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Fernando Santa Cruz

Professor Phipps
ENC 27
5 Dec, 2021
Santa Cruz 1

Which Billboard is better?

The type of public service campaign is to put one of our billboards. The reason why we want to put this
billboard is so people understand how important it is to get the vaccine. Also, so more people can spread
the word and more people can get vaccinated. The first billboard is called ‘’Sin Vacuna , Con Vacuna” and
that billboard shows what will happen if you don’t take care of yourself and the ones you love. From
looking at that image people can see and understand the consequences if you don’t get the vaccine. Even
though the other billboards are a good idea I think the point would get across faster and would be more
clear because they would understand the image on the billboard and the understanding behind it. The
second billboard is called ‘’Salad doesn’t cure covid, Connor’’ and this billboard is very hard to
understand and doesn’t connect to covid. When people see that billboard they won’t understand the
meaning of the picture. “Emotional appeals can result in a positive reaction and higher recall of the
advertising from the audience.” – Elise M. Stevens. Also to most people, words on a billboard make it not
appealing to a person or they don’t care what the billboard has to say. But when they see an image it
catches their attention and they are attracted to it they are interested in it and want to know more about it.
Many people believe that the other billboards are better but I am going to show you that mine is better.

Sin Vacuna, Con Vacuna is better than Salad doesn't cure covid Conor because it shows you what will
happen if you don't get the vaccine. Even though this billboard might be terrifying to look at it's giving you
an early warning to do something about it before you or someone you love ends up in that hospital bed.
Also, people might not understand the meaning of this billboard and it might give doubts to people but this
billboard is easier to understand and is more clear. Salad doesn't cure covid Conor is hard to understand the
meaning of and isn't clear or straight to the point like Sin Vacuna, Con Vacuna. Even though it's sad to
look at it's easy to understand it and it gets the main point across. In the Salad doesn't Cure Covid, Conor
it's a guy eating a salad. That photo doesn't have anything to do with covid so people won't understand the
meaning of that picture. Sin Vacuna, Con Vacuna picture is a bed, and then in the second picture, it's a
hospital bed. It's easy to understand and get the true meaning from looking at that picture. The picture from
Sin Vacuna, Con Vacuna is very frightening but it wants to show you that you can prevent that from doing
something beforehand so that you or someone you love doesn't end up in that hospital bed. Most people
follow what others do so if people start something more people are gonna do it. Hopefully, people
understand how important it is to get the vaccine and that they spread the word so more people can get it.
Also if a good majority of people get the vaccine some people might think it's necessary to get it cause a
majority has it. Fear is one of the main things with this billboard and with this virus and people don't want
to end up in the hospital bed. At the end of the day, people are gonna do what's best for them and for the
ones they love and this billboard helps them understand that it will do them good. Sin Vacuna, Con
Vacuna is the better choice cause it's easier to understand, and also it shows you what will happen if you
don't get the vaccine.
Fernando Santa Cruz
Professor Phipps
ENC 27
5 Dec, 2021
Santa Cruz 1

The reason why I believe mixing fear is because it shows you the truth and what will happen next if you
don’t do something about it. " Salad doesn't Cure Covid, Conor" only shows a man eating a salad and
most people will not understand the meaning of that. “Con Vacuna, Sin Vacuna people look at that image
and understand the meaning of it. Also when people look at that picture fear and sadness will drive them
to tell more people to get the vaccine and to protect the people they love. Its the best approach for Miami
Dade County to use fear with visuals " Con Vacuna, Sin Vacuna" is so people can visualize that if you
don't get the vaccine you can end up in the hospital. The ad wants you to visualize that so you can prevent
it from happening. The reason why I doubt " Salad doesn't Cure Covid, Conor" is because people might
not understand the idea by looking at it and won't understand the true meaning. The reason why I doubt "
Con Vacuna, Sin Vacuna" is because people might look at that picture and won't wanna take the vaccine
cause they think the vaccine won't do anything or that their body can fight it. Even though it’s scary to
imagine and look at it's showing you what will happen if you don’t get the vaccine. The truth is the best
thing in life and that billboard is showing you what will happen if you don’t get the vaccine. “ Con
Vacuna, Sin Vacuna is the best option because it shows you the outcome of what will happen if you don’t
take action. The truth and honesty might hurt but it’s the best thing in life and in this situation so people
can take care of themselves and there loved ones.

Even though “Salad doesn’t Cure Covid, Conor” is a good billboard the other billboard which is Con
Vacuna, Sin Vacuna is the best option. Even though the “Con Vacuna , Sin Vacuna” picture looks sad and
terrifying but it shows you the truth and that’s the best thing in this situation but also in life. Also when a
person is scared or being threathned by something they will take action and try to protect themselves from
it. Like in this case they hear what the virus is doing around the world and there scared and also if they see
the billboard they would want to get the vaccine so they can protect themselves and there loved ones. Also
when you look at the two billboards and the pictures that they have. “Con Vacuna, Sin Vacuna” picture is
more clear and easy to understand and get the message behind the picture. Unlike the other billboard its
super hard to understand looking at that picture. You would have to look where they put the letting to
understand what they are talking about. Also the picture for “Salad doesn’t Cure Covid, Conor” doesn’t
connect with the topic which is covid and the man eating a salad has nothing to do with covid so its hard to
understand what they are trying to say with that picture. But at the end “Con Vacuna, Sin Vacuna” is the
best option cause it shows a good picture that goes with the topic and you can undertand what they are
trying to say by looking at the picture.

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