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Wildona Zumam, Irfan Satrio Fatahillah

Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu dan Pendidikan Universitas Madura



Listening skill is the ability to listen, understand and understand a word or sentence spoken orally
or by audio recording. Good listening skills will have a positive impact, namely avoiding
misunderstandings and interpreting meanings. There are many ways to improve listening skills.
Learning can be from experience, books, or the internet. Nowadays everyone has started to leave old
habits and use the internet to get various information more easily. Lately, students' interest in reading
is low and they prefer to use their phones for communicating and learning. Everyone uses their
phone all day long, so they can increase their listening skills when using a phone or when opening
social media. Almost students choose to listen to songs that are viral or trending on YouTube to
increase their listening. Therefore researchers want to find out Blackpink song albums can increase
listening skills and how effective they are as learning media. This researcher has researched the
student of the English education program 2021. This research is qualitative research using the
interview method. The result of the study is that it can increase listening skills but not effectively to
become a Media learning in English program for Madura University students.

Keywords: Increase, Listening, Blackpink, English program students


English is one of the languages in the world. English has four language skills namely
speaking, writing, reading, and listening ( RA Budiharto, 2020 ) From the four components
above, there is a component of the language that has a very important role in learning English,
especially listening. Listening skill is the ability to listen, understand, and understand a word or
sentence spoken orally or by audio recording. Good listening skills will have a positive impact,
namely avoiding misunderstandings and interpreting meanings. There are many ways to
improve listening skills.

Each student can get study material from various ways. Learning can be from experience,
books, or the internet. Nowadays everyone has started to leave old habits and use the internet
to get various information more easily. Lately, students' interest in reading is low and they
prefer to use their phones for communicating and learning. Everyone uses their phone all day
long, so they can increase their listening skills when using a phone or when opening social
media. According to ( Duke Ulima Rahma, 2020 ) in her journal research show that interactive
CD-based audio-visual media is effective in learning listening comprehension.
Listening as verbal communication plays an important role in daily life and educational
processes. Listening is also the basic of the four main skills in English. In acquiring a language,
people tend to listen first before they start to speak ( DR Anjarani, 2017 ). In daily life, most
of the activities that humans do are talking and listening. People need to talk and listen to be
able to get information or news from others or also to express their ideas, thoughts, or desires.
Listening is the fourth skill in English that must be mastered by every student, in other words
being able to listen and also study conversations or communication using English.

The reason the researcher chose the Blackpink song is that Blackpink is one of the famous
girl groups from South Korea from YG entertainment. As of November 2022, Blackpink has
more than 83 million subscribers and is the K-pop artist with the most subscribers on Youtube.
On September 16, 2022, Blackpink released its second album entitled BORN PINK. this album
has the title track Shut Down and Pink Venom. The Blackpink song Pink Venom was released
on August 19, 2022. Meanwhile, the song Shut Down was released on September 16 via
Blackpink's YouTube. The Blackpink Shut Down music video has been watched 59 million
times since the day it was released. And trending number one on Youtube.

Madura University, which is a private university on JL. Raya Panglegur street KM 35,
Tlanakan, Pamekasan, currently thousand of students who really like listening to songs in their
free time. There are many types ranging from Indonesian, western, or K-pop songs. In the last
few months, the Blackpink album song had gone viral among Madura University students,
including the English Department of Education through social media YouTube.

Based on this reason, students’ listening skills are expected to improve to advance the
Indonesian state in the future because of English international language. So that it will be easier
for us to understand the world. The researcher wants to know how do Blackpink songs to
increase the listening skills of the 2021 English education program students and how it
effectiveness becomes media teaching learning. To find out that if the Blackpink song can
increase the listening skills of the 2021 English education program students. And to be
knowledgeable, about the effectiveness of Blackpink songs as a manner to increase student
listening skills in using Blackpink songs.

There are benefits that researchers want to get. Theoretically benefit, the author can apply
science and knowledge while being a student by conducting research to enrich the author's
insight and the results of this study and it can contribute ideas in improving students' English
listening skills through songs. And physically benefit are To the researchers, it is hoped that
this research can be considered for other research. To the teacher, it is hoped that it can be used
as a strategy in teaching. And to yourself, it is hoped that it can be a motivation to continue to
discover new things.
This section shows that the researcher has taken the next step to see what happened while
conducting the research. The researcher will present how to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
The researcher selected the students of the Madura university English department after
obtaining approval from the lecturer of the faculty of education.
2.1 Research design
The researcher chooses the Qualitative method for this research. Qualitative research is
used in this research. According to Moleong (2017:6), qualitative research is research that
intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the object of research
such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, and others holistically and by means of
description in the form of words and language, in a context. natural specialties by utilizing
various natural methods.
2.2 Research Objectives
According to Kumar (2011), a study in which the main focus is on description,
not checking relationships or associations, is classified as a descriptive study. A
descriptive study tries systematically to describe situations, problems, phenomena,
services, or programs, or to provide information about, say, people's living conditions, or
to describe attitudes toward problems. So the Research Objectieves of this method is to
help researchers examine the relationship between Blackpink album songs to improve
listening and their effectiveness as listening learning media.
2.3 Research tools and primary data
In this study the main tools used to collect data were interviews. The researcher asked
questions to each informant by means of two types of interviews, in-person survey and
online. These questions are asked directly orally or through the WhatsApp application. The
complementary tools used for this research are documentation. The researcher will
document the interactions carried out with the informant. According to Sugiyono ( 2018:
456 ) primary data is a data source that directly provides data to data collectors. Data is
collected by the researchers themselves directly from the first source or where the object
of research is carried out. The data collected is in the form of their expressions, opinions,
and perceptions about everything related to listening skills with Blackpink album songs.
In this research, the data was obtained through direct interviews by researchers directly
from the first source. Therefore, this type of research data is primary data.
2.4 Research setting
The setting of this research shows the object or community to be studied, place, time,
and social conditions. The researcher obtained data from third semester students of English
education at Madura University located on JL Raya Panglegur street KM 35, Tlanakan,
Pamekasan. The students are in room FKIP1. Research starts from November to December
2022. To make it easier to do research settings. The researcher will first approach the
general announcement in class and then directly provide research materials to participants
who will be tested, then the researcher supervised the research subjects. After that goes
well then the data collection will begin.
2.5 Technique of data collection
The purpose of research is to obtain data, so the data collection method is the most vital
step in a study. Researchers who conduct research will not get the desired data if they do
not know the methods of data collection. Arikunto argues that in a study needed data. In
collecting data, techniques are needed; both techniques in providing data, as well as
techniques in classifying collected data (Rohma et al., 2020). There are several steps to
collect data:
1. Observation
One technique that can be used to find out or investigate non-verbal behavior is by
using observation techniques. According to Sugiyono (2018: 229) observation is
a data collection technique that has specific characteristics when compared to other
techniques. Observation is also not limited to people, but also other natural objects.
Through observation activities, researchers can learn about behavior and the
meaning of this behavior. Observations in this study are by making direct
observations on students of the Madura University English Department program
to find out their difficulties in listening skills.
2. Interview
According to wikipedia, Interview is essentially a structured conversation where
one participant asks questions, and the other provides answers. According to
Sugiyono (2011 : 138) Interview can be conducted in a structured or unstructures
manner. This research the researcher use structured interview. Structured
interviews are used as data collection techniques if researchers already know for
certain what information will be obtained. Therefore in conducting interview,
researcher have prepared research instruments in the form of questions
Researchers will also conduct interviews with students of Madura university's
English department program. First, the researcher will ask whether Blackpink
songs can increase listening ability, after that the researcher also makes questions
to find out how effective it is for students of the Madura University English
department program.
3. Documentation
According to Sugiyono (2018: 476) documentation is a method used to obtain data
and information in the form of books, archives, documents, written numbers, and
pictures in the form of reports and information that can support research. In this
research, documents are very important, researchers use photos, videos, and audio
recorders when conducting interviews with participants.
2.6 Technique of data analysis
Data analysis is the process of organizing and sorting data into patterns, categories, and
basic units of description. In analyzing there will be several steps as follows:
1. Data reduction
Researchers will classify data based on problems collected through observation,
interviews, and documentation. All data obtained from students were classified based
on the problem category. Researchers reduce unnecessary data.
2. Analyzing
The writer makes an analysis of the data obtained from research observation, interview
and documentation before drawing a conclusion. The data will analyze based on its
category to make conclusions easily.
3. Drawing conclusions
Researchers make conclusions after all data is collected. Conclusions are made based
on an analysis of the data collected. The conclusion is in the form of new findings that
have never existed before. Findings can be in the form of a description of an object that
was previously unclear so that after research it becomes clear.


3.1 Research findings
At this stage, the researcher will present the results of research on using the Blackpink
album to increase the listening skills obtained from participants or informants from English
students at the University of Madura. This research was conducted from September to
November 2022. Data were obtained through interviews with five participants or
informants who were still in the third semester of English education program 2021-2022
where they actively used social media YouTube. Participants were selected because they
met the desired criteria.
In September 2022, researchers provided an introduction to the Blackpink song Born
Pink album which will be used as the object of research, and asked participants to listen to
it regularly. After that, the researcher ensured that all participants listened as expected by
reminding them every day when they met in class or via WhatsApp online
In October 2022, the researchers started contacting the participants one by one and
urged the participants to prepare information about increasing listening skills through the
album Blackpink song Born Pink.
In November 2022, the researcher conducted the first interview with the informant
Nadia Fadila, a student at the Madura University English education program. The
researcher met the participants directly with the teaching and education faculty and asked
whether the Blackpink song could increase listening skills and how effective it was for
learning listening. Next, the researcher interviewed each participant one by one in person
or online via WhatsApp video call.
Research findings, the researcher will explain the results of the study obtained
accompanied by a discussion based on the research problem, namely to learn how the
Blackpink album song Born Pink increases listening skills from participants who regularly
listen to the Blackpink song. The participants included :


1. Nadia Fadila 2021630041 Pamekasan

2. Uswah Risalah 2021630034 Pamekasan

3. Dian Wulandari 20216300 Pamekasan

4. Decitra Murti Ayu 20216300 Pamekasan

5. Seira Maulinda Agustin 2021630009 Pamekasan

The results of the increased listening interview:

1. Nadia Fadila is the first informant. She often listens to songs in her free time. He got about
15 words after about 10 listening attempts. She said the Blackpink album couldn't increase
her listening skills because it used 2 languages, namely English and Korean, which made
her confused.
2. Uswah Risalah is the second informant. She likes to listen to various types of songs in her
free time. He got about 30 words after about 10 listening attempts. She said Blackpink's
album could increase her listening skills if she listened to it more often.
3. Dian Wulandari is the third informant. She likes to listen to songs in her spare time. He
got about 30 words after about 10 listening attempts. She said the Blackpink album could
increase her listening skills because she felt that she enjoyed the music and the tempo used
made her interested in listening to and repeating the song.
4. Decitra Murti Ayu is the fourth informant. She likes to listen to various types of songs. He
got about 30 words after about 10 listening attempts. She said the Blackpink album can
increase listening skills because the pronunciation of the words in the song is quite clear.
5. Seira Maulinda Agustin is the fifth informant. She likes to listen to Korean songs. He got
about 30 words after about 10 listening attempts. She said Blackpink's album can increase
her listening skills because she enjoys the song and the pronunciation of the words in the
song is quite clear.
Blackpink album effectiveness interview results
1. Nadia Fadila the first informant is like listening to songs in her free time or when she is
bored. She listened to the Blackpink album songs 10 times. She said it wasn't effective
because basically, she didn't like songs in Korean even though there were a lot of English
songs in the Blackpink album.
2. Uswah Risalah the second informant is like listening to various types of songs in her spare
time. She listened to the Blackpink album songs 10 times. She said effective because the
song is good and easy to hear which makes her automatically helps improve her listening.
3. Dian Wulandari, the third informant is like listening to various kinds of songs in her spare
time. She listened to the Blackpink album songs 10 times. She said is not effective because
there is unclear pronunciation.
4. Decitra Murti Ayu fourth informant is like listening to songs in her free time or when she
is bored. She listened to the Blackpink album songs 10 times. She said it was not effective
because the music used quickly made it difficult for her to distinguish between the Korean
and English mixes.
5. Seira Maulinda Agustin the fifth informant is like listening to Korean songs in her free
time. She listened to the Blackpink album songs 10 times. She said is effective because the
songs are modern or up-to-date which makes her interested in listening to them all the time.
Data Reduction about increase listening skill use Blackpink album.
1. Nadia Fadila Not increase her listening Not effective cause
skill cause she only get basically, she didn't interest
few words and the album Korean songs.
song use English and
Korean language so it
make her confused.
2. Uswah Risalah Can increase her listening Effective cause the song is
skill cause she gets some good and easy to hear
word if she listened to it which makes her
more often. automatically helps
improve her listening.
3. Dian Wulandari Can increase her listening Not effective cause there is
skill cause she get some unclear pronunciation.
word and she felt enjoy
and interested when she
hear the song
4. Decitra Murti Ayu Can increase her listening Not effective cause the
skill cause she get some music is quick.
word and the
pronunciation of the
words in the song is quite
5. Seira Maulinda Agustin Can increase her listening Effective cause the songs
skill cause she gets some are modern or up-to-date
word and because she which makes her interested
enjoys the song and the in listening to them all the
pronunciation of the time.
words is quite clear.

3.2 Discussion
Based on the interviewers the researcher obtained from five informants, four out of five
informants said that listening to Blackpink album songs could improve their listening skills.
Besides that this Blackpink song also has interesting music that it makes the informant play
the Blackpink album over and over again and automatically increases their listening. Research
(Tri Listiyaningsih, 2017) mentions when listening to an English song, our ears will be used
to capture the sound of the song, so that when it is in a listening class, someone who is already
accustomed to listening to English songs, they will be easier to understand the text of existing
listening. When listening to songs, especially English songs, people who listen will get more
vocabulary in English because when listening to English songs, someone who listens will get
new vocabulary and are not aware that vocabulary will be recorded in memory and while
listening in class, vocabulary can help understand the existing text in a conversation or text is
in listening. This means that someone can improve their listening if they enjoy the song and
are addicted to playing it repeatedly.
Meanwhile, one person stated that he could not improve listening, the main reason being
that she did not like songs from Korea, which reduced her interest in listening to Blackpink's
album songs. Following research (Tri Listiyaningsih, 2017) states that to apply songs as a
medium to improve listening skills, the first thing people should do is search for English songs
that they like. People should search for English songs that they like because if people want to
improve their listening skills using English songs that they don't like, it will be difficult to learn
listening skills through these songs. Songs that everyone likes are different, some people like
to listen to slow songs, and some people like to listen to fast songs, and the genre of music that
someone likes and other people are too different.
Of the five informants, three people said that the Blackpink album songs were not effective
as listening to learning media. there are several different reasons obtained from informants.
Among them, because basically, she doesn't like songs from Korea so she isn't interested in
playing them back. Another reason is that most of the music used has a fast rhythm, making it
difficult for her to hear the words in the song. This means that someone's interest in listening
to a type of song to learn to listen has an effect. In addition, the rhythm of the music used will
also affect the clarity of the words in the song. For someone who is learning to listen, for
listening to students can use songs with slow rhythms.
Meanwhile, two people said that the Blackpink album songs were effective as listening to
learning media. The reason is that the songs are good, up-to-date, and easy to listen to. It makes
informants interested in listening many times so that unconsciously or automatically helps
them improve their listening skills. This means that interest in a song also affects an interest in
listening. So without realizing that if you listen to it repeatedly it will be effective as a learning

The research entitled Using Blackpink Album to Increase The Listening Skill Of Madura
University Student which was obtained from several informant, five person from third
semester of English education program that has been selected and information about this
research. The author uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach.
Based on the finding, the research concluded that use of the Blackpink album song
Pinkvenom can increase listening skill. There were four informants mention they could
increase their listening ability through listening the song. The basic reason is because they got
30 vocabularies. Besides that the Blackpink album song is also very interesting to listen
repeatedly so that they unconsciously or automatically increase their listening if they hear
repeatedly. And there were three informants who said that Blackpink album song were not
effective to be media learning. The basic reason was because they didn’t like genre of the song,
the rhythm of music was fast, and the pronounciation unclear.

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