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Subject Line: Quick question about {!


Hey Louis Dexter, I just came across {!Company} on {!Source} and I really love what with what you
guys have going on. Congrats on {!Portfolio Item}! My name’s Matt and I’m the founder of COMPANY
NAME. We specialize in growing the number of new clients for agencies just like {!Company} which is
very similar to my other clients so I thought I’d reach out.

My team and I specialize in generating hundreds of new leads each month based on what your ideal
customer looks like and finding out where they hang out online. We also offer cold email and follow-
up services to start turning those cold leads into paying clients.

I PROMISE you we can double if not triple the number of new leads you guys generate every month.

I’d like to find out more about what you’re currently doing to generate fresh leads and close new
clients. If you're ready to start getting more clients, I'd love to hop on a quick call with you. :)

I'm also happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks, have a great day!

Louis Dexter

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