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Javier Leonardo Tique Buenaventura 20231574076

The future in Colombia we hnow that in 2027,

Carlos Fernando Galán is not gonig to be
mayor of Bogotá because a person can only
be mayor for 4 years.
Something interesting that is going to
happen is that one of the most important On the other hand, something that would be
comets for astronomers the Halley Comet is strange but also very interesting is that the
going to pass near Earth in the year 2061 but humans will be able to rest because robots
something sad is taht in 100 years the best
will work for them in 20 years. Or something
basketball player Lebron James is not going
very crazy is that the Aliens will share their
to be alive, because people do not live long
time. technology with humans so they can
advance and travel for all galays and
parallel worlds. And in 120 years the humans
will fight zombies and the same aliens who
were supposedly good

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