP 0 2 2 2 0 6
Total 64 142 49 15 18 348
Table 4 - QH SSP Go-Live Support Desk - Calls by Hub
Note: Figures for 18 March are as at 12 noon.
RTI Document No.453
System Performance
SAP and Workbrain database performance are displayed in the following table.
Table 5 - SAP and Workbrain database performance
RTI Document No.454
- 8
SAP system access
SAP user access is displayed in the following table. Individual Logons represent the number of
individual users logging on to the QHHR SAP environment. Concurrent user access figures
represent the average number of concurrent users in the QHHR SAP solution as measured at 10
am, 11 am, 12 noon, 3pm and 4pm.
SAP User Access
1410312010 1510312010 1610312010 1710312010 18/0312010
"Individual Logons "Concurrent User Access I
Table 6 - SAP system access
RTI Document No.455
Submission to the Associate Director-General
Submission to the Director-General
Subject On-call support for the Queensland Health human resource
payroll system
Purpose To request that the:
Associate DirectorGeneral provide procurement approval
Director-General provide expenditure approval
On 12 March 2010, IBM will implement the Queensland Health human resource payroll
system. CorpTech will provide 24f7 extended support from March 2010 to April 2010 when
the initial three pay cycles for Queensland Health will occur.
On-call arrangements have been developed for public servants and contractors during this
critical period to meet CorpTech's service obligations t ~ Queensland Health. The
Queensland Health HR Support Readiness Steering Committee has accepted these
conditions. Public Servants are to comply with the conditions as prescribed by the
Queens/and Public Service Award - State 2003.
On 18 February 2010, the General Manager CorpTech approved the issue of sole offers to
the suppliers of eight contractors who wi" be required to provide on-call assistance during this
critical period (refer to Attachment 1).
Following negotiations with the suppliers, contract variations are required for existing
individual contracts to incorporate the on-call conditions (refer to Attachment 2). There wi"
be no change to the value of these existing individual contracts as the on-call allowance will
be apportioned across the four identified suppliers, based on the number of contractors. The
on-call provision is not an entitlement for the supplier, and must be used for on-call work only.
The total engagement value for the provision of on-call support for approximately six months
for QHIC implementation and post go-live support will be $303,540 (GST inclusive).
Suppliers will be required to send a separate invoice for all on-call work and this will be
reconciled to each contractor's on-call timesheet. This will provide CorpTech with on-call
information and statistics and will be tracked to ensure that these costs do not exceed the
approved on-call amount. This amount will be included in each contractor's total
engagement costs and be reported to the Project Board on a regular basis.
RTI Document No.456
- 2
All on-call support costs will be met by Queensland Health by means of pass-thro\..lgh
Consultation has occurred with the Director, Human Resources and the Director, Legal
Responsible officer Margaret Berenyi, General Manager, CorpTech
Recommendation 1 (Associate Director-General)
It is recommended that the Associate Director-General provide procurement approval for
the engagement of Pendragon Consultants Pty Ltd, IBM Australia Ltd, Paxus Corporation
Pty Ltd, Interpro Australia Pty Ltd and Premier Business Systems pty Ltd to the value of
$303,540 (GST inclusive) to provide on-call services to support the implementation of the
Queensland Health HR payroll system.
Recommendation approved 1 12010
Natalie MacDonald
Associate Director-General
Recommendation 2 (Director-General)
It is recommended that the Director-General approves the additional on-call costs of
$303,540 (GST inclusive) for IBM Australia Ltd, Pendragon Consultants Pty Ltd, Paxus
Corporation Pty Ltd, Interpro Australia Pty Ltd and Premier Business Systems Pty Ltd to
continue to provide ongoing support associated with the implementation of the
Queensland Health Human Resources Payroll system.
Recommendation approved 1 12010
Mal Grierson
RTI Document No.457

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